Ky Fan


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
Alan J. Hoffman
Alan J. Hoffman
+ Antipodal and Fixed Point Theorems for Sets in RnBounded by a Finite Number of Spheres 1999 Ky Fan
+ None 1999 Ky Fan
+ PDF Chat Operator-valued typically real functions 1996 Ky Fan
+ Some inequalities for matrices<i>A</i>such that<i>A-I</i>is positive definite or an<i>M</i>-Matrix<sup>∗</sup> 1992 Ky Fan
+ Some aspects of the development of linear algebra in the last sixty years 1992 Ky Fan
+ A Survey of Some Results Closely Related to the Knaster–Kuratowski–Mazurkiewicz Theorem 1990 Ky Fan
+ A remark on orthogonality of eigenvectors 1988 Ky Fan
+ Inequalities for proper contractions and strictly dissipative operators 1988 Ky Fan
+ Sharpened forms of an inequality of von neumann 1987 Ky Fan
+ PDF Chat The angular derivative of an operator-valued analytic function 1986 Ky Fan
+ An identity for symmetric bilinear forms 1985 Ky Fan
+ Some properties of convex sets related to fixed point theorems 1984 Ky Fan
+ Normalizable operators 1983 Ky Fan
+ Iteration of analytic functions of operators. II† 1983 Ky Fan
+ Iterative Solution of Linear Systems of Functional Equations 1983 Ky Fan
+ On Some Metrical Properties of Operator Matrices and Matrices Partitioned Into Blocks 1983 Ky Fan
+ Iteration of analytic functions of operators 1982 Ky Fan
+ PDF Chat Evenly distributed subsets ofSnand a combinatorial application 1982 Ky Fan
+ Harnack’s Inequalities for Operators 1980 Ky Fan
+ Julia's lemma for operators 1979 Ky Fan
+ Pick-Julia theorems for operators 1979 Tsuyoshi Andô
Ky Fan
+ Distortion of univalent functions 1978 Ky Fan
+ Analytic functions of a proper contraction 1978 Ky Fan
+ PDF Chat Extension of Invariant Linear Functionals 1977 Ky Fan
+ PDF Chat Extension of invariant linear functionals 1977 Ky Fan
+ Two applications of a consistency theorem for systems of linear inequalities 1975 Ky Fan
+ On strictly dissipative matrices 1974 Ky Fan
+ On similarity of operators 1973 Ky Fan
+ Sums of eigenvalues of strictly J-positive compact operators 1973 Ky Fan
+ On real matrices with positive definite symmetric component† 1973 Ky Fan
+ Generalized cayley transforms and strictly dissipative matrices 1972 Ky Fan
+ On the Singular Values of Compact Operators 1971 Ky Fan
+ A combinatorial property of pseudomanifolds and covering properties of simplexes 1970 Ky Fan
+ Simplicial Maps of Pseudomanifolds 1970 Ky Fan
+ On local connectedness of locally compact Abelian groups 1970 Ky Fan
+ Extensions of two fixed point theorems of F. E. Browder 1970 Ky Fan
+ Extensions of two fixed point theorems of F. E. Browder 1969 Ky Fan
+ PDF Chat A Covering Property of Simplexes. 1968 Ky Fan
+ On infinite systems of linear inequalities 1968 Ky Fan
+ An inequality for subadditive functions on a distributive lattice, with application to determinantal inequalities 1968 Ky Fan
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Topological Groups, by Taqdir Husain. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia and London, 1966. xi + 218 pages. $8.10. 1967 Ky Fan
+ Subadditive functions on a distributive lattice and an extension of Szász's inequality 1967 Ky Fan
+ Some matrix inequalities 1966 Ky Fan
+ Applications of a theorem concerning sets with convex sections 1966 Ky Fan
+ A generalization of the Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem and its applications 1965 Ky Fan
+ Invariant Subspaces for a Semigroup of Linear Operators 1965 Ky Fan
+ Invariant cross-sections and invariant linear subspaces 1964 Ky Fan
+ PDF Chat Invariant subspaces of certain linear operators 1963 Ky Fan
+ On systems of linear inequalities in Hermitian matrix variables 1963 Richard Bellman
Ky Fan
+ On the Krein-Milman theorem 1963 Ky Fan
+ Review: P. S. Aleksandrov, Combinatorial topology Vol. 3 1962 Ky Fan
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Norm ideals of completely continuous operators 1961 Ky Fan
+ A generalization of Tychonoff's fixed point theorem 1961 Ky Fan
+ A note concerning positive matrices and M-matrices 1959 Ky Fan
A. S. Householder
+ Some geometric properties of the spheres in a normed linear space 1958 Ky Fan
Irving Glicksberg
+ On the equilibrium value of a system of convex and concave functions 1958 Ky Fan
+ Note on circular disks containing the eigenvalues of a matrix 1958 Ky Fan
+ Topological proofs for certain theorems on matrices with non-negative elements 1958 Ky Fan
+ Existence theorems and extreme solutions for inequalities concerning convex functions or linear transformations 1957 Ky Fan
+ Complete sequences and approximations in normed linear spaces 1957 Philip J. Davis
Ky Fan
+ PDF Chat Systems of Inequalities Involving Convex Functions 1957 Ky Fan
Irving Glicksberg
A. J. Hoffman
+ PDF Chat Systems of inequalities involving convex functions 1957 Ky Fan
Irving Glicksberg
Alan J. Hoffman
+ PDF Chat Imbedding Conditions for Hermitian and Normal Matrices 1957 Ky Fan
Gordon Pall
Irving Glicksberg
+ Some inequalities concerning positive-definite Hermitian matrices 1955 Ky Fan
+ Discrete analogs of inequalities of Wirtinger 1955 Ky Fan
Olga Taussky
John A. Todd
+ PDF Chat Some metric inequalities in the space of matrices 1955 Ky Fan
Alan J. Hoffman
+ PDF Chat Some Metric Inequalities in the Space of Matrices 1955 Ky Fan
A. J. Hoffman
+ A Determinantal Inequality<sup>*</sup> 1955 Ky Fan
John A. Todd
+ Some remarks on commutators of matrices 1954 Ky Fan
+ Lower bounds for the rank and location of the Eigenvalues of a matrix 1953 Ky Fan
Alan J. Hoffman
+ A Generalization of Tucker's Combinatorial Lemma with Topological Applications 1952 Ky Fan
+ Note on a theorem of Banach 1952 Ky Fan
+ PDF Chat Fixed-point and Minimax Theorems in Locally Convex Topological Linear Spaces 1952 Ky Fan
+ On compactifications of freudenthal and wallman 1952 Ky Fan
Noel Gottesman
+ Minimax theorems 1952 Ky Fan
+ Partially Ordered Additive Groups of Continuous Functions 1950 Ky Fan
+ On a Theorem of Weyl Concerning Eigenvalues of Linear Transformations 1950 Ky Fan
+ PDF Chat On a Theorem of Weyl Concerning Eigenvalues of Linear Transformations I 1949 Ky Fan
+ PDF Chat Two Mean Theorems in Hilbert Space 1945 Ky Fan
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ �ber die determinanten mit �berwiegender Hauptdiagonale 1937 Alexander Ostrowski
+ PDF Chat Ein Beweis des Fixpunktsatzes für n-dimensionale Simplexe 1929 Bronisław Knaster
Casimir Kuratowski
Stefan Mazurkiewicz
+ Analytic functions of a proper contraction 1978 Ky Fan
+ PDF Chat Fixed-point and Minimax Theorems in Locally Convex Topological Linear Spaces 1952 Ky Fan
+ Linear Inequalities and Related Systems. 1956 George B. Dantzig
Harold W. Kuhn
A. W. Tucker
+ Neuer beweis für die invarianz der dimensionszahl und des gebietes 1928 Emanuel Sperner
+ A generalization of Tychonoff's fixed point theorem 1961 Ky Fan
+ Pick-Julia theorems for operators 1979 Tsuyoshi Andô
Ky Fan
+ Eine Spektraltheorie für allgemeine Operatoren eines unitären Raumes. Erhard Schmidt zum 75. Geburtstag in Verehrung gewidmet 1950 Johann von Neumann
+ PDF Chat On a Theorem of Weyl Concerning Eigenvalues of Linear Transformations I 1949 Ky Fan
+ A generalization of Brouwer’s fixed point theorem 1941 Shizuo Kakutani
+ Introduction to the theory of linear nonselfadjoint operators 1969 M. Г. Крейн
Israel Gohberg
+ The fixed point theory of multi-valued mappings in topological vector spaces 1968 Felix E. Browder
+ Julia's lemma for operators 1979 Ky Fan
+ Invariant cross-sections and invariant linear subspaces 1964 Ky Fan
+ Introduction to the Theory of Linear Non-selfadjoint Operators 1969 Israel Gohberg
+ Topological proofs for certain theorems on matrices with non-negative elements 1958 Ky Fan
+ PDF Chat Invariant subspaces of certain linear operators 1963 Ky Fan
+ Existence theorems and extreme solutions for inequalities concerning convex functions or linear transformations 1957 Ky Fan
+ PDF Chat An extremum property of sums of eigenvalues 1955 Helmut Wielandt
+ A theory of cross-spaces 1950 Robert Schatten
+ The multiplicative structure of 𝐽-contractive matrix functions 1960 V. P. Potapov
+ A Generalization of Tucker's Combinatorial Lemma with Topological Applications 1952 Ky Fan
+ PDF Chat An Extremum Property of Sums of Eigenvalues 1955 Helmut Wielandt
+ Iteration of analytic functions of operators 1982 Ky Fan
+ On general minimax theorems 1958 Maurice Sion
+ Functional Analysis and Semi-groups 1996 Einar Hille
Robert A. Phillips
+ Extensions of two fixed point theorems of F. E. Browder 1969 Ky Fan
+ PDF Chat A Hilbert Space Problem Book 1982 Paul R. Halmos
+ On Balanced Games without Side Payments 1973 L. S. Shapley
+ PDF Chat Bounds for determinants with dominant principal diagonal 1951 G. Baley Price
+ Applications of a theorem concerning sets with convex sections 1966 Ky Fan
+ PDF Chat Inequalities between the Two Kinds of Eigenvalues of a Linear Transformation 1949 Hermann Weyl
+ Subadditive functions on a distributive lattice and an extension of Szász's inequality 1967 Ky Fan
+ Note on bounds for determinants with dominant principal diagonal 1952 Alexander Ostrowski
+ On fixed points of semigroups of endomorphisms of linear spaces 1967 C. Ryll–Nardzewski
+ Unzerlegbare, nicht negative Matrizen 1950 Helmut Wielandt
+ PDF Chat A noncompact minimax theorem 1981 Chung Ha
+ Iterating Analytic Self-Maps of Discs 1981 Robert B. Burckel
+ On the Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz-Shapley theorem 1981 Tatsuro Ichiishi
+ PDF Chat A minimax inequality and its applications to variational inequalities 1981 Chi-Lin Yen
+ Topological Vector Spaces. 1967 M. S. Ramanujan
Helmut Schaefer
+ Théorie des opérations linéaires 1932 Stefan Banach
+ An Introduction to Classical Complex Analysis 1979 Robert B. Burckel
+ Introduction to the Theory of Linear Nonselfadjoint Operators in Hilbert Space 1969 Israel Gohberg
M. Г. Крейн
+ G. Köthe, Topologische lineare Räume I. XII + 456 S. Berlin/Göttingen/Heidelberg 1960. Springer‐Verlag. Preis geb. DM 78,— 1961 M. Landsberg
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear variational inequalities and fixed point theorems 1976 Wataru Takahashi
+ Inequalities for M-Matrices*) 1964 Kai Fan
+ Generalized cayley transforms and strictly dissipative matrices 1972 Ky Fan
+ On the use of KKM multifunctions in fixed point theory and related topics 1983 Marc Lassonde