Brian Sharp


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Fitting Generalized Linear Mixed Models For Point-Referenced Spatial Data 2003 Armin Gemperli
Penelope Vounatsou
+ Development of spatial statistical methods for modelling point-referenced spatial data in malaria epidemiology 2003 Armin Gemperli
+ <i>BayesX</i>: Analyzing Bayesian Structured Additive Regression Models 2005 Andreas Brezger
Thomas Kneib
Stefan Lang
+ Regression Modeling Strategies: With Applications to Linear Models, Logistic Regression, and Survival Analysis 2003 Sunil J Rao
+ Bootstrap Methods for Developing Predictive Models 2004 Peter C. Austin
Jack V. Tu
+ Bayesian image restoration, with two applications in spatial statistics 1991 Julian Besag
Jeremy York
Annie Molliļæ½
+ PDF Chat Childhood Malaria in the Gambia: A Case-Study in Model-Based Geostatistics 2002 Peter J. Diggle
Rana Moyeed
Barry Rowlingson
Madeleine C. Thomson
+ Proportional Means Regression for Censored Medical Costs 2000 D. Y. Lin
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Measures of Model Complexity and Fit 2002 David J. Spiegelhalter
Nicola Best
Bradley P. Carlin
Angelika van der Linde
+ Information Theory and an Extension of the Maximum Likelihood Principle 1998 H. Akaike
+ The Risk of Determining Risk with Multivariable Models 1993 John Concato
+ PDF Chat Improving Imperfect Data from Health Management Information Systems in Africa Using Spaceā€“Time Geostatistics 2006 Peter W. Gething
Abdisalan M. Noor
Priscilla W. Gikandi
Esther A. A. Ogara
Simon I Hay
Mark Nixon
Robert W. Snow
Peter M. Atkinson
+ Predicting malaria infection in Gambian children from satellite data and bed net use surveys: the importance of spatial correlation in the interpretation of results. 1999 Madeleine C. Thomson
Stephen J. Connor
Umberto Dā€™Alessandro
Barry Rowlingson
Peter J. Diggle
Mark Cresswell
Brian Greenwood
+ PDF Chat Spatial Patterns of Infant Mortality in Mali: The Effect of Malaria Endemicity 2003 Armin Gemperli
+ The Garki project: Research on the epidemiology and control of malaria in the Sudan savanna of West Africa 1980 L. Molineaux
G. Gramiccia
+ Spatial statistical analysis, modelling and mapping of malaria in Africa 2001 Immo Kleinschmidt
+ PDF Chat A Note on the Concordance Correlation Coefficient 2002 Thomas Steichen
Nicholas J. Cox
+ PDF Chat An empirical malaria distribution map for West Africa 2001 Immo Kleinschmidt
Judy Omumbo
Olivier Briƫt
Nick van de Giesen
Nafomon Sogoba
Nathan Kumasenu Mensah
P.N. Windmeijer
Mahaman Moussa
T. Teuscher
+ What You See May Not Be What You Get: A Brief, Nontechnical Introduction to Overfitting in Regression-Type Models 2004 Michael A. Babyak
+ Discussion of 'Bayesian image restoration with two applications in spatial statistics' by J Besag, J C York & A Mollie 1991 Peter J. Green
+ A Concordance Correlation Coefficient to Evaluate Reproducibility 1989 Liangā€In Lin
+ What You See May Not Be What You Get: A Brief, Nontechnical Introduction to Overfitting in Regression-Type Models 2004 Michael A. Babyak
+ Information Theory and an Extension of the Maximum Likelihood Principle 1992 H. Akaike