Nicolas Fournier


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On gelation for the Smoluchowski equation 2025 Nicolas Fournier
+ Collisions of the supercritical Keller–Segel particle system 2024 Nicolas Fournier
Yoan Tardy
+ Convergence of the empirical measure in expected wasserstein distance: non-asymptotic explicit bounds in ℝ<sup><i>d</i></sup> 2023 Nicolas Fournier
+ PDF Chat Convergence of the empirical measure in expected Wasserstein distance: non asymptotic explicit bounds in $\mathbb{R}^d$ 2022 Nicolas Fournier
+ PDF Chat A simple proof of non-explosion for measure solutions of the Keller-Segel equation 2022 Nicolas Fournier
Yoan Tardy
+ PDF Chat A coupling approach for the convergence to equilibrium for a collisionless gas 2022 Armand Bernou
Nicolas Fournier
+ A simple proof of non-explosion for measure solutions of the Keller-Segel equation 2022 Nicolas Fournier
Yoan Tardy
+ Convergence of the empirical measure in expected Wasserstein distance: non asymptotic explicit bounds in $\mathbb{R}^d$ 2022 Nicolas Fournier
+ Particle approximation of the doubly parabolic Keller-Segel equation in the plane 2022 Nicolas Fournier
Milica Tomaơević
+ PDF Chat On Exponential Moments of the Homogeneous Boltzmann Equation for Hard Potentials Without Cutoff 2021 Nicolas Fournier
+ PDF Chat Stability, well-posedness and regularity of the homogeneous Landau equation for hard potentials 2021 Daniel Heydecker
Nicolas Fournier
+ Transport distances for PDEs: the coupling method 2021 Nicolas Fournier
Benoı̂t Perthame
+ PDF Chat A Nonexpanding Transport Distance for Some Structured Equations 2021 Nicolas Fournier
Benoı̂t Perthame
+ A non-expanding transport distance for some structured equations 2021 Nicolas Fournier
Benoı̂t Perthame
+ Stability, well-posedness and regularity of the homogeneous Landau equation for hard potentials 2020 Nicolas Fournier
Daniel Heydecker
+ Simulated annealing in <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline" id="d1e20" altimg="si3.svg"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>d</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> with slowly growing potentials 2020 Pierre Monmarché
Nicolas Fournier
Camille Tardif
+ PDF Chat Anomalous diffusion for multi-dimensional critical kinetic Fokker–Planck equations 2020 Nicolas Fournier
Camille Tardif
+ PDF Chat On a toy network of neurons interacting through their dendrites 2020 Nicolas Fournier
Étienne TanrĂ©
Romain Veltz
+ On The Simulated Annealing In $\mathbf{R}^d$ 2020 Nicolas Fournier
Camille Tardif
+ Stability, well-posedness and regularity of the homogeneous Landau equation for hard potentials 2020 Nicolas Fournier
Daniel Heydecker
+ Simulated Annealing In $\mathbf{R}^d$ With Slowly Growing Potentials 2019 Nicolas Fournier
Pierre Monmarché
Camille Tardif
+ PDF Chat On the equivalence between some jumping SDEs with rough coefficients and some non-local PDEs 2019 Nicolas Fournier
Liping Xu
+ PDF Chat Monge-Kantorovich distance for PDEs: the coupling method 2019 Nicolas Fournier
Benoı̂t Perthame
+ PDF Chat A recursive algorithm and a series expansion related to the homogeneous Boltzmann equation for hard potentials with angular cutoff 2019 Nicolas Fournier
+ A coupling approach for the convergence to equilibrium for a collisionless gas 2019 Armand Bernou
Nicolas Fournier
+ Anomalous diffusion for multi-dimensional critical Kinetic Fokker-Planck equations 2018 Nicolas Fournier
Camille Tardif
+ One dimensional critical Kinetic Fokker-Planck equations, Bessel and stable processes 2018 Nicolas Fournier
Camille Tardif
+ Anomalous diffusion for multi-dimensional critical Kinetic Fokker-Planck equations 2018 Nicolas Fournier
Camille Tardif
+ PDF Chat Stochastic particle approximation of the Keller–Segel equation and two-dimensional generalization of Bessel processes 2017 Nicolas Fournier
Benjamin Jourdain
+ On Monte-Carlo tree search for deterministic games with alternate moves and complete information 2017 Sylvain Delattre
Nicolas Fournier
+ A recursive algorithm and a series expansion related to the homogeneous Boltzmann equation for hard potentials with angular cutoff 2017 Nicolas Fournier
+ PDF Chat On the Kozachenko–Leonenko entropy estimator 2017 Sylvain Delattre
Nicolas Fournier
+ Propagation of chaos for the Landau equation with moderately soft potentials 2016 Nicolas Fournier
Maxime Hauray
+ PDF Chat On a toy model of interacting neurons 2016 Nicolas Fournier
Eva Löcherbach
+ On the Kozachenko-Leonenko entropy estimator 2016 Nicolas Fournier
Sylvain Delattre
+ PDF Chat Hawkes processes on large networks 2016 Sylvain Delattre
Nicolas Fournier
Marc Hoffmann
+ Rate of convergence of the Nanbu particle system for hard potentials and Maxwell molecules 2016 Nicolas Fournier
Stéphane Mischler
+ Statistical inference versus mean field limit for Hawkes processes 2016 Sylvain Delattre
Nicolas Fournier
+ On the equivalence between some jumping SDEs with rough coefficients and some non-local PDEs 2016 Nicolas Fournier
Liping Xu
+ On the Kozachenko-Leonenko entropy estimator 2016 Nicolas Fournier
Sylvain Delattre
Arnaud Guillin
+ Stochastic particle approximation of the Keller-Segel equation and two-dimensional generalization of Bessel processes 2015 Nicolas Fournier
Benjamin Jourdain
+ PDF Chat Finiteness of entropy for the homogeneous Boltzmann equation with measure initial condition 2015 Nicolas Fournier
+ Propagation of chaos for the Landau equation with moderately soft potentials 2015 Nicolas Fournier
Maxime Hauray
+ Propagation of chaos for the Landau equation with moderately soft potentials 2015 Nicolas Fournier
Maxime Hauray
+ Stochastic particle approximation of the Keller-Segel equation and two-dimensional generalization of Bessel processes 2015 Nicolas Fournier
Benjamin Jourdain
+ PDF Chat On the rate of convergence in Wasserstein distance of the empirical measure 2014 Nicolas Fournier
Arnaud Guillin
+ On a toy model of interacting neurons 2014 Nicolas Fournier
Eva Löcherbach
+ PDF Chat Propagation of chaos for the 2D viscous vortex model 2014 Nicolas Fournier
Maxime Hauray
Stéphane Mischler
+ PDF Chat A Mean-field forest-fire model 2014 Xavier Bressaud
Nicolas Fournier
+ On a toy model of interacting neurons 2014 Nicolas Fournier
Eva Löcherbach
+ Existence of densities for stable-like driven SDEÊŒs with Hölder continuous coefficients 2013 Arnaud Debussche
Nicolas Fournier
+ PDF Chat One Dimensional General Forest Fire Processes 2013 Xavier Bressaud
Nicolas Fournier
+ On the rate of convergence in Wasserstein distance of the empirical measure 2013 Nicolas Fournier
Arnaud Guillin
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic of Grazing Collisions and Particle Approximation for the Kac Equation without Cutoff 2012 Nicolas Fournier
David Godinho
+ Mean-field forest-fire models and pruning of random trees 2012 Xavier Bressaud
Nicolas Fournier
+ Smoluchowski’s equation: Rate of convergence of the Marcus–Lushnikov process 2011 Eduardo Cepeda
Nicolas Fournier
+ Compromise Pitman estimators 2011 Nicolas Fournier
+ PDF Chat Stability of the stochastic heat equation in $L^1([0,1])$ 2011 Nicolas Fournier
Jacques Printems
+ One-dimensional general forest fire processes 2011 Xavier Bressaud
Nicolas Fournier
Jacques Printems
+ On pathwise uniqueness for stochastic differential equations driven by stable L\'evy processes 2010 Nicolas Fournier
+ Smoluchowski's equation: rate of convergence of the Marcus-Lushnikov process 2010 Eduardo Cepeda
Nicolas Fournier
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of one-dimensional forest fire processes 2010 Xavier Bressaud
Nicolas Fournier
+ PDF Chat A pure jump Markov process with a random singularity spectrum 2010 Julien Barral
Nicolas Fournier
Stéphane Jaffard
Stéphane Seuret
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of Bounded Solutions for the Homogeneous Landau Equation with a Coulomb Potential 2010 Nicolas Fournier
+ PDF Chat Regularization properties of the 2D homogeneous Boltzmann equation without cutoff 2010 Vlad Bally
Nicolas Fournier
+ PDF Chat Stability of the stochastic heat equation in $L^1([0,1])$ 2010 Nicolas Fournier
Jacques Printems
+ PDF Chat Absolute continuity for some one-dimensional processes 2010 Nicolas Fournier
Jacques Printems
+ On pathwise uniqueness for stochastic differential equations driven by stable LĂ©vy processes 2010 Nicolas Fournier
+ Stability of the stochastic heat equation in $L^1([0,1])$ 2010 Nicolas Fournier
Jacques Printems
+ Regularization properties of the 2D homogeneous Boltzmann equation without cutoff 2009 Vlad Bally
Nicolas Fournier
+ A pure jump Markov process with a random singularity spectrum 2009 Julien Barral
Nicolas Fournier
Stéphane Jaffard
Stéphane Seuret
+ PDF Chat On the Well-Posedness of the Spatially Homogeneous Boltzmann Equation with a Moderate Angular Singularity 2009 Nicolas Fournier
Clément Mouhot
+ PDF Chat On the invariant distribution of a one-dimensional avalanche process 2009 Xavier Bressaud
Nicolas Fournier
+ Simulation and approximation of Levy-driven stochastic differential equations 2009 Nicolas Fournier
+ Particle approximation of some Landau equations 2009 Nicolas Fournier
+ Well-posedness of the spatially homogeneous Landau equation for soft potentials 2008 Nicolas Fournier
HélÚne Guérin
+ Particle approximation of some Landau equations 2008 Nicolas Fournier
+ Well-posedness of the spatially homogeneous Landau equation for soft potentials 2008 HélÚne Guérin
Nicolas Fournier
+ PDF Chat On the Uniqueness for the Spatially Homogeneous Boltzmann Equation with a Strong Angular Singularity 2008 Nicolas Fournier
HélÚne Guérin
+ Marcus–Lushnikov processes, Smoluchowski’s and Flory’s models 2008 Nicolas Fournier
Philippe Laurençot
+ Stochastic coalescence with homogeneous-like interaction rates 2008 Nicolas Fournier
Eva Löcherbach
+ PDF Chat A new regularization possibility for the Boltzmann equation with soft potentials 2008 Nicolas Fournier
+ Malliavin Calculus for Parabolic S.P.D.E.s with Jumps 2008 Nicolas Fournier
+ PDF Chat Smoothness of the law of some one-dimensional jumping S.D.E.s with non-constant rate of jump 2008 Nicolas Fournier
+ PDF Chat Smoothness of the law of some one-dimensional jumping SDEs with non-constant rate of jump 2008 Nicolas Fournier
+ A new regularization possibility for the Boltzmann equation with soft potentials 2007 Nicolas Fournier
+ Marcus-Lushnikov processes, Smoluchowski's and Flory's models 2007 Nicolas Fournier
Philippe Laurençot
+ On the invariant distribution of a one-dimensional avalanche process 2007 Xavier Bressaud
Nicolas Fournier
+ Smoothness of the law of some one-dimensional jumping S.D.E.s with non-constant rate of jump 2007 Nicolas Fournier
+ Uniqueness for a Class of Spatially Homogeneous Boltzmann Equations Without Angular Cutoff 2006 Nicolas Fournier
+ Local properties of self-similar solutions to Smoluchowski’s coagulation equation with sum kernels 2006 Nicolas Fournier
Philippe Laurençot
+ Existence of densities for jumping stochastic differential equations 2005 Nicolas Fournier
Jean-SĂ©bastien Giet
+ PDF Chat Existence of densities for jumping S.D.E.s 2005 Nicolas Fournier
Jean-SĂ©bastien Giet
+ PDF Chat Existence of densities for jumping S.D.E.s 2005 Nicolas Fournier
Jean-SĂ©bastien Giet
+ PDF Chat Existence of densities for jumping S.D.E.s 2005 Nicolas Fournier
Jean-SĂ©bastien Giet
+ Well-posedness of Smoluchowski's coagulation equation for a class of homogeneous kernels 2005 Nicolas Fournier
Philippe Laurençot
+ PDF Chat A microscopic probabilistic description of a locally regulated population and macroscopic approximations 2004 Nicolas Fournier
Sylvie Méléard
+ On long time behavior of some coagulation processes 2003 Nicolas Fournier
Bernard Roynette
Étienne TanrĂ©
+ On small particles in coagulation-fragmentation equations 2003 Nicolas Fournier
Jean-SĂ©bastien Giet
+ PDF Chat A pure jump Markov process associated with Smoluchowski's coagulation equation 2002 MĂądĂąlina Deaconu
Nicolas Fournier
Étienne TanrĂ©
+ Probabilistic approach of some discrete and continuous coagulation equations with diffusion 2002 MĂądĂąlina Deaconu
Nicolas Fournier
+ Jumping SDEs: absolute continuity using monotonicity 2002 Nicolas Fournier
+ Strict Positivity of the Density for Simple Jump Processes Using the Tools of Support Theorems. Application to the KAC Equation Without Cutoff 2002 Nicolas Fournier
+ PDF Chat Support Theorem for the Solution of a White-Noise-Driven Parabolic Stochastic Partial Differential Equation with Temporal Poissonian Jumps 2001 Nicolas Fournier
+ Existence and regularity study for two-dimensional Kac equation without cutoff by a probabilistic approach 2000 Nicolas Fournier
+ Malliavin calculus for parabolic SPDEs with jumps 2000 Nicolas Fournier
+ Strict positivity of the density for a poisson driven S.D.E 1999 Nicolas Fournier
+ Calcul des variations stochastiques sur l'espace de poisson, applications a des e. D. P. S. Paraboliques avec sauts et a certaines equations de boltzmann 1999 Nicolas Fournier
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Topics in Optimal Transportation 2003 CĂ©dric Villani
+ On a New Class of Weak Solutions to the Spatially Homogeneous Boltzmann and Landau Equations 1998 CĂ©dric Villani
+ A Review of Mathematical Topics in Collisional Kinetic Theory 2002 CĂ©dric Villani
+ An introduction to stochastic partial differential equations 2006 John B. Walsh
+ Clacul de Malliavin pour les diffusions avec sauts : Existence d’une densite dans le cas unidimensionnel 1983 Klaus Bichteler
Jean Jacod
+ On the spatially homogeneous landau equation for hard potentials part i : existence, uniqueness and smoothness 2000 Laurent Desvillettes
CĂ©dric Villani
+ PDF Chat On the Well-Posedness of the Spatially Homogeneous Boltzmann Equation with a Moderate Angular Singularity 2009 Nicolas Fournier
Clément Mouhot
+ PDF Chat Deterministic and Stochastic Models for Coalescence (Aggregation and Coagulation): A Review of the Mean-Field Theory for Probabilists 1999 David Aldous
+ Topics in propagation of chaos 1991 Alain‐Sol Sznitman
+ Existence and Regularity of a Solution of a Kac Equation Without Cutoff Using the Stochastic Calculus of Variations 1999 C. D. Graham
Sylvie Méléard
+ Entropy Dissipation and Long-Range Interactions 2000 Radjesvarane Alexandre
Laurent Desvillettes
CĂ©dric Villani
Bernt Wennberg
+ PDF Chat Kac’s program in kinetic theory 2012 StĂ©phane Mischler
Clément Mouhot
+ Invariant Measures and Evolution Equations for Markov Processes Characterized Via Martingale Problems 1993 Abhay G. Bhatt
Rajeeva L. Karandikar
+ PDF Chat On the Uniqueness for the Spatially Homogeneous Boltzmann Equation with a Strong Angular Singularity 2008 Nicolas Fournier
HélÚne Guérin
+ PDF Chat Moment inequalities for the boltzmann equation and applications to spatially homogeneous problems 1997 A. V. Bobylev
+ Martingale Problems Associated with the Boltzmann Equation 1990 Joseph Horowitz
Rajeeva L. Karandikar
+ PDF Chat Solving Landau equation for some soft potentials through a probabilistic approach 2003 HélÚne Guérin
+ Existence and uniqueness of martingale solutions for SDEs with rough or degenerate coefficients 2007 Alessio Figalli
+ None 1998 Vlad Bally
Étienne Pardoux
+ Propagation of chaos for the Landau equation with moderately soft potentials 2016 Nicolas Fournier
Maxime Hauray
+ Probabilistic Interpretation and Numerical Approximation of a Kac Equation without Cutoff 1999 Laurent Desvillettes
C. D. Graham
Sylvie Méléard
+ PDF Chat On the rate of convergence in Wasserstein distance of the empirical measure 2014 Nicolas Fournier
Arnaud Guillin
+ PDF Chat A stochastic particle numerical method for 3D Boltzmann equations without cutoff 2001 Nicolas Fournier
Sylvie Méléard
+ PDF Chat On the existence of smooth densities for jump processes 1996 Jean Picard
+ Existence of Gelling Solutions for Coagulation-Fragmentation Equations 1998 Intae Jeon
+ PDF Chat On the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation 1999 Stéphane Mischler
Bernst Wennberg
+ Markov Processes: Characterization and Convergence. 1987 Andris Abakuks
S. N. Ethier
Thomas G. Kurtz
+ PDF Chat Smoluchowski's coagulation equation: uniqueness, nonuniqueness and a hydrodynamic limit for the stochastic coalescent 1999 James R. Norris
+ PDF Chat Measurability of optimal transportation and convergence rate for Landau type interacting particle systems 2008 JoaquĂ­n Fontbona
HélÚne Guérin
Sylvie Méléard
+ Existence and regularity study for two-dimensional Kac equation without cutoff by a probabilistic approach 2000 Nicolas Fournier
+ Smoluchowski's coagulation equation: uniqueness, non-uniqueness and a hydrodynamic limit for the stochastic coalescent 1998 James R. Norris
+ PDF Chat ïżœquations de type de Boltzmann, spatialement homogïżœnes 1984 Alain Sol Sznitman
+ Asymptotic behaviour of some interacting particle systems; McKean-Vlasov and Boltzmann models 1996 Sylvie Méléard
+ PDF Chat The Cluster Size Distribution for a Forest-Fire Process on $Z$ 2006 Rachel M. Brouwer
J. Pennanen
+ On the Uniqueness of Markov Process Associated with the Boltzmann Equation of Maxwellian Molecules 2002 Hiroshi Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Calcul des variations stochastique et processus de sauts 1983 Jean‐Michel Bismut
+ The diffusion approximation of the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation 1985 Tadahisa Funaki
+ PDF Chat On some stochastic coalescents 2006 Nicolas Fournier
+ Ordinary differential equations, transport theory and Sobolev spaces 1989 Ronald J. DiPerna
Pierre Louis Lions
+ A review of Boltzmann equation with singular kernels 2009 Radjesvarane Alexandre
+ On the spatially homogeneous landau equation for hard potentials part ii : h-theorem and applications 2000 Laurent Desvillettes
CĂ©dric Villani
+ Well-posedness of the spatially homogeneous Landau equation for soft potentials 2008 Nicolas Fournier
HélÚne Guérin
+ Smoothness of the Solution of the Spatially Homogeneous Boltzmann Equation without Cutoff 2004 Laurent Desvillettes
Bernt Wennberg
+ Rate of convergence of the Nanbu particle system for hard potentials and Maxwell molecules 2016 Nicolas Fournier
Stéphane Mischler
+ Probability Metrics and Uniqueness of the Solution to the Boltzmann Equation for a Maxwell Gas 1999 Giuseppe Toscani
CĂ©dric Villani
+ Critical behaviour of the Drossel-Schwabl forest fire model 2002 Peter Grassberger
+ Interacting Particle Systems 2016 Thomas M. Liggett
+ PDF Chat About the regularizing properties of the non-cut-off Kac equation 1995 Laurent Desvillettes
+ PDF Chat On the Asymptotic Density in a One-Dimensional Self-Organized Critical Forest-Fire Model 2004 Jacob van den Berg
A.A. Jïżœrai