S. K. Srinivasan


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat PDF of the random variable when its distribution function changes after the change points 2014 C. D. Nanda Kumar
S. K. Srinivasan
+ Determination of Optimal Reserve between Two Machines in Series with Truncation Point in Repair Time Distribution 2012 S. K. Srinivasan
P. Sheik Uduman
R. Sathiyamoorthy
+ Theory of quantum phenomena via extended measures: geometric features 2002 S. K. Srinivasan
+ A direct derivation of the Dirac equation via quaternion measures 1996 S. K. Srinivasan
E. C. G. Sudarshan
+ Control of repair rates in cold standby systems 1992 S. K. Srinivasan
R. Subramanian
Klaus-Peter Kistner
+ Particle multiplicity distribution a la invariant imbedding and natural scaling 1991 S. K. Srinivasan
R. Vasudevan
+ Particle multiplicity distribution a la invariant imbedding and natural scaling 1991 S. K. Srinivasan
R. Vasudevan
+ Multi-phase evolution of population and its application to optics and colliding-beam experiments 1990 S. K. Srinivasan
V. Sridharan
+ Point Process Models of Cavity Radiation and Detection 1988 S. K. Srinivasan
+ Reliability analysis of an intermittently used system 1983 S. K. Srinivasan
+ An age-dependent stochastic model for carcinogenesis 1981 S. K. Srinivasan
C. R. Ranganathan
+ Probability and random processes / S K Srinivasan, KM Mehata 1981 S. K. Srinivasan
+ Stochastic perturbation of a stable deterministic plasma system 1980 S. K. Srinivasan
S. Udayabaskaran
+ Renewal Theory and Point Processes 1980 S. K. Srinivasan
R. Subramanian
+ Analysis of intermittently used 2-unit redundant systems with a single repair facility 1979 S. K. Srinivasan
D. Bhaskar
+ Dead-time effects in photon counting statistics 1978 S. K. Srinivasan
+ Stochastic point processes and their applications 1974 S. K. Srinivasan
+ Probabilistic Analysis of a 2-Unit Cold-Standby System with a Single Repair Facility 1973 S. K. Srinivasan
M.N. Gopalan
+ Probabilistic Analysis of a Two-Unit System with a Warm Standby and a Single Repair Facility 1973 S. K. Srinivasan
M.N. Gopalan
+ Introduction to Random Differential Equations and Their Applications 1973 David R. Brillinger
S. K. Srinivasan
R. Vasudevan
+ Correlation functions in queueing theory 1972 S. K. Srinivasan
R. Subramanian
R. Vasudevan
+ Correlation functions in queueing theory 1972 S. K. Srinivasan
R. Subramanian
R. Vasudevan
+ Mixing of Two Renewal Processes and Its Applications to Reliability Theory 1971 S. K. Srinivasan
R. Subramanian
Kodumudi Subramaniam Ramesh
+ Imbedding equations in queueing theory 1971 S. K. Srinivasan
S. Kalpakam
+ Stochastic models for phage reproduction 1970 S. K. Srinivasan
A. Rangan
+ Sequent correlations in stochastic point processes. - III 1969 S. K. Srinivasan
N. V. Koteswara Rao
R. Vasudevan
+ Sequent Correlations in Evolutionary Stochastic Point Processes 1967 S. K. Srinivasan
+ A novel approach to the kinetic theory and hydrodynamic turbulence. II 1966 S. K. Srinivasan
+ A novel approach to the kinetic theory and hydrodynamic turbulence 1966 S. K. Srinivasan
+ Sequent correlations in stochastic point processesā€”II 1966 S. K. Srinivasan
N. V. Koteswara Rao
R. Vasudevan
+ Scattering phase shift in stochastic fields 1966 Alladi Ramakrishnan
R. Vasudevan
S. K. Srinivasan
+ PDF Chat Multiple stochastic point processes 1962 S. K. Srinivasan
+ Numerical calculations on the new approach to the cascade theory - III 1958 S. K. Srinivasan
J. C. Butcher
B. A. Chartres
H. Messel
+ Ordinary linear differential equations involving random functions 1956 P. M. Mathews
S. K. Srinivasan
+ Stochastic processes associated with integrals of a class of random functions 1956 P. M. Mathews
S. K. Srinivasan
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On the Theory of Age-Dependent Stochastic Branching Processes 1948 Richard Bellman
T. E. Harris
+ Stochastic processes relating to particles distributed in a continuous infinity of states 1950 Alladi Ramakrishnan
+ The Theory of Branching Processes 1965 Peter Ney
T. E. Harris
+ Some Recent Work and Further Problems in the Theory of Queues 1964 David G. Kendall
+ Point Process Models of Cavity Radiation and Detection 1988 S. K. Srinivasan
+ On Age-Dependent Binary Branching Processes 1952 Richard Bellman
T. E. Harris
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Processes Occurring in the Theory of Queues and their Analysis by the Method of the Imbedded Markov Chain 1953 David G. Kendall
+ Single-Particle Momentum Distribution at High Energies and Concept of Partition Temperature 1985 T. T. Chou
Chen Ning Yang
Elizabeth Yen
+ Numerical calculations on the new approach to the cascade theory - III 1958 S. K. Srinivasan
J. C. Butcher
B. A. Chartres
H. Messel
+ Stochastic point processes and their applications 1974 S. K. Srinivasan
+ Some Problems in the Theory of Queues 1951 David G. Kendall
+ Scaling of multiplicity distributions in high energy hadron collisions 1972 Z. Koba
H.B. Nielsen
P. Olesen
+ Reliability analysis of intermittently used systems when failures are detected only during a usage period 1976 Toshio Nakagawa
Yoshiya SAWA
Yoshihiro Suzuki
+ PDF Chat Negative binomial multiplicity distributions in high energy hadron collisions 1986 Alberto Giovannini
Leo Van Hove
+ Group Reliability Predictions 1978 A.M. Breipohl
+ Mathematical Models in Cell Biology and Cancer Chemotherapy 1979 Martin Eisen
+ A direct derivation of the Dirac equation via quaternion measures 1996 S. K. Srinivasan
E. C. G. Sudarshan
+ On the homogeneous birth-and-death process and its integral 1966 Prem Puri
+ A Method for Predicting System Downtime 1968 Eginhard J. Muth
+ Time to Failure and Availability of Paralleled Systems with Repair 1963 Donald P. Gaver
+ Some spectral properties of anti-self-adjoint operators on a quaternionic Hilbert space 1993 L. P. Horwitz
+ Stochastic models for bacteriophage 1965 J. Gani
+ Correlation functions in queueing theory 1972 S. K. Srinivasan
R. Subramanian
R. Vasudevan
+ A Model for the Kinetics of Phage Attachment to Bacteria in Suspension 1962 D. Yassky
+ Some new results in the mathematical theory of phage-reproduction 1969 Prem Puri
+ A stochastic model for the growth of cells in cancer. 1970 K. S. S. Iyer
V. N. Saksena
+ Stochastic Phage Attachment to Bacteria 1965 J. Gani
+ Quaternionic quantum field theory 1986 Stephen L. Alder
+ The Laplace Transform. By D. V. Widder. Pp. x, 406. 36s. 1941. Princeton Mathematical series, 6. (Princeton University Press; Humphrey Milford) 1943 T. A. A. B.
+ The Theory of Branching Processes. 1964 M. S. Bartlett
T. E. Harris
+ PDF Chat Is complex probability theory consistent with Bell's theorem? 1995 S. Youssef
+ Physics with exotic probability theory 2001 S. Youssef
+ Stochastic models for bacteriophage 1965 J. Gani
+ A Stochastic Model of a Fluctuating Density Field. II. 1954 Alladi Ramarkrishnan
+ Correlation functions in queueing theory 1972 S. K. Srinivasan
R. Subramanian
R. Vasudevan
+ The Theory of Branching Processes 1963 T. E. Harris
+ A Stochastic Model for the Growth of Cells in Cancer 1970 K. S. S. Iyer
V. N. Saksena
+ The coincidence approach to stochastic point processes 1975 Odile Macchi
+ None 1998 Stefano De Leo
+ Space-Time Algebra 2015 David Hestenes
+ A Stochastic Model for a Two-stage Theory of Carcinogenesis 1961 Howard G. Tucker
+ Age-dependence in a Stochastic Model of Carcinogenesis 1961 W. A. Oā€™N. Waugh
+ None 1998 Stefano De Leo
+ Probabilistic Analysis of a 2-Unit Cold-Standby System with a Single Repair Facility 1973 S. K. Srinivasan
M.N. Gopalan
+ Reliability Considerations for a Two Element Redundant System with Generalized Repair Times 1966 Burt H. Liebowitz
+ The coincidence approach to stochastic point processes 1975 Odile Macchi
+ Some Considerations for Multiple-Unit Redundant Systems with Generalized Repair Time Distributions 1968 Hisashi Mine
Shunji Osaki
Tatsuyuki Asakura
+ Analysis of intermittently used 2-unit redundant systems with a single repair facility 1979 S. K. Srinivasan
D. Bhaskar
+ Some Applications of Regenerative Stochastic Processes to Reliability Theory߲Part Two: Reliability and Availability of 2-Item Redundant Systems 1975 Alessandro Birolini