Kaoru Ono


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Exponential Decay Estimates and Smoothness of the Moduli Space of Pseudoholomorphic Curves 2024 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Construction of Kuranishi structures on the moduli spaces of pseudo-holomorphic disks: II 2024 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Corrigendum of "Construction of Kuranishi structures on the moduli spaces of pseudo holomorphic disks I, Surveys in Differential Geometry XXII (2018), 133-190" 2024 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Twisted Sectors for Lagrangian Floer Theory on Symplectic Orbifolds 2024 Bohui Chen
Kaoru Ono
Bai-Ling Wang
+ Notes on Symplectic 4-Manifolds with b2+=1 2023 Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Twisted sectors for Lagrangian Floer theory on symplectic orbifolds 2023 Bohui Chen
Kaoru Ono
Bai-Ling Wang
+ PDF Chat Construction of a linear K-system in Hamiltonian Floer theory 2022 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Kenji Fukaya 2021 Koji Fujiwara
Kaoru Ono
+ Symplectic 4-manifolds with b 2 + = 1 2021 Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Construction of a linear K-system in Hamiltonian Floer theory 2021 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Floer-Novikov cohomology and symplectic fixed points, revisited 2020 Kaoru Ono
Hông Vân Lê
+ Kuranishi Structures and Virtual Fundamental Chains 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Composition Formula of Smooth Correspondences 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Zero-and One-Dimensional Cases via Multivalued Perturbation 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Construction of Multivalued Perturbations 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Extension of a Kuranishi Structure and Its Perturbation from Boundary to Its Neighborhood 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ CF-Perturbations and Integration Along the Fiber (Pushout) 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Construction of CF-Perturbations 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Kuranishi Structures and Good Coordinate Systems 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Fiber Product of Kuranishi Structures 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Linear K-Systems: Floer Cohomology I – Statement 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ From Good Coordinate Systems to Kuranishi Structures and Back with CF-Perturbations 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Global Quotients and Orbifolds 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Linear K-Systems: Floer Cohomology II – Proof 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Tree-Like K-Systems: A ∞ Structure I – Statement 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Linear K-Systems: Floer Cohomology III – Morse Case by Multisection 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Admissible Kuranishi Structures 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Orbifolds and Orbibundles by Local Coordinates 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Covering Space of Effective Orbifolds and K-Spaces 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Local System and Smooth Correspondence in de Rham Theory with Twisted Coefficients 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Composition of KG-and GG-Embeddings: Proof of Lemma 3.34 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Corner Smoothing and Composition of Morphisms 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Tree-Like K-Systems: A ∞ Structure II – Proof 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Introduction to Part II 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Introduction 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Multivalued Perturbations 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Stokes’ Formula 2020 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Spectral Invariants with Bulk, Quasi-Morphisms and Lagrangian Floer Theory 2019 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Parameterized Gromov-Witten invariants and topology of symplectomorphism groups 2019 Hông-Vân Lê
Kaoru Ono
+ Space of Geodesics on Zoll Three-Spheres 2018 Kaoru Ono
+ Floer Homology and Gromov-Witten Invariant over Integer of General Symplectic Manifolds – Summary – 2018 Kenji Fukaya
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Lagrangian Floer theory and Mirror symmetry on compact toric manifolds 2018 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat On a Theorem of Edmonds 2018 Kaoru Ono
+ Construction of Kuranishi structures on the moduli spaces of pseudo holomorphic disks: II 2018 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Antisymplectic involution and Floer cohomology 2017 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Construction of Kuranishi structures on the moduli spaces of pseudo holomorphic disks: I 2017 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Kuranishi structure, Pseudo-holomorphic curve, and virtual fundamental chain: Part 2 2017 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Construction of Kuranishi structures on the moduli spaces of pseudo holomorphic disks: I 2017 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
Kaoru Ono
+ Bulk deformations, tropicalization and non-displaceable Lagrangian tori 2016 오용근
Kenji Fukaya
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ On the Fixed Points of a Hamiltonian Diffeomorphism in Presence of Fundamental Group 2016 Kaoru Ono
Andrei Pajitnov
+ Exponential decay estimates and smoothness of the moduli space of pseudoholomorphic curves 2016 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Shrinking good coordinate systems associated to Kuranishi structures 2016 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Some remarks on Lagrangian tori 2015 Kaoru Ono
+ Kuranishi structure, Pseudo-holomorphic curve, and Virtual fundamental chain: Part 1 2015 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Shrinking good coordinate systems associated to Kuranishi structures 2014 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Displacement of polydisks and Lagrangian Floer theory 2013 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Lagrangian floer Theory over integers: spherically positive symplectic manifolds 2013 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Symplectic fillings of links of quotient surface singularities 2012 Mohan Bhupal
Kaoru Ono
Kaoru Ono
+ Technical details on Kuranishi structure and virtual fundamental chain 2012 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Lagrangian Floer theory on compact toric manifolds: A survey 2012 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Toric Degeneration and Nondisplaceable Lagrangian Tori in S2×S2 2011 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Lagrangian Floer theory on compact toric manifolds II: bulk deformations 2011 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Lagrangian Floer theory over integers: spherically positive symplectic manifolds 2011 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Displacement of polydisks and Lagrangian Floer theory 2011 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Spectral invariants with bulk, quasimorphisms and Lagrangian Floer theory 2011 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Review: Floer cohomology 2010 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Homotopy equivalence of 𝐴_{∞} algebras 2010 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Homotopy equivalence of 𝐴_{∞} bimodules 2010 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ The 𝐴_{∞} algebra associated to a Lagrangian submanifold 2010 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Anchored Lagrangian submanifolds and their Floer theory 2010 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Toric degeneration and non-displaceable Lagrangian tori in $S^2 \times S^2$ 2010 Kenji Fukaya
Yong Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Lagrangian Floer theory on compact toric manifolds: survey 2010 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Lagrangian Floer theory and mirror symmetry on compact toric manifolds 2010 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Lagrangian Floer theory on compact toric manifolds, I 2009 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Lagrangian Intersection Floer Theory: Anomaly and Obstruction 2009 賢沝 桹谡
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Canonical models of filtered 𝐴_{∞}-algebras and Morse complexes 2009 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ An inequality for symplectic fillings of the link of a hypersurface K3 singularity 2009 Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Anchored Lagrangian submanifolds and their Floer theory 2009 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Examples of isolated surface singularities whose links have infinitely many symplectic fillings 2008 Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Canonical models of filtered $A_\infty$-algebras and Morse complexes 2008 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Lagrangian Floer theory on compact toric manifolds II : Bulk deformations 2008 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Symplectic fillings of links of quotient surface singularities 2008 Mohan Bhupal
Kaoru Ono
+ Development in symplectic Floer theory 2007 Kaoru Ono
+ Parameterized Gromov-Witten invariants and topology of symplectomorphism groups 2007 HĂ´ng-Van LĂŞ
Kaoru Ono
+ Floer–Novikov cohomology and the flux conjecture 2006 Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Simple Singularities and Symplectic Fillings 2005 Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Floer--Novikov cohomology and symplectic fixed points 2005 Kaoru Ono
Kaoru Ono
+ Symplectic fillings of the link of simple elliptic singularities 2003 Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Simple singularities and symplectic fillings 2002 Kaoru Ono
+ Arnold conjecture and Gromov-Witten invariant for general symplectic manifolds 1999 Kenji Fukaya
Kaoru Ono
+ Simple singularities and topology of symplectically filling 4-manifold 1999 Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat On Arnold's conjecture for symplectic fixed points 1998 Kaoru Ono
+ None 1997 Frank Connolly
Lê Hông Vân
Kaoru Ono
+ NOTES ON SYMPLECTIC 4-MANIFOLDS WITH $b_2^+ =1$, II 1996 Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Lagrangian intersection under Legendrian deformations 1996 Kaoru Ono
+ On the Arnold conjecture for weakly monotone symplectic manifolds 1995 Kaoru Ono
+ Symplectic fixed points, the Calabi invariant and Novikov homology 1995 LêHông Vân
Kaoru Ono
+ An analogue of Edmonds’ theorem for loop spaces 1994 Kaoru Ono
Stephan Stolz
+ Vafa's formula and equivariant K-theory 1993 Kaoru Ono
Shi-shyr Roan
+ PDF Chat A remark on the Ochanine genus 1992 Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Obstruction to circle group actions preseving symplectic structure 1992 Kaoru Ono
+ Îą-Invariant and S 1 Actions 1991 Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat 𝛼-invariant and 𝑆¹ actions 1991 Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Equivariant index of Dirac operators 1990 Kaoru Ono
+ Note on Hirzebruch's Proportionality Principle 1989 Toshiyuki Kobayashi
Kaoru Ono
+ Periodic SchrĂśdinger Operators on a Manifold 1989 Toshiyuki Kobayashi
Kaoru Ono
Toshikazu Sunada
+ On the Holomorphicity of Harmonic Maps from Compact Kahler Manifolds to Hyperbolic Riemann Surfaces 1988 Kaoru Ono
+ The scalar curvature and the spectrum of the Laplacian of spin manifolds 1988 Kaoru Ono
+ Equivariant projective imbedding theorem for symplectic manifolds 1988 Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat On the holomorphicity of harmonic maps from compact Kähler manifolds to hyperbolic Riemann surfaces 1988 Kaoru Ono
+ Some remarks on group actions in symplectic geometry 1988 Kaoru Ono
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Morse theory for Lagrangian intersections 1988 Andreas Floer
+ Lagrangian Intersection Floer Theory: Anomaly and Obstruction 2009 賢沝 桹谡
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Lagrangian Floer theory on compact toric manifolds II: bulk deformations 2011 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Symplectic fixed points and holomorphic spheres 1989 Andreas Floer
+ PDF Chat Lagrangian Floer theory on compact toric manifolds, I 2009 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Floer homology and Arnold conjecture 1998 Gang Liu
Gang Tian
+ Non-displaceable Lagrangian submanifolds and Floer cohomology with non-unitary line bundle 2008 Cheol-Hyun Cho
+ On the Arnold conjecture for weakly monotone symplectic manifolds 1995 Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Floer homology and Novikov rings 1995 Helmut Hofer
Dietmar Salamon
+ PDF Chat Floer cohomology and disc instantons of Lagrangian torus fibers in Fano toric manifolds 2006 Cheol-Hyun Cho
Yong‐Geun Oh
+ Floer cohomology of lagrangian intersections and pseudo‐holomorphic disks I 1993 Yong‐Geun Oh
+ Pseudo holomorphic curves in symplectic manifolds 1985 M. Gromov
+ Orbifolds and Stringy Topology 2007 Alejandro Ádem
Johann Leida
Yongbin Ruan
+ Cyclic symmetry and adic convergence in Lagrangian Floer theory 2010 Kenji Fukaya
+ Virtual moduli cycles and Gromov-Witten invariants of general symplectic manifolds 1996 Jun Li
Gang Tian
+ None 2003 Michael Entov
Leonid Polterovich
+ $ \pi _1 $ of Symplectic Automorphism Groups and Invertibles in Quantum Homology Rings 1997 Paul Seidel
+ Symplectic fixed points, the Calabi invariant and Novikov homology 1995 LêHông Vân
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Lagrangian Floer theory and Mirror symmetry on compact toric manifolds 2018 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ Introduction to Toric Varieties. 1993 William Fulton
+ PDF Chat The structure of rational and ruled symplectic 4-manifolds 1990 Dusa McDuff
+ NOTES ON SYMPLECTIC 4-MANIFOLDS WITH $b_2^+ =1$, II 1996 Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Canonical models of filtered 𝐴_{∞}-algebras and Morse complexes 2009 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Topological properties of Hamiltonian circle actions 2006 Dusa McDuff
Susan Tolman
+ The Birkhoff-Lewis fixed point theorem and a conjecture of V.I. Arnold 1983 C. Conley
Eduard Zehnder
+ PDF Chat Spectral Invariants with Bulk, Quasi-Morphisms and Lagrangian Floer Theory 2019 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Quasi-states and symplectic intersections 2006 Michael Entov
Leonid Polterovich
+ Floer–Novikov cohomology and the flux conjecture 2006 Kaoru Ono
+ On the topological properties of symplectic maps 1990 Helmut Hofer
+ Morse theory for periodic solutions of hamiltonian systems and the maslov index 1992 Dietmar Salamon
Eduard Zehnder
+ Symplectic manifolds with contact type boundaries 1991 Dusa McDuff
+ A new relation among Cartan matrix and Coxeter matrix 1987 Kyoji Saito
+ Lagrangian intersections, symplectic energy, and areas of holomorphic curves 1998 Yu. V. Chekanov
+ PDF Chat Period Mapping Associated to a Primitive Form 1983 Kyoji Saito
+ PDF Chat Antisymplectic involution and Floer cohomology 2017 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat A mathematical theory of quantum cohomology 1995 Yongbin Ruan
Gang Tian
+ PDF Chat Rigid subsets of symplectic manifolds 2009 Michael Entov
Leonid Polterovich
+ PDF Chat Toric degenerations of Gelfand–Cetlin systems and potential functions 2009 Takeo Nishinou
Yuichi Nohara
Kazushi Ueda
+ PDF Chat Displacement of polydisks and Lagrangian Floer theory 2013 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Gromov-Witten classes, quantum cohomology, and enumerative geometry 1994 Maxim Kontsevich
Yu. I. Manin
+ PDF Chat Morse homotopy and its quantization 1996 William Kazez
+ PDF Chat Spectral numbers in Floer theories 2008 Michael Usher
+ PDF Chat The classification of ruled symplectic $4$-manifolds 1996 François Lalonde
Dusa McDuff
+ PDF Chat Some New applications of General Wall Crossing Formula, Gompf’s Conjecture and its Applications 1996 Ai-Ko Liu
+ PDF Chat Construction of Kuranishi structures on the moduli spaces of pseudo holomorphic disks: I 2017 Kenji Fukaya
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ On the action spectrum for closed symplectically aspherical manifolds 2000 Matthias Schwarz
+ PDF Chat Localization of virtual classes 1999 T.M. Graber
Rahul Pandharipande
+ PDF Chat Homological Algebra of Mirror Symmetry 1995 Maxim Kontsevich
+ PDF Chat Kaehler structures on toric varieties 1994 Victor Guillemin