D. C. Martin


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
R. Chornock
A. M. Soderberg
E. Berger
Roger A. Chevalier
R. J. Foley
M. E. Huber
Gautham Narayan
A. Rest
Suvi Gezari
A. Rest
M. E. Huber
Gautham Narayan
Karl Förster
James D. Neill
D. C. Martin
S. Valenti
S. J. Smartt
R. Chornock
+ PDF Chat UV/Optical Detections of Candidate Tidal Disruption Events by<i>GALEX</i>and CFHTLS 2008 Suvi Gezari
S. Basa
D. C. Martin
G. Bazin
Karl Förster
B. Milliard
J. P. Halpern
Peter G. Friedman
Patrick Morrissey
Susan G. Neff
+ PDF Chat Deep <i>GALEX</i> Imaging of the COSMOS <i>HST</i> Field: A First Look at the Morphology of <i>z</i> ∼ 0.7 Star‐forming Galaxies 2007 Michel Zamojski
David Schiminovich
R. Michael Rich
Bahram Mobasher
Anton M. Koekemoer
P. Capak
Yoshiaki Taniguchi
S. Sasaki
H. J. McCracken
Y. Mellier
+ PDF Chat Ultraviolet Detection of the Tidal Disruption of a Star by a Supermassive Black Hole 2006 Suvi Gezari
D. C. Martin
B. Milliard
S. Basa
J. P. Halpern
Karl Förster
Peter G. Friedman
Patrick Morrissey
Susan G. Neff
David Schiminovich
+ PDF Chat The Fate of Spiral Galaxies in Clusters: The Star Formation History of the Anemic Virgo Cluster Galaxy NGC 4569 2006 A. Boselli
S. Boissier
L. Cortese
A. Gil de Paz
Mark Seibert
Barry F. Madore
V. Buat
D. C. Martin
+ PDF Chat <i>Galaxy Evolution Explorer</i> Ultraviolet Color-Magnitude Relations and Evidence of Recent Star Formation in Early-Type Galaxies 2005 S. K. Yi
Sung-Chul Yoon
Sugata Kaviraj
J. M. Deharveng
R. Michael Rich
Samir Salim
A. Boselli
Y.-W. Lee
Chang H. Ree
Y.-J. Sohn
+ PDF Chat The <i>GALEX</i> -VVDS Measurement of the Evolution of the Far-Ultraviolet Luminosity Density and the Cosmic Star Formation Rate 2005 David Schiminovich
O. Ilbert
S. Arnouts
B. Milliard
L. Tresse
O. Le Fèvre
M. Treyer
Ted K. Wyder
Tamás Budavári
E. Zucca
+ PDF Chat The <i>GALEX</i> VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey Measurement of the Evolution of the 1500 Å Luminosity Function 2005 S. Arnouts
David Schiminovich
O. Ilbert
L. Tresse
B. Milliard
M. Treyer
S. Bardelli
Tamás Budavári
Ted K. Wyder
E. Zucca
+ PDF Chat GALEX UV Spectroscopy and Deep Imaging of LIRGs in the ELAIS S1 field 2005 D. Burgarella
V. Buat
Todd Small
T. A. Barlow
S. Boissier
A. Gil de Paz
Timothy M. Heckman
B. F. Madore
D. C. Martin
R. Michael Rich
+ The Ultraviolet Galaxy Luminosity Function from GALEX data: Color Dependent Evolution at Low Redshift 2004 M. Treyer
Ted Wyder
David Schiminovich
S. Arnouts
Tamás Budavári
B. Milliard
Tom A. Barlow
L. Bianchi
y. -I. Byun
J. Donas
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The<i>Galaxy Evolution Explorer</i>: A Space Ultraviolet Survey Mission 2005 D. Christopher Martin
James L. Fanson
David Schiminovich
Patrick Morrissey
Peter G. Friedman
Tom A. Barlow
T. Conrow
Robert Grange
Patrick N. Jelinsky
Bruno Milliard
+ Maps of Dust Infrared Emission for Use in Estimation of Reddening and Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Foregrounds 1998 David J. Schlegel
Douglas P. Finkbeiner
Marc Davis
+ PDF Chat The COMBO-17 survey: Evolution of the galaxy luminosity function from 25 000 galaxies with $0.2&lt;$ <i>z</i> $&lt;1.2$ 2003 Christian Wolf
K. Meisenheimer
Hans‐Walter Rix
A. Borch
S. Dye
M. Kleinheinrich
+ New Constraints on the Star Formation Histories and Dust Attenuation of Galaxies in the Local Universe from <i>GALEX</i> 2005 Samir Salim
S. Charlot
R. Michael Rich
Guinevere Kauffmann
Timothy M. Heckman
Tom A. Barlow
L. Bianchi
Yong-Ik Byun
J. Donas
Karl Förster
+ PDF Chat The Canada-France Redshift Survey: The Luminosity Density and Star Formation History of the Universe to [ITAL]z[/ITAL] ∼ 1 1996 S. J. Lilly
J. Perea
F. Hammer
D. Crampton
+ PDF Chat Stellar population synthesis at the resolution of 2003 2003 Gustavo Bruzual
S. Charlot
+ PDF Chat The On-Orbit Performance of the <i>Galaxy Evolution Explorer</i> 2005 Patrick Morrissey
David Schiminovich
Tom A. Barlow
D. Christopher Martin
Brian K. Blakkolb
T. Conrow
Brian Cooke
K. Erickson
James L. Fanson
Peter G. Friedman
+ PDF Chat Estimating Fixed-Frame Galaxy Magnitudes in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey 2003 Michael R. Blanton
J. Brinkmann
István Csabai
Mamoru Doi
Daniel J. Eisenstein
M. Fukugita
James E. Gunn
David W. Hogg
David J. Schlegel
+ PDF Chat The Rest-Frame Ultraviolet Luminosity Density of Star-forming Galaxies at Redshifts <i>z</i> &gt; 3.5 2004 Mauro Giavalisco
Mark Dickinson
Henry C. Ferguson
Swara Ravindranath
C. Kretchmer
Leonidas A. Moustakas
Piero Madau
S. Michael Fall
Jonathan P. Gardner
Mario Livio
+ PDF Chat Flares from the Tidal Disruption of Stars by Massive Black Holes 1999 Andrew Ulmer
+ PDF Chat Lyman‐Break Galaxies at \documentclass{aastex} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{bm} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{pifont} \usepackage{stmaryrd} \usepackage{textcomp} \usepackage{portland,xspace} \usepackage{amsmath,amsxtra} \usepackage[OT2,OT1]{fontenc} \newcommand\cyr{ \renewcommand\rmdefault{wncyr} \renewcommand\sfdefault{wncyss} \renewcommand\encodingdefault{OT2} \normalfont \selectfont} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textcyr}{\cyr} \pagestyle{empty} \… 1999 Charles C. Steidel
Kurt L. Adelberger
Mauro Giavalisco
Mark Dickinson
Max Pettini
+ PDF Chat Measuring the redshift evolution of clustering: the Hubble Deep Field South 2002 S. Arnouts
L. Moscardini
E. Vanzella
S. Colombi
S. Cristiani
A. Fontana
E. Giallongo
S. Matarrese
P. Saracco
+ PDF Chat Star Formation History since [ITAL][CLC]z[/CLC][/ITAL] = 1.5 as Inferred from Rest-Frame Ultraviolet Luminosity Density Evolution 2002 Gillian Wilson
L. L. Cowie
A. J. Barger
D. J. Burke
+ PDF Chat The Calibration and Data Products of <i>GALEX</i> 2007 Patrick Morrissey
T. Conrow
Tom A. Barlow
Todd Small
Mark Seibert
Ted Wyder
Tamás Budavári
S. Arnouts
Peter G. Friedman
Karl Förster
+ PDF Chat Lyman Break Galaxies at z>4 and the Evolution of the UV Luminosity Density at High Redshift 1999 Charles C. Steidel
Kurt L. Adelberger
Mauro Giavalisco
Mark Dickinson
Max Pettini
+ The Origin of the Mass‐Metallicity Relation: Insights from 53,000 Star‐forming Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey 2004 Christy Tremonti
Timothy M. Heckman
Guinevere Kauffmann
J. Brinchmann
Stéphane Charlot
Simon D. M. White
Mark Seibert
Eric W. Peng
David J. Schlegel
Alan Uomoto
+ PDF Chat Optical and Long‐Wavelength Afterglow from Gamma‐Ray Bursts 1997 P. Mészáros
M. J. Rees
+ Nearly 5000 Distant Early‐Type Galaxies in COMBO‐17: A Red Sequence and Its Evolution since<i>z</i> ∼ 1 2004 Eric F. Bell
Christian Wolf
Klaus Meisenheimer
Hans‐Walter Rix
A. Borch
S. Dye
M. Kleinheinrich
L. Wisotzki
Daniel H. McIntosh
+ PDF Chat <i>Chandra</i>Study of X‐Ray Point Sources in the Early‐Type Galaxy NGC 4552 (M89) 2005 Yueheng Xu
Haiguang Xu
Zhongli Zhang
Arunav Kundu
Yu Wang
Xiangping Wu
+ PDF Chat Ultraviolet, Optical, and X‐Ray Observations of the Type Ia Supernova 2005am with<i>Swift</i> 2005 P. J. Brown
S. T. Holland
Cynthia H. James
Peter Milne
P. W. A. Roming
K. O. Mason
K. L. Page
A. P. Beardmore
D. N. Burrows
A. Morgan
+ Testing LMC Microlensing Scenarios: The Discrimination Power of the SuperMACHO Microlensing Survey 2005 A. Rest
C. W. Stubbs
A. C. Becker
G. Miknaitis
A. Miceli
R. Covarrubias
Suzanne L. Hawley
R. C. Smith
N. B. Suntzeff
Knut Olsen
+ PDF Chat The physical properties of star-forming galaxies in the low-redshift Universe 2004 J. Brinchmann
S. Charlot
Simon D. M. White
Christy Tremonti
Guinevere Kauffmann
Timothy M. Heckman
J. Brinkmann
+ PDF Chat An ultraviolet-selected galaxy redshift survey -- II. The physical nature of star formation in an enlarged sample 2000 M. Sullivan
M. Treyer
Richard S. Ellis
Terry Bridges
B. Milliard
J. Donas
+ PDF Chat Tidal Disruption of a Solar‐Type Star by a Supermassive Black Hole 2000 Shai Ayal
Mario Livio
Tsvi Piran
+ PDF Chat Bias in the estimation of global luminosity functions 2004 O. Ilbert
L. Tresse
S. Arnouts
E. Zucca
S. Bardelli
G. Zamorani
C. Adami
A. Cappi
B. Garilli
O. Le Fèvre
+ PDF Chat The Ultraviolet Galaxy Luminosity Function in the Local Universe from <i>GALEX</i> Data 2005 Ted K. Wyder
M. Treyer
Bruno Milliard
David Schiminovich
S. Arnouts
Tamás Budavári
Tom A. Barlow
L. Bianchi
Yong-Ik Byun
J. Donas
+ PDF Chat Continuum and Emission‐Line Strength Relations for a Large Active Galactic Nuclei Sample 2002 M. Dietrich
Fred Hamann
Joseph C. Shields
Anca Constantin
M. Vestergaard
F. Chaffee
C. B. Foltz
V. T. Junkkarinen
+ PDF Chat The <i>GALEX</i> -VVDS Measurement of the Evolution of the Far-Ultraviolet Luminosity Density and the Cosmic Star Formation Rate 2005 David Schiminovich
O. Ilbert
S. Arnouts
B. Milliard
L. Tresse
O. Le Fèvre
M. Treyer
Ted K. Wyder
Tamás Budavári
E. Zucca
+ PDF Chat The Demography of Massive Dark Objects in Galaxy Centers 1998 John Magorrian
Scott Tremaine
D. O. Richstone
R. Bender
Gary Bower
Alan Dressler
S. M. Faber
Karl Gebhardt
Richard F. Green
Carl J. Grillmair
+ PDF Chat UV Dust Attenuation in Normal Star‐Forming Galaxies. I. Estimating the<i>L</i><sub>TIR</sub>/<i>L</i><sub>FUV</sub>Ratio 2006 L. Cortese
A. Boselli
V. Buat
G. Gavazzi
S. Boissier
A. Gil de Paz
Mark Seibert
Barry F. Madore
D. Christopher Martin
+ PDF Chat The <i>GALEX</i> VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey Measurement of the Evolution of the 1500 Å Luminosity Function 2005 S. Arnouts
David Schiminovich
O. Ilbert
L. Tresse
B. Milliard
M. Treyer
S. Bardelli
Tamás Budavári
Ted K. Wyder
E. Zucca
+ PDF Chat The Ultraviolet Galaxy Luminosity Function from <i>GALEX</i> Data: Color-Dependent Evolution at Low Redshift 2005 M. Treyer
Ted K. Wyder
David Schiminovich
S. Arnouts
Tamás Budavári
Bruno Milliard
Tom A. Barlow
L. Bianchi
Yong-Ik Byun
J. Donas
+ PDF Chat Dust Attenuation in the Nearby Universe: A Comparison between Galaxies Selected in the Ultraviolet and in the Far-Infrared 2005 V. Buat
J. Iglésias-Páramo
Mark Seibert
D. Burgarella
S. Charlot
D. Christopher Martin
C. K. Xu
Timothy M. Heckman
S. Boissier
A. Boselli
+ PDF Chat First‐Year <i>Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe</i> ( <i>WMAP</i> ) Observations: Preliminary Maps and Basic Results 2003 C. L. Bennett
M. Halpern
G. Hinshaw
N. Jarosik
A. Kogut
M. Limon
S. S. Meyer
Lyman A. Page
David N. Spergel
Gregory S. Tucker
+ PDF Chat Large-Amplitude X-Ray Outbursts from Galactic Nuclei: A Systematic Survey using [ITAL]ROSAT[/ITAL] Archival Data 2002 J. L. Donley
W. N. Brandt
Michael Eracleous
Thomas Böller
+ PDF Chat A Huge Drop in the X-Ray Luminosity of the Nonactive Galaxy RX J1242.6-1119A, and the First Postflare Spectrum: Testing the Tidal Disruption Scenario 2004 S. Komossa
J. P. Halpern
N. Schartel
G. Hasinger
M. Santos‐Lleó
P. Predehl
+ PDF Chat The Relationship of Hard X‐Ray and Optical Line Emission in Low‐Redshift Active Galactic Nuclei 2005 Timothy M. Heckman
A. Ptak
A. E. Hornschemeier
Guinevere Kauffmann
+ PDF Chat The Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Technical Summary 2000 Donald G. York
Jennifer Adelman
John E. Anderson
Scott F. Anderson
James Annis
Neta A. Bahcall
Jon Arne Bakken
Robert H. Barkhouser
Steven Bastian
Eileen Berman
+ PDF Chat Stellar masses and star formation histories for 10<sup>5</sup>galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey 2003 Guinevere Kauffmann
Timothy M. Heckman
D. M. Simon White
S. Charlot
Christy Tremonti
J. Brinchmann
Gustavo Bruzual
Eric W. Peng
Mark Seibert
Mariangela Bernardi
+ PDF Chat A Composite<i>HST</i>Spectrum of Quasars 1997 Wei Zheng
G. A. Kriss
Randal Telfer
John Grimes
A. F. Davidsen
+ PDF Chat Supernova Shock Breakout from a Red Supergiant 2008 Kevin Schawinski
Stephen Justham
Christian Wolf
Philipp Podsiadlowski
M. Sullivan
K. C. Steenbrugge
Tony Bell
Hermann-Josef Röser
E. S. Walker
P. Astier
+ PDF Chat Photometric Redshifts of Galaxies in COSMOS 2007 Bahram Mobasher
P. Capak
N. Z. Scoville
T. Dahlén
M. Salvato
H. Aussel
D. J. Thompson
Robert Feldmann
L. A. M. Tasca
O. LeFèvre
+ PDF Chat Characterization of M, L, and T Dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey 2002 Suzanne L. Hawley
Kevin R. Covey
G. R. Knapp
D. A. Golimowski
Xiaohui Fan
Scott F. Anderson
James E. Gunn
Hugh C. Harris
Željko Ivezić
Gary M. Long
+ PDF Chat Supernova radiative-transfer modelling: a new approach using non-local thermodynamic equilibrium and full time dependence 2010 Luc Dessart
D. J. Hillier
+ Central Masses and Broad‐Line Region Sizes of Active Galactic Nuclei. I. Comparing the Photoionization and Reverberation Techniques 1999 Amri Wandel
B. M. Peterson
M. Malkan
+ PDF Chat Quantitative Estimates of Environmental Effects on the Star Formation Rate of Disk Galaxies in Clusters of Galaxies 1998 Yutaka Fujita
+ PDF Chat H I observations of galaxies 2006 G. Gavazzi
K. O’Neil
A. Boselli
W.D. van Driel
+ PDF Chat SN 2005ap: A Most Brilliant Explosion 2007 R. Quimby
G. Aldering
J. C. Wheeler
Peter Höflich
Carl W. Akerlof
E. S. Rykoff
+ PDF Chat Early-Type Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. IV. Colors and Chemical Evolution 2003 Mariangela Bernardi
Ravi K. Sheth
James Annis
Scott Burles
Douglas P. Finkbeiner
Robert H. Lupton
David J. Schlegel
Mark SubbaRao
Neta A. Bahcall
John P. Blakeslee