Stephen E. Fienberg


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Differentially Private Model Selection with Penalized and Constrained Likelihood 2017 Jing Lei
Anne-Sophie Charest
Aleksandra Slavković
Adam Smith
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ PDF Chat Dynamic Question Ordering in Online Surveys 2017 Kirstin Early
Jennifer Mankoff
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Dynamic Question Ordering in Online Surveys 2016 Kirstin Early
Jennifer Mankoff
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ A Minimax Theory for Adaptive Data Analysis 2016 Yu-Xiang Wang
Jing Lei
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Statistical Disclosure Limitation for Data Access 2016 Stephen E. Fienberg
Jiashun Jin
+ PDF Chat A Bayesian Approach to Graphical Record Linkage and Deduplication 2015 Rebecca C. Steorts
Rob Hall
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ NCRN Meeting Spring 2015: Can Government-Academic Partnerships Help Secure the Future of the Federal Statistical System? Examples from the NSF-Census Research Network 2015 John M. Abowd
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Privacy for Free: Posterior Sampling and Stochastic Gradient Monte Carlo 2015 Yu-Xiang Wang
Stephen E. Fienberg
Alex Smola
+ A Comparison of Blocking Methods for Record Linkage 2014 Rebecca C. Steorts
Samuel Ventura
Mauricio Sadinle
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ PDF Chat Estimation for Dyadic-Dependent Exponential Random Graph Models 2014 Xiaolin Yang
Alessandro Rinaldo
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ SMERED: A Bayesian Approach to Graphical Record Linkage and De-duplication 2014 Rebecca C. Steorts
Rob Hall
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Algebraic Statistics for Network Models 2014 Sonja Petrović
Alessandro Rinaldo
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Scalable privacy-preserving data sharing methodology for genome-wide association studies 2014 Fei Yu
Stephen E. Fienberg
Aleksandra Slavković
Caroline Uhler
+ Discussion of “Estimating the Distribution of Dietary Consumption Patterns” 2014 Stephen E. Fienberg
Rebecca C. Steorts
+ $β$ models for random hypergraphs with a given degree sequence 2014 Despina Stasi
Kayvan Sadeghi
Alessandro Rinaldo
Sonja Petrović
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ PDF Chat A Comparison of Blocking Methods for Record Linkage 2014 Rebecca C. Steorts
Samuel Ventura
Mauricio Sadinle
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ SMERED: A Bayesian Approach to Graphical Record Linkage and De-duplication 2014 Rebecca C. Steorts
Rob Hall
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ A Comparison of Blocking Methods for Record Linkage 2014 Rebecca C. Steorts
Samuel Ventura
Mauricio Sadinle
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ PDF Chat Differentially-Private Logistic Regression for Detecting Multiple-SNP Association in GWAS Databases 2014 Fei Yu
Michal Rybár
Caroline Uhler
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Maximum lilkelihood estimation in the $\beta$-model 2013 Alessandro Rinaldo
Sonja Petrović
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ PDF Chat A Generalized Fellegi–Sunter Framework for Multiple Record Linkage With Application to Homicide Record Systems 2013 Mauricio Sadinle
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ A Bayesian Approach to Graphical Record Linkage and De-duplication 2013 Rebecca C. Steorts
Rob Hall
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ A Brief History of Statistical Models for Network Analysis and Open Challenges 2012 Stephen E. Fienberg
+ A Generalized Fellegi-Sunter Framework for Multiple Record Linkage With Application to Homicide Record Systems 2012 Mauricio Sadinle
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing for Genome-Wide Association Studies 2012 Caroline Uhler
Aleksandra Slavković
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Maximum likelihood estimation in log-linear models 2012 Stephen E. Fienberg
Alessandro Rinaldo
+ Mixed Membership Models 2012 Elena A. Erosheva
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing for Genome-Wide Association Studies 2012 Caroline Uhler
Aleksandra Slavković
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ A Generalized Fellegi-Sunter Framework for Multiple Record Linkage With Application to Homicide Record Systems 2012 Mauricio Sadinle
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Achieving Both Valid and Secure Logistic Regression Analysis on Aggregated Data from Different Private Sources 2011 Rob Hall
Yuval Nardi
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Log‐Linear Model Methods 2011 Stephen E. Fienberg
Daniel Manrique‐Vallier
+ Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Network Models 2011 Alessandro Rinaldo
Sonja Petrović
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Log-Linear Models: Theory and Algorithms 2011 Stephen E. Fienberg
Alessandro Rinaldo
+ PDF Chat Exploring the Consequences of IED Deployment with a Generalized Linear Model Implementation of the Canadian Traveller Problem 2010 Stephen E. Fienberg
Andrew C. Thomas
+ Categorical Data Analysis 2010 Stephen E. Fienberg
Brian W. Junker
+ PDF Chat Valid Statistical Analysis for Logistic Regression with Multiple Sources 2009 Stephen E. Fienberg
Yuval Nardi
Aleksandra Slavković
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of discrete exponential families with application to exponential random graph models 2009 Alessandro Rinaldo
Stephen E. Fienberg
Yi Zhou
+ Statistical Disclosure Limitation For Data Access 2009 Stephen E. Fienberg
Jiashun Jin
+ PDF Chat Sequential category aggregation and partitioning approaches for multi-way contingency tables based on survey and census data 2008 Leah Jackson
Alistair G. Gray
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Combining Stochastic Block Models and Mixed Membership for Statistical Network Analysis 2008 Edoardo M. Airoldi
David M. Blei
Stephen E. Fienberg
Eric P. Xing
+ PDF Chat The Early Statistical Years: 1947–1967. A Conversation with Howard Raiffa 2008 Stephen E. Fienberg
+ PDF Chat Describing disability through individual-level mixture models for multivariate binary data 2007 Elena A. Erosheva
Stephen E. Fienberg
Cyrille Joutard
+ PDF Chat Editorial: Statistics and forensic science 2007 Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Admixtures of latent blocks with application to protein interaction networks 2007 Edoardo E Airoldi
David M. Blei
Stephen E. Fienberg
Eric P. Xing
+ PDF Chat A statistical approach to simultaneous mapping and localization for mobile robots 2007 Anita Araneda
Stephen E. Fienberg
Álvaro Soto
+ Mixed membership stochastic blockmodels 2007 Edoardo M. Airoldi
David M. Blei
Stephen E. Fienberg
Eric P. Xing
+ PDF Chat Three centuries of categorical data analysis: Log-linear models and maximum likelihood estimation 2007 Stephen E. Fienberg
Alessandro Rinaldo
+ Mixed membership analysis of high-throughput interaction studies: Relational data 2007 Edoardo M. Airoldi
David M. Blei
Stephen E. Fienberg
Eric P. Xing
+ Mixed membership analysis of genome-wide expression data 2007 Edoardo M. Airoldi
Stephen E. Fienberg
Eric P. Xing
+ Mixed membership stochastic blockmodels 2007 Edoardo M. Airoldi
David M. Blei
Stephen E. Fienberg
Eric P. Xing
+ PDF Chat Privacy and Confidentiality in an e-Commerce World: Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Matching and Disclosure Limitation 2006 Stephen E. Fienberg
+ A Bayesian dynamics model for influenza surveillance 2006 Stephen E. Fienberg
Galit Shmueli
+ Iterative Proportional Fitting 2005 Stephen E. Fienberg
Michael M. Meyer
+ Bayesian Mixed Membership Models for Soft Clustering and Classification 2005 Elena A. Erosheva
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ <scp>R</scp>asch Model, The 2004 Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Statistical perspectives on confidentiality and data access in public health 2001 Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Reconsidering the Fundamental Contributions of Fisher and Neyman on Experimentation and Sampling 1996 Stephen E. Fienberg
Judith M. Tanur
+ Book Reviews 1993 Stephen E. Fienberg
Rudolf Beran
William M. Sallas
T. N. Srinivasan
Elizabeth A. Stasny
Paul S. Albert
Keith E. Muller
Peter A. Lachenbruch
Walter W. Stroup
Robert F. Woolson
+ A Brief History of Statistics in Three and One-Half Chapters 1991 Stephen E. Fienberg
+ An Adjusted Census in 1990? Commerce Says “No” 1991 Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Legal and statistical aspects of some mysterious clusters 1991 Stephen E. Fienberg
David H. Kaye
+ Longitudinal analysis of categorical epidemiological data: a study of Three Mile Island. 1985 Stephen E. Fienberg
Evelyn J. Bromet
Dean Follmann
D.E. Lambert
Sherryl M. May
+ Longitudinal Analysis of Categorical Epidemiological Data: A Study of Three Mile Island 1985 Stephen E. Fienberg
Evelyn J. Bromet
Dean Follmann
Diane Lambert
Sherryl M. May
+ Comparing Probability Forecasters: Basic Binary Concepts and Multivariate Extensions 1983 Morris H. DeGroot
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Towards a Comprehensive Approach to the Analysis of Categorical Data. 1983 Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Fisher’s Contributions to the Analysis of Categorical Data 1980 Stephen E. Fienberg
+ PDF Chat Stochastic models for single neuron firing trains — a survey 1975 Stephen E. Fienberg
+ PDF Chat Stochastic models for single neuron firing trains — a survey 1975 Stephen E. Fienberg
+ The Analysis of Incomplete Multi-Way Contingency Tables 1972 Stephen E. Fienberg
+ A Statistical Technique for Historians: Standardizing Tables of Counts 1971 Stephen E. Fienberg
+ The Geometry of a Two by Two Contingency Table 1970 Stephen E. Fienberg
John Gilbert
+ The Analysis of Multidimensional Contingency Tables 1970 Stephen E. Fienberg
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Markov chain Monte Carlo estimation of exponential random graph models 2002 Tom A. B. Snijders
+ PDF Chat A Survey of Statistical Network Models 2009 Anna Goldenberg
+ PDF Chat On a Least Squares Adjustment of a Sampled Frequency Table When the Expected Marginal Totals are Known 1940 W. Edwards Deming
Frederick F. Stephan
+ Polyhedral conditions for the nonexistence of the MLE for hierarchical log-linear models 2005 Nicholas Eriksson
Stephen E. Fienberg
Alessandro Rinaldo
Seth Sullivant
+ Maximum Likelihood in Three-Way Contingency Tables 1992 M. W. Birch
+ Statistical Applications Using Fuzzy Sets. 1995 Shelby J. Haberman
Kenneth G. Mantón
Max A. Woodbury
H. Dennis Tolley
+ Maximum Likelihood in Three-Way Contingency Tables 1963 M. W. Birch
+ PDF Chat X. <i>On the criterion that a given system of deviations from the probable in the case of a correlated system of variables is such that it can be reasonably supposed to have arisen from random sampling</i> 1900 Karl Pearson
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of discrete exponential families with application to exponential random graph models 2009 Alessandro Rinaldo
Stephen E. Fienberg
Yi Zhou
+ PDF Chat Regression Analysis With Linked Data 2005 Partha Lahiri
Michael Larsen
+ A hierarchical Bayesian approach to record linkage and population size problems 2011 Andrea Tancredi
Brunero Liseo
+ Bayesian Mixed Membership Models for Soft Clustering and Classification 2005 Elena A. Erosheva
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ PDF Chat On the toric algebra of graphical models 2006 Dan Geiger
Christopher Meek
Bernd Sturmfels
+ PDF Chat Algebraic statistics for a directed random graph model with reciprocation 2010 Sonja Petrović
Alessandro Rinaldo
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ VII. On the association of attributes in statistics: with illustrations from the material of the childhood society, &amp;c 1900 George Yule
+ polymake: a Framework for Analyzing Convex Polytopes 2000 Ewgenij Gawrilow
Michael Joswig
+ Record Linkage: Statistical Models for Matching Computer Records 1990 J. B. Copas
F. J. Hilton
+ PDF Chat Algebraic algorithms for sampling from conditional distributions 1998 Persi Diaconis
Bernd Sturmfels
+ PDF Chat The Analysis of Cross-Classified Categorical Data 1979 J. Wanzer Drane
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ PDF Chat Random graphs with a given degree sequence 2011 Sourav Chatterjee
Persi Diaconis
Allan Sly
+ PDF Chat Describing disability through individual-level mixture models for multivariate binary data 2007 Elena A. Erosheva
Stephen E. Fienberg
Cyrille Joutard
+ A Method for Calibrating False-Match Rates in Record Linkage 1995 Thomas R. Belin
Donald B. Rubin
+ PDF Chat An Iterative Procedure for Estimation in Contingency Tables 1970 Stephen E. Fienberg
+ On the existence and uniqueness of maximum-likelihood estimates in the Rasch model 1981 Gerhard Fischer
+ Comparing Latent Structures of the Grade of Membership, Rasch, and Latent Class Models 2005 Elena A. Erosheva
+ Goodness-of-Fit Statistics for Discrete Multivariate Data 1988 Timothy R. C. Read
Noel Cressie
+ PDF Chat Maximum Likelihood Estimates in Exponential Response Models 1977 Shelby J. Haberman
+ PDF Chat Discrete Multivariate Analysis: Theory and Practice. 1976 R. L. Plackett
Yvonne Bishop
Stephen E. Fienberg
Paul W. Holland
+ Convex Optimization 2004 Stephen Boyd
Lieven Vandenberghe
+ Graphical Models in Applied Multivariate Statistics 1991 Colin Goodall
Joe Whittaker
+ A Split-Merge Markov chain Monte Carlo Procedure for the Dirichlet Process Mixture Model 2004 Sonia Jain
Radford M. Neal
+ Confidentiality and Disclosure Limitation 2005 Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Differentially Private Empirical Risk Minimization. 2011 Kamalika Chaudhuri
Claire Monteleoni
Anand D. Sarwate
+ PDF Chat Three centuries of categorical data analysis: Log-linear models and maximum likelihood estimation 2007 Stephen E. Fienberg
Alessandro Rinaldo
+ Exploratory latent structure analysis using both identifiable and unidentifiable models 1974 Leo A. Goodman
+ Contingency tables with given marginals 1968 C. T. Ireland
S. Kullback
+ PDF Chat A Generalized Fellegi–Sunter Framework for Multiple Record Linkage With Application to Homicide Record Systems 2013 Mauricio Sadinle
Stephen E. Fienberg
+ PDF Chat The Likelihood Test of Independence in Contingency Tables 1935 S. S. Wilks
+ PDF Chat Likelihood inference in exponential families and directions of recession 2009 Charles J. Geyer
+ Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data Via the <i>EM</i> Algorithm 1977 A. P. Dempster
N. M. Laird
Donald B. Rubin
+ Information and Exponential Families in Statistical Theory 1980 A. M. Mathai
Ole E. Barndorff‐Nielsen
+ PDF Chat The Multiple Adaptations of Multiple Imputation 2007 Jerome P. Reiter
Trivellore E. Raghunathan
+ PDF Chat Association and Estimation in Contingency Tables 1968 Frederick Mosteller
+ PDF Chat Threshold Graph Limits and Random Threshold Graphs 2008 Persi Diaconis
Susan Holmes
Svante Janson
+ On the Two Different Aspects of the Representative Method: the Method of Stratified Sampling and the Method of Purposive Selection 1992 Jerzy Neyman
+ Lectures on Polytopes 1994 Günter M. Ziegler
+ Collapsibility and response variables in contingency tables 1983 Søren Asmussen
David Edwards
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Statistics and Contingency Table Problems: Log-Linear Models, Likelihood Estimation, and Disclosure Limitation 2008 Adrian Dobra
Stephen E. Fienberg
Alessandro Rinaldo
Aleksandra Slavković
Yi Zhou
+ PDF Chat The number of graphs and a random graph with a given degree sequence 2012 Alexander Barvinok
J. A. Hartigan