Tony W. H. Sheu


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Fourth order compact scheme for the Navier–Stokes equations on time deformable domains 2023 Shuvam Sen
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ Fourth order compact scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations on time deformable domains 2021 Shuvam Sen
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ Bacterial chemotaxis in thin fluid layers with free surface 2020 Filip Ivančić
Tony W. H. Sheu
Maxim Solovchuk
+ GPU acceleration of a patient-specific airway image segmentation and its assessment 2020 Yu-Wei Chang
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ Weakly nonlinear stability analysis on a chemotaxis system with deformed free surface 2019 Symphony Chakraborty
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ On a conservative Fourier spectral Galerkin method for cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation with fractional Laplacian 2019 Guang‐an Zou
Bo Wang
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian-Type Finite Element Methods Formulation for PDEs on Time-Dependent Domains with Vanishing Discrete Space Conservation Law 2019 Filip Ivančić
Tony W. H. Sheu
Maxim Solovchuk
+ Space-time analysis and beyond: toward a better understanding of Camassa–Holm equation 2019 Chueh-Hsin Chang
Ching‐Hao Yu
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ ALE-type FEM formulation for PDEs on time-dependent domains with vanishing discrete SCL 2018 Filip Ivančić
Tony W. H. Sheu
Maxim Solovchuk
+ A time marching strategy for solving parabolic and elliptic equations with Neumann boundary conditions 2018 Rex Kuan-Shuo Liu
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ A Particle Method and Numerical Study of a Quasilinear Partial Differential Equation 2018 Roberto Camassa
Po-Jung Chiu
Long Lee
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ A conservative numerical scheme for modeling nonlinear acoustic propagation in thermoviscous homogeneous media 2018 Manuel A. Diaz
Maxim Solovchuk
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ PDF Chat Numerical solutions to a two-component Camassa–Holm equation 2018 Ching‐Hao Yu
Bao‐Feng Feng
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ Development of a New Spectral Collocation Method Using Laplacian Eigenbasis for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations in an Extended Domain 2018 Po‐Yi Wu
Cheng-Hong Robert Kao
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ PDF Chat Long-time asymptotic solution structure of Camassa-Holm equation subject to an initial condition with non-zero reflection coefficient of the scattering data 2016 Chueh-Hsin Chang
Ching‐Hao Yu
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ PDF Chat Development of a symplectic and phase error reducing perturbation finite-difference advection scheme 2016 Cihang Yu
Gao Zhi
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ Numerical study of long-time Camassa–Holm solution behavior for soliton transport 2016 Cihang Yu
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ Development of a Combined Compact Difference Scheme to Simulate Soliton Collision in a Shallow Water Equation 2016 Ching‐Hao Yu
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ Dispersion relation equation preserving FDTD method for nonlinear cubic Schrödinger equation 2015 Tony W. H. Sheu
L.W. Lin
+ Development of a numerical phase optimized upwinding combined compact difference scheme for solving the Camassa-Holm equation with different initial solitary waves 2015 Cihang Yu
Tony W. H. Sheu
Chueh-Hsin Chang
Shijun Liao
+ Numerical study of plume patterns in the chemotaxis-diffusion-convection coupling system 2015 Yannick Deleuze
Chen-Yu Chiang
Marc Thiriet
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ PDF Chat On a spectral analysis of scattering data for the Camassa-Holm equation 2014 Chueh-Hsin Chang
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ Numerical investigation of chemotaxic phenomenon in incompressible viscous fluid flow 2014 Tony W. H. Sheu
C. Y. Chiang
+ On the accuracy assessment of Laplacian models in MPS 2014 K.C. Ng
Yaw‐Huei Hwang
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ Long-time asymptotic solution structure of Camassa-Holm equation subject to an initial condition with non-zero reflection coefficient of the scattering data 2014 Chueh-Hsin Chang
Ching‐Hao Yu
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ A dispersively accurate compact finite difference method for the Degasperis–Procesi equation 2012 Cihang Yu
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ PDF Chat On the development of a high-order compact scheme for exhibiting the switching and dissipative solution natures in the Camassa–Holm equation 2011 Tony W. H. Sheu
Pao‐Hsiung Chiu
Cihang Yu
+ Development of an Incompressible Navier-Stokes Solver Involving Symplectic and Nonsymplectic Time Integrators 2010 Tony W. H. Sheu
Cihang Yu
+ PDF Chat Viscous and inviscid regularizations in a class of evolutionary partial differential equations 2010 Roberto Camassa
Pao‐Hsiung Chiu
Long Lee
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ PDF Chat A sixth-order dual preserving algorithm for the Camassa–Holm equation 2009 Pao‐Hsiung Chiu
Long Lee
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ A dispersion-relation-preserving algorithm for a nonlinear shallow-water wave equation 2009 Pao‐Hsiung Chiu
Long Lee
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ On the development of a dispersion-relation-preserving dual-compact upwind scheme for convection–diffusion equation 2009 Pao‐Hsiung Chiu
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ On An Equal Fourth-Order-Accurate Temporal/Spatial Scheme for the Convection-Diffusion Equation 2006 Tony W. H. Sheu
R. K. Lin
+ Development of a class of multiple time‐stepping schemes for convection–diffusion equations in two dimensions 2006 R. K. Lin
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ PDF Chat Development of a Dispersion Relation-Preserving Upwinding Scheme for Incompressible Navier–Stokes Equations on NonStaggered Grids 2005 Pao‐Hsiung Chiu
Tony W. H. Sheu
R. K. Lin
+ Application of dispersion-relation-preserving theory to develop a two-dimensional convection–diffusion scheme 2005 R. K. Lin
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ Development of an adaptive discontinuity‐capturing hyperbolic finite element model 2004 Chao Fang
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ Development of a two‐dimensional finite element model for pure advective equation 2003 Tony W. H. Sheu
Pei-I Lee
+ Development of a high-resolution hyperbolic model on quadratic elements 2003 Tony W. H. Sheu
P.H. Lee
R. K. Lin
R. K. Lin
+ A theoretical Taylor–Galerkin model for first‐order hyperbolic equation 2003 Tony W. H. Sheu
Po‐Huang Lee
+ A multi‐dimensional monotonic finite element model for solving the convection–diffusion‐reaction equation 2002 Tony W. H. Sheu
Harry Y. H. Chen
+ Development of a sixth-order two-dimensional convection–diffusion scheme via Cole–Hopf transformation 2002 Tony W. H. Sheu
C.F. Chen
+ Finite element analysis of contaminant transport in groundwater 2002 Tony W. H. Sheu
Yu‐Hsin Chen
+ PDF Chat Two Element-by-Element Iterative Solutions for Shallow Water Equations 2001 Chao Fang
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ The two-dimensional streamline upwind scheme for the convection-reaction equation 2001 Tony W. H. Sheu
H. Y. Shiah
+ An Implicit Scheme for Solving the Convection–Diffusion–Reaction Equation in Two Dimensions 2000 Tony W. H. Sheu
S. K. Wang
R. K. Lin
+ Development of a High-Resolution Scheme for a Multi-dimensional Advection-Diffusion Equation 1998 Tony W. H. Sheu
Shaolun Wang
Shin‐Fu Tsai
Shin‐Fu Tsai
S. K. Wang
+ A monotone finite element method with test space of Legendre polynomials 1997 Tony W. H. Sheu
Shin‐Fu Tsai
Morten M. T. Wang
+ An element-by-element BICGSTAB iterative method for three-dimensional steady Navier-Stokes equations 1997 Morten M. T. Wang
Tony W. H. Sheu
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat An integrable shallow water equation with peaked solitons 1993 Roberto Camassa
Darryl D. Holm
+ The modified equation approach to the stability and accuracy analysis of finite-difference methods 1974 R. F. Warming
B.J Hyett
+ PDF Chat A Three-Point Combined Compact Difference Scheme 1998 Peter C. Chu
Chenwu Fan
+ Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations 1981 Theodor Meis
Ulrich Marcowitz
+ Petrov-Galerkin Schemes for the Steady State Convection-Diffusion Equation 1982 Mario Ahués
Mauricio Telias
+ Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations. 1966 G. W. Hedstrom
G. D. Smith
+ High-Re solutions for incompressible flow using the Navier-Stokes equations and a multigrid method 1982 Urmila Ghia
K. N. Ghia
C. T. Shin
+ A Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Camassa–Holm Equation 2008 Yan Xu
Chi‐Wang Shu
+ Multi-symplectic integration of the Camassa–Holm equation 2008 David Cohen
Brynjulf Owren
Xavier Raynaud
+ Fully multidimensional flux-corrected transport algorithms for fluids 1979 Steven T. Zalesak
+ PDF Chat Long-time Asymptotics for the Camassa–Holm Equation 2009 Anne Boutet de Monvel
Aleksey Kostenko
Dmitry Shepelsky
Gerald Teschl
+ Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works 1973 Jay P. Boris
David Book
+ A dispersion-relation-preserving algorithm for a nonlinear shallow-water wave equation 2009 Pao‐Hsiung Chiu
Long Lee
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ PDF Chat On the development of a high-order compact scheme for exhibiting the switching and dissipative solution natures in the Camassa–Holm equation 2011 Tony W. H. Sheu
Pao‐Hsiung Chiu
Cihang Yu
+ A Taylor–Galerkin method for convective transport problems 1984 J. DonĂ©a
+ Numerical study of traveling-wave solutions for the Camassa–Holm equation 2005 Henrik Kalisch
Jonatan Lenells
+ PDF Chat Finite element flux‐corrected transport (FEM–FCT) for the euler and Navier–Stokes equations 1987 Rainald Löhner
Ken Morgan
J. Peraire
Mehdi Vahdati
+ Convergence of a Finite Difference Scheme for the Camassa–Holm Equation 2006 Helge Holden
Xavier Raynaud
+ A convergent numerical scheme for the Camassa--Holm equation based on multipeakons 2006 Helge Holden
Xavier Raynaud
+ The Numerical Solution of Parabolic and Elliptic Differential Equations 1955 D.W. Peaceman
H.H. Rachford
+ Convergence of a spectral projection of the Camassa‐Holm equation 2006 Henrik Kalisch
Xavier Raynaud
+ PDF Chat A sixth-order dual preserving algorithm for the Camassa–Holm equation 2009 Pao‐Hsiung Chiu
Long Lee
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ PDF Chat A Petrov-Galerkin formulation for advection-reaction-diffusion problems 1996 Sergio R. Idelsohn
Norberto M. Nigro
Mario A. Storti
Gustavo C. Buscaglia
+ On the scattering problem for the Camassa-Holm equation 2001 Adrian Constantin
+ PDF Chat On high order finite-difference metric discretizations satisfying GCL on moving and deforming grids 2014 Björn Sjögreen
H. C. Yee
Marcel Vinokur
+ PDF Chat Existence of permanent and breaking waves for a shallow water equation: a geometric approach 2000 Adrian Constantin
+ An integrable semi-discretization of the Camassa–Holm equation and its determinant solution 2008 Yasuhiro Ohta
Ken‐ichi Maruno
Bao‐Feng Feng
+ Multi-symplectic integrators: numerical schemes for Hamiltonian PDEs that conserve symplecticity 2001 Thomas J. Bridges
Sebastian Reich
+ Characteristics and the initial value problem of a completely integrable shallow water equation 2003 Roberto Camassa
+ PainlevĂ©-Type Asymptotics for the Camassa–Holm Equation 2010 Anne Boutet de Monvel
Alexander Its
Dmitry Shepelsky
+ PDF Chat On a Completely Integrable Numerical Scheme for a Nonlinear Shallow-Water Wave Equation 2005 Roberto Camassa
Jingfang Huang
Long Lee
+ A self-adaptive moving mesh method for the Camassa–Holm equation 2010 Bao‐Feng Feng
Ken‐ichi Maruno
Yasuhiro Ohta
+ An Implicit Scheme for Solving the Convection–Diffusion–Reaction Equation in Two Dimensions 2000 Tony W. H. Sheu
S. K. Wang
R. K. Lin
+ Generalised galerkin methods for hyperbolic problems 1985 K. W. Morton
+ On Global Finite Energy Solutions of the Camassa-Holm Equation 2005 Milena Stanislavova
Atanas Stefanov
+ PDF Chat Variational derivation of the Camassa-Holm shallow water equation 2007 Delia Ionescu-Kruse
+ A Monotone Petrov–Galerkin Method for Quasilinear Parabolic Differential Equations 1993 Ø. Bþe
+ Group Velocity in Finite Difference Schemes 1982 Lloyd N. Trefethen
+ The multiple-soliton solution of the Camassa-Holm equation 2004 Yishen Li
Jin E. Zhang
+ Conservation laws of the Camassa–Holm equation 2005 Jonatan Lenells
+ An energy-conserving Galerkin scheme for a class of nonlinear dispersive equations 2009 Takayasu Matsuo
H. Yamaguchi
+ Global Conservative Solutions of the Camassa–Holm Equation—A Lagrangian Point of View 2007 Helge Holden
Xavier Raynaud
+ The Peakon Limits of Soliton Solutions of the Camassa–Holm Equation 2006 A. Parker
Yoshimasa Matsuno
+ PDF Chat On a Finite Element Method for Solving the Neutron Transport Equation 1974 P. LASAINT
Pierre-Arnaud Raviart
+ Numerical correction for finite-difference solution of the advection—dispersion equation with reaction 1996 Behzad Ataie‐Ashtiani
D. A. Lockington
R. E. Volker
+ An easily implementable fourth-order method for the time integration of wave problems 1992 Javier de Frutos
J. M. Sanz‐Serna
+ New development in freefem++ 2012 Frédéric Hecht
+ Symplectic structures, their BĂ€cklund transformations and hereditary symmetries 1981 Benno Fuchssteiner
A. S. Fokas
+ Global Weak Solutions for a Shallow Water Equation 2000 Adrian Constantin
Luc Molinet
+ PDF Chat Wave Structure and Nonlinear Balances in a Family of Evolutionary PDEs 2003 Darryl D. Holm
Martin Staley