Henry J. Stephen Smith


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Henry J. Stephen Smith
+ Report on the Theory of Numbers 1965 Henry J. Stephen Smith
+ PDF Chat Note on a Modular Equation for the Transformation of the Third Order 1878 Henry J. Stephen Smith
+ PDF Chat Note on the Formula for the Multiplication of Four Theta Functions 1878 Henry J. Stephen Smith
+ PDF Chat On the Singularities of the Modular Equations and Curves 1877 Henry J. Stephen Smith
+ PDF Chat On the present State and Prosperts of some Branches of Pure Mathematics 1876 Henry J. Stephen Smith
+ PDF Chat Note on the Theory of the Pellian Equation and of Binary Quadratic Forms of a Positive Determinant<sup>*</sup> 1875 Henry J. Stephen Smith
+ PDF Chat On the Value of a Certain Arithmetical Determinant 1875 Henry J. Stephen Smith
+ PDF Chat On the Integration of Discontinuous Functions 1874 Henry J. Stephen Smith
+ PDF Chat On the Higher Singularities of Plane Curves 1874 Henry J. Stephen Smith
+ III. On the orders and genera of quadratic forms containing more than three indeterminates.—Second notice 1868 Henry J. Stephen Smith
+ XII. On the orders and genera of ternary quadratic forms 1867 Henry J. Stephen Smith
+ On the orders and genera of ternary quadratic forms 1867 Henry J. Stephen Smith
+ PDF Chat On the Focal Properties of Homographic Figures 1866 Henry J. Stephen Smith
+ PDF Chat On some Geometrical Constructions 1866 Henry J. Stephen Smith
+ On the Orders and Genera of Ternary Quadratic Forms. [Abstract] 1866 Henry J. Stephen Smith
+ PDF Chat On the Formula for the Multiplication of four Theta Functions 1865 Henry J. Stephen Smith
+ I. On complex binary quadratic forms 1864 Henry J. Stephen Smith
+ III. On the criterion of resolubility in integral numbers of the indeterminate equation f=ax <sup>2</sup> +a'x <sup>2</sup> +a"x <sup>2</sup> +2bx'x"+2b'xx"+2b"x'x=0 1864 Henry J. Stephen Smith
+ I. On systems of linear indeterminate equations and congruences 1862 Henry J. Stephen Smith
+ PDF Chat XV. On systems of linear indeterminate equations and congruences 1861 Henry J. Stephen Smith
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D H Smith Jonathan 1
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