Thomas Paul


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Image formation properties and inverse imaging problem in aperture based scanning near field optical microscopy 2016 S. Schmidt
Angela E. Klein
Thomas Paul
Herbert Groß
S. Diziain
Michael Steinert
Alberto C. Assafrao
Thomas Pertsch
H. P. Urbach
Carsten Rockstuhl
+ Image formation process in aperture based scanning near field optical microscopy 2014 S. Schmidt
Angela E. Klein
Thomas Paul
Herbert Groß
S. Diziain
Michael Steinert
Alberto C. Assafrao
Thomas Pertsch
H. P. Urbach
Carsten Rockstuhl
+ Image formation properties and inverse imaging problem in aperture based scanning near field optical microscopy 2014 S. Schmidt
Angela E. Klein
Thomas Paul
Herbert Groß
S. Diziain
Michael Steinert
Alberto C. Assafrao
Thomas Pertsch
H. P. Urbach
Carsten Rockstuhl
+ PDF Chat Impedance generalization for plasmonic waveguides beyond the lumped circuit model 2013 Thomas Kaiser
Shakeeb Bin Hasan
Thomas Paul
Thomas Pertsch
Carsten Rockstuhl
+ PDF Chat Contribution of the magnetic resonance to the third harmonic generation from a fishnet metamaterial 2012 J. Reinhold
Maxim R. Shcherbakov
A. Chipouline
V. I. Panov
Christian Helgert
Thomas Paul
Carsten Rockstuhl
F. Lederer
E.‐B. Kley
Andreas Tünnermann
+ PDF Chat Simple and versatile analytical approach for planar metamaterials 2010 Jörg Petschulat
A. Chipouline
Andreas Tünnermann
Thomas Pertsch
Christoph Menzel
Carsten Rockstuhl
Thomas Paul
F. Lederer
+ PDF Chat Validity of effective material parameters for optical fishnet metamaterials 2010 Christoph Menzel
Thomas Paul
Carsten Rockstuhl
Thomas Pertsch
Sergei Tretyakov
F. Lederer
+ May metamaterials be described by effective material parameters 2009 Christoph Menzel
Thomas Paul
Carsten Rockstuhl
Thomas Pertsch
Sergei Tretyakov
F. Lederer
+ Isotropic and non-diffracting optical metamaterials 2009 Thomas Paul
Christoph Menzel
Carsten Rockstuhl
F. Lederer
+ Three-dimensional chiral meta-atoms 2008 Carsten Rockstuhl
Christoph Menzel
Thomas Paul
F. Lederer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Magnetic Metamaterials at Telecommunication and Visible Frequencies 2005 C. Enkrich
Martin Wegener
Stefan Lindén
Sven Burger
Lin Zschiedrich
Franziska Schmidt
Jiangfeng Zhou
Thomas Koschny
Costas M. Soukoulis
+ PDF Chat Negative-index metamaterial at 780 nm wavelength 2006 G. Dolling
Martin Wegener
C. M. Soukoulis
Stefan Lindén
+ PDF Chat An optical cloak made of dielectrics 2009 Jason Valentine
Jensen Li
Thomas Zentgraf
Guy Bartal
Xiang Zhang
+ PDF Chat Experimental Demonstration of Near-Infrared Negative-Index Metamaterials 2005 Shuang Zhang
Wenjun Fan
Nicolae C. Panoiu
Kevin J. Malloy
R. M. Osgood
S. R. J. Brueck
+ PDF Chat Multipole nonlinearity of metamaterials 2009 J. Petschulat
A. Chipouline
Andreas Tünnermann
Thomas Pertsch
Christoph Menzel
Carsten Rockstuhl
F. Lederer
+ PDF Chat Input Impedance, Nanocircuit Loading, and Radiation Tuning of Optical Nanoantennas 2008 Andrea Alù
Nader Engheta
+ PDF Chat Surface Bloch waves in metamaterial and metal-dielectric superlattices 2009 S. Vuković
Ilya V. Shadrivov
Yuri S. Kivshar
+ PDF Chat Classical theory for second-harmonic generation from metallic nanoparticles 2009 Yong Zeng
W. Hoyer
Jinjie Liu
S. W. Koch
Jerome V. Moloney
+ PDF Chat Elliptical dichroism: operating principle of planar chiral metamaterials 2009 Sergei V. Zhukovsky
Andrey Novitsky
V. М. Galynsky
+ PDF Chat Negative refraction gives rise to the Klein paradox 2009 Durdu Ö. Güney
David Meyer
+ PDF Chat Theory of Surface Plasmon Generation at Nanoslit Apertures 2005 Philippe Lalanne
Jean‐Paul Hugonin
Jean-Claude Rodier
+ PDF Chat Waves and Energy in Chiral Nihility 2003 Sergei Tretyakov
Igor S. Nefedov
Ari Sihvola
Stanislav I. Maslovski
Constantin Simovski
+ PDF Chat Illusion Optics: The Optical Transformation of an Object into Another Object 2009 Yun Lai
Jack Ng
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DeZhuan Han
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Zhao-Qing Zhang
C. T. Chan
+ PDF Chat Circuit Elements at Optical Frequencies: Nanoinductors, Nanocapacitors, and Nanoresistors 2005 Nader Engheta
Alessandro Salandrino
Andrea Alù
+ PDF Chat Generation and Near-Field Imaging of Airy Surface Plasmons 2011 Alexander Minovich
Angela E. Klein
Norik Janunts
Thomas Pertsch
Dragomir N. Neshev
Yuri S. Kivshar
+ PDF Chat Negative-index bianisotropic photonic metamaterial fabricated by direct laser writing and silver shadow evaporation 2008 Michael Stefan Rill
C. E. Kriegler
Michael Thiel
Georg von Freymann
Stefan Lindén
Martin Wegener
+ PDF Chat Determination of effective permittivity and permeability of metamaterials from reflection and transmission coefficients 2002 David R. Smith
S. Schultz
P. Markoš
Costas M. Soukoulis
+ PDF Chat Impedance Matching and Emission Properties of Nanoantennas in an Optical Nanocircuit 2009 Jer‐Shing Huang
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+ PDF Chat Gain and plasmon dynamics in active negative-index metamaterials 2011 Sebastian Wuestner
Andreas Pusch
Kosmas L. Tsakmakidis
Joachim M. Hamm
Ortwin Hess
+ PDF Chat Negative index of refraction in optical metamaterials 2005 Vladimir M. Shalaev
Wenshan Cai
Uday K. Chettiar
Hsiao-Kuan Yuan
Andrey K. Sarychev
Vladimir P. Drachev
Alexander V. Kildishev
+ PDF Chat Negative refractive index due to chirality 2009 Jiangfeng Zhou
Jianfeng Dong
Bingnan Wang
Thomas Koschny
Maria Kafesaki
Costas M. Soukoulis
+ PDF Chat Nanoantennas for visible and infrared radiation 2012 Paolo Biagioni
Jer‐Shing Huang
Bert Hecht
+ PDF Chat Dual-band negative index metamaterial: double negative at 813 nm and single negative at 772 nm 2007 Uday K. Chettiar
Alexander V. Kildishev
Hsiao-Kuan Yuan
Wenshan Cai
Shumin Xiao
Vladimir P. Drachev
Vladimir M. Shalaev
+ PDF Chat <i>Colloquium</i>: Light scattering by particle and hole arrays 2007 F. Javier Garcı́a de Abajo
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear optical spectroscopy of photonic metamaterials 2008 Evgenia Kim
Feng Wang
Wei Wu
Zhaoning Yu
Y. R. Shen
+ PDF Chat Analysis of nonlinear electromagnetic metamaterials 2010 Ekaterina Poutrina
Da Huang
David R. Smith
+ PDF Chat Asymmetric Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves through a Planar Chiral Structure 2006 V.A. Fedotov
P.L. Mladyonov
S. L. Prosvirnin
A. V. Rogacheva
Y. Chen
Nikolay I. Zheludev
+ PDF Chat Metamaterial Analog of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency 2008 Nikitas Papasimakis
V.A. Fedotov
Nikolay I. Zheludev
S. L. Prosvirnin
+ PDF Chat Magnetoelastic metamaterials 2011 Mikhail Lapine
Ilya V. Shadrivov
David A. Powell
Yuri S. Kivshar
+ PDF Chat Strongly anisotropic waveguide as a nonmagnetic left-handed system 2005 Viktor A. Podolskiy
Evgenii E. Narimanov