Victor Bryant


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A beginner’s guide to graph theory, by W. D. Wallis. Pp. 248. SFr 68. 2000. ISBN 0 8176 4176 9 (Birkhäuser). 2001 Victor Bryant
+ What goes round comes round 1999 Victor Bryant
+ Gaussian, Strong and Transversal Greedoids 1999 Victor Bryant
I. Sharpe
+ 82.40 Triangular light routes 1998 Victor Bryant
Hugh Bradley
+ Linear programming duality; an introduction to oriented matroids, by A. Bachem and W. Kem. Pp.216. DM 68. 1992 ISBN 3-540-55417-3 (Springer) 1993 Victor Bryant
+ Aspects of combinatorics: a wide-ranging introduction 1993 Victor Bryant
+ Greedy Algorithm compatibility and heavy-set structures 1992 Victor Bryant
Peter A. Brooksbank
+ Yet Another Introduction to Analysis by Victor Bryant Mathematics 1990 Victor Bryant
+ Yet Another Introduction to Analysis 1990 Victor Bryant
+ Metric Spaces: Iteration and Application. 1988 Michael Edelstein
Victor Bryant
+ Some sequences by inverse iteration 1986 David B. Clegg
Victor Bryant
+ Metric Spaces 1985 Victor Bryant
+ Extending Latin Rectangles with Restraints 1984 Victor Bryant
+ Preliminaries 1980 Victor Bryant
Hazel Perfect
+ Transversal spaces 1980 Victor Bryant
Hazel Perfect
+ Complex analysis: the argument principle in analysis and topology, by A. F. Beardon. Pp xiii, 239. £14. 1979. SBN 0 471 99671 8 (Wiley) 1979 Victor Bryant
+ Advanced calculus, by Leopold Flatto. Pp xii, 498. $15·95. 1976. SBN 0 683 03250 X (Williams and Wilkins) 1977 Victor Bryant
+ Convexity spaces. III. Dimension 1977 Victor Bryant
Roger Webster
+ Chez Angelique: the bumper late-night problem book, by John Jaworski, John Mason and Alan Slomson et al. Pp 64. £1 (including postage), from John Mason, Mathematics Faculty, Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes. 1976 Victor Bryant
+ PDF Chat Topological convexity spaces 1974 Victor Bryant
+ Calculus, by J. Hunter in association with the Scottish Mathematics Group. Pp 245. £2. 1972 (Blackie/Chambers) 1973 Victor Bryant
+ Calculus 1973 Victor Bryant
J. Hunter
+ Convexity spaces. II. Separation 1973 Victor Bryant
Roger Webster
+ Convexity spaces. I. The basic properties 1972 Victor Bryant
Roger Webster
+ A Fresh Look at Geometry 1971 Victor Bryant
+ Reducing Classical Axioms 1971 Victor Bryant
+ An Inscribed Equilateral Triangle. 1971 Victor Bryant
A. Keith Austin
+ The convexity of the subset space of a metric space 1970 Victor Bryant
+ Generalizations of the theorems of Radon, Helly, and Carath�odory 1969 Victor Bryant
Roger Webster
+ A Remark on a Fixed-Point Theorem for Iterated Mappings 1968 Victor Bryant