M. M. Schiffer


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Properties of Solutions of a System of Partial Differential Equations 2013 Stefan Bergman
M. M. Schiffer
+ Robin functions and distortion of capacity under conformal mapping 1993 Peter Duren
M. M. Schiffer
+ PDF Chat Univalent functions which map onto regions of given transfinite diameter 1991 Peter Duren
M. M. Schiffer
+ Sharpened forms of the Grunsky inequalities 1990 Peter Duren
M. M. Schiffer
+ Goluzin inequalities and minimum energy for mappings onto nonoverlapping regions 1990 Peter Duren
M. M. Schiffer
+ Conformal Mappings onto Nonoverlapping Regions 1988 Peter Duren
M. M. Schiffer
+ The Role of Mathematics in Optics 1984 M. M. Schiffer
Leon Bowden
+ Mathematics with Matrices—Transformations 1984 M. M. Schiffer
Leon Bowden
+ Support Points with Maximum Radial Angle 1983 Peter Duren
Y. J. Leung
M. M. Schiffer
+ On the second variation for univalent functions 1981 Alice C. Chang
M. M. Schiffer
Glenn Schober
+ Potato kugel 1981 Dov Aharonov
M. M. Schiffer
Lawrence Zalcman
+ Bounded univalent functions which cover a fixed disc 1979 J. A. Hummel
Bernard Pinchuk
M. M. Schiffer
+ PDF Chat Variational methods for Bieberbach-Eilenberg functions and for pairs 1977 J. A. Hummel
M. M. Schiffer
+ Representation of fundamental solutions for generalized Cauchy-Riemann equations by quasiconformal mappings 1976 M. M. Schiffer
Glenn Schober
+ Some inequalities for Stekloff eigenvalues 1974 Joseph Hersch
L. E. Payne
M. M. Schiffer
+ On the Decision Problem for Algebraic Rings 1970 Julia Robinson
Gábor Szegő
Charles Loewner
Stefan Bergman
M. M. Schiffer
Jerzy Neyman
+ A Course of Higher Mathematics, Volume III-2. 1966 M. M. Schiffer
Vladimir Smirnov
Donald E. Brown
I. N. Sneddon
+ On the mean-value property of harmonic functions 1965 Bernard S. Epstein
M. M. Schiffer
+ Methods of Mathematical Physics. vol. 2, Partial Differential Equations. R. Courant and D. Hilbert. Interscience, New York, 1962. xxii + 830 pp. $17.50 1962 M. M. Schiffer
+ Applied Mathematics: <i>Methods of Mathematical Physics</i> . vol. 2, <i>Partial Differential Equations</i> . R. Courant and D. Hilbert. Interscience, New York, 1962. xxii + 830 pp. $17.50. 1962 M. M. Schiffer
+ Monotonic Properties of the Green's Function 1952 Kenneth S. Miller
M. M. Schiffer
+ On the Green's Functions of Ordinary Differential Systems 1952 Kenneth S. Miller
M. M. Schiffer
+ PDF Chat On the Green’s functions of ordinary differential systems 1952 Kenneth S. Miller
M. M. Schiffer
+ PDF Chat Monotonic properties of the Green’s function 1952 Kenneth S. Miller
M. M. Schiffer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A Method of Variation Within the Family of Simple Functions 1938 M. Schiffer
+ Geometric Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable 1969 G. Goluzin
+ PDF Chat Robin functions and energy functionals of multiply connected domains 1991 Peter Duren
M. Schiffer
+ Potential theory in modern function theory 1959 正次 辻
+ Über die schlichte konforme Abbildung auf nichtüberlappende Gebiete 1968 Reiner Kühnau
+ PDF Chat Univalent Functions-Selected Topics 1975 Glenn Schober
+ The theory of the second variation in extremum problems for univalent functions 1962 Peter Duren
M. Schiffer
+ PDF Chat Coefficients of univalent functions 1977 Peter Duren
+ Generalized “sandwich” theorems 1942 A. H. Stone
John W. Tukey
+ Methoden der mathematischen Physik 1993 Richard Courant
David Hilbert
+ Some function-theoretic aspects of linear second-order differential equations 1967 Zeev Nehari
+ Positive operators on the n-dimensional ice cream cone 1975 Raphael Loewy
Hans Schneider
+ PDF Chat A moment problem on Jordan domains 1978 Makoto Sakai
+ New Support Points of S and Extreme Points of HS 1981 Kent Pearce
+ PDF Chat Grunsky inequalities for univalent functions with prescribed Hayman index 1988 Peter Duren
M. Schiffer
+ PDF Chat Univalent functions which map onto regions of given transfinite diameter 1991 Peter Duren
M. M. Schiffer
+ New isoperimetric inequalities for eigenvalues and other physical quantities 1956 L. E. Payne
+ Arcs omitted by support points of univalent functions 1981 Peter Duren
+ On the local maximum property of the Koebe function 1967 Enrico Bombieri
+ PDF Chat Geometric properties of a class of support points of univalent functions 1979 Johnny E. Brown
+ On the Coefficients of Simple Functions 1938 M. Schiffer
+ PDF Chat Linear operators in the theory of partial differential equations 1943 Stefan Bergman
+ Some Isoperimetric Inequalities for Harmonic Functions 1970 L. E. Payne
+ Extremal principles and isoperimetric inequalities for some mixed problems of Stekloff's type 1968 Joseph Hersch
L. E. Payne
+ Über zwei Klassen schlichter konformer Abbildungen 1971 Reiner Kühnau
+ The coefficient regions of schlicht functions 1949 A. C. Schaeffer
M. Schiffer
D. C. Spencer
+ PDF Chat Coefficients of inverses of univalent functions with quasiconformal extensions 1979 Glenn Schober
+ Functionals of Finite Riemann Surfaces 1955 M. Schiffer
D. C. Spencer
+ Über das Stekloffsche Eigenwertproblem: Isoperimetrische Ungleichungen für symmetrische Gebiete 1968 Catherine Bandle
+ Domains on which analytic functions satisfy quadrature identities 1976 Dov Aharonov
Harold S. Shapiro
+ Asymptotic Behavior of Stekloff Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions 1971 Shawky E. Shamma
+ PDF Chat Coefficients of inverses of meromorphic univalent functions 1977 Glenn Schober
+ Sharpened forms of the Grunsky inequalities 1990 Peter Duren
M. M. Schiffer
+ Shorter Notes: On the Mean-Value Property of Harmonic Functions 1962 Bernard S. Epstein
+ Distortion theorem in the theory of conformal mappings 1988 В. Н. Дубинин
+ Lagrange multipliers in variational methods for univalent functions 1977 J. A. Hummel
+ Inequalities of Grunsky type for Aharonov pairs 1972 J. A. Hummel
+ On the logarithmic capacity and conformal mapping 1968 Ch. Pommerenke
+ Analytic function theory 1959 Einar Hille
+ On symmetric membranes and conformal radius: Some complements to Pólya's and Szegö's inequalities 1965 Joseph Hersch
+ On the Mean-Value Property of Harmonic Functions 1972 Ü. Kuran
+ On univalent functions in the unit disk whose image contains a given disk 1970 E. Netanyahu
+ PDF Chat Quasiconformal Mappings in the Plane: 1983 Olli Lehto
K. I. Virtanen
+ PDF Chat On the coefficient problem for univalent functions 1968 M. Schiffer
+ Koeffizientenbedingungen für schlicht abbildende meromorphe Funktionen 1939 Helmut Grunsky
+ PDF Chat Faber polynomials in the theory of univalent functions 1948 M. Schiffer
+ PDF Chat Functionals of rational type over the class 𝑆 1984 Louis Brickman
+ PDF Chat Coefficients of meromorphic univalent functions 1977 Yoshihisa Kubota
+ PDF Chat Support points of the set of univalent functions 1974 Louis Brickman
Donald R. Wilken
+ PDF Chat The coefficient problem for schlicht mappings of the exterior of the unit circle 1951 George Ś. Springer