F. Barthe


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The volume product of convex bodies with many hyperplane symmetries 2013 F. Barthe
Matthieu Fradelizi
+ PDF Chat Invariances in variance estimates 2012 F. Barthe
Dario Cordero–Erausquin
+ Correlation and Brascamp-Lieb Inequalities for Markov Semigroups 2010 F. Barthe
Dario Cordero–Erausquin
Michel Ledoux
B. Maurey
+ Remarks on non-interacting conservative spin systems: The case of gamma distributions 2009 F. Barthe
P. A. Wolff
+ Correlation and Brascamp-Lieb inequalities for Markov semigroups 2009 F. Barthe
Dario Cordero–Erausquin
Michel Ledoux
B. Maurey
+ Entropy of spherical marginals and related inequalities 2006 F. Barthe
Dario Cordero–Erausquin
B. Maurey
+ Infinite Dimensional Isoperimetric Inequalities in Product Spaces with the Supremum Distance 2004 F. Barthe
+ A Continuous Version of the Brascamp-Lieb Inequalities 2004 F. Barthe
+ Inverse Brascamp-Lieb Inequalities along the Heat Equation 2004 F. Barthe
Dario Cordero–Erausquin
+ Extremal slabs in the cube and the Laplace transform 2003 F. Barthe
Alexander Koldobsky
+ A Note on Simultaneous Polar and Cartesian Decomposition 2003 F. Barthe
Marianna Csörnyei
Assaf Naor
+ PDF Chat Hyperplane projections of the unit ball of ℓ p n 2002 F. Barthe
Assaf Naor
+ Extremal Properties of Central Half-Spaces for Product Measures 2001 F. Barthe
+ PDF Chat Shift inequalities of Gaussian type and norms of barycentres 2001 F. Barthe
Dario Cordero–Erausquin
Matthieu Fradelizi
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on isoperimetry of Gaussian type 2000 F. Barthe
B. Maurey
+ PDF Chat Optimal young's inequality and its converse: a simple proof 1998 F. Barthe
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Best constants in Young's inequality, its converse, and its generalization to more than three functions 1976 H. J. Brascamp
Élliott H. Lieb
+ Volumes of sections of cubes and related problems 2006 Keith Ball
+ PDF Chat On a reverse form of the Brascamp-Lieb inequality 1998 Franck Barthe
+ PDF Chat Isoperimetric constants for product probability measures 1997 Sergey G. Bobkov
Christian Houdré
+ PDF Chat An isoperimetric inequality on the discrete cube, and an elementary proof of the isoperimetric inequality in Gauss space 1997 Sergey G. Bobkov
+ PDF Chat An Inequality of Hadamard Type for Permanents 2006 Eric A. Carlen
Élliott H. Lieb
Michael Loss
+ Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities 1975 Leonard Gross
+ Gaussian kernels have only Gaussian maximizers 1990 Élliott H. Lieb
+ Sections of the unit ball of Ipn 1988 Mathieu Meyer
Alain Pajor
+ PDF Chat A sharp analog of Young’s inequality on SN and related entropy inequalities 2004 Eric A. Carlen
Élliott H. Lieb
Michael Loss
+ PDF Chat The geometry of Markov diffusion generators 2000 Michel Ledoux
+ Isotropic position and inertia ellipsoids and zonoids of the unit ball of a normed n-dimensional space 2006 Vitali Milman
Alain Pajor
+ The Volume of Convex Bodies and Banach Space Geometry 1989 Gilles Pisier
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on isoperimetry of Gaussian type 2000 F. Barthe
B. Maurey
+ PDF Chat Volume Ratios and a Reverse Isoperimetric Inequality 1991 Keith Ball
+ PDF Chat A probabilistic approach to the geometry of the ℓpn-ball 2005 Franck Barthe
Olivier Guédon
Shahar Mendelson
Assaf Naor
+ LĂ©vy-Gromov's isoperimetric inequality for an infinite dimensional diffusion generator 1996 Dominique Bakry
Michel Ledoux
+ Some Shift Inequalities for Gaussian Measures 1998 Wenbo V. Li
James Kuelbs
+ PDF Chat Isoperimetric and Analytic Inequalities for Log-Concave Probability Measures 1999 Sergey G. Bobkov
+ PDF Chat The Concentration of Measure Phenomenon 2005 Michel Ledoux
+ PDF Chat Hyperplane projections of the unit ball of ℓ p n 2002 F. Barthe
Assaf Naor
+ PDF Chat A geometric inequality with applications to linear forms 1979 Jeffrey D. Vaaler
+ PDF Chat Slicing convex bodies—bounds for slice area in terms of the body’s covariance 1980 Douglas Hensley
+ A Functional Form of the Isoperimetric Inequality for the Gaussian Measure 1996 S. Bobkov
+ PDF Chat A two-scale approach to logarithmic Sobolev inequalities and the hydrodynamic limit 2009 Natalie Grunewald
FĂ©lix Otto
CĂ©dric Villani
Maria G. Westdickenberg
+ Some connections between isoperimetric and Sobolev-type inequalities 1997 Serguei G. Bobkov
Christian Houdré
+ PDF Chat Uniform Poincaré inequalities for unbounded conservative spin systems: the non-interacting case 2003 Pietro Caputo
+ PDF Chat Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities for finite Markov chains 1996 Persi Diaconis
Laurent Saloff‐Coste
+ The subindependence of coordinate slabs inl p n balls 1998 Keith Ball
Irini Perissinaki
+ PDF Chat Exponential decay of entropy in the random transposition and Bernoulli-Laplace models 2003 Fuqing Gao
Jeremy Quastel
+ Fleming–Viot Processes in Population Genetics 1993 S. N. Ethier
Thomas G. Kurtz
+ An application of the fourier transform to sections of star bodies 1998 Alexander Koldobsky
+ Superadditivity of Fisher's information and logarithmic Sobolev inequalities 1991 Eric A. Carlen
+ PDF Chat Modified Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities in Discrete Settings 2006 Sergey G. Bobkov
Prasad Tetali
+ PDF Chat Extremal properties of half-spaces for log-concave distributions 1996 Sergey G. Bobkov
+ Complements of Lyapunov's inequality 1973 Christer Borell
+ The surface measure and cone measure on the sphere of ℓ_{𝑝}ⁿ 2006 Assaf Naor
+ Weyl numbers in sequence spaces and sections of unit balls 1992 AntĂłnio M. Caetano
+ PDF Chat Isoperimetric problems for convex bodies and a localization lemma 1995 Ravi Kannan
LĂĄszlĂł LovĂĄsz
MiklĂłs Simonovits
+ Extremal Properties of Central Half-Spaces for Product Measures 2001 F. Barthe
+ On the Volume of the Intersection of Two L n p Balls 1990 Gideon Schechtman
Joel Zinn
+ Trou spectral et inégalités de Sobolev logarithmiques pour des systémes de spins conservatifs et non bornés 2002 Clåudio Landim
+ The Brunn-Minkowski inequality in Gauss space 1975 Christer Borell
+ PDF Chat The central limit problem for convex bodies 2003 Milla Anttila
Keith Ball
Irini Perissinaki
+ Entropy of spherical marginals and related inequalities 2006 F. Barthe
Dario Cordero–Erausquin
B. Maurey
+ Introduction to the Theory of (Non-Symmetric) Dirichlet Forms 1992 Zhi-Ming Ma
Michael Röckner
+ Inégalités de Brascamp-Lieb et convexité 1997 Franck Barthe
+ PDF Chat The Brascamp–Lieb Inequalities: Finiteness, Structure and Extremals 2007 Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
Michael Christ
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat The Size of Singular Component and Shift Inequalities 1999 S. G. Bobkov
+ PDF Chat Approximate Independence of Distributions on Spheres and Their Stability Properties 1991 Svetlozar T. Rachev
Ludger RĂŒschendorf