Manfredo do Carmo


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Complete hypersurfaces in Euclidean spaces with finite strong total curvature 2019 Manfredo do Carmo
Maria Fernanda Elbert
+ Complete hypersurfaces in Euclidean spaces with strong finite total curvature 2015 Manfredo do Carmo
Maria Fernanda Elbert
+ PDF Chat Globally subanalytic CMC surfaces in $\mathbb{R}^3$ 2014 Alexandre Fernandes
Manfredo do Carmo
Lev Birbrair
J. Lucas M. Barbosa
+ PDF Chat Surfaces of $$M_k^2\times \mathbb R $$ invariant under a one-parameter group of isometries 2012 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
Renato Tribuzy
+ Complete Hypersurfaces with Constant Mean Curvature and Finite Total Curvature 2012 Pierre Bérard
Manfredo do Carmo
Walcy Santos
+ A Hopf Theorem for Ambient Spaces of Dimensions Higher than Three 2012 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
Renato Tribuzy
+ Stable Complete Minimal Surfaces in R 3 are Planes 2012 Manfredo do Carmo
Cheng Peng
+ Ricci curvature and the topology of open manifolds 2012 Manfredo do Carmo
Changyu Xia
+ Stability of Hypersurfaces of Constant Mean Curvature in Riemannian Manifolds 2012 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
J.-H. Eschenburg
+ Hypersurfaces With Constant Mean Curvature in Spheres 2012 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
+ Stability of Hypersurfaces with Constant Mean Curvature 2012 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
+ Spherical Images of Convex Surfaces 2012 Manfredo do Carmo
Benjamin Lawson
+ Rotation Hypersurfaces in Spaces of Constant Curvature 2012 Manfredo do Carmo
Marcos Dajczer
+ On the Size of a Stable Minimal Surface in R 3 2012 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
+ Stable Hypersurfaces with Constant Scalar Curvature 2012 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
A. Gervásio Colares
+ Stability of Minimal Surfaces and Eigenvalues of the Laplacian 2012 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
+ Compact Conformally Flat Hypersurfaces 2012 Manfredo do Carmo
Marcos Dajczer
Francesco Mercuri
+ A theorem of Hopf and the Cauchy-Riemann inequality 2012 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
Renato Tribuzy
+ A Proof of a General Isoperimetric Inequality for Surfaces 2012 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
+ Minimal Submanifolds of a Sphere with Second Fundamental Form of Constant Length 2012 Shiing-Shen Chern
Manfredo do Carmo
Shimpei Kobayashi
+ A Hopf theorem for open surfaces in product spaces 2012 Manfredo do Carmo
Isabel Fernández
+ Stability of hypersurfaces with vanishing r-mean curvature in euclidean space 2012 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
Maria Fernanda Elbert
+ Compact minimal hypersurfaces with index one in the real projective space 2012 Manfredo do Carmo
Manuel Ritoré
Antonio R�os
+ Conformal Rigidity 2012 Manfredo do Carmo
Marcos Dajczer
+ PDF Chat A Hopf theorem for ambient spaces of dimensions higher than three 2010 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
Renato Tribuzy
+ PDF Chat A Hopf theorem for open surfaces in product spaces 2009 Manfredo do Carmo
Isabel Fernández
+ PDF Chat A theorem of H. Hopf and the Cauchy-Riemann inequality II 2007 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
Isabel Fernández
Renato Tribuzy
+ PDF Chat A theorem of Hopf and the Cauchy-Riemann inequality 2007 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
Renato Tribuzy
+ PDF Chat Erratum to “A gap theorem for hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature one” 2006 Hilário Alencar
Walcy Santos
Manfredo do Carmo
+ PDF Chat Cones in the Euclidean space with vanishing scalar curvature 2004 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
+ PDF Chat On stable complete hypersurfaces with vanishing {$r$}-mean curvature 2004 Maria Fernanda Elbert
Manfredo do Carmo
+ Stability of hypersurfaces with vanishing r-mean curvatures in euclidean spaces 2003 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
Maria Fernanda Elbert
+ PDF Chat A gap theorem for hypersurfaces of the sphere with constant scalar curvature one 2002 Hilário Alencar
Walcy Santos
Manfredo do Carmo
+ Rigidity Theorems for Manifolds with Boundary and Nonnegative Ricci Curvature 2001 Manfredo do Carmo
Changyu Xia
+ PDF Chat Upper bounds for the first eigenvalue of the operator $L\sb r$ and some applications 2001 Hilário Alencar
Fernando C. Marques
Manfredo do Carmo
+ PDF Chat Compact minimal hypersurfaces with index one in the real projective space 2000 Manfredo do Carmo
Manuel Ritoré
Antonio R�os
+ Ricci curvature and the topology of open manifolds 2000 Manfredo do Carmo
Changyu Xia
+ Topological structure of complete hypersurfaces in Rn+1 with Hr=0 and finite total curvature 1999 Manfredo do Carmo
Maria Fernanda Elbert
+ Research on differential geometry in Brazil 1999 Manfredo do Carmo
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalue estimate on complete noncompact Riemannian manifolds and applications 1999 Manfredo do Carmo
Detang Zhou
+ Stable minimal hypersurfaces in Euclidean spaces 1998 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
Maria Fernanda Elbert
+ The index of constant mean curvature surfaces in hyperbolic 3-space 1997 Pierre Bérard
Manfredo do Carmo
Walcy Santos
+ Remarks on the growth of functions and the weak stability of hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature 1997 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
+ PDF Chat Erratum to “Hypersurfaces of constant mean curvature with finite index and volume of polynomial growth” 1995 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
+ PDF Chat Hypersurfaces with Constant Mean Curvature in Spheres 1994 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
+ PDF Chat Hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature in spheres 1994 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
+ On the first eigenvalue of the linearized operator of ther-th mean curvature of a hypersurface 1993 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
Harold Rosenberg
+ Local isometric immersions of R2 into R4. 1993 Manfredo do Carmo
Marcos Dajczer
+ Hypersurfaces of constant mean curvature with finite index and volume of polynomial growth 1993 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
+ Stable hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature 1993 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
A. Gervásio Colares
+ A theorem of Reilly for the linearized operator of rth mean curvature and applications to stability 1993 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
Harold Rosenberg
+ The index of constant mean curvature surfaces in hyperbolic 3-space 1993 Manfredo do Carmo
+ Riemannian geometry 1992 Manfredo do Carmo
+ Index of surfaces of constant mean curvature in hyperbolic space 1991 Manfredo do Carmo
+ Stability of hypersurfaces of constant mean curvature in Riemannian manifolds 1988 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
J.-H. Eschenburg
+ A rigidity theorem for higher codimensions 1986 Manfredo do Carmo
Marcos Dajczer
+ Compact Conformally Flat Hypersurfaces 1985 Manfredo do Carmo
Marcos Dajczer
Francesco Mercuri
+ PDF Chat Compact conformally flat hypersurfaces 1985 Manfredo do Carmo
Marcos Dajczer
Francesco Mercuri
+ Stability of hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature 1984 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
+ Rotation Hypersurfaces in Spaces of Constant Curvature 1983 Manfredo do Carmo
M. Dajczer
+ PDF Chat Rotation hypersurfaces in spaces of constant curvature 1983 Manfredo do Carmo
Marcos Dajczer
+ PDF Chat Riemannian metrics induced by two immersions 1982 Manfredo do Carmo
Marcos Dajczer
+ Stability of minimal surfaces in a 3-dimensional hyperbolic space 1981 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
+ Helicoids, catenoids, and minimal hypersurfaces of r (n) invariant by an l-parameter group of motions 1981 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
+ PDF Chat Globally stable complete minimal surfaces in 𝑅³ 1980 Manfredo do Carmo
Arline Silveira
+ Shorter Notes: Globally Stable Complete Minimal Surfaces in R 3 1980 Manfredo do Carmo
Alexandre M. da Silveira
+ Stability of minimal surfaces and eigenvalues of the laplacian 1980 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
+ PDF Chat Stable complete minimal surfaces in 𝑅³ are planes 1979 Manfredo do Carmo
Cheng Peng
+ A proof of a general isoperimetric inequality for surfaces 1978 Jo�o Lucas Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
+ On the Size of a Stable Minimal Surface in R 3 1976 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
+ PDF Chat Stable minimal surfaces 1974 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
+ Shorter Notes: Spherical Images of Convex Surfaces 1972 Manfredo do Carmo
Benjamin Lawson
+ Minimal Submanifolds of a Sphere with Second Fundamental Form of Constant Length 1970 Shiing-Shen Chern
Manfredo do Carmo
Shimpei Kobayashi
+ Minimal Submanifolds of a Sphere with Second Fundamental Form of Constant Length 1970 Shiing-Shen Chern
Manfredo do Carmo
Shimpei Kobayashi
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Minimal Varieties in Riemannian Manifolds 1968 James Simons
+ The structure of complete stable minimal surfaces in 3‐manifolds of non‐negative scalar curvature 1980 D. Fischer-Colbrie
Richard Schoen
+ PDF Chat Variational properties of functions of the mean curvatures for hypersurfaces in space forms 1973 Robert C. Reilly
+ On the Size of a Stable Minimal Surface in R 3 1976 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
+ Stable hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature 1993 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
A. Gervásio Colares
+ Stability of hypersurfaces of constant mean curvature in Riemannian manifolds 1988 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
J.-H. Eschenburg
+ Local Rigidity Theorems for Minimal Hypersurfaces 1969 H. Blaine Lawson
+ Stability of Hypersurfaces of Constant Mean Curvature in Riemannian Manifolds 2012 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
J.-H. Eschenburg
+ Stability of Hypersurfaces with Constant Mean Curvature 2012 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
+ Hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature 1977 Shiu‐Yuen Cheng
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ Stability of hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature 1984 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
+ Differential Geometry in the Large 1983 Heinz Hopf
+ On complete minimal surfaces with finite Morse index in three manifolds 1985 D. Fischer-Colbrie
+ PDF Chat Extrinsic upper bounds for ?1 1988 Ernst Heintze
+ On the Size of a Stable Minimal Surface in R 3 2012 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
+ PDF Chat Homogeneity and some curvature conditions for hypersurfaces 1969 Patrick J. Ryan
+ Stability of complete noncompact surfaces with constant mean curvature 1987 Alexandre M. da Silveira
+ PDF Chat A Hopf differential for constant mean curvature surfaces in S2×R and H2×R 2004 Uwe Abresch
Harold Rosenberg
+ Stable Complete Minimal Surfaces in R 3 are Planes 2012 Manfredo do Carmo
Cheng Peng
+ Lectures on minimal submanifolds 1980 H. Blaine Lawson
+ PDF Chat Stable complete minimal surfaces in 𝑅³ are planes 1979 Manfredo do Carmo
Cheng Peng
+ On subharmonic functions and differential geometry in the large 1958 Alfréd Huber
+ PDF Chat A theorem of Hopf and the Cauchy-Riemann inequality 2007 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
Renato Tribuzy
+ PDF Chat A generalization of Courant's nodal domain theorem. 1957 Jaak Peetre
+ On the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian for compact submanifolds of Euclidean space 1977 Robert C. Reilly
+ PDF Chat Conformally flat hypersurfaces in a conformally flat Riemannian manifold 1974 Seiki Nishikawa
Yoshiaki Maeda
+ New Examples of Constant Mean Curvature Immersions of (2k - 1)-Spheres into Euclidean 2k-Space 1983 Wu-Yi Hsiang
Zhen-huan Teng
Wen-ci Yu
+ Complete minimal surfaces with index one and stable constant mean curvature surfaces 1989 Francisco J. López
Antonio R�os
+ Remarks on the stability of minimal submanifolds of IR n 1975 Joel Spruck
+ PDF Chat Le Spectre d’une Variété Riemannienne 1971 Marcel Berger
Paul Gauduchon
Edmond Mazet
Chuu-Lian Terng
+ Differential Geometry in the Large 1989 Heinz Hopf
+ Closed 3-dimensional hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature and constant scalar curvature 1990 Sebastião C. de Almeida
Fabiano Brito
+ Global Properties of Minimal Surfaces in E 3 and E n 1964 Robert Osserman
+ PDF Chat Some integral formulas for closed hypersurfaces 1954 Chuan-Chih Hsiung
+ Sufficient conditions for constant mean curvature surfaces to be round 2002 Jaigyoung Choe
+ PDF Chat Counterexample to a conjecture of H. Hopf 1986 Henry C. Wente
+ Minimal Submanifolds of a Sphere with Second Fundamental Form of Constant Length 2012 Shiing-Shen Chern
Manfredo do Carmo
Shimpei Kobayashi
+ On the first eigenvalue of the linearized operator of ther-th mean curvature of a hypersurface 1993 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
Harold Rosenberg
+ The maximum principle for hypersurfaces with vanishing curvature functions 1995 Jorge Hounie
Maria Luiza Leite
+ A theorem of Hopf and the Cauchy-Riemann inequality 2012 Hilário Alencar
Manfredo do Carmo
Renato Tribuzy
+ PDF Chat A formula of Simons' type and hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature 1969 Katsumi Nomizu
Brian Smyth
+ Hypersurfaces and a Pinching Problem on the Second Fundamental Tensor 1974 Masafumi Okumura
+ Submanifolds of constant positive curvature I 1977 John Douglas Moore
+ On stable surfaces of constant gauss curvature in space forms 1995 Martin Traizet
+ PDF Chat Le Spectre D'une Variété Riemannienne 1971 Marcel Berger
Paul Gauduchon
Edmond Mazet
+ PDF Chat La déformation des hypersurfaces dans l'espace conforme réel à $n \ge 5$ dimensions 1917 Élie Cartan
+ Minimal submanifolds in a Riemannian manifold 1968 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ Stable constant mean curvature tori and the isoperimetric problem in three space forms 1992 Manuel Ritoré
Antonio R�os
+ PDF Chat Two-ended hypersurfaces with zero scalar curvature 1999 Jorge Hounie
Maria Luiza Leite