Josef Stoer


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Higher order methods for solving sufficient linear complementarity problems 2022 Josef Stoer
Martin Wechs
Shinji Mizuno
+ Optimization 2020 Jean-Bapiste Hiriart-Urruty
Werner Oettli
Josef Stoer
+ Konvexität und Trennungssätze 2019 Florian Jarre
Josef Stoer
+ Lineare Optimierung: Anwendungen, Netzwerke 2019 Florian Jarre
Josef Stoer
+ Semidefinite Programme 2019 Florian Jarre
Josef Stoer
+ Innere – Punkte – Methoden für Lineare Programme 2019 Florian Jarre
Josef Stoer
+ Innere-Punkte-Verfahren für konvexe Programme 2019 Florian Jarre
Josef Stoer
+ On a Class of Superlinearly Convergent Polynomial Time Interior Point Methods for Sufficient LCP 2009 Florian A. Potra
Josef Stoer
+ An interior-point method for minimizing convex functions on the convex hull of a point set 2007 Josef Stoer
Nikolai D. Botkin
Oleg Pykhteev
+ Analysis of Interior-Point Paths 2006 Josef Stoer
+ An implementation of the method of analytic centers 2006 Florian Jarre
Gy. Sonnevend
Josef Stoer
+ Minimization of convex functions on the convex hull of a point set 2005 Nikolai D. Botkin
Josef Stoer
+ Analysis of infeasible-interior-point paths arising with semidefinite linear complementarity problems 2004 Martin Prei�
Josef Stoer
+ Lineare Optimierung: Anwendungen, Netzwerke 2004 Florian Jarre
Josef Stoer
+ Innere - Punkte - Methoden für Lineare Programme 2004 Florian Jarre
Josef Stoer
+ Optimalitätsbedingungen für allgemeine Optimierungsprobleme 2004 Florian Jarre
Josef Stoer
+ Konvexität und Trennungssätze 2004 Florian Jarre
Josef Stoer
+ Penalty-Funktionen und die erweiterte Lagrangefunktion 2004 Florian Jarre
Josef Stoer
+ Barrieremethoden und primal — duale Verfahren 2004 Florian Jarre
Josef Stoer
+ Innere - Punkte - Verfahren für konvexe Programme 2004 Florian Jarre
Josef Stoer
+ Semidefinite Programme 2004 Florian Jarre
Josef Stoer
+ Minimierung ohne Nebenbedingungen 2004 Florian Jarre
Josef Stoer
+ Optimalitätsbedingungen für konvexe Optimierungsprobleme 2004 Florian Jarre
Josef Stoer
+ High-order long-step methods for solving semidefinite linear complementarity problems 2003 Martin Preiß
Josef Stoer
+ Ordinary Differential Equations 2002 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Systems of Linear Equations 2002 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Finding Zeros and Minimum Points by Iterative Methods 2002 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Topics in Integration 2002 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Error Analysis 2002 Josef Stoer
R. Bulirsch
+ Eigenvalue Problems 2002 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Iterative Methods for the Solution of Large Systems of Linear Equations. Additional Methods 2002 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ A Variable Metric Method for Approximating Generalized Inverses of Matrices 2001 A. Mohsen
Josef Stoer
+ The Complexity of High-Order Interior-Point Methods for Solving Sufficient Complementarity Problems 2001 Josef Stoer
Martin Wechs
+ None 2001 Josef Stoer
+ Eigenwertprobleme 2000 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Iterationsverfahren zur Lösung großer linearer Gleichungssysteme, einige weitere Verfahren 2000 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen 2000 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ On the analyticity properties of infeasible-interior-point paths for monotone linear complementarity problems 1999 Josef Stoer
Martin Wechs
+ Interpolation 1999 Josef Stoer
+ Integration von Funktionen 1999 Josef Stoer
+ Lineare Gleichungssysteme 1999 Josef Stoer
+ Fehleranalyse 1999 Josef Stoer
+ High Order Infeasible-Interior-Point Methods for Solving Sufficient Linear Complementarity Problems 1998 Josef Stoer
Martin Wechs
Shinji Mizuno
+ The complexity of high-order predictor-corrector methods for solving sufficient linear complementarity problems 1998 Josef Stoer
Martin Wechs
+ Infeasible-interior-point paths for sufficient linear complementarity problems and their analyticity 1998 Josef Stoer
Martin Wechs
+ Analysis of interior-point-paths for sufficient linear complementarity problems(Continuous and Discrete Mathematical Optimization) 1997 Josef Stoer
+ A unified approach to infeasible-interior-point algorithms via geometrical linear complementarity problems 1996 Shinji Mizuno
Florian Jarre
Josef Stoer
+ A Subspace Study on Conjugate Gradient Algorithms 1995 Peng Yuan
Josef Stoer
+ Infeasible Interior Point Methods for Solving Linear Programs 1994 Josef Stoer
+ The complexity of an infeasible interior-point path-following method for the solution of linear programs 1994 Josef Stoer
+ Fehleranalyse 1994 Josef Stoer
+ Interpolation 1994 Josef Stoer
+ Integration von Funktionen 1994 Josef Stoer
+ Numerische Mathematik : eine Einführung : unter Berücksichtigung von Vorlesungen von F.L. Bauer 1993 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Finding Zeros and Minimum Points by Iterative Methods 1993 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Estimating the complexity of a class of path-following methods for solving linear programs by curvature integrals 1993 Xin Zhao
Josef Stoer
+ Ordinary Differential Equations 1993 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Eigenvalue Problems 1993 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Integration von Funktionen 1993 Josef Stoer
+ Fehleranalyse 1993 Josef Stoer
+ Iterative Methods for the Solution of Large Systems of Linear Equations. Some Further Methods 1993 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Topics in Integration 1993 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Interpolation 1993 Josef Stoer
+ Error Analysis 1993 Josef Stoer
R. Bulirsch
+ Solution of projection problems over polytopes 1992 Bingsheng He
Josef Stoer
+ On the complexity of following the central path of linear programs by linear extrapolation II 1991 Gy. Sonnevend
Josef Stoer
Xin Zhao
+ Innere-Punkt-Verfahren zur Lösung quadratischer Optimierungsprobleme und ihre Komplexität 1991 Josef Stoer
+ Iterationsverfahren zur Lösung großer linearer Gleichungssysteme, einige weitere Verfahren 1990 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Global ellipsoidal approximations and homotopy methods for solving convex analytic programs 1990 Gy. Sonnevend
Josef Stoer
+ Eigenwertprobleme 1990 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen 1990 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Nullstellenbestimmung durch Iterationsverfahren. Minimierungsverfahren 1989 Josef Stoer
+ Fehleranalyse 1989 Josef Stoer
+ PDF Chat On the Characterization of q-Superlinear Convergence of Quasi-Newton Methods for Constrained Optimization 1987 Josef Stoer
R. A. Tapia
+ The Local Convergence of Sequential Quadratic Programming Methods 1987 Josef Stoer
R. A. Tapia
+ Principles of Sequential Quadratic Programming Methods for Solving Nonlinear Programs 1985 Josef Stoer
+ The convergence of matrices generated by rank-2 methods from the restricted ?-class of Broyden 1984 Josef Stoer
+ Extrapolated Adaptive Quadrature 1983 David K. Kahaner
Josef Stoer
+ Solution of Large Linear Systems of Equations by Conjugate Gradient Type Methods 1983 Josef Stoer
+ Einführung in die Numerische Mathematik I 1983 Josef Stoer
+ Fehleranalyse 1983 Josef Stoer
+ Interpolation 1983 Josef Stoer
+ Problems and Methodologies in Mathematical Software Production 1982 D Barstow
W Brauer
R Bdnch
Hansen Giles
D Luckham
C Moler
Amir Pnueli
G Seegmsiler
Josef Stoer
Niklaus Wirth
+ Optimization and optimal control : proceedings of a conference held at Oberwolfach, March 16-22, 1980 1981 Alfred Auslender
Werner Oettli
Josef Stoer
+ Topics in Integration 1980 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Iterative Methods for the Solution of Large Systems of Linear Equations. Some Further Methods 1980 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Ordinary Differential Equations 1980 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Eigenvalue Problems 1980 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Finding Zeros and Minimum Points by Iterative Methods 1980 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Two examples on the convergence of certain rank-2 minimization methods for quadratic functionals in Hilbert space 1979 Josef Stoer
+ Einführung in die Numerische Mathematik I 1979 Josef Stoer
+ Integration von Funktionen 1979 Josef Stoer
+ Nullstellenbestimmung durch Iterationsverfahren. Minimierungsverfahren 1979 Josef Stoer
+ A factorization method for the solution of constrained linear least squares problems allowing subsequent data changes 1978 Klaus Schittkowski
Josef Stoer
+ Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen 1978 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Eigenwertprobleme 1978 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Iterationsverfahren zur Lösung großer linearer Gleichungssysteme, einige weitere Verfahren 1978 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Einführung in die Numerische Mathematik II 1978 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ On the relation between quadratic termination and convergence properties of minimization algorithms 1977 Peter Baptist
Josef Stoer
+ On the relation between quadratic termination and convergence properties of minimization algorithms 1977 Josef Stoer
+ Einführung in die Numerische Mathematik I 1976 Josef Stoer
+ Interpolation 1976 Josef Stoer
+ Integration von Funktionen 1976 Josef Stoer
+ Nullstellenbestimmung durch Iterationsverfahren. Minimierungsverfahren 1976 Josef Stoer
+ On the convergence rate of imperfect minimization algorithms in Broyden'sβ-class 1975 Josef Stoer
+ Extrapolation methods for the solution of initial value problems and their practical realization 1974 Josef Stoer
+ Über die Konvergenzordnung Gewisser Rang-2-Verfahren zur Minimierung von Funktionen 1974 G�nther Schuller
Josef Stoer
+ Einführung in die Numerische Mathematik II 1973 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen 1973 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Eigenwertprobleme 1973 Josef Stoer
Roland Bulirsch
+ Einführung in die Numerische Mathematik : unter Berücksichtigung von Vorlesungen von F. L. Bauer 1972 Josef Stoer
Friedrich L. Bauer
+ Integration von Funktionen 1972 Josef Stoer
+ Fehleranalyse 1972 Josef Stoer
+ Einführung in die Numerische Mathematik I 1972 Josef Stoer
+ Nullstellenbestimmung durch Iterationsverfahren 1972 Josef Stoer
+ On the Numerical Solution of Constrained Least-Squares Problems 1971 Josef Stoer
+ A Realization of the Simplex Method Based on Triangular Decompositions 1971 Richard H. Bartels
Josef Stoer
Ch. Zenger
+ Convexity and Optimization in Finite Dimensions I 1970 Josef Stoer
Christoph Witzgall
+ Convex Functions 1970 Josef Stoer
Christoph Witzgall
+ Inequality Systems 1970 Josef Stoer
Christoph Witzgall
+ Duality Theorems 1970 Josef Stoer
Christoph Witzgall
+ Convex Polyhedra 1970 Josef Stoer
Christoph Witzgall
+ Zur rationalen Tschebyscheff Approximation differenzierbarer und analytischer Funktionen 1968 Bruno Brosowski
Josef Stoer
+ Lower bounds of matrices 1968 Josef Stoer
+ Algebra 1968 Friedrich L. Bauer
Josef Stoer
+ Some Results on Fields of Values of a Matrix 1967 Daniel Gries
Josef Stoer
+ Numerical treatment of ordinary differential equations by extrapolation methods 1966 Roland Bulirsch
Josef Stoer
+ �ber einen Dualit�tssatz der nichtlinearen programmierung 1964 Josef Stoer
+ On the characterization of least upper bound norms in matrix space 1964 Josef Stoer
+ Duality in nonlinear programming and the minimax theorem 1963 Josef Stoer
+ Absolute and monotonic norms 1961 Friedrich L. Bauer
Josef Stoer
Christoph Witzgall
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Quasi-Newton methods and their application to function minimisation 1967 C. G. Broyden
+ Numerical methods of high-order accuracy for nonlinear boundary value Problems 1967 Philippe G. Ciarlet
Martin H. Schultz
R. S. Varga
+ On the convergence rate of imperfect minimization algorithms in Broyden'sβ-class 1975 Josef Stoer
+ PDF Chat A Rapidly Convergent Descent Method for Minimization 1963 R. Fletcher
M. J. D. Powell
+ On the Local and Superlinear Convergence of Quasi-Newton Methods 1973 C. G. Broyden
J. E. Dennis
Jorge J. Morè
+ Numerical treatment of ordinary differential equations by extrapolation methods 1966 Roland Bulirsch
Josef Stoer
+ Absolute and monotonic norms 1961 Friedrich L. Bauer
Josef Stoer
Christoph Witzgall
+ Methods of conjugate gradients for solving linear systems 1952 Magnus R. Hestenes
Eduard Stiefel
+ New High‐Order Runge‐Kutta Formulas with an Arbitrarily Small Truncation Error 1966 E. Fehlberg
+ Sufficient matrices and the linear complementarity problem 1989 Richard W. Cottle
Jong‐Shi Pang
Vijaya Venkateswaran
+ An iteration method for the solution of the eigenvalue problem of linear differential and integral operators 1950 Cornelius Lanczos
+ Self-Scaling Variable Metric (SSVM) Algorithms 1974 Shmuel S. Oren
David G. Luenberger
+ Note on the quadratic convergence of the cyclic Jacobi process 1962 J. H. Wilkinson
+ Zur numerischen Integration von Differentialgleichungen durch Potenzreihen‐Ansätze, dargestellt an Hand physikalischer Beispiele 1964 E. Fehlberg
+ Practical Problems Arising in the Solution of Polynomial Equations 1971 Gareth W. Peters
J. H. Wilkinson
+ Comparing Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations 1972 T. E. Hull
W. H. Enright
B. M. Fellen
A. E. Sedgwick
+ $Ax = \lambda Bx$ and the Generalized Eigenproblem 1970 Gareth W. Peters
J. H. Wilkinson
+ On shooting methods for boundary value problems 1969 M. R. Osborne
+ A three-stage variable-shift iteration for polynomial zeros and its relation to generalized rayleigh iteration 1970 Michael Jenkins
J. F. Traub
+ P∗-matrices are just sufficient 1996 Hannu Väliaho
+ Discrete Variable Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations. 1962 A. B. Farnell
Peter Henrici
+ Infeasible-interior-point paths for sufficient linear complementarity problems and their analyticity 1998 Josef Stoer
Martin Wechs
+ Die numerische Berechnung der Wurzeln eines Polynoms 1966 Karl Nickel
+ PDF Chat Convergence and stability in the numerical integration of ordinary differential equations 1956 Germund Dahlquist
+ The numerical treatment of a single nonlinear equation 1970 A. S. Householder
+ PDF Chat On Runge-Kutta processes of high order 1964 J. C. Butcher
+ Iterative Methods for the Solution of Equations. 1967 David M. Young
J. F. Traub
+ The Convergence of a Class of Double-rank Minimization Algorithms 1970 C. G. Broyden
+ PDF Chat Solutions of differential equations by evaluations of functions 1966 E. B. Shanks
+ A Unified Approach to Interior Point Algorithms for Linear Complementarity Problems 1991 Masakazu Kojima
Nimrod Megiddo
Toshihito Noma
Akiko Yoshise
+ PDF Chat A class of methods for solving nonlinear simultaneous equations 1965 C. G. Broyden
+ New aspects in numerical quadrature 1963 F. L. Bauer
Heinz Rutishauser
E. Stiefel
+ PDF Chat A characterization of superlinear convergence and its application to quasi-Newton methods 1974 J. E. Dennis
Jorge J. Morè
+ Ill-Conditioned Eigensystems and the Computation of the Jordan Canonical Form 1976 Gene H. Golub
J. H. Wilkinson
+ A unified approach to infeasible-interior-point algorithms via geometrical linear complementarity problems 1996 Shinji Mizuno
Florian Jarre
Josef Stoer
+ Iterative Solution of Elliptic Systems and Application to the Neutron Diffusion Equations of Reactor Physics 1966 H. Greenspan
+ Analysis of Discretization Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations 1973 Hans J. Stetter
+ PDF Chat Numerical Initial Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations 1972 James Watt
+ PDF Chat Construction of Gauss-Christoffel quadrature formulas 1968 Walter Gautschi
+ PDF Chat Comparing routines for the numerical solution of initial value problems of ordinary differential equations in multiple shooting 1976 H. J. Diekhoff
Peter Lory
Hans Joachim Oberle
Hans Josef Pesch
P. Rentrop
R. Seydel
+ A modified Newton method for the solution of ill-conditioned systems of nonlinear equations with application to multiple shooting 1974 Peter Deuflhard
+ Reduktionsverfahren f�r Differenzengleichungen bei Randwertaufgaben II 1976 Johann Schr�der
Ulrich Trottenberg
Heinz Reutersberg
+ On the analyticity properties of infeasible-interior-point paths for monotone linear complementarity problems 1999 Josef Stoer
Martin Wechs
+ Reduktionsverfahren f�r Differenzengleichungen bei Randwertaufgaben I 1974 Johann Schr�der
Ulrich Trottenberg
+ Large Sparse Sets of Linear Equations 1973 A. S. H.
John Reid
+ Optimally conditioned optimization algorithms without line searches 1975 William C. Davidon
+ Comparing numerical methods for stiff systems of O.D.E:s 1975 W. H. Enright
T. E. Hull
Bengt Lindberg