Harris Hancock


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Lectures on the theory of maxima and minima of functions of several variables. : (Weierstrass' theory) 2010 Harris Hancock
+ Lectures on the Calculus of Variations 2009 Harris Hancock
+ Lectures on the theory of elliptic functions : analysis. 2007 Harris Hancock
+ Lectures On The Calculus Of Variations: The Weierstrassian Theory 2007 Harris Hancock
+ Lectures on the Theory of Elliptic Functions 2000 Harris Hancock
+ <i>Lectures on the Theory of Elliptic Functions Analysis</i> and <i>Elliptic Integrals</i> 1960 Harris Hancock
George H. Weiss
+ Elliptic Integrals 1958 Harris Hancock
+ Development of the Minkowski Geometry of Numbers 1940 J. V. Uspensky
Harris Hancock
+ Foundations of the theory of algebraic numbers 1931 Harris Hancock
+ The Foundation of the Theory of Algebraic Numbers 1925 Harris Hancock
+ The Foundations of the Theory of Algebraic Numbers 1925 Harris Hancock
+ PDF Chat The Foundations of the Elliptic Functions 1920 Harris Hancock
+ Questions and Discussions 1919 Harris Hancock
William Woolsey Johnson
R. B. McClenon
+ PDF Chat On the evaluation of the elliptic transcendents 𝜂₂ and 𝜂’₂ 1919 Harris Hancock
+ PDF Chat Remarks on elliptic integrals 1918 Harris Hancock
+ Theory of maxima and minima 1917 Harris Hancock
+ Chapter XX: Methods of representing analytically doubly periodic functions of any order which have everywhere in the finite portion of the plane the character of integral or (fractional) rational functions 1910 Harris Hancock
+ Chapter XXI: The determination of all analytic functions which have algebraic addition-theorems 1910 Harris Hancock
+ Chapter XVIII: The theta- and sigma-functions when special values are given to the argument 1910 Harris Hancock
+ Chapter XVII: The sigma-functions 1910 Harris Hancock
+ Chapter XIX: Elliptic integrals of the third kind 1910 Harris Hancock
+ Chapter III: The existence of periodic functions in general 1910 Harris Hancock
+ Chapter XIII: Elliptic integrals of the second kind 1910 Harris Hancock
+ Chapter IV: Doubly periodic functions. Their existence. The periods 1910 Harris Hancock
+ Chapter X: The Jacobi theta-functions 1910 Harris Hancock
+ Chapter II: Functions which have algebraic addition-theorems 1910 Harris Hancock
+ Chapter IX: The moduli of periodicity for the normal forms of legendre and of Weierstrass 1910 Harris Hancock
+ Chapter VI: The Riemann surface 1910 Harris Hancock
+ Chapter VIII: Elliptic integrals in general 1910 Harris Hancock
+ Chapter XII: Doubly periodic functions of the second sort 1910 Harris Hancock
+ Chapter XII: A fourth and final condition for the existence of a maximum or a minimum, and a proof that the conditions which have been given are sufficient 1904 Harris Hancock
+ Chapter XI: The notion of a field about the curve which offers a minimum or a maximum value of the integral. The geometrical meaning of the conjugate points 1904 Harris Hancock
+ Chapter XVIII: Proof of two theorems which have been assumed in the previous chapter 1904 Harris Hancock
+ Chapter IV: Properties of the function F(x, y, x', y') 1904 Harris Hancock
+ Chapter XVI: The determination of the curve of given length and given end-points, whose center of gravity lies the lowest 1904 Harris Hancock
+ Chapter I: Certain fundamental conceptions in the theory of analytic functions 1902 Harris Hancock
+ Primary Prime Functions in Several Variables and a Generalization of an Important Theorem of Dedekind 1902 Harris Hancock
+ PDF Chat Sur les systèmes modulaires de Kronecker 1901 Harris Hancock
+ Mémoire sur les systèmes modulaires de Kronecker 1901 Harris Hancock
+ Calculus of Variations: Further Discussion of the First Variation and the Solution of the Differential Equation G = 0 for Several Interesting Examples 1898 Harris Hancock
+ Canonical forms for the unique representation of Kroneckers modular system. 1898 Harris Hancock
+ The Calculus of Variations: Derivation of Some of the Fundamental Weierstrassian Formulae 1896 Harris Hancock
+ On the Number of Catenaries That May be Drawn Through Two Fixed Points 1895 Harris Hancock
+ Eine Form des Additionstheorems für hyperelliptische Functionen erster Ordnung 1894 Harris Hancock