Florian Steinberg


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Factorize Factorization 2021 Christine Gaßner
Arno Pauly
Florian Steinberg
+ Continuous and monotone machines 2020 M KonĕcnĂœ
Florian Steinberg
Holger Thies
+ PDF Chat Quantitative continuity and Computable Analysis in Coq 2019 Florian Steinberg
Laurent Théry
Holger Thies
+ Type-two polynomial-time and restricted lookahead 2019 Bruce M. Kapron
Florian Steinberg
+ Parametrised second-order complexity theory with applications to the study of interval computation 2019 Eike Neumann
Florian Steinberg
+ PDF Chat Some formal proofs of isomorphy and discontinuity 2019 Florian Steinberg
Holger Thies
+ Towards computational complexity theory on advanced function spaces in analysis 2019 Akitoshi Kawamura
Florian Steinberg
Martin Ziegler
+ Computable analysis and notions of continuity in Coq 2019 Florian Steinberg
Laurent Théry
Holger Thies
+ PDF Chat Type-two polynomial-time and restricted lookahead 2018 Bruce M. Kapron
Florian Steinberg
+ Complexity theory for spaces of integrable functions 2017 Florian Steinberg
+ Polynomial Running Times for Polynomial-Time Oracle Machines 2017 Akitoshi Kawamura
Florian Steinberg
+ Bounded time computation on metric spaces and banach spaces 2017 Matthias Schröder
Florian Steinberg
+ PDF Chat Bounded time computation on metric spaces and Banach spaces 2017 Matthias Schröder
Florian Steinberg
+ Polynomial running times for polynomial-time oracle machines 2017 Akitoshi Kawamura
Florian Steinberg
+ Bounded time computation on metric spaces and Banach spaces 2017 Matthias Schröder
Florian Steinberg
+ On the computational complexity of the Dirichlet Problem for Poisson's Equation 2016 Akitoshi Kawamura
Florian Steinberg
Martin Ziegler
+ PDF Chat Representations of Analytic Functions and Weihrauch Degrees 2016 Arno Pauly
Florian Steinberg
+ Complexity theory for spaces of integrable functions 2016 Florian Steinberg
+ Towards computational complexity theory on advanced function spaces in analysis 2016 Akitoshi Kawamura
Florian Steinberg
Martin Ziegler
+ Representations of analytic functions and Weihrauch degrees 2015 Arno Pauly
Florian Steinberg
+ Holding their ground—secure land tenure for the urban poor in developing countries 2003 Florian Steinberg
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Complexity Theory for Operators in Analysis 2012 Akitoshi Kawamura
Stephen Cook
+ PDF Chat Polynomial and abstract subrecursive classes 1976 Kurt Mehlhorn
+ Small Complexity Classes for Computable Analysis 2014 Akitoshi Kawamura
Hiroyuki Ota
+ PDF Chat Function Spaces for Second-Order Polynomial Time 2014 Akitoshi Kawamura
Arno Pauly
+ Computational benefit of smoothness: Parameterized bit-complexity of numerical operators on analytic functions and Gevrey’s hierarchy 2015 Akitoshi Kawamura
Norbert MĂŒller
Carsten Rösnick
Martin Ziegler
+ Computational complexity on computable metric spaces 2003 Klaus Weirauch
+ Some computational aspects of metric fixed-point theory 2005 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Computable analysis of the abstract Cauchy problem in a Banach space and its applications I 2007 Klaus Weihrauch
Ning Zhong
+ Computational complexity of real functions 1982 Ker‐I Ko
Harvey M. Friedman
+ Towards computability of elliptic boundary value problems in variational formulation 2006 Vasco Brattka
Atsushi Yoshikawa
+ On Computability of Navier-Stokes’ Equation 2015 Shu Ming Sun
Ning Zhong
Martin Ziegler
+ Computability of Banach space principles 2001 Vasco Brattka
+ Computability theory of generalized functions 2003 Ning Zhong
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Complexity theory for spaces of integrable functions 2017 Florian Steinberg
+ PDF Chat Some hierarchies of <tt>QCB</tt><sub>0</sub>-spaces 2014 Matthias Schröder
Victor Selivanov
+ PDF Chat Adventures in time and space 2007 Norman Danner
James S. Royer
+ PDF Chat Some applications of logic to feasibility in higher types 2004 Aleksandar Ignjatović
Arun Sharma
+ An effective Riemann Mapping Theorem 1999 Peter Hertling
+ PDF Chat Effective Choice and Boundedness Principles in Computable Analysis 2011 Vasco Brattka
Guido Gherardi
+ PDF Chat Lipschitz Continuous Ordinary Differential Equations are Polynomial-Space Complete 2010 Akitoshi Kawamura
+ Applied Proof Theory: Proof Interpretations and Their Use in Mathematics 2008 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Δ-Entropy and Δ-Capacity of Sets In Functional Spaces 1993 V. М. Tikhomirov
+ Comparing Cartesian closed categories of (core) compactly generated spaces 2004 Martı́n Hötzel EscardĂł
Jimmie Lawson
Alex Simpson
+ PDF Chat A counterexample to the approximation problem in Banach spaces 1973 Per Enflo
+ On the Computational Complexity of Positive Linear Functionals on C [0;1]. 2015 Hugo Férée
Martin Ziegler
+ PDF Chat On the computational complexity of the Riemann mapping 2007 Ilia Binder
Mark Braverman
Michael Yampolsky
+ Complexity theory for spaces of integrable functions 2016 Florian Steinberg
+ Polynomial Running Times for Polynomial-Time Oracle Machines 2017 Akitoshi Kawamura
Florian Steinberg
+ Bounded time computation on metric spaces and banach spaces 2017 Matthias Schröder
Florian Steinberg
+ Über die Orthogonalfunktionen des Herrn Haar. 1910 Georg Faber
+ PDF Chat Essential Incompleteness of Arithmetic Verified by Coq 2005 Russell O’Connor
+ PDF Chat Type-two Iteration with Bounded Query Revision 2019 Bruce M. Kapron
Florian Steinberg
+ PDF Chat Computational Complexity of Smooth Differential Equations 2014 Akitoshi Kawamura
Hiroyuki Ota
Carsten Rösnick
Martin Ziegler
+ On the Effective Existence of Schauder Bases. 2009 Volker Bosserhoff
+ PDF Chat Computability and Computational Complexity of the Evolution of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems 2013 Olivier Bournez
Daniel S. Graça
Amaury Pouly
Ning Zhong
+ Theory of Approximation of Functions of a Real Variable 1963 A.F. TIMAN
+ Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equations 2010 Haı̈m Brezis
+ Infinite Oracle Queries in Type-2 Machines (Extended Abstract) 2009 Arno Pauly
+ Real and Complex Analysis. 1987 G. A. Garreau
Walter Rudin
+ Weihrauch-completeness for layerwise computability 2015 Arno Pauly
Willem L. Fouché
George Davie
+ Parameterized Uniform Complexity in Numerics: from Smooth to Analytic, from NP-hard to Polytime 2012 Akitoshi Kawamura
Norbert MĂŒller
Carsten Rösnick
Martin Ziegler
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ Computational complexity of solving polynomial differential equations over unbounded domains 2016 Amaury Pouly
Daniel S. Graça
+ Derivatives of Computable Functions 1998 Ning Zhong
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic computability and choice 2015 Vasco Brattka
Guido Gherardi
Rupert Hölzl
+ PDF Chat Closed choice and a Uniform Low Basis Theorem 2012 Vasco Brattka
Matthew de Brecht
Arno Pauly
+ Elliptische Differentialgleichungen zweiter Ordnung 2009 Ernst Wienholtz
Hubert Kalf
Thomas Kriecherbauer
+ Espaces métriques rationnellement présentés et complexité, le cas de l'espace des fonctions réelles uniformément continues sur un intervalle compact 2001 Salah Labhalla
Henri Lombardi
El Madkour Moutai
+ An Algorithm for Computing Fundamental Solutions 2006 Klaus Weihrauch
Ning Zhong
+ PDF Chat On a theory of computation and complexity over the real numbers: 𝑁𝑃- completeness, recursive functions and universal machines 1989 Lenore Blum
M. Shub
Steve Smale