Kazuo Horiuchi


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A Basic Fuzzy-Estimation Theory for Available Operation of Extremely Complicated Large-Scale Network Systems 2012 Kazuo Horiuchi
+ A Fixed Point Theorem in Weak Topology for Successively Recurrent System of Fuzzy-Set-Valued Nonlinear Mapping Equations and Its Application to Ring Nonlinear Network Systems 2011 Kazuo Horiuchi
+ PDF Chat A fixed point theorem in weak topology for successively recurrent system of fuzzy-set-valued nonlinear mapping equations and its application 2010 Kazuo Horiuchi
+ A Fixed Point Theorem in Weak Topology for Successively Recurrent System of Set-Valued Mapping Equations and Its Applications 2009 Kazuo Horiuchi
+ A Refined Fixed Point Theorem for Recurrent System of Fuzzy-Set-Valued Nonlinear Mapping Equations and Its Application to Ring Nonlinear Network Systems 2004 Kazuo Horiuchi
+ Risk analysis of fuzzy control systems with (n+1)-inputs and 1-output FLC 2003 Yasunori Endo
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ A Fixed Point Theorem for Recurrent System of Fuzzy-Set-Valued Nonlinear Mapping Equations 2003 Kazuo Horiuchi
+ Some Fixed Point Theorem for Successively Recurrent System of Set-Valued Mapping Equations 2002 Kazuo Horiuchi
+ A Numerical Method to Prove the Existence of Solutions for Ordinary Differential Equations Using H1 Norm 1999 Takatomi Miyata
Takao Souma
Yuchi Kanzawa
Shin'ishi Oishi
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ A method of proving the existence of simple turning points of two-point boundary value problems based on the numerical computation with guaranteed accuracy 1998 Takao Soma
Shi N.ichi Oishi
Yuchi Kanzawa
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ A Numerical Method to Prove the Existence of Solutions for Ordinary Differential Equations using L_2 norm 1998 Takatomi Miyata
Takao Soma
Yuchi Kanzawa
Shin’ichi Oishi
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ A Numerical Method to Prove the Existence of Solutions for Ordinary Differential Equations 1998 Takatomi Miyata
Takao Souma
Yuchi Kanzawa
Shin’ichi Oishi
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ A Numerical Method for Nonexistence Test of Solution of Nonlinear Equations Using Interior Point Method 1998 Akihiko Musha
Yusuke Nakaya
Shin’ichi Oishi
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ Numerical Verification of Existence of Turning Points of Two-Point Boundary-value Problems 1997 Takao Souma
Yuchi Kanzawa
Shin’ichi Oishi
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ An Iterative Refinment Method for Solutions of Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations with Arbitrarily Pricision 1996 Takao Soma
Shin’ichi Oishi
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ An Algorithm for Searching All Solutions of Parameter-Depending Nonlinear Equations 1994 Yuchi Kanzawa
Masahide Kashiwagi
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ Singular point analysis for dynamical systems with many parameters‐an application to an asymmetrically and densely connected neural network model 1994 Hisaaki Tanaka
Atsushi Okada
Kazuo Horiuchi
Shin’ichi Oishi
+ An estimation method of region guaranteeing existence of a solution path in Newton type homotopy method 1993 Mitsunori Makino
Masahide Kashiwagi
Shin’ichi Oishi
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ A Sufficient Condition of A Priori Estimation for Computational Complexity of the Homotopy Method (Special Section on Neural Nets, Chaos and Numerics) 1993 Mitsunori Makino
Masahide Kashiwagi
Shin’ichi Oishi
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ Sufficient condition of a priori estimation for computational complexity of the homotopy method 1993 Mitsunori Makino
Masahide Kashiwagi
Shin’ichi Oishi
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ An Urabe Type A Posteriori Stopping Criterion and a Globally Convergent Property of the Simplicial Approximate Homotopy Method 1991 Mitsunori Makino
Shin’ichi Oishi
Masahide Kashiwagi
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ Computational complexity of the homotopy method for calculating solutions of strongly monotonic resistive circuit equations 1991 M. Makino
Shin’ichi Oishi
Masahide Kashiwagi
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ Computational Complexity of Calculating Solutions for a Certain Class of Uniquely Solvable Nonlinear Equation by Homotopy Method 1990 Mitsunori Makino
Shin’ichi Oishi
Masahide Kashiwagi
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ Computational Complexity of Homotopy Method for Monotone Resistive Circuits 1990 Mitsunori Makino
Shin Ichi Oishi
Masahide Kashiwagi
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ Accurate shooting methods for computing periodic solutions of nonlinear systems 1989 Kiyotaka Yamamura
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ A newton algorithm for steady-state analysis of nonlinear oscillatory circuits 1988 Kiyotaka Yamamura
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ Fundamental Theory of Simulating Infinite dimensional Nonlinear Systems 1988 Shin’ichi Oishi
Kazuo Horiuchi
Mitsunori Makino
Jun aramomi
Tatsuo Hayashi
Yutaka Oyatsu
+ Steady-state analysis of nonlinear oscillatory circuits by a simplicial homotopymethod 1986 Kiyotaka Yamamura
Etsuko Katayama
Shin’ichi Oishi
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ Steady-state analysis of nonlinear oscillatory circuits by iterative decomposition method 1986 Kiyotaka Yamamura
Kazuo Horiuchi
Shin’ichi Oishi
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ Simplicial homotopy method for the solution of nonlinear two‐point boundary value problems 1985 Kiyotaka Yamamura
Shin’ichi Oishi
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ A decomposition method and acceleration techniques for a fixed point algorithm 1984 Kiyotaka Yamamura
Shin’ichi Oishi
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ Algorithms for solving systems of nonlinear equations by Kevorkian's decomposition method and their quadratic convergence property 1983 Kiyotaka Yamamura
Shin’ichi Oishi
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ Sampling principle for continuous signals with time-varying bands 1968 Kazuo Horiuchi
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Fixed-point and Minimax Theorems in Locally Convex Topological Linear Spaces 1952 Ky Fan
+ Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables 1971 E. I.
J. M. Ortega
Werner C. Rheinboldt
+ PDF Chat Monotone processes of convex and concave type 1967 R. T. Rockafellar
+ A Decomposition Methodology and a Class of Algorithms for the Solution of Nonlinear Equations 1981 Aram Κ. Kevorkian
+ Steady-state analysis of nonlinear circuits with periodic inputs 1972 T.J. Aprille
T.N. Trick
+ PDF Chat Multi-valued contraction mappings 1969 Sam B. Nadler
+ Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables 2000 J. M. Ortega
Werner C. Rheinboldt
+ A multilevel Newton algorithm with macromodeling and latency for the analysis of large-scale nonlinear circuits in the time domain 1979 N.B. Rabbat
Alberto Sangiovanni‐Vincentelli
Hsueh Hsieh
+ Some Fixed Point Theorem for Successively Recurrent System of Set-Valued Mapping Equations 2002 Kazuo Horiuchi
+ PDF Chat A fixed point theorem in weak topology for successively recurrent system of fuzzy-set-valued nonlinear mapping equations and its application 2010 Kazuo Horiuchi
+ A Refined Fixed Point Theorem for Recurrent System of Fuzzy-Set-Valued Nonlinear Mapping Equations and Its Application to Ring Nonlinear Network Systems 2004 Kazuo Horiuchi
+ Fixed point and minimax theorem in locally convex topological linear spaces 1952 Kai Fan
+ Newton's method with mesh refinements for numerical solution of nonlinear two-point boundary value problems 1978 Eugene L. Allgower
Steve McCormick
+ Conditions for quadratic convergence of quick periodic steady-state methods 1982 Stig Skelboe
+ An Algorithm That is Globally Convergent with Probability One for a Class of Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary Value Problems 1979 Layne T. Watson
+ VIII. The deferred approach to the limit 1927 Lewis Fry Richardson
J. Arthur Gaunt
+ A Test for Existence of Solutions to Nonlinear Systems 1977 Robert E. Moore
+ PDF Chat XVIII.—On the Functions which are represented by the Expansions of the Interpolation-Theory 1915 E. T. Whittaker
+ A newton algorithm for steady-state analysis of nonlinear oscillatory circuits 1988 Kiyotaka Yamamura
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ Vector labelling method in fixed points algorithm and array processors 1983 Shin’ichi Oishi
Tadaaki Takase
Kiyotaka Yamamura
+ The bordered triangular matrix and minimum essential sets of a digraph 1974 Lap-Kit Cheung
E.S. Kuh
+ Numerical Continuation Methods 1990 Eugene L. Allgower
Kurt Georg
+ The self-validating numerical method-A new tool for computer assisted proofs of nonlinear problems 1992 Shin’ichi Oishi
+ Computational Complexity of Calculating Solutions for a Certain Class of Uniquely Solvable Nonlinear Equation by Homotopy Method 1990 Mitsunori Makino
Shin’ichi Oishi
Masahide Kashiwagi
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ Necessary condition for the existence of algebraic first integrals 1983 Haruo Yoshida
+ Nonlinear Functional Analysis and its Applications 1986 Eberhard Zeidler
+ Application of a Fixed Point Search Algorithm to Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems Having Several Solutions 1977 Eugene L. Allgower
+ The Numerical solution of nonlinear problems 1981 Christopher Baker
Chris Phillips
+ A survey of homotopy methods for smooth mappings 1981 Eugene L. Allgower
+ Nonlinear Functional Analysis and its Applications 1990 Eberhard Zeidler
+ Existence Theorems and a Solution Algorithm for Piecewise-Linear Resistor Networks 1977 Tomoaki Ohtsuki
T. Fujisawa
Shinya Kumagai
+ On the application of degree theory to the analysis of resistive nonlinear networks 1977 Leon O. Chua
Niantsu N. Wang
+ PDF Chat Solving Finite Difference Approximations to Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary Value Problems by a Homotopy Method 1980 Layne T. Watson
+ Measures of noncompactness in Banach spaces 1980 Józef Banaƛ
+ ODEPAINLEVE - A MACSYMA package for painlevé analysis of ordinary differential equations 1986 D.W. Rand
P. Winternitz
+ A decomposition method and acceleration techniques for a fixed point algorithm 1984 Kiyotaka Yamamura
Shin’ichi Oishi
Kazuo Horiuchi
+ Some extensions of the Krasnoselskii fixed point theorems 1972 William R Melvin
+ The Painlevé property and singularity analysis of integrable and non-integrable systems 1989 A. Ramani
B. Grammaticos
Tassos Bountis
+ PDF Chat Accurate Difference Methods for Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary Value Problems 1974 Herbert B. Keller
+ Fuzzy mappings and fixed point theorem 1981 StanisƂaw Heilpern
+ On the Convergence Rate of Algorithms for Solving Equations that are Based on Methods of Complementary Pivoting 1977 Romesh Saigal
+ Steady-state analysis of nonlinear oscillatory circuits by iterative decomposition method 1986 Kiyotaka Yamamura
Kazuo Horiuchi