Pierre Mathieu


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Conformal field theory 2024 Philippe Di Francesco
Pierre Mathieu
David Sénéchal
+ Besov spaces and random walks on a hyperbolic group: boundary traces and reflecting extensions of Dirichlet forms 2024 Pierre Mathieu
Yuki Tokushige
+ Large deviations for random walks on Gromov-hyperbolic spaces 2023 Adrien Boulanger
Pierre Mathieu
Çağrı Sert
Alessandro Sisto
+ PDF Chat Random walks on hyperbolic spaces: second order expansion of the rate function at the drift 2023 Richard Aoun
Pierre Mathieu
Çağrı Sert
+ Blaise Pascal et Pierre de Fermat, géomètres du hasard 2023 Pierre Mathieu
Grégory Miermont
Pierre Mathieu
Çağrı Sert
Alessandro Sisto
+ Random walks on hyperbolic spaces: second order expansion of the rate function at the drift 2021 Richard Aoun
Pierre Mathieu
Çağrı Sert
+ PDF Chat Deviation inequalities for random walks 2020 Pierre Mathieu
Alessandro Sisto
+ Large deviations and rate of escape for hyperbolic random walks 2020 Adrien Boulanger
Pierre Mathieu
+ Large deviations for random walks on Gromov-hyperbolic spaces 2020 Adrien Boulanger
Pierre Mathieu
Çağrı Sert
Alessandro Sisto
+ Symmetric functions in superspace: a compendium of results and open problems (including a SageMath worksheet) 2019 Ludovic Alarie-Vézina
Olivier Blondeau-Fournier
Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ Symmetric functions in superspace: a compendium of results and open problems (including a SageMath worksheet) 2019 Ludovic Alarie-Vézina
Olivier Blondeau-Fournier
Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Bernstein operators and super-Schur functions: combinatorial aspects 2018 Ludovic Alarie-Vézina
Olivier Blondeau-Fournier
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Singular weighted Sobolev spaces and diffusion processes: an example (due to V.V. Zhikov) 2018 Alberto Chiarini
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Steady States, Fluctuation–Dissipation Theorems and Homogenization for Reversible Diffusions in a Random Environment 2018 Pierre Mathieu
Andrey Piatnitski
+ Singular weighted Sobolev spaces and diffusion processes: an example (due to V.V. Zhikov). 2018 Alberto Chiarini
Pierre Mathieu
+ The N=2 supersymmetric Calogero-Sutherland model and its eigenfunctions 2018 Ludovic Alarie-Vézina
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ Besov spaces and random walks on a hyperbolic group: boundary traces and reflecting extensions of Dirichlet forms 2018 Pierre Mathieu
Yuki Tokushige
+ Singular weighted Sobolev spaces and diffusion processes: an example (due to V.V. Zhikov) 2018 Alberto Chiarini
Pierre Mathieu
+ A quartet of fermionic expressions for M ( k ,2 k ± 1) Virasoro characters via half-lattice paths 2017 Olivier Blondeau-Fournier
Pierre Mathieu
Trevor A. Welsh
+ PDF Chat Superconformal minimal models and admissible Jack polynomials 2017 Olivier Blondeau-Fournier
Pierre Mathieu
David Ridout
Simon Wood
+ PDF Chat <i>N</i>≥ 𝟐 symmetric superpolynomials 2017 Ludovic Alarie-Vézina
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Charged excitons in monolayer WSe2: Experiment and theory 2017 Pierre Mathieu
Walter Escoffier
+ The super-Virasoro singular vectors and Jack superpolynomials relationship revisited 2016 Olivier Blondeau-Fournier
Pierre Mathieu
David Ridout
Simon N. Wood
+ Superconformal minimal models and admissible Jack polynomials 2016 Olivier Blondeau-Fournier
Pierre Mathieu
David Ridout
Simon Wood
+ PDF Chat Renewal theory for random walks on surface groups 2016 Peter Haı̈ssinsky
Pierre Mathieu
Sebastian Müller
+ Steady states, fluctuation-dissipation theorems and homogenization for diffusions in a random environment with finite range of dependence 2016 Pierre Mathieu
Andrey Piatnitski
+ Superconformal minimal models and admissible Jack polynomials 2016 Olivier Blondeau-Fournier
Pierre Mathieu
David Ridout
Simon N. Wood
+ PDF Chat Deviation inequalities and CLT for random walks on acylindrically hyperbolic groups 2015 Pierre Mathieu
Alessandro Sisto
+ Harnack inequalities and local central limit theorem for the polynomial lower tail random conductance model 2015 Omar Boukhadra
Takashi Kumagai
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat From Jack to Double Jack Polynomials via the Supersymmetric Bridge 2015 Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetric Ruijsenaars-Schneider Model 2015 Olivier Blondeau-Fournier
Patrick Desrosiers
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat A Sobolev Inequality and the Individual Invariance Principle for Diffusions in a Periodic Potential 2015 Moustapha Ba
Pierre Mathieu
+ Deviation inequalities for random walks 2014 Pierre Mathieu
Alessandro Sisto
+ Differentiating the entropy of random walks on hyperbolic groups 2014 Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Double Macdonald polynomials as the stable limit of Macdonald superpolynomials 2014 Olivier Blondeau-Fournier
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Aging of asymmetric dynamics on the random energy model 2014 Pierre Mathieu
Jean-Christophe Mourrat
+ PDF Chat Super-Whittaker vector at<i>c</i>= 3/2 2014 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Ramond singular vectors and Jack superpolynomials 2013 Ludovic Alarie-Vézina
Patrick Desrosiers
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat On the dynamics of trap models in ℤ<sup> <i>d</i> </sup> 2013 Luiz Renato Fontes
Pierre Mathieu
+ Harnack Inequalities and Local Central Limit Theorem for the Polynomial Lower Tail Random Conductance Model 2013 Omar Boukhadra
Takashi Kumagai
Pierre Mathieu
+ The Polynomial Lower Tail Random Conductances Model 2013 Omar Boukhadra
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Fractional-Level Kac-Moody Algebras and Nonunitary Coset Conformal Theories 2013 Pierre Mathieu
Mark A. Walton
+ A Sobolev inequality and the individual invariance principle for diffusions in a periodic potential 2013 Moustapha Ba
Pierre Mathieu
+ Harnack Inequalities and Local Central Limit Theorem for the Polynomial Lower Tail Random Conductance Model 2013 Omar Boukhadra
Takashi Kumagai
Pierre Mathieu
+ Aging of asymmetric dynamics on the random energy model 2012 Pierre Mathieu
Jean-Christophe Mourrat
+ PDF Chat Jack Superpolynomials with Negative Fractional Parameter: Clustering Properties and Super-Virasoro Ideals 2012 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Superconformal field theory and Jack superpolynomials 2012 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Macdonald Polynomials in Superspace: Conjectural Definition and Positivity Conjectures 2012 Olivier Blondeau-Fournier
Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Half-lattice Paths and Virasoro Characters 2012 Olivier Blondeau-Fournier
Pierre Mathieu
Trevor A. Welsh
+ Macdonald polynomials in superspace as eigenfunctions of commuting operators 2012 Olivier Blondeau-Fournier
Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ Scaling limits and aging for asymmetric trap models on the complete graph and K-processes 2012 S. C. Bezerra
Luiz Renato Fontes
Renato Jacob Gava
Véronique Gayrard
Pierre Mathieu
+ Double Macdonald polynomials as the stable limit of Macdonald superpolynomials 2012 Olivier Blondeau-Fournier
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Macdonald polynomials in superspace as eigenfunctions of commuting operators 2012 Olivier Blondeau-Fournier
Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ Aging of asymmetric dynamics on the random energy model 2012 Pierre Mathieu
Jean-Christophe Mourrat
+ PDF Chat Evaluation and Normalization of Jack Superpolynomials 2011 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si20.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>k</mml:mi></mml:math>-independent percolation on trees 2011 Pierre Mathieu
Christoph Temmel
+ PDF Chat Einstein relation for reversible diffusions in a random environment 2011 Nina Gantert
Pierre Mathieu
Andrey Piatnitski
+ PDF Chat Path representation of states II: Operator construction of the fermionic character and spin-–RSOS factorization 2011 Joël Lamy-Poirier
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Harmonic measures versus quasiconformal measures for hyperbolic groups 2011 Sébastien Blachère
Peter Haı̈ssinsky
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Path representation of states I: Operators and particles for 2010 Joël Lamy-Poirier
Pierre Mathieu
+ Einstein relation for reversible diffusions in random environment 2010 Nina Gantert
Pierre Mathieu
Andrey Piatnitski
+ PDF Chat A Bijection Between Paths for the $${\mathcal{M}(p, 2p + 1)}$$ Minimal Model Virasoro Characters 2010 Olivier Blondeau-Fournier
Pierre Mathieu
Trevor A. Welsh
+ Einstein relation for reversible diffusions in random environment 2010 Nina Gantert
Pierre Mathieu
Andrey Piatnitski
+ The {\mathcal W}_k structure of the {\mathcal Z}_k^{(3/2)} models 2009 Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Paths and partitions: Combinatorial descriptions of the parafermionic states 2009 Pierre Mathieu
+ The W_k structure of the Z_k^(3/2) models 2009 Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Jagged Partitions and Lattice Paths 2009 P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ Particles in RSOS paths 2009 P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ Quasi-particles in conformal field theoryThis paper was presented at the Theory CANADA 4 conference, held at the Centre de Recherches Mathématiques at the Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada on 4–7 June 2008. 2009 Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat A nonlocal operator basis from the path representation of the {\cal M}(k+1\hbox{,}\,k+2) and the {\cal M}(k+1\hbox{,}\,2k+3) minimal models 2008 P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Fermi-gas interpretation of the RSOS path representation of the superconformal unitary minimal models 2008 P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat K-processes, scaling limit and aging for the trap model in the complete graph 2008 Luiz Renato Fontes
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Mott Law as Upper Bound for a Random Walk in a Random Environment 2008 Alessandra Faggionato
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic entropy and Green speed for random walks on countable groups 2008 Sébastien Blachère
Peter Haı̈ssinsky
Pierre Mathieu
+ Multiple partitions, lattice paths and a Burge–Bressoud-type correspondence 2008 P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Logarithmic minimal models, their logarithmic couplings, and duality 2008 Pierre Mathieu
David Ridout
+ PDF Chat Quenched Invariance Principles for Random Walks with Random Conductances 2007 Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat A new path description for the {\cal M} (k+1,2k+3) models and the dual {\cal Z}_k graded parafermions 2007 P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat From percolation to logarithmic conformal field theory 2007 Pierre Mathieu
David Ridout
+ PDF Chat Paths for $${\mathcal{Z}}_k$$ Parafermionic Models 2007 P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Quenched invariance principles for random walks on percolation clusters 2007 Pierre Mathieu
Andrey Piatnitski
+ The extended algebra of the minimal models 2007 Pierre Mathieu
David Ridout
+ PDF Chat Characters of graded parafermion conformal field theory 2007 Jean-François Fortin
Pierre Mathieu
S. Ole Warnaar
+ Paths for Z k Parafermionic Models 2007 P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ Asymptotic entropy and Green speed for random walks on countable groups 2007 Sébastien Blachère
Peter Haı̈ssinsky
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat The extended algebra of the Wess–Zumino–Witten models 2006 Pierre Mathieu
David Ridout
+ PDF Chat Orthogonality of Jack polynomials in superspace 2006 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ Mott law for Mott variable--range random walk 2006 Alessandra Faggionato
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Classical symmetric functions in superspace 2006 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Carne–Varopoulos bounds for centered random walks 2006 Pierre Mathieu
+ Embedding of bases: From the <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">M</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mi>κ</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> to the <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si2.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">M</mml:mi><mml:mo … 2006 P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ K-processes, scaling limit and aging for the REM-like trap model 2006 Luiz Renato Fontes
Pierre Mathieu
+ Multiple partitions, lattice paths and a Burge-Bressoud-type correspondence 2006 P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ Characters of graded parafermion conformal field theory 2006 Jean-François Fortin
Pierre Mathieu
S. Ole Warnaar
+ Jagged partitions and lattice paths 2006 P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ Mott law as upper bound for a random walk in a random environment 2006 Alessandra Faggionato
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat A quasi-particle description of the <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">M</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>3</mml:mn><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> models 2005 P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ Jagged Partitions 2005 Jean-François Fortin
P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ Jack polynomials in superspace: combinatorial orthogonality 2005 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat The <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msubsup><mml:mi>Z</mml:mi><mml:mi>k</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">su</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mn>3</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">/</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msubsup></mml:math> parafermions 2005 P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Parafermionic derivation of Andrews-type multiple sums 2005 P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat On symmetric random walks with random conductances on ℤ d 2005 Luiz Renato Fontes
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Generating Function for $K$-Restricted Jagged Partitions 2005 Jean-François Fortin
P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat fermionic characters and restricted jagged partitions 2005 Jean-François Fortin
P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ Quenched invariance principles for random walks on percolation clusters 2005 Pierre Mathieu
Andrey Piatnitski
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetric Calogero-Moser-Sutherland models: Superintegrability structure and eigenfunctions 2004 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Jack Superpolynomials: Physical and Combinatorial Definitions 2004 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ Formule d'Itô pour des Diffusions Uniformément Elliptiques, et Processus de Dirichlet 2004 K. Dupoiron
Pierre Mathieu
Jaime San Martı́n
+ PDF Chat Logarithmic lift of the model 2004 Frédéric Lesage
Pierre Mathieu
Jørgen Rasmussen
Hubert Saleur
+ PDF Chat Explicit formulae for the generalized Hermite polynomials in superspace 2004 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ Symmetric functions in superspace 2004 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Isoperimetry and heat kernel decay on percolation clusters 2004 Pierre Mathieu
Élisabeth Rémy
+ On symmetric random walks with random conductances on $\Z^d$ 2004 Luiz Renato Fontes
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Jack Polynomials in Superspace 2003 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Generalized Hermite polynomials in superspace as eigenfunctions of the supersymmetric rational CMS model 2003 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Convergence to equilibrium for finite Markov processes, with application to the Random Energy Model 2003 Pierre Mathieu
Pierre Picco
+ PDF Chat Fermionic characters for graded parafermions 2003 Luc Bégin
Jean-François Fortin
P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Jack Superpolynomials, Superpartition Ordering and Determinantal Formulas 2003 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ Isoperimetry and heat kernel decay on percolation clusters 2003 Pierre Mathieu
Élisabeth Rémy
+ Generating function for K-restricted jagged partitions 2003 Jean-François Fortin
P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ Isoperimetry and heat kernel decay on percolation clusters 2003 Pierre Mathieu
Élisabeth Rémy
+ Jagged partitions 2003 Jean-François Fortin
P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat The WZW model and the βγ system 2002 Frédéric Lesage
Pierre Mathieu
Jørgen Rasmussen
Hubert Saleur
+ PDF Chat Fusion bases as facets of polytopes 2002 Luc Bégin
Chris Cummins
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Graded parafermions: standard and quasiparticle bases 2002 P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Parafermionic quasi-particle basis and fermionic-type characters 2002 P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ Formule d'Ito pour des diffusions uniformement elliptiques et processus de Dirichlet 2002 K. Dupoiron
Pierre Mathieu
Jaime San Martı́n
+ Supersymmetric Calogero-Moser-Sutherland models: superintegrability structure and eigenfunctions 2002 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ Fusion rules and the Patera-Sharp generating-function method 2002 Luc Bégin
Chris Cummins
Pierre Mathieu
Mark A. Walton
+ PDF Chat Single-channel correlators and residue calculus 2001 P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ Open problems for the super KdV equations 2001 Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat The Painlevé analysis for N=2 super Korteweg–de Vries equations 2001 S. Bourque
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetric Calogero–Moser–Sutherland models and Jack superpolynomials 2001 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ Décroissance du noyau de la chaleur et isopérimétrie sur un amas de percolation 2001 Pierre Mathieu
Élisabeth Rémy
+ PDF Chat Conserved charges of non-Yangian type for the Frahm-Polychronakos spin chain 2001 Pierre Mathieu
Y. Xudous
+ Dirichlet processes associated to diffusions 2001 Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Fusion in coset CFT from admissible singular-vector decoupling 2001 Pierre Mathieu
Jørgen Rasmussen
Mark A. Walton
+ PDF Chat Convergence to Equilibrium for Spin Glasses 2000 Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Generating-function method for fusion rules 2000 Luc Bégin
Chris Cummins
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat On the averaged dynamics of the random field Curie-Weiss model 2000 Luiz Renato Fontes
Pierre Mathieu
Pierre Picco
+ PDF Chat Generating-function method for tensor products 2000 Luc Bégin
Chris Cummins
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Parafermionic character formulae 2000 P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ Fusion bases for affine Lie algebras 2000 Luc Bégin
Chris Cummins
Pierre Mathieu
+ Open problems for the superKdV equations 2000 Pierre Mathieu
+ Yangian Symmetry in WZW Models 2000 Z. Maassarani
Pierre Mathieu
+ Sur la convergence des marches aléatoires dans un milieu aléatoire et les inégalités de Poincaré généralisées 1999 Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat On principal admissible representations and conformal field theory 1999 Pierre Mathieu
Mark A. Walton
+ On random perturbations of dynamical systems and diffusions with a Brownian potential in dimension one 1998 Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat The su (N) XX model 1998 Z. Maassarani
Pierre Mathieu
+ None 1998 Pierre Mathieu
Pierre Picco
+ Generating functions for tensor products 1998 Luc Bégin
Chris Cummins
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Probing integrable perturbations of conformal theories using singular vectors (II). N = 1 superconformal theories 1998 Pierre Mathieu
G.M.T. Watts
+ None 1998 Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Logarithmic Yangians in WZW Models 1997 Denis Bernard
Z. Maassarani
Pierre Mathieu
+ Global Conformal Invariance 1997 Philippe Di Francesco
Pierre Mathieu
David Sénéchal
+ Affine Lie Algebras 1997 Philippe Di Francesco
Pierre Mathieu
David Sénéchal
+ Simple Lie Algebras 1997 Philippe Di Francesco
Pierre Mathieu
David Sénéchal
+ Modular Invariants in WZW Models 1997 Philippe Di Francesco
Pierre Mathieu
David Sénéchal
+ PDF Chat Hitting times and spectral gap inequalities 1997 Pierre Mathieu
+ Conformal Field Theory 1997 Philippe Di Francesco
Pierre Mathieu
David Sénéchal
+ Conformal Invariance in Two Dimensions 1997 Philippe Di Francesco
Pierre Mathieu
David Sénéchal
+ PDF Chat The structure of conserved charges in open spin chains 1996 Marek Grabowski
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat THE QUANTUM <font>SKdV</font><sub>1,4</sub> EQUATION AT c=3 1996 Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Probing integrable perturbations of conformal theories using singular vectors 1996 Pierre Mathieu
G.M.T. Watts
+ Spectra, exit times and long time asymptotics in the zero-white-noise limit 1995 Pierre Mathieu
+ Limit theorems for diffusions with a random potential 1995 Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Structure of the Conservation Laws in Quantum Integrable Spin Chains with Short Range Interactions 1995 Marek Grabowski
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Quantum chains with a Catalan tree pattern of conserved charges: The Δ=−1 XXZ model and the isotropic octonionic chain 1995 Marek Grabowski
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Integrability test for spin chains 1995 Marek Grabowski
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Inegalités Barlow-Yor pour les temps locaux d'intersection de deux mouvements Browniens plans 1995 Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Zero White Noise Limit through Dirichlet forms, with application to diffusions in a random medium 1994 Pierre Mathieu
Pierre Mathieu
+ Construction et renormalisation des temps locaux d'intersection de deux mouvements browniens plans 1994 Pierre Mathieu
+ Construction et renormalisation des temps locaux d'intersection de deux mouvements browniens plans 1994 Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Berenstein-Zelevinsky triangles, elementary couplings, and fusion rules 1993 Luc Bégin
A. N. Kirillov
Pierre Mathieu
Mark A. Walton
+ PDF Chat Integrable supersymmetry breaking perturbations of N = 1, 2 superconformal minimal models 1993 Didier A. Depireux
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Nonlocal conservation laws for supersymmetric KdV equations 1993 P. Dargis
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Can fusion coefficients be calculated from the depth rule? 1993 A. N. Kirillov
Pierre Mathieu
David Sénéchal
Mark A. Walton
+ PDF Chat $\widehat{{\rm su}}\left( 3 \right)_k $ FUSION COEFFICIENTS 1992 Luc Bégin
Pierre Mathieu
Mark A. Walton
+ PDF Chat ON THE CLASSICAL W<sub>N</sub><sup>(l)</sup> ALGEBRAS 1992 Didier A. Depireux
Pierre Mathieu
David Sénéchal
Mark A. Walton
+ PDF Chat INTEGRABILITY OF THE QUANTUM <font>KdV</font> EQUATION AT c=−2 1992 Philippe Di Francesco
Pierre Mathieu
David Sénéchal
+ PDF Chat Singular vectors and conservation laws of quantum KdV type equations 1992 Philippe Di Francesco
Pierre Mathieu
+ New example of a generating function for WZNW fusion rules 1992 Luc Bégin
Pierre Mathieu
Mark A. Walton
+ Crystallising the Depth Rule for WZNW Fusion Coefficients 1992 A. N. Kirillov
Pierre Mathieu
David Sénéchal
Mark A. Walton
+ Appendice : « Décomposition en produit de deux browniens d'une martingale à valeurs dans un groupe muni d'une métrique bi-invariante » 1992 Marc Arnaudon
Pierre Mathieu
+ A well-defined multicritical series in hermitian one-matrix models 1991 Pierre Mathieu
David Sénéchal
Walter Oevel
+ A new <i>N</i>=2 supersymmetric Korteweg–de Vries equation 1991 P. Labelle
Pierre Mathieu
+ Integrable perturbations of N = 2 superconformal minimal models 1991 Pierre Mathieu
Mark A. Walton
+ Generating functions for WZNW fusion rules 1991 Chris Cummins
Pierre Mathieu
Mark A. Walton
+ Integrability of perturbed superconformal minimal models 1990 Pierre Mathieu
+ Integrability Off Criticality and Quantum Integrable Systems 1990 Pierre Mathieu
+ Fractional-Level Kač-Moody Algebras and Nonunitary Coset Conformal Theories 1990 Pierre Mathieu
Mark A. Walton
+ Quantum Korteweg-De Vries like equations and perturbed conformal field theories 1989 Boris A. Kupershmidt
Pierre Mathieu
+ osp(N, 2) AKNS equations 1989 Pierre Mathieu
Marc Thibeault
+ Representation of the so(N) and u(N) superconformal algebras via Miura transformations 1989 Pierre Mathieu
+ N = 2 superconformal algebra and integrable O(2) fermionic extensions of the Korteweg-de Vries equation 1988 Camille Laberge
Pierre Mathieu
+ Hamiltonian structure of graded and super evolution equations 1988 Pierre Mathieu
+ Extended classical conformal algebras and the second hamiltonian structure of Lax equations 1988 Pierre Mathieu
+ Superconformal algebra and supersymmetric Korteweg-de Vries equation 1988 Pierre Mathieu
+ The Painleve´property for fermionic extensions of the Korteweg-de Vries equation 1988 Pierre Mathieu
+ Addendum to 'Soliton solutions for Dirac equations with homogeneous nonlinearity in (1+1) dimensions' 1986 Pierre Mathieu
+ Compact solitons, bags, and radial excitations 1985 Pierre Mathieu
+ Soliton solutions for Dirac equations with homogeneous non-linearity in (1+1) dimensions 1985 Pierre Mathieu
+ Energetic instability of classical nontopological solitons with spinorial conserved charge 1985 Pierre Mathieu
T.F. Morris
+ Existence conditions for spinor solitons 1984 Pierre Mathieu
T.F. Morris
+ Baglike solutions of a Dirac equation with fractional nonlinearity 1984 Pierre Mathieu
R. Saly
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Conformal field theory 2024 Philippe Di Francesco
Pierre Mathieu
David Sénéchal
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetric Calogero–Moser–Sutherland models and Jack superpolynomials 2001 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ Conformal Field Theory 1997 Philippe Di Francesco
Pierre Mathieu
David Sénéchal
+ The Theory of Partitions 1984 George E. Andrews
+ PDF Chat Graded parafermions: standard and quasiparticle bases 2002 P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Jack Polynomials in Superspace 2003 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Infinite conformal symmetry in two-dimensional quantum field theory 1984 A. A. Belavin
A. Polyakov
A. B. Zamolodchikov
+ Eight-vertex SOS model and generalized Rogers-Ramanujan-type identities 1984 George E. Andrews
R. J. Baxter
Peter J. Forrester
Tomoki Nakanishi
Hirosi Ooguri
+ PDF Chat Fermionic sum representations for conformal field theory characters 1993 Rinat Kedem
Timothy R. Klassen
Barry M. McCoy
Ezer Melzer
+ Fermionic solution of the Andrews-Baxter-Forrester model. I. Unification of TBA and CTM methods 1996 S. Ole Warnaar
+ An invariance principle for reversible Markov processes. Applications to random motions in random environments 1989 Anna De Masi
Pablo A. Ferrari
Sheldon Goldstein
W. David Wick
+ PDF Chat Fermionic quasi-particle representations for characters of 1993 Rinat Kedem
Timothy R. Klassen
Barry M. McCoy
Ezer Melzer
+ PDF Chat Jack Superpolynomials with Negative Fractional Parameter: Clustering Properties and Super-Virasoro Ideals 2012 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Classical symmetric functions in superspace 2006 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Orthogonality of Jack polynomials in superspace 2006 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Super Lax pairs and infinite symmetries in the 1/<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">r</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math>system 1993 B. Sriram Shastry
Bill Sutherland
+ PDF Chat Fermionic expressions for minimal model Virasoro characters 2005 Trevor A. Welsh
+ PDF Chat Graded parafermions 1998 J.M. Camino
Alfonso V. Ramallo
J.M. Sánchez de Santos
+ Some combinatorial properties of Jack symmetric functions 1989 Richard P. Stanley
+ PDF Chat Continued fractions and fermionic representations for characters of M(p,p?) minimal models 1996 Alexander Bérkovich
Barry M. McCoy
+ A super Korteweg-de Vries equation: An integrable system 1984 Boris A. Kupershmidt
+ PDF Chat Evaluation and Normalization of Jack Superpolynomials 2011 Patrick Desrosiers
Luc Lapointe
Pierre Mathieu
+ Further exact solutions of the eight-vertex SOS model and generalizations of the Rogers-Ramanujan identities 1985 Peter J. Forrester
R. J. Baxter
+ PDF Chat Fermionic solution of the Andrews-Baxter-Forrester model. II. Proof of Melzer's polynomial identities 1996 S. Ole Warnaar
+ Exactly solvable SOS models 1987 Etsurō Date
M. Jimbo
Atsuo Kuniba
T. Miwa
Masato Okado
+ PDF Chat Parafermionic character formulae 2000 P. Jacob
Pierre Mathieu
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P. Jacob
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A. B. Zamolodchikov