Richard C. Brown


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The Tangled Origins of the Leibnizian Calculus 2012 Richard C. Brown
+ PDF Chat Some weighted sum and product inequalities in L^p spaces and their applications 2008 Richard C. Brown
+ Some One Variable Weighted Norm Inequalities and Their Applications to Sturm-Liouville and Other Differential Operators 2008 Richard C. Brown
Don Hinton
+ Continuous invertibility of minimal Sturm–Liouville operators in Lebesgue spaces 2006 Richard C. Brown
James Cook
+ An Opial-type inequality with an integral boundary condition 2005 Richard C. Brown
Michael Plum
+ Relative form boundedness and compactness for a second-order differential operator 2004 Richard C. Brown
Don Hinton
+ PDF Chat Some inequalities and embeddings for weighted W_0 spaces on domains with fractal boundaries 2002 Richard C. Brown
+ Lyapunov Inequalities and their Applications 2000 Richard C. Brown
Don Hinton
+ Some opial, Lyapunov, and De IaValée poussin inequalities with nonhomogeneous boundary conditions 2000 Richard C. Brown
A. M. Fink
Don Hinton
+ PDF Chat Two separation criteria for second order ordinary or partial differential operators 1999 Richard C. Brown
Don Hinton
+ Norm Eigenvalue bounds for some weighted Sturm-Liouville problems 1997 Richard C. Brown
Don Hinton
+ PDF Chat Applications of a one-dimensional Sobolev inequality to eigenvalue problems 1996 Richard C. Brown
Don Hinton
Štefan Schwabik
+ Some Weighted Poincaré-type Inequalities in One and Higher Dimensions 1995 Richard C. Brown
D. E. Edmunds
Don Hinton
J. Rdkosnik
+ PDF Chat A Remark on a Weighted Landau Inequality of Kwong and Zettl 1995 Richard C. Brown
Don Hinton
Man Kam Kwong
+ Weighted interpolation and Hardy inequalities with some spectral theoretic applications 1994 Richard C. Brown
Don Hinton
+ ON THE BEST CONSTANT FOR THE INEQUALITY \[\int^{\infty}_{0} y ^{\prime 2} \leq K \left ( \int^{\infty}_{0} |y|\right ) {\rm max}\limits_{(0,\infty)} |y ^{\prime \prime}|\] 1994 Richard C. Brown
Man Kam Kwong
Don Hinton
+ Embeddings of weighted Sobolev spaces into spaces of continuous functions 1992 Richard C. Brown
Bohumı́r Opic
Don Hinton
+ PDF Chat Weighted Interpolation Inequalities and Embeddings in <i>R<sup>n</sup></i> 1990 Richard C. Brown
Don Hinton
+ Weighted Interpolation Inequalities of Sum and Product form in R n 1988 Richard C. Brown
Don Hinton
+ Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for One Variable Weighted Interpolation Inequalities 1987 Richard C. Brown
Don Hinton
+ On the dirichlet index conjecture 1987 Richard C. Brown
Don Hinton
+ PDF Chat Sufficient conditions for weighted Gabushin inequalities 1986 Richard C. Brown
Don Hinton
+ Sufficient conditions for weighted inequalities of sum form 1985 Richard C. Brown
Don Hinton
+ Some multipoint extensions of the Rayleigh–Ritz inequality 1985 Richard C. Brown
Ivo Vrkoč
+ A Factorization Method for Symmetric Differential Operators and its Applications to Dirichlet Inequalities and to the Dirichlet Index 1984 Richard C. Brown
+ The Dirichlet index under minimal conditions 1984 Richard C. Brown
+ Krein space approach to Dirichlet and dual Dirichlet inequalities associated with Sturm-Liouville operators 1984 Richard C. Brown
+ A von Neumann factorization of some selfadjoint extensions of positive symmetric differential operators and its application to inequalities 1983 Richard C. Brown
+ PDF Chat Duality theory for linear $n$-th order integro-differential operators with domain in $L^p_m$ determined by interface side conditions 1982 Richard C. Brown
Milan Tvrdý
Otto Vejvoda
+ An approach to the dirichlet index for operators satisfying minimal conditions 1982 Richard C. Brown
+ Wirtinger Inequalities, Dirichlet Functional Inequalities, and the Spectral Theory of Linear Operators and Relations 1981 Richard C. Brown
+ PDF Chat Generalized boundary value problems with abstract side conditions and their adjoints. II 1981 Richard C. Brown
Milan Tvrdý
+ PDF Chat Generalized boundary value problems with abstract side conditions and their adjoints. I 1980 Richard C. Brown
Milan Tvrdý
+ PDF Chat Differential Operators with Abstract Boundary Conditions 1978 Richard C. Brown
+ PDF Chat On minimizing the sum of squares of $\Cal L^2$ norms of differential operators under constraints 1977 Richard C. Brown
Allan M. Krall
+ PDF Chat $n$-th order ordinary differential systems under Stieltjes boundary conditions 1977 Richard C. Brown
Allan M. Krall
+ PDF Chat The Operator Theory of Generalized Boundary Value Problems 1976 Richard C. Brown
+ Generalized Boundary Value Problems and B-Splines. 1976 Richard C. Brown
+ PDF Chat Duality theory forN-th order differential operators under stieltjes boundary ponditions. II: Nonsmooth coefficients and nonsingular measures 1975 Richard C. Brown
+ Duality Theory for<i>n</i>th Order Differential Operators under Stieltjes Boundary Conditions 1975 Richard C. Brown
+ PDF Chat Adjoint domains and generalized splines 1975 Richard C. Brown
+ PDF Chat Ordinary Differential Operators Under Stieltjes Boundary Conditions 1974 Richard C. Brown
Allan M. Krall
+ Generalized Green's functions and generalized inverses for linear differential systems with Stieltjes boundary conditions 1974 Richard C. Brown
+ PDF Chat Ordinary differential operators under Stieltjes boundary conditions 1974 Richard C. Brown
Allan M. Krall
+ PDF Chat Eigenfunction expansions under multipoint-integral boundary conditions 1973 Richard C. Brown
G. B. Green
Allan M. Krall
+ PDF Chat Adjoints of multipoint-integral boundary value problems 1973 Richard C. Brown
Allan M. Krall
+ PDF Chat Adjoints of Multipoint-Integral Boundary Value Problems 1973 Richard C. Brown
Allan M. Krall
+ PDF Chat The existence of the adjoint in linear differential systems with discontinuous boundary conditions 1972 Richard C. Brown
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Linear differential systems with infinitely many boundary points 1971 Gary B. Green
Allan M. Krall
+ Linear differential operators 1967 M. A. Naĭmark
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ On the minimization of singular quadratic functional 1981 John S. Bradley
Don Hinton
Robert M. Kauffman
+ Differential operators and their adjoints under integral and multiple point boundary conditions 1968 Allan M. Krall
+ A linear differential system with general linear boundary conditions 1969 Robert Neff Bryan
+ PDF Chat Differential-Boundary Operators 1971 Allan M. Krall
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ Hardy-type inequalities 1990 Bohumı́r Opic
Alois Kufner
+ The number of dirichlet solutions to a class of linear ordinary differential equations 1979 Robert M. Kauffman
+ Spectral Theory and Differential Operators 2018 D. E. Edmunds
Des Evans
+ Weighted norm inequalities of sum form involving derivatives 1981 Man Kam Kwong
Anton Zettl
+ Sufficient conditions for weighted inequalities of sum form 1985 Richard C. Brown
Don Hinton
+ PDF Chat Adjoint domains and generalized splines 1975 Richard C. Brown
+ PDF Chat The Deficiency Index Problem for Powers of Ordinary Differential Expressions 1977 Robert M. Kauffman
Thomas T. Read
Anton Zettl
+ On the eigenfunction expansions of singular ordinary differential equations 1977 Don Hinton
+ A von Neumann factorization of some selfadjoint extensions of positive symmetric differential operators and its application to inequalities 1983 Richard C. Brown
+ Linear Topological Spaces 1963 John L. Kelley
Isaac Namioka
William F. Donoghue
Kenneth R. Lucas
B. J. Pettis
Ebbe Thue Poulsen
G. Baley Price
Wendy Robertson
W. R. Scott
Kennan T. Smith
+ PDF Chat Best constant in Sobolev inequality 1976 Giorgio Talenti
+ On the limit-<i>n</i> Classification of Ordinary Differential Operators with Positive Coefficients 1977 Robert M. Kauffman
+ PDF Chat The existence of the adjoint in linear differential systems with discontinuous boundary conditions 1972 Richard C. Brown
+ Unbounded Linear Operators 1990 Israel Gohberg
Seymour Goldberg
M. A. Kaashoek
+ PDF Chat Existence of solutions to a linear integro-boundary-differential equation with additional conditions 1971 Otto Vejvoda
Milan Tvrdý
+ On integral inequalities and compact embeddings associated with ordinary differential expressions 1979 R. J. Amos
W. N. Everitt
+ PDF Chat Differentiation of Integrals in Rn 1975 Miguel de Guzmán
+ Self-adjoint boundary value problems with infinitely many boundary points 1971 Allan M. Krall
+ PDF Chat An eigenfunction expansion for a nonselfadjoint, interior point boundary value problem 1972 Allan M. Krall
+ PDF Chat A Boundary Value Problem for a System of Ordinary Linear Differential Equations of the First Order 1926 Gilbert Ames Bliss
+ Inequalities Involving Functions and Their Integrals and Derivatives 1991 D. S. Mitrinović
‎Josip Pečarić
A. M. Fink
+ Some remarks on a separation and limit-point criterion of second-order, ordinary differential expressions 1973 W. N. Everitt
M. Giertz
Joachim Weidmann
+ Boundary Value Problems for Linear Differential Systems 1969 Don Tucker
+ PDF Chat A singular spectral identity and inequality involving the Dirichlet integral of an ordinary differential expression 1982 William Norrie Everitt
S. D. Wray
+ Weighted Interpolation Inequalities of Sum and Product form in R n 1988 Richard C. Brown
Don Hinton
+ PDF Chat Inequalities associated with regular and singular problems in the calculus of variations 1973 J. S. Bradley
W. N. Everitt
+ PDF Chat Adjoint subspaces in Banach spaces, with applications to ordinary differential subspaces 1978 Earl A. Coddington
Aalt Dijksma
+ PDF Chat Weighted Interpolation Inequalities and Embeddings in <i>R<sup>n</sup></i> 1990 Richard C. Brown
Don Hinton
+ Ramifications of Landau's inequality 1980 Man Kam Kwong
Anton Zettl
+ PDF Chat Operational calculus of linear relations 1961 Richard Arens
+ Eigenfunction expansions and spectral matrices of singular differential operators 1978 Don Hinton
+ Norm inequalities of product form in weighted <i>L<sup>p</sup></i> spaces 1981 Man Kam Kwong
Anton Zettl
+ Direct methods of qualitative spectral analysis of singular differential operators 1965 I. M. Glazman
+ Conjugate Inequalities for Functions and Their Derivatives 1974 A. M. Fink
+ PDF Chat A boundary value problem and its adjoint 1968 A. Halanay
Aldo Moro
+ PDF Chat The Operator Theory of Generalized Boundary Value Problems 1976 Richard C. Brown
+ PDF Chat Adjoints of Multipoint-Integral Boundary Value Problems 1973 Richard C. Brown
Allan M. Krall
+ PDF Chat Ordinary differential operators under Stieltjes boundary conditions 1974 Richard C. Brown
Allan M. Krall
+ Generalized Green’s Matrices for Two-Point Boundary Problems 1967 William T. Reid
+ Weighted Landau inequalities 1983 Jerome A. Goldstein
Man Kam Kwong
Anton Zettl
+ Interpolation Inequalities with Power Weights for Functions of One Variable 1993 R. M. Brown
Don Hinton
+ PDF Chat Norm Inequalities for Derivatives and Differences 1992 Man Kam Kwong
Anton Zettl