Alexey S. Ioselevich


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Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
K. S. Tikhonov 1
M. V. Feigel’man 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Statistics of prelocalized states in disordered conductors 1995 Vladimir I. Fal’ko
K. B. Efetov
+ PDF Chat Unconventional localization transition in high dimensions 2015 Sergey Syzranov
Victor Gurarie
Leo Radzihovsky
+ PDF Chat Monitoring the localization-delocalization transition within a one-dimensional model with nonrandom long-range interaction 2004 А В Малышев
В. А. Малышев
F. Domı́nguez-Adame
+ Cavity approach to the first eigenvalue problem in a family of symmetric random sparse matrices 2010 Yoshiyuki Kabashima
Hisanao Takahashi
Osamu Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Localization properties of a one-dimensional tight-binding model with nonrandom long-range intersite interactions 2005 F. A. B. F. de Moura
А. В. Малышев
M. L. Lyra
В. А. Малышев
F. Domı́nguez-Adame
+ PDF Chat Duality in Power-Law Localization in Disordered One-Dimensional Systems 2018 Xiaolong Deng
V. E. Kravtsov
G. V. Shlyapnikov
L. Santos
+ PDF Chat Correlation-induced localization 2019 P. A. Nosov
Ivan M. Khaymovich
V. E. Kravtsov
+ Anisotropy-mediated reentrant localization 2020 Xiaolong Deng
Alexander L. Burin
Ivan M. Khaymovich
+ PDF Chat Non-ergodic extended phase of the Quantum Random Energy model 2019 Lara Faoro
M. V. Feigel’man
L. B. Ioffe
+ PDF Chat Strange metal state near quantum superconductor-metal transition in thin films 2020 K. S. Tikhonov
M. V. Feigel’man
+ PDF Chat Anderson Model on Bethe Lattices: Density of States, Localization Properties and Isolated Eigenvalue 2010 Giulio Biroli
Guilhem Semerjian
Marco Tarzia
+ Density of states near an Anderson transition in four-dimensional space: Lattice model 1994 I. M. Suslov