Alexander Kiselev


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Suppression of Chemotactic Singularity by Buoyancy 2025 Zhongtian Hu
Alexander Kiselev
Yao Yao
+ PDF Chat The α$\alpha$‐SQG patch problem is illposed in C2,β$C^{2,\beta }$ and W2,p$W^{2,p}$ 2024 Alexander Kiselev
Xiaoyutao Luo
+ Suppression of chemotactic blowup by strong buoyancy in Stokes-Boussinesq flow with cold boundary 2024 Zhongtian Hu
Alexander Kiselev
+ PDF Chat Chemotactic reaction enhancement in one dimension 2024 Yishu Gong
Alexander Kiselev
+ PDF Chat A simple reaction–diffusion system as a possible model for the origin of chemotaxis 2023 Yishu Gong
Alexander Kiselev
+ PDF Chat Illposedness of $$C^{2}$$ Vortex Patches 2023 Alexander Kiselev
Xiaoyutao Luo
+ The $α$-SQG patch problem is illposed in $C^{2,β}$ and $W^{2,p}$ 2023 Alexander Kiselev
Xiaoyutao Luo
+ Illposedness of $C^{2}$ vortex patches 2022 Alexander Kiselev
Xiaoyutao Luo
+ Small scale formation for the 2D Boussinesq equation 2022 Alexander Kiselev
Jaemin Park
Yao Yao
+ A simple reaction-diffusion system as a possible model for the origin of chemotaxis 2022 Yishu Gong
Alexander Kiselev
+ PDF Chat On nonexistence of splash singularities for the $\alpha$-SQG patches 2021 Alexander Kiselev
Xiaoyutao Luo
+ The Flow of Polynomial Roots Under Differentiation 2020 Alexander Kiselev
Changhui Tan
+ Finite time singularity formation for the modified SQG patch equation 2015 Alexander Kiselev
Lenya Ryzhik
Yao Yao
Andrej Zlatoš
+ Local regularity for the modified SQG patch equation 2015 Alexander Kiselev
Yao Yao
Andrej Zlatoš
+ Blow up for the 2D Euler Equation on Some Bounded Domains 2014 Alexander Kiselev
Andrej Zlatoš
+ Small scale creation for solutions of the incompressible two dimensional Euler equation 2013 Alexander Kiselev
Vladimír Šverák
+ PDF Chat Measurement of the vector and tensor analyzing powers for dp-elastic scattering at 880 MeV 2012 P. K. Kurilkin
V. Ladygin
Т. Уесака
K. Suda
Yu. V. Gurchin
A. Yu. Isupov
K. Itoh
M. Janek
J.‐T. Karachuk
T. Kawabata
+ PDF Chat The 270 MeV deuteron beam polarimeter at the Nuclotron Internal Target Station 2011 P. K. Kurilkin
V. P. Ladygin
Т. Уесака
K. Suda
Yu. V. Gurchin
A. Yu. Isupov
K. Itoh
M. Janek
J.‐T. Karachuk
T. Kawabata
+ The light nuclei spin structure from hadronic channels at intermediate energies 2011 P. K. Kurilkin
V. Ladygin
Т. Уесака
В. В. Глаголев
Yu. V. Gurchin
A. Yu. Isupov
K. Itoh
M. Janek
J.‐T. Karachuk
T. Kawabata
+ Biomixing by chemotaxis and enhancement of biological reactions 2011 Alexander Kiselev
Lenya Ryzhik
+ A simple energy pump for the surface quasi-geostrophic equation 2011 Alexander Kiselev
Fëdor Nazarov
+ A simple model for asset price bubble formation and collapse 2010 Alexander Kiselev
Lenya Ryzhik
+ Regularity and blow up for active scalars 2010 Alexander Kiselev
+ Nonlocal maximum principles for active scalars 2010 Alexander Kiselev
+ PDF Chat Some recent results on the critical surface quasi-geostrophic equation: a review 2009 Alexander Kiselev
+ Transfer matrices and transport for 1D Schrodinger operators with singular spectrum 2004 François Germinet
Alexander Kiselev
Serguei Tcheremchantsev
+ Absolutely continuous spectrum of perturbed Stark operators 1997 Alexander Kiselev
+ Absolutely continuous spectrum for one-dimensional Schrödinger operators with slowly decaying potentials: some optimal results 1997 Michael Christ
Alexander Kiselev
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Transport Equations in Biology 2006 Benoı̂t Perthame
+ Model for chemotaxis 1971 Evelyn Fox Keller
Lee A. Segel
+ PDF Chat Numerical Simulation of a Self-Similar Cascade of Filament Instabilities in the Surface Quasigeostrophic System 2014 R. K. Scott
David G. Dritschel
+ PDF Chat Global regularity for vortex patches 1993 Andrea L. Bertozzi
Peter Constantin
+ $$L^\infty $$ Ill-Posedness for a Class of Equations Arising in Hydrodynamics 2019 Tarek M. Elgindi
Nader Masmoudi
+ PDF Chat Polarization transfer measurement for<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">H</mml:mi><mml:mprescripts /><mml:none /><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mover><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">⃗</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mover><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">⃗</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mo>)</mml:mo><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mi mathvariant="… 2004 K. Sekiguchi
H. Sakai
H. Witała
K. Ermisch
W. Glöckle
J. Golak
M. Hatano
H. Kamada
N. Kalantar‐Nayestanaki
Hiroharu Kato
+ Exponential self-similar mixing by incompressible flows 2018 Giovanni Alberti
Gianluca Crippa
Anna L. Mazzucato
+ PDF Chat A coupled chemotaxis-fluid model: Global existence 2011 Jian‐Guo Liu
Alexander Lorz
+ PDF Chat On the local existence and blow-up for generalized SQG patches 2021 Francisco Gancedo
Neel Patel
+ PDF Chat Elastic proton-deuteron scattering at intermediate energies 2008 A. Ramazani-Moghaddam-Arani
H. R. Amir-Ahmadi
A.D. Bacher
C. D. Bailey
A. Biegun
M. Eslami‐Kalantari
I. Gašparić
L. Joulaeizadeh
N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki
St. Kistryn
+ PDF Chat Precision measurement of vector and tensor analyzing powers in elastic deuteron-proton scattering 2007 H. Mardanpour
H. R. Amir-Ahmadi
A. Deltuva
K. Itoh
N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki
T. Kawabata
H. Kuboki
Y. Maeda
J. G. Messchendorp
S. Sakaguchi
+ Convection-induced singularity suppression in the Keller-Segel and other non-linear PDEs 2020 Gautam Iyer
Xiaoqian Xu
Andrej Zlatoš
+ Finite time singularity for the modified SQG patch equation 2016 Alexander Kiselev
Lenya Ryzhik
Yao Yao
Andrej Zlatoš
+ PDF Chat A coupled Keller–Segel–Stokes model: global existence for small initial data and blow-up delay 2012 Alexander Lorz
+ PDF Chat Chemotaxis-fluid coupled model for swimming bacteria with nonlinear diffusion: Global existence and asymptotic behavior 2010 Marco Di Francesco
Alexander Lorz
Peter A. Markowich
+ PDF Chat Strong illposedness of the incompressible Euler equation in integer C m spaces 2015 Jean Bourgain
Dong Li
+ PDF Chat Persistance de structures géométriques dans les fluides incompressibles bidimensionnels 1993 Jean-Yves Chemin
+ PDF Chat Scale-invariant singularity of the surface quasigeostrophic patch 2019 R. K. Scott
David G. Dritschel
+ PDF Chat Suppressing Chemotactic Blow-Up Through a Fast Splitting Scenario on the Plane 2018 Siming He
Eitan Tadmor
+ Suppression of blow-up in Patlak-Keller-Segel-Navier-Stokes system via the Couette flow 2021 Lan Zeng
Zhifei Zhang
Ruizhao Zi
+ PDF Chat Global Solutions to the Coupled Chemotaxis-Fluid Equations 2010 Renjun Duan
Alexander Lorz
Peter A. Markowich
+ PDF Chat Global existence for the two-dimensional Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation with a shear flow 2021 Michele Coti Zelati
Michele Dolce
Yuanyuan Feng
Anna L. Mazzucato
+ PDF Chat Analyzing powers and spin correlation coefficients for<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi>d</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>elastic scattering at 135 and 200 MeV 2006 B. von Przewoski
H. O. Meyer
J. T. Balewski
W. W. Daehnick
J. Doskow
W. Haeberli
R. Ibald
B. Lorentz
R. E. Pollock
P. V. Pancella
+ PDF Chat Suppression of Blow-Up in Patlak--Keller--Segel Via Shear Flows 2017 Jacob Bedrossian
Siming He
+ PDF Chat Evidence for a Three-Nucleon-Force Effect in Proton-Deuteron Elastic Scattering 2001 R. V. Cadman
J. Brack
W. J. Cummings
J. A. Fedchak
B. D. Fox
H. Gao
W. Glöckle
J. Golak
C. Großhauser
R. J. Holt
+ PDF Chat Strong ill-posedness of the incompressible Euler equation in borderline Sobolev spaces 2014 Jean Bourgain
Dong Li
+ Blow-up prevention by quadratic degradation in a two-dimensional Keller–Segel–Navier–Stokes system 2016 Youshan Tao
Michael Winkler
+ A Note on Global Existence for the Chemotaxis–Stokes Model with Nonlinear Diffusion 2012 Renjun Duan
Zhaoyin Xiang
+ PDF Chat Suppressing blow-up by gradient-dependent flux limitation in a planar Keller–Segel–Navier–Stokes system 2021 Michael Winkler
+ PDF Chat Global Existence and Temporal Decay in Keller-Segel Models Coupled to Fluid Equations 2013 Myeongju Chae
Kyungkeun Kang
Jihoon Lee
+ Global Large-Data Solutions in a Chemotaxis-(Navier–)Stokes System Modeling Cellular Swimming in Fluid Drops 2012 Michael Winkler
+ Existence and Regularity of Weak Solutions to the Quasi-Geostrophic Equations in the Spaces L p or $$\dot{H}^{-1/2}$$ 2007 Fabien Marchand
+ PDF Chat Faddeev and Glauber calculations at intermediate energies in a model for<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi>d</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>scattering 2008 Ch. Elster
Ting Lin
W. Glöckle
Sabine Jeschonnek
+ PDF Chat High-precision, charge-dependent Bonn nucleon-nucleon potential 2001 R. Machleidt
+ Evolution temporelle d'une poche de tourbillon singuliere 1997 Raphaël Danchin
+ PDF Chat A Mass Conserved Reaction–Diffusion System Captures Properties of Cell Polarity 2007 Mikiya Otsuji
Shuji Ishihara
Carl Co
Kozo Kaibuchi
Atsushi Mochizuki
Shinya Kuroda
+ The Diffusion Limit of Transport Equations II: Chemotaxis Equations 2002 Hans G. Othmer
Thomas Hillen
+ PDF Chat Evolution d'une singularité de type cusp dans une poche de tourbillon 2000 Raphaël Danchin
+ PDF Chat Relaxation in Reactive Flows 2008 Peter Constantin
Alexei Novikov
Lenya Ryzhik
+ PDF Chat The 270 MeV deuteron beam polarimeter at the Nuclotron Internal Target Station 2011 P. K. Kurilkin
V. P. Ladygin
Т. Уесака
K. Suda
Yu. V. Gurchin
A. Yu. Isupov
K. Itoh
M. Janek
J.‐T. Karachuk
T. Kawabata
+ Un theor�me sur l'existence du mouvement plan d'un fluide parfait, homog�ne, incompressible, pendant un temps infiniment long 1933 W. Wolibner
+ PDF Chat Analytical behavior of two-dimensional incompressible flow in porous media 2007 Diego Córdoba
Francisco Gancedo
Rafael Orive
+ New parameterization of effective nucleon-nucleon $t$-matrix interaction for scattering at intermediate energies 2008 N. B. Ladygina
+ PDF Chat Determination of deuteron beam polarizations at COSY 2006 D. Chiladze
A. Kacharava
F. Rathmann
C. Wilkin
S. Barsov
J. Carbonell
S. Dymov
R. Engels
P.D. Eversheim
O. Felden
+ Singularity patterns in a chemotaxis model 1996 Miguel A. Herrero
J. J. L. Vel�zquez
+ PDF Chat Critical mass for a Patlak–Keller–Segel model with degenerate diffusion in higher dimensions 2008 Adrien Blanchet
José A. Carrillo
Philippe Laurençot
+ PDF Chat Reworking the Tucson-Melbourne Three-Nucleon Potential 2001 S. A. Coon
Hyewon Han
+ The Rellich-Kondrachov theorem for unbounded domains 1968 Robert Adams
+ PDF Chat First order relativistic three-body scattering 2007 Ting Lin
Ch. Elster
W. N. Polyzou
W. Glöckle