Alain Valette


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Amenable actions of real and $p$-adic algebraic groups 2024 Alain Valette
+ PDF Chat Equivariant K-Homology and K-Theory for Some Discrete Planar Affine Groups 2024 Ramón Flores
Sanaz Pooya
Alain Valette
+ PDF Maximal Haagerup subgroups in $\mathbb Z^{n+1}\rtimes_{\rho_n} \mathrm{GL}_2(\mathbb Z)$ 2024 Alain Valette
+ The exceptional simple Lie group F4(−20), after J. Tits 2023 Alain Valette
+ PDF Wasserstein distance and metric trees 2023 Maxime Mathey-Prevot
Alain Valette
+ Maximal Haagerup subgroups in $\mathbb{Z}^{n+1}\rtimes_{ρ_n}GL_2(\mathbb{Z})$ 2023 Alain Valette
+ The linear $\SL_2(\Z)$-action on $\T^n$: ergodic and von Neumann algebraic aspects 2023 Paul Jolissaint
Alain Valette
+ PDF On arithmetic properties of solvable Baumslag–Solitar groups 2022 Laurent Hayez
Tom Kaiser
Alain Valette
+ The exceptional simple Lie group $F_{4(-20)}$, after J. Tits 2022 Alain Valette
+ Equivariant K-homology and K-theory for some discrete planar affine groups 2022 Ramón Flores
Sanaz Pooya
Alain Valette
+ Chabauty limits of diagonal Cartan subgroups of <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.svg"><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">SL</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">Q</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> 2021 Corina Ciobotaru
Arielle Leitner
Alain Valette
+ PDF Chat The Chabauty space of ℚp× 2021 Antoine Bourquin
Alain Valette
+ On arithmetic properties of solvable Baumslag-Solitar groups 2021 Laurent Hayez
Tom Kaiser
Alain Valette
+ Wasserstein distance and metric trees 2021 Maxime Mathey-Prevot
Alain Valette
+ Box Spaces: Geometry of Finite Quotients 2020 Ana Khukhro
Alain Valette
+ PDF Chat The Chabauty space of $\mathbb{Q}_p^\times$ 2019 Antoine Bourquin
Alain Valette
+ The Baum–Connes conjecture: an extended survey 2019 Maria Paula Gomez Aparicio
Pierre Julg
Alain Valette
+ The Baum-Connes conjecture: an extended survey 2019 Maria Paula Gomez Aparicio
Pierre Julg
Alain Valette
+ Exposé Bourbaki 829 : Graphes de Ramanujan et applications 2018 Alain Valette
+ Lattices in semi-simple Lie groups, and multipliers of group $C^{*}$-algebras 2018 Mohammed E. B. Bekka
Alain Valette
+ PDF Chat Locally compact groups with every isometric action bounded or proper 2018 Romain Tessera
Alain Valette
+ PDF Property (T), finite-dimensional representations, and generic representations 2018 Michal Doucha
Maciej Malicki
Alain Valette
+ Property (T), finite-dimensional representations, and generic representations 2017 Michal Doucha
Maciej Malicki
Alain Valette
Alain Valette
+ PDF Chat <i>K</i> ‐homology and <i>K</i> ‐theory for the lamplighter groups of finite groups 2017 Ramón Flores
Sanaz Pooya
Alain Valette
+ Expanders and box spaces 2017 Ana Khukhro
Alain Valette
+ Locally compact groups with every isometric action bounded or proper 2017 Romain Tessera
Alain Valette
+ PDF Spectra of graphs and the spectral criterion for property (T) 2017 Alain Valette
+ PDF The Mayer–Vietoris sequence for graphs of groups, property (T), and the first $\ell^2$-Betti number 2017 Talia Fernós
Alain Valette
+ Chabauty Limits of Subgroups of $SL(n, \mathbb{Q}_p)$ 2017 Corina Ciobotaru
Arielle Leitner
Alain Valette
+ Property (T), finite-dimensional representations, and generic representations 2017 Michal Doucha
Maciej Malicki
Alain Valette
+ Locally compact groups with every isometric action bounded or proper 2017 Romain Tessera
Alain Valette
+ K-theory for the C -algebras of the solvable Baumslag-Solitar groups 2016 Sanaz Pooya
Alain Valette
+ K-theory for the $C^*$-algebras of the solvable Baumslag-Solitar groups 2016 Sanaz Pooya
Alain Valette
+ Terence Tao: “Expansion in Finite Simple Groups of Lie Type” 2015 Alain Valette
+ Expanders and box spaces 2015 Ana Khukhro
Alain Valette
+ The Mayer-Vietoris Sequence for Graphs of Groups, Property (T), and the First $\ell^2$-Betti Number 2014 Talia Fernós
Alain Valette
+ PDF Chat On equivariant embeddings of generalized Baumslag–Solitar groups 2014 Yves de Cornulier
Alain Valette
+ PDF Chat <i>L</i> <sup> <i>p</i> </sup> -distortion and <i>p</i> -spectral gap of finite graphs 2014 Pierre-Nicolas Jolissaint
Alain Valette
+ The Haagerup property is not invariant under quasi-isometry 2014 Mathieu Carette
Sylvain Arnt
Thibault Pillon
Alain Valette
+ Le problème de Kadison-Singer (The Kadison-Singer problem) 2014 Alain Valette
+ The Kadison-Singer problem 2014 Alain Valette
+ PDF On 1-cocycles induced by a positive definite function on a locally compact abelian group 2014 Jordan Franks
Alain Valette
+ The Mayer-Vietoris Sequence for Graphs of Groups, Property (T), and the First $\ell^2$-Betti Number 2014 Talia Fernós
Alain Valette
+ Irreducible affine isometric actions on Hilbert spaces 2014 Bachir Bekka
Thibault Pillon
Alain Valette
+ <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>L</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math>-Betti numbers and Plancherel measure 2013 Henrik Densing Petersen
Alain Valette
+ L^2-Betti numbers and Plancherel measure 2013 Henrik Densing Petersen
Alain Valette
+ On 1-cocycles induced by a positive definite function on a locally compact abelian group 2013 Jordan Franks
Alain Valette
+ L^2-Betti numbers and Plancherel measure 2013 Henrik Densing Petersen
Alain Valette
+ On 1-cocycles induced by a positive definite function on a locally compact abelian group 2013 Jordan Franks
Alain Valette
+ PDF Proper actions of wreath products and generalizations 2012 Yves de Cornulier
Yves Stalder
Alain Valette
+ Finite-dimensional Approximations of Discrete Groups 2011 Goulnara Arzhantseva
Andreas Thom
Alain Valette
+ PDF The Howe-Moore property for real and $p$-adic groups 2011 Raf Cluckers
Yves de Cornulier
Nicolas Louvet
Romain Tessera
Alain Valette
+ PDF Reduced 1-cohomology and relative property (T) 2010 Talia Fernós
Alain Valette
Florian Martin
+ Proper actions of wreath products and generalizations 2009 Yves de Cornulier
Yves Stalder
Alain Valette
+ PDF The Euclidean Distortion of the Lamplighter Group 2009 Tim Austin
Assaf Naor
Alain Valette
+ Limits of graphs in group theory and computer science 2009 Goulnara Arzhantseva
Alain Valette
+ Discrete Groups and Geometric Structures 2009 Karel Dekimpe
Paul Igodt
Alain Valette
+ Reduced 1-cohomology and relative property (T) 2009 Talia Fernós
Alain Valette
+ Proper actions of wreath products and generalizations 2009 Yves de Cornulier
Yves Stalder
Alain Valette
+ Discrete groups and geometric structures : Workshop on Discrete Groups and Geometric Structures, with Applications III, May 26-30, 2008, Kortrijk, Belgium 2009 Karel Dekimpe
Paul Igodt
Alain Valette
+ PDF Isometric Group Actions on Hilbert Spaces: Structure of Orbits 2008 Yves de Cornulier
Romain Tessera
Alain Valette
+ Kazhdan's Property (T) 2008 M. Bachir Bekka
Pierre de la Harpe
Alain Valette
+ Functions of positive type and GNS construction 2008 Bachir Bekka
Pierre de la Harpe
Alain Valette
+ Unitary Representations of locally compact abelian groups 2008 Bachir Bekka
Pierre de la Harpe
Alain Valette
+ Weak containment and Fell's topology 2008 Bachir Bekka
Pierre de la Harpe
Alain Valette
+ Unitary group representations 2008 Bachir Bekka
Pierre de la Harpe
Alain Valette
+ Measures on homogeneous spaces 2008 Bachir Bekka
Pierre de la Harpe
Alain Valette
+ Reduced cohomology 2008 Bachir Bekka
Pierre de la Harpe
Alain Valette
+ PDF Chat Isometric Group Actions on Banach Spaces and Representations Vanishing at Infinity 2008 Yves de Cornulier
Romain Tessera
Alain Valette
+ PDF Proper actions of lamplighter groups associated with free groups 2008 Yves de Cornulier
Yves Stalder
Alain Valette
+ Amenability and Margulis Super-Rigidity 2008 Alain Valette
+ Representation Theory and Complex Analysis 2008 Michael Cowling
Edward Frenkel
Masaki Kashiwara
Alain Valette
David A. Vogan
Nolan R. Wallach
+ Applications of representation theory to harmonic analysis of Lie groups (and vice versa) 2008 Edward Frenkel
Masaki Kashiwara
Alain Valette
David A. Vogan
Nolan R. Wallach
+ PDF Chat Isometric Group Actions on Hilbert Spaces: Structure of Orbits 2008 Yves de Cornulier
Romain Tessera
Alain Valette
+ Kazhdan's property T 2008 Bachir Bekka
Pierre de la Harpe
Alain Valette
+ Kazhdan's property T 2008 Bachir Bekka
Pierre de la Harpe
Alain Valette
+ Kazhdan's property T 2008 Bachir Bekka
Pierre de la Harpe
Alain Valette
+ Kazhdan's property T 2008 Bachir Bekka
Pierre de la Harpe
Alain Valette
+ Kazhdan's property T 2008 Bachir Bekka
Pierre de la Harpe
Alain Valette
+ Kazhdan's property T 2008 Bachir Bekka
Pierre de la Harpe
Alain Valette
+ Kazhdan's property T 2008 Bachir Bekka
Pierre de la Harpe
Alain Valette
+ Kazhdan's property T 2008 Bachir Bekka
Pierre de la Harpe
Alain Valette
Alain Valette
+ PDF Chat Isometric Group Actions on Hilbert Spaces: Growth of Cocycles 2007 Yves de Cornulier
Romain Tessera
Alain Valette
+ PDF On the first $L^p$-cohomology of discrete groups 2007 Florian Martin
Alain Valette
+ PDF Wreath products with the integers, proper actions and Hilbert space compression 2007 Yves Stalder
Alain Valette
+ The Euclidean distortion of the lamplighter group 2007 Tim Austin
Assaf Naor
Alain Valette
+ Wreath products with the integers, proper actions and Hilbert space compression 2006 Yves Stalder
Alain Valette
+ Reduced 1-Cohomology of Connected Locally Compact Groups and Applications 2006 Florian Martin
Alain Valette
+ RESTRICTING COHOMOLOGICAL REPRESENTATIONS OF <font>SO</font><sub>0</sub>(n,1) AND <font>SU</font>(n,1) 2005 Alain Valette
+ PDF Vanishing and non-vanishing for the first $L^p$-cohomology of groups 2005 Marc Bourdon
Florian Martin
Alain Valette
+ Unbounded symmetric operators in K-homology and the Baum–Connes conjecture 2005 Hela Bettaieb
Michel Matthey
Alain Valette
+ Group Pairs with Property (T), from Arithmetic Lattices 2005 Alain Valette
+ Vanishing and non-vanishing for the first $L\sp p$-cohomology of groups. 2005 Marc Bourdon
Florian Martin
Alain Valette
+ Spaces with measured walls, the Haagerup property and property (T) 2004 Pierre-Alain Cherix
Florian Martin
Alain Valette
+ Unbounded symmetric operators in $K$-homology and the Baum-Connes Conjecture 2004 Hela Bettaieb
Michel Matthey
Alain Valette
+ Proper Group Actions and the Baum-Connes Conjecture 2003 Guido Mislin
Alain Valette
+ On the Baum-Connes Assembly Map for Discrete Groups 2003 Alain Valette
+ What is the Baum-Connes Conjecture? 2002 Alain Valette
+ A Glimpse into Non-commutative Geometry: Property (RD) 2002 Alain Valette
+ Introduction to the Baum-Connes Conjecture 2002 Alain Valette
+ The Classifying Space for Proper Actions, and its Equivariant K-homology 2002 Alain Valette
+ Le lemme de Schur pour les représentations orthogonales 2002 Yves Stalder
Alain Valette
+ The Analytical Assembly Map 2002 Alain Valette
+ Some Examples of the Assembly Map 2002 Alain Valette
+ K-theory for (Group) C*-algebras 2002 Alain Valette
+ Kasparov’s Equivariant KK-theory 2002 Alain Valette
+ A Biased Motivation: Idempotents in Group Algebras 2002 Alain Valette
+ Lafforgue’s KKBan Theory 2002 Alain Valette
+ The Dirac-dual Dirac Method 2002 Alain Valette
+ Elementary Number Theory, Group Theory and Ramanujan Graphs 2001 Giuliana P. Davidoff
Peter Sarnak
Alain Valette
+ Appendix 4-Regular Graphs with Large Girth 2001 Giuliana P. Davidoff
Peter Sarnak
Alain Valette
+ Classification of Lie Groups with the Haagerup Property 2001 Pierre-Alain Cherix
Michael Cowling
Alain Valette
+ Classification of Lie Groups with the Haagerup Property 2001 Pierre-Alain Cherix
Michael Cowling
Alain Valette
+ Number Theory 2001 Giuliana P. Davidoff
Peter Sarnak
Alain Valette
+ Groups with the Haagerup Property 2001 Pierre-Alain Cherix
Paul Jolissaint
Alain Valette
Michael Cowling
Pierre Julg
+ Groups with the Haagerup property : Gromov's a-T-menability 2001 Pierre-Alain Cherix
Michael Cowling
Paul Jolissaint
Pierre Julg
Alain Valette
+ Open Questions and Partial Results 2001 Alain Valette
+ PDF Markov Operators on the Solvable Baumslag–Solitar Groups 2000 Florian Martin
Alain Valette
+ K-Theory for C*-Algebras of One-Relator Groups 1999 Cédric Béguin
Hela Bettaieb
Alain Valette
+ PDF On Godement's characterisation of amenability 1998 Alain Valette
+ Idempotents in complex group rings: theorems of Zalesskii and Bass revisited 1998 Marc Burger
Alain Valette
+ An application of Ramanujan graphs to C∗-algebra tensor products 1997 Alain Valette
+ On the spectrum of a random walk on the discrete Heisenberg group and the norm of Harper's operator 1997 Cédric Béguin
Alain Valette
Andrzej Żuk
+ Graphes de Ramanujan et applications 1997 Alain Valette
+ PDF Amenable representations and finite injective von Neumann algebras 1997 Alain Valette
+ PDF On the Haagerup inequality and groups acting on $\tilde A_n$-buildings 1997 Alain Valette
+ None 1997 Mohammed E. B. Bekka
Alain Valette
+ PDF On spectra of simple random walks on one-relator groups.With an appendix by Paul Jolissain 1996 Pierre-Alain Cherix
Alain Valette
Paul Jolissaint
+ PDF An application of Ramanujan graphs to <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:msup><mml:mi>C</mml:mi> <mml:mo>*</mml:mo> </mml:msup></mml:math>-algebra tensor products, II 1996 Alain Valette
+ PDF On diameters of orbits of compact groups in unitary representations 1995 Annabel Deutsch
Alain Valette
+ Can one hear the shape of a group? 1994 Alain Valette
+ PDF Faithful Uniformly Continuous Representations of Lie Groups 1994 Denis Luminet
Alain Valette
+ ON EXACTNESS OF GROUP C<sup>*</sup>-ALGEBRASS 1994 Pierre de la Harpe
A Robertson
Alain Valette
+ PDF Weak Amenability of Right-Angled Coxeter Groups 1993 Alain Valette
+ On the spectrum of the sum of generators for a finitely generated group 1993 Pierre de la Harpe
A Robertson
Alain Valette
+ PDF Weak amenability of right-angled Coxeter groups 1993 Alain Valette
+ Kazhdan's property (T) and amenable representations 1993 Mohammed E. B. Bekka
Alain Valette
+ On the spectrum of the sum of generators of a finitely generated group, II 1993 Pierre de la Harpe
A Robertson
Alain Valette
+ Projections in fullC *-algebras of semisimple Lie groups 1992 Alain Valette
+ Weak Forms of Amenability for Split Rank 1 p-Adic Groups 1992 Alain Valette
+ Negative Definite Kernels on Trees 1992 Alain Valette
+ PDF Normes de Sobolev et convoluteurs bornés sur $L^2(G)$ 1991 Paul Jolissaint
Alain Valette
+ Sous-groupes libres dans les groupes d’automorphismes d’arbres 1991 Isabelle Pays
Alain Valette
+ La propriété (T) de Kazhdan pour les groupes localement compacts 1989 Pierre de la Harpe
Alain Valette
+ PDF Representations of minimally almost periodic groups 1986 Alain Valette
+ Dirac induction for semi-simple lie groups having one conjugacy class of cartan subgroups 1985 Alain Valette
+ Minimal projections, integrable representations and property (T) 1984 Alain Valette
+ K-theoretic amenability for SL2(Qp), and the action on the associated tree 1984 Pierre Julg
Alain Valette
+ K-théorie pour certaines C*-algèbres associées aux groupes de Lie 1984 Alain Valette
Lucien Waelbroeck
+ PDF A remark on the Kasparov groups Ext<sup><i>i</i></sup>(<i>A, B</i>) 1983 Alain Valette
+ Tilings of the plane by topological disks 1981 Alain Valette
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Rigidity of commensurators and irreducible lattices 2000 Yehuda Shalom
+ Groups with the Haagerup Property 2001 Pierre-Alain Cherix
Paul Jolissaint
Alain Valette
Michael Cowling
Pierre Julg
+ Cohomologie des groupes topologiques et des algèbres de Lie 1980 Alain Guichardet
+ Kazhdan's Property (T) 2008 M. Bachir Bekka
Pierre de la Harpe
Alain Valette
+ C-Algebras and Their Automorphism Groups 1979 Gert Kjærgård Pedersen
+ On the spectrum of the sum of generators for a finitely generated group 1993 Pierre de la Harpe
A Robertson
Alain Valette
+ Random walk in random groups 2003 M. Gromov
+ La propriété (T) de Kazhdan pour les groupes localement compacts 1989 Pierre de la Harpe
Alain Valette
+ E-theory and KK-theory for groups which act properly and isometrically on Hilbert space 2001 Nigel Higson
Gennadi Kasparov
+ Symmetric random walks on groups 1959 Harry Kesten
+ L2-Cohomology and group cohomology 1986 Jeff Cheeger
Mikhael Gromov
+ Ergodic Theory and Semisimple Groups 1984 Robert J. Zimmer
+ PDF Chat Rigidity, Unitary Representations of Semisimple Groups, and Fundamental Groups of Manifolds with Rank One Transformation Group 2000 Yehuda Shalom
+ PDF Unbounded Negative Definite Functions 1981 Charles A. Akemann
Martin E. Walter
+ On isolated points in the dual spaces of locally compact groups 1975 P. S. Wang
+ Harmonic analysis, cohomology, and the large-scale geometry of amenable groups 2004 Yehuda Shalom
+ Spaces with measured walls, the Haagerup property and property (T) 2004 Pierre-Alain Cherix
Florian Martin
Alain Valette
+ K-theoretic amenability for discrete groups. 1983 Joachim Cuntz
+ Classifying Space for Proper Actions and K-Theory of Group C*-algebras 2004 Paul Baum
Alain Connes
Nigel Higson
Jerome Kaminker
Alain Connes
+ Kazhdan and Haagerup properties from the median viewpoint 2010 Indira Chatterji
Cornelia Druţu
Frédéric Haglund
+ PDF Full Banach Mean Values on Countable groups. 1959 Harry Kesten
+ Completely bounded multipliers of the Fourier algebra of a simple Lie group of real rank one 1989 Michael Cowling
Uffe Haagerup
+ PDF Chat Isometric Group Actions on Hilbert Spaces: Growth of Cocycles 2007 Yves de Cornulier
Romain Tessera
Alain Valette
+ PDF Growth series of some wreath products 1992 Walter Parry
+ Proper Group Actions and the Baum-Connes Conjecture 2003 Guido Mislin
Alain Valette
+ KK-groups of crossed products by groups acting on trees 1986 Mihai Pimsner
+ An example of a non nuclearC *-algebra, which has the metric approximation property 1978 Uffe Haagerup
+ PDF Chat Isometric Group Actions on Banach Spaces and Representations Vanishing at Infinity 2008 Yves de Cornulier
Romain Tessera
Alain Valette
+ PDF Property (T) and rigidity for actions on Banach spaces 2007 Uri Bader
Alex Furman
Tsachik Gelander
Nicolas Monod
+ PDF Chat Relative Kazhdan Property 2006 Yves de Cornulier
+ PDF Continuous Cohomology, Discrete Subgroups, and Representations of Reductive Groups 2000 A. Borel
Nolan R. Wallach
+ PDF A geometric construction of the discrete series for semisimple Lie groups 1979 Michael Atiyah
Wilfried Schmid
+ K-Theory for C*-Algebras of One-Relator Groups 1999 Cédric Béguin
Hela Bettaieb
Alain Valette
+ Metric Spaces of Non-Positive Curvature 1999 Martin R. Bridson
André Haefliger
+ COHOMOLOGY OF GROUPS (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 87) 1984 C. B. Thomas
+ Discrete Subgroups of Semisimple Lie Groups 1991 Gregori Aleksandrovitch Margulis
+ Fourier Analysis on Groups 2006 Walter Rudin
L. Bers
R. Courant
J. J. Stoker
Dagmar Renate Henney
+ Asymptotic invariants of infinite groups 1993 Mikhael Gromov
Graham A. Niblo
Martin A. Roller
+ The metrical interpretation of superreflexivity in banach spaces 1986 Jean Bourgain
+ Operator 𝐾-theory for groups which act properly and isometrically on Hilbert space 1997 Nigel Higson
Gennadi Kasparov
+ PDF Metrics on diagram groups and uniform embeddings in a Hilbert space 2006 Goulnara Arzhantseva
V. S. Guba
Mark Sapir
+ PDF Property T for von Neumann Algebras 1985 Alain Connes
Vaughan F. R. Jones
+ Geometric Nonlinear Functional Analysis 1999 Yoav Benyamini
Joram Lindenstrauss
+ Groups acting on trees and approximation properties of the Fourier algebra 1991 Ryszard Szwarc
+ A bott periodicity map for crossed products of C*-algebras by discrete groups 1987 George A. Elliott
Toshikazu Natsume
+ Asymptotic properties of unitary representations 1979 Roger Howe
Calvin C. Moore
+ Minimal projections, integrable representations and property (T) 1984 Alain Valette
+ Cohomology Theory of Groups with a Single Defining Relation 1950 Roger C. Lyndon