Shicheng Wang


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Achirality of Sol 3-Manifolds, Stevenhagen Conjecture and Shimizu's L-series 2024 Ye Tian
Shicheng Wang
Zhongzi Wang
+ Degree one maps on 4-manifolds with cyclic fundamental groups 2024 Yang Su
Shicheng Wang
Zhongzi Wang
+ On the realisation problem for mapping degree sets 2023 Christoforos Neofytidis
Hongbin Sun
Ye Tian
Shicheng Wang
Zhongzi Wang
+ Realising sets of integers as mapping degree sets 2021 Christoforos Neofytidis
Shicheng Wang
Zhongzi Wang
+ Degree one maps on four manifolds with cyclic fundamental groups 2021 Yang Su
Shicheng Wang
Zhongzi Wang
+ Volume of Seifert representations for graph manifolds and their finite covers 2020 Pierre Derbez
Yi Liu
Shicheng Wang
+ PDF Chat The spectral radius of graphs without trees of diameter at most four 2019 Xinmin Hou
Boyuan Liu
Shicheng Wang
Jun Gao
Chenhui Lv
+ PDF Chat Invariant incompressible surfaces in reducible 3-manifolds 2018 Christoforos Neofytidis
Shicheng Wang
+ Controlled virtual volume representations and efficient virtual dominations 2016 Pierre Derbez
Yi Liu
Hongbin Sun
Shicheng Wang
+ 1-domination of knots 2015 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
Dale Rolfsen
Shicheng Wang
+ PDF Chat Finiteness of 3-manifolds associated with non-zero degree mappings 2014 Michel Boileau
J Rubinstein
Shicheng Wang
+ Embedding periodic maps on surfaces into those on $S^3$ 2013 Yu Guo
Chao Wang
Shicheng Wang
Yimu Zhang
+ Self-mapping Degrees of 3-Manifolds 2012 Hongbin Sun
Shicheng Wang
Jianchun Wu
Hao Zheng
+ Fixed subgroups of automorphisms of hyperbolic 3-manifold groups 2012 Jianfeng Lin
Shicheng Wang
+ ON THE MAPPING DEGREE SETS FOR 3-MANIFOLDS (Twisted topological invariants and topology of low-dimensional manifolds) 2011 Shicheng Wang
+ Chern Simons Theory and the volume of 3-manifolds 2011 Pierre Derbez
Shicheng Wang
+ Self-mapping degrees of torus bundles and torus semi-bundles 2010 Hongbin Sun
Shicheng Wang
Jianchun Wu
+ Finiteness of mapping degree sets for 3-manifolds 2010 Pierre Derbez
Hongbin Sun
Shicheng Wang
+ Only rational homology spheres admit Ī©(<i>f</i>) to be union of DE attractors 2009 Fan Ding
Jianzhong Pan
Shicheng Wang
Jiangang Yao
+ Only rational homology spheres admit $\Omega(f)$ to be union of DE attractors 2008 Fan Ding
Jianzhong Pan
Shicheng Wang
Jiangang Yao
+ PDF Chat Roots of torsion polynomials and dominations 2008 Michel Boileau
Steve Boyer
Shicheng Wang
+ Additivity of Heegaard genera of bounded surface sums 2008 Ruifeng Qiu
Shicheng Wang
Mingxing Zhang
+ Self-mapping degrees of torus bundles and torus semi-bundles 2008 Hongbin Sun
Shicheng Wang
Jianchun Wu
+ Self-mapping Degrees of 3-Manifolds 2008 Hongbin Sun
Shicheng Wang
Jianchun Wu
Hao Zheng
+ Finiteness of mapping degrees and ${\rm PSL}(2,{\R})$-volume on graph manifolds 2008 Pierre Derbez
Shicheng Wang
+ Only rational homology spheres admit $Ī©(f)$ to be union of DE attractors 2008 Fan Ding
Jianzhong Pan
Shicheng Wang
Jiangang Yao
+ PDF Chat Pseudo-Anosov extensions and degree one maps between hyperbolic surface bundles 2007 Michel Boileau
Yi Ni
Shicheng Wang
+ On the realizations of high dimensional solenoids as attractors and as non-wondering sets 2007 Fan Ding
Shicheng Wang
Jiangang Yao
+ PDF Chat Handle additions producing essential surfaces 2007 Ruifeng Qiu
Shicheng Wang
+ Handle additions producing essential surfaces 2006 Ruifeng Qiu
Shicheng Wang
+ PDF Chat Small knots and large handle additions 2005 Ruifeng Qiu
Shicheng Wang
+ Finiteness of 3-manifolds associated with non-zero degree mappings 2005 Michel Boileau
J Rubinstein
Shicheng Wang
+ Non-zero degree maps between $2n$-manifolds 2004 Haibao Duan
Shicheng Wang
+ Small knots and large handle additions 2004 Ruifeng Qiu
Shicheng Wang
+ Non-zero degree maps between 3-manifolds 2003 Shicheng Wang
+ Incompressible surfaces of arbitrarily high genus in 3-manifolds (Low-Dimensional Topology of Tomorrow) 2002 Ruifeng Qiu
Shicheng Wang
+ Degrees of Self-Mappings of Seifert Manifolds with Finite Fundamental Groups 2001 Claude Hayat-Legrand
Elena Kudryavtseva
Shicheng Wang
Heiner Zieschang
+ Generalized Hopfian property, minimal Haken manifold, and J. Simon's conjecture for 3-manifold groups 2000 Alan W. Reid
Shicheng Wang
Qing Zhou
+ PDF Chat Covering degrees are determined by graph manifolds involved 1999 Shicheng Wang
F. Yu
+ PDF Chat Non-Haken 3-manifolds are not large with respect to mappings of non-zero degree 1999 Alan W. Reid
Shicheng Wang
+ PDF Chat $\pi_1$ -injective surfaces in graph manifolds 1998 J Rubinstein
Shicheng Wang
+ PDF Chat Degree-one maps onto lens spaces 1996 Claude Hayat-Legrand
Shicheng Wang
Heiner Zieschang
+ Homeomorphisms of 3-manifolds and the realization of Nielsen Number 1996 Boju Jiang
Shicheng Wang
Ying-Qing Wu
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Three dimensional manifolds, Kleinian groups and hyperbolic geometry 1982 William P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat The Geometries of 3-Manifolds 1983 Peter Scott
+ The Gromov invariant of links 1981 Teruhiko Soma
+ Minimal Seifert manifolds 1997 Claude Hayat-Legrand
Shicheng Wang
Heiner Zieschang
+ PDF Chat The Godbillon-Vey invariant of a transversely homogeneous foliation 1984 Robert Brooks
William M. Goldman
+ The degrees of maps between manifolds 2003 Hai Bao Duan
S. Wang
+ PDF Chat Non-zero degree maps and surface bundles over $S\sp 1$ 1996 Michel Boileau
Shicheng Wang
+ Geometry and Topology of Manifolds 2007 William P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat Three dimensional manifolds, Kleinian groups and hyperbolic geometry 1983 William P. Thurston
+ The existence of maps of nonzero degree between aspherical 3-manifolds 1991 Shicheng Wang
+ PDF Chat Rationality of secondary classes 1996 Alexander Reznikov
+ PDF Chat Knots are determined by their complements 1989 C. McA. Gordon
John Luecke
+ Volumes in Seifert space 1984 Robert Brooks
William M. Goldman
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Three-Manifold Topology 1980 William Jaco
+ Seifert manifolds 1972 Peter Orlik
+ A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory 1982 Kenneth Ireland
Michael Rosen
+ PDF Chat Degree-one maps onto lens spaces 1996 Claude Hayat-Legrand
Shicheng Wang
Heiner Zieschang
+ The ?1 of self-maps of nonzero degree on 3-manifolds 1993 Shicheng Wang
+ PDF Chat Foliations and the topology of 3-manifolds 1983 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Any 3-manifold 1-dominates at most finitely many geometric 3-manifolds 2002 Shicheng Wang
Qing Zhou
+ Volume and bounded cohomology 1982 Michael Gromov
+ PDF Chat Nonzero degree maps between closed orientable three-manifolds 2007 Pierre Derbez
+ PDF Chat Topological rigidity and Gromov simplicial volume 2009 Pierre Derbez
+ PDF Chat Volumes of discrete groups and topological complexity of homology spheres 1996 Alexander Reznikov
+ Mappings of Manifolds and the Notion of Degree 1953 Paul Olum
+ Sequences of degree-one maps between geometric 3-manifolds 2000 Teruhiko Soma
+ PDF Chat Maps between Seifert fibered spaces of infinite<i>Ļ€</i><sub>1</sub> 1993 Yongwu Rong
+ Finite group actions on 3-manifolds 1986 William H. Meeks
Peter Scott
+ Incompressible surfaces in 2-bridge knot complements 1985 Allen Hatcher
William P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat Degree one maps between geometric 3-manifolds 1992 Yong Wu Rong
+ PDF Chat Essential laminations and Kneser normal form 1999 David Gabai
+ Involutions on torus bundles over S 1985 Makoto Sakuma
+ PDF Chat Finiteness of nonzero degree maps between 3ā€manifolds 2019 Yi Liu
+ Subgroups of Surface Groups are Almost Geometric 1978 Peter Scott
+ PDF Chat Finiteness of 3-manifolds associated with non-zero degree mappings 2014 Michel Boileau
J Rubinstein
Shicheng Wang
+ Degree-one maps between hyperbolic 3-manifolds with the same volume limit 2001 Teruhiko Soma
+ Groups of polynomial growth and expanding maps 1981 Mikhael Gromov
+ Varieties of Group Representations and Splittings of 3-Manifolds 1983 Marc Culler
Peter B. Shalen
+ Bieberbach's Theorems on Space Groups and Discrete Uniform Subgroups of Lie Groups 1960 Louis Auslander
+ PDF Chat Volume-convergent sequences of Haken 3-manifolds 2003 Pierre Derbez
+ A piecewise linear proof that the singular norm is the Thurston norm 1993 Laura Person
+ Epimorphism sequences between hyperbolic 3-manifold groups 2001 Teruhiko Soma
+ PDF Chat 3-Manifolds as viewed from the curve complex 2001 John Hempel
+ PDF Chat KNOT GROUP EPIMORPHISMS 2006 Daniel S. Silver
Wilbur Whitten
+ PDF Chat Harmonic mappings of KƤhler manifolds to locally symmetric spaces 1989 James A. Carlson
Domingo Toledo
+ Presentation length and Simonā€™s conjecture 2011 Ian Agol
Yi Liu
+ PDF Chat On the existence of a connection with curvature zero 1958 John Milnor
+ A rigidity theorem for Haken manifolds 1995 Teruhiko Soma
+ In\'egalit\'es de Milnor-Wood g\'eom\'etriques 2005 GĆ©rard Besson
Gilles Courtois
Sylvestre Gallot
+ Non-zero degree maps between $2n$-manifolds 2004 Haibao Duan
Shicheng Wang