Tiziano Politi


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Bond-based peridynamics, a survey prospecting nonlocal theories of fluid-dynamics 2022 Nunzio Dimola
Alessandro Coclite
Giuseppe Fanizza
Tiziano Politi
+ A Numerical Framework For Nonlinear Peridynamics On Two-dimensional Manifolds Based On Implicit P-(Ec)k Schemes 2022 Alessandro Coclite
Giuseppe Maria Coclite
Francesco Maddalena
Tiziano Politi
+ Bond-based peridynamics, a survey prospecting nonlocal theories of fluid-dynamics 2022 Nunzio Dimola
Alessandro Coclite
Giuseppe Fanizza
Tiziano Politi
+ Characterization of micro-Capsules Deformation in Branching Channels 2022 Alessandro Coclite
Marco D. de Tullio
G. Pascazio
Tiziano Politi
+ On stochasticity preserving methods for the computation of the matrix pth root 2014 Tiziano Politi
Marina Popolizio
+ PDF Chat Explicit polar decomposition of complex matrices 2009 Roger A. Horn
G. Piazza
Tiziano Politi
+ Computation of functions of Hamiltonian and skew-symmetric matrices 2008 Nicoletta Del Buono
L. Lopez
Tiziano Politi
+ PDF Chat On the Solution of Skew-Symmetric Shifted Linear Systems 2006 Tiziano Politi
Alessandro Pugliese
+ PDF Chat Schur Decomposition Methods for the Computation of Rational Matrix Functions 2006 Tiziano Politi
Marina Popolizio
+ Special section: Numerical methods for structured systems 2005 Nicoletta Del Buono
L. Lopez
Tiziano Politi
+ Numerical methods for computing SVD in the D-orthogonal group 2005 Tiziano Politi
Alessandro Pugliese
+ On the Low-Rank Approximation of Data on the Unit Sphere 2005 Moody T. Chu
Nicoletta Del Buono
L. Lopez
Tiziano Politi
+ On the semigroup of standard symplectic matrices and its applications 2004 Moody T. Chu
Nicoletta Del Buono
Fasma Diele
Tiziano Politi
Stefania Ragni
+ A Continuous Technique for the Weighted Low-Rank Approximation Problem 2004 Nicoletta Del Buono
Tiziano Politi
+ PDF Chat A Continuous Approach for the Computation of the Hyperbolic Singular Value Decomposition 2004 Tiziano Politi
+ Geometric numerical algorithms 2003 Nicoletta Del Buono
Tiziano Politi
+ PDF Chat Applying Stabilization Techniques to Orthogonal Gradient Flows 2003 C. Mastroserio
Tiziano Politi
+ PDF Chat A Discrete Approach for the Inverse Singular Value Problem in Some Quadratic Group 2003 Tiziano Politi
+ An upper bound for the condition number of a matrix in spectral norm 2002 G. Piazza
Tiziano Politi
+ PDF Chat A Fortran90 Routine for the Solution of Orthogonal Differential Problems 2002 Fasma Diele
Tiziano Politi
Ivonne Sgura
+ Numerical methods for dynamical systems in the Lorentz group 2001 L. Lopez
C. Mastroserio
Tiziano Politi
+ Some improvements for two-sided bounds on the inverse of diagonally dominant tridiagonal matrices 2001 R. Peluso
Tiziano Politi
+ Piecewise interpolants on matrix lie groups 2001 C. Mastroserio
Tiziano Politi
+ None 2001 Tiziano Politi
+ Applications of the Cayley approach in the numerical solution of matrix differential systems on quadratic groups 2001 L. Lopez
Tiziano Politi
+ Explicit Polar Decomposition of a Class of Arrowhead Matrices 2001 Tiziano Politi
+ Newton-type methods for solving nonlinear equations on quadratic matrix groups 2000 L. Lopez
C. Mastroserio
Tiziano Politi
+ Conservative methods for ordinary differential equations on quadratic groups 2000 Nicoletta Del Buono
Fasma Diele
L. Lopez
C. Mastroserio
R. Peluso
Tiziano Politi
Ivonne Sgura
+ One step semi-explicit methods based on the Cayley transform for solving isospectral flows 1998 Fasma Diele
L. Lopez
Tiziano Politi
+ Numerical procedures based on Runge-Kutta methods for solving isospectral flows 1997 L. Lopez
Tiziano Politi
+ Variable step-size techniques in continuous Runge-Kutta methods for isospectral dynamical systems 1997 L. Lopez
C. Mastroserio
Tiziano Politi
+ Tridiagonal splittings in the conditioning and parallel solution of banded linear systems 1997 L. Lopez
Tiziano Politi
+ Experiences with Numerical Methods for the Solution of Orthogonal Dynamical Systems 1997 Nicoletta Del Buono
Fasma Diele
Luis Martı́nez
Tiziano Politi
+ Parallel methods in the numerical treatment of population dynamic models 1992 L. Lopez
Tiziano Politi
+ Numerical Methods for Semilinear Singular Perturbation Problems 1992 Francesca Mazzia
Tiziano Politi
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Unitary Integrators and Applications to Continuous Orthonormalization Techniques 1994 Luca Dieci
Robert D. Russell
Erik S. Van Vleck
+ None 1998 Fasma Diele
L. Lopez
R. Peluso
+ Applications of the Cayley approach in the numerical solution of matrix differential systems on quadratic groups 2001 L. Lopez
Tiziano Politi
+ Runge-Kutta methods on Lie groups 1998 Hans Munthe–Kaas
+ Runge-Kutta methods for orthogonal and isospectral flows 1996 M. P. Calvo
Arieh Iserles
Antonella Zanna
+ PDF Chat Lie-group methods 2000 Arieh Iserles
Hans Munthe–Kaas
Syvert P. Nørsett
Antonella Zanna
+ The Projected Gradient Method for Least Squares Matrix Approximations with Spectral Constraints 1990 Moody T. Chu
Kenneth R. Driessel
+ PDF Chat Numerical solution of isospectral flows 1997 M. P. Calvo
Arieh Iserles
Antonella Zanna
+ Collocation and Relaxed Collocation for the Fer and the Magnus Expansions 1999 Antonella Zanna
+ Computation of the Exponential of Large Sparse Skew-Symmetric Matrices 2005 Nicoletta Del Buono
L. Lopez
R. Peluso
+ Time-stepping and preserving orthonormality 1997 Desmond J. Higham
+ Numerical integration of ordinary differential equations on manifolds 1993 P.E. Crouch
Robert L. Grossman
+ PDF Chat <i>J</i>-Orthogonal Matrices: Properties and Generation 2003 Nicholas J. Higham
+ Runge-Kutta type methods for orthogonal integration 1996 Desmond J. Higham
+ On Hyperbolic Triangularization: Stability and Pivoting 1998 Michael Stewart
G. W. Stewart
+ Ordinary Differential Equations and the Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem 1983 Percy Deift
T. Nanda
Carlos Tomei
+ Numerical procedures based on Runge-Kutta methods for solving isospectral flows 1997 L. Lopez
Tiziano Politi
+ Existence of the hyperbolic singular value decomposition 1993 Adam W. Bojańczyk
R. Onn
A.O. Steinhardt
+ PDF Chat Applications of lie groups to differential equations 1990 Peter J. Olver
+ Singular value decomposition in Minkowski space 1996 Michael Renardy
+ Nineteen Dubious Ways to Compute the Exponential of a Matrix 1978 C Moler
Charles Van Loan
+ Integrals of nonlinear equations of evolution and solitary waves 1968 Peter D. Lax
+ Gruppi anelli e algebre di lie 1975 Wolfgang Gröbner
+ Analysis of Projection Methods for Rational Function Approximation to the Matrix Exponential 2006 L. Lopez
Valeria Simoncini
+ Geometric Numerical Integration: Structure-Preserving Algorithms for Ordinary Differential Equations 2009 Ernst Hairer
Christian Lubich
Gerhard Wanner
+ On real logarithms of nearby matrices and structured matrix interpolation 1999 Luca Dieci
Benedetta Morini
Alessandra Papini
Aldo Pasquali
+ Geometric Integration on Manifold of Square Oblique Rotation Matrices 2002 Nicoletta Del Buono
L. Lopez
+ Matrix factorizations for symplectic QR-like methods 1986 Angelika Bunse‐Gerstner
+ None 2001 Nicoletta Del Buono
L. Lopez
+ PDF Chat On the solution of linear differential equations in Lie groups 1999 Arieh Iserles
Syvert P. Nørsett
+ Orthosymplectic integration of linear Hamiltonian systems 1997 Benedict Leimkuhler
Erik S. Van Vleck
+ PDF Chat Approximating the exponential from a Lie algebra to a Lie group 2000 Elena Celledoni
Arieh Iserles
+ PDF Chat Natural continuous extensions of Runge-Kutta methods 1986 Marino Zennaro
+ PDF Chat Methods for the approximation of the matrix exponential in a Lie-algebraic setting 2001 Elena Celledoni
+ PDF Chat Numerical Gradient Algorithms for Eigenvalue and Singular Value Calculations 1994 J.B. Moore
Robert Mahony
Uwe Helmke
+ Inverse Eigenvalue Problems 1998 Moody T. Chu
+ None 2000 Brynjulf Owren
Bruno D. Welfert
+ PDF Chat Stabilization of DAEs and invariant manifolds 1994 Uri M. Ascher
Hongsheng Chin
Sebastian Reich
+ One-Step Collocation: Uniform Superconvergence, Predictor-Corrector Method, Local Error Estimate 1985 Marino Zennaro
+ PDF Chat Computing Lyapunov exponents on a Stiefel manifold 2001 Thomas J. Bridges
Sebastian Reich
+ Approximation of large-scale dynamical systems: an overview 2001 Athanasios C. Antoulas
Dan C. Sorensen
+ None 1999 Brynjulf Owren
Arne Marthinsen
+ Bounds for the solutions of a class of tridiagonal linear systems 1994 L. Lopez
+ On the Łojasiewicz–Simon gradient inequality 2003 Ralph Chill
+ None 1999 Arieh Iserles
Arne Marthinsen
Syvert P. Nørsett
+ PDF Chat Talbot quadratures and rational approximations 2006 Lloyd N. Trefethen
J. A. C. Weideman
T. Schmelzer
+ PDF Chat Deformation of orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra<i>osp</i>(1|4) 2004 E. Celeghini
P. P. Kulish
+ Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II 1996 Ernst Hairer
Gerhard Wanner
+ Incomplete partial fractions for parallel evaluation of rational matrix functions 1995 Daniela Calvetti
Efstratios Gallopoulos
Lothar Reichel
+ PDF Chat A Survey on Methods for Computing Matrix Exponentials in Numerical Schemes for ODEs 2003 Nicoletta Del Buono
L. Lopez