Dimitrios M. Thilikos


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A Constant-factor Approximation for Weighted Bond Cover 2025 Eun Jung Kim
Euiwoong Lee
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ PDF Chat A Linear Fixed Parameter Tractable Algorithm for Connected Pathwidth 2022 Mamadou Moustapha Kanté
Christophe Paul
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ PDF Chat A Constant-Factor Approximation for Weighted Bond Cover 2021 Eun Jung Kim
Euiwoong Lee
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ Linear Kernels for Edge Deletion Problems to Immersion-Closed Graph Classes 2021 Archontia C. Giannopoulou
Michał Pilipczuk
Jean‐Florent Raymond
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
Marcin Wrochna
+ A Constant-factor Approximation for Weighted Bond Cover 2021 Eun Jung Kim
Euiwoong Lee
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ PDF Chat Parameterized complexity of finding a spanning tree with minimum reload cost diameter 2019 Julien Baste
Didem Gözüpek
Christophe Paul
Ignasi Sau
Mordechai Shalom
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ Recent techniques and results on the Erd\H{o}s-P\'osa property 2016 Jean‐Florent Raymond
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ Cutwidth: obstructions and algorithmic aspects 2016 Archontia C. Giannopoulou
Michał Pilipczuk
Jean‐Florent Raymond
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
Marcin Wrochna
+ Linear kernels for edge deletion problems to immersion-closed graph classes 2016 Archontia C. Giannopoulou
Michał Pilipczuk
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
Jean‐Florent Raymond
Marcin Wrochna
+ Minors in graphs of large ${\theta}_r$-girth 2015 Dimitris Chatzidimitriou
Jean‐Florent Raymond
Ignasi Sau
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ Planar Disjoint-Paths Completion 2015 Isolde Adler
Stavros G. Kolliopoulos
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ A Polynomial-time Algorithm for Outerplanar Diameter Improvement 2014 Nathann Cohen
Daniel Gonçalves
Eun Jung Kim
Christophe Paul
Ignasi Sau
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
Mathias Weller
+ Nearly Planar Graphs and {\lambda}-flat Graphs 2013 Alexander Grigoriev
Athanassios Koutsonas
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ Nearly Planar Graphs and λ-flat Graphs 2013 Alexander Grigoriev
Athanassios Koutsonas
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ Bidimensionality of Geometric Intersection Graphs 2013 Alexander Grigoriev
Athanassios Koutsonas
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ Forbidding Kuratowski Graphs as Immersions 2012 Archontia C. Giannopoulou
Marcin Kamiński
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ Dynamic Programming for Graphs on Surfaces 2011 Juanjo Rué
Ignasi Sau
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ Confronting Intractability via Parameters 2011 Rodney G. Downey
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ Optimizing the Graph Minors Weak Structure Theorem 2011 Archontia C. Giannopoulou
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ Contracting planar graphs to contractions of triangulations 2010 Marcin Kamiński
Daniël Paulusma
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ Fixed Parameter Algorithms for Counting and Deciding Bounded Restrictive List H-Colorings (Extended Abstract) 2004 Josep D ́ iaz
María Serna
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ PDF Chat H-Colorings of Large Degree Graphs 2002 Josep Dı́az
Jaroslav Nešetřil
Marı́a Serna
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ The Complexity of Restrictive H-Coloring 2002 Josep Dı́az
Marı́a Serna
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Graph Minors. XX. Wagner's conjecture 2004 Neil Robertson
Paul Seymour
+ PDF Chat Linear Kernels and Single-Exponential Algorithms Via Protrusion Decompositions 2015 Eun Jung Kim
Alexander Langer
Christophe Paul
Felix Reidl
Peter Rossmanith
Ignasi Sau
Somnath Sikdar
+ Tree-partite graphs and the complexity of algorithms 2006 Detlef Seese
+ The Extremal Function for Complete Minors 2001 Andrew Thomason
+ PDF Chat An FPT 2-Approximation for Tree-Cut Decomposition 2016 Eun Jung Kim
Sang‐il Oum
Christophe Paul
Ignasi Sau
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ PDF Chat Large-treewidth graph decompositions and applications 2013 Chandra Chekuri
Julia Chuzhoy
+ On the complexity of H-coloring 1990 Pavol Hell
Jaroslav Nešetřil
+ List Homomorphisms and Circular Arc Graphs 1999 Tomás Feder
Pavol Hell
Jing Huang
+ PDF Chat Polynomial bounds for the grid-minor theorem 2014 Chandra Chekuri
Julia Chuzhoy
+ The complexity of counting graph homomorphisms 2000 Martin Dyer
Catherine Greenhill
+ On tree-partitions of graphs 1996 Guoli Ding
Bogdan Oporowski
+ PDF Chat A Structure Theorem for Strong Immersions 2015 Zdeněk Dvořák
Paul Wollan
+ PDF Chat Polynomial gap extensions of the Erdős-Pósa theorem 2013 Jean‐Florent Raymond
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ Effective computation of immersion obstructions for unions of graph classes 2013 Archontia C. Giannopoulou
Iosif Salem
Dimitris Zoros
+ Linear Recognition of Almost Interval Graphs 2015 Yixin Cao
+ The gallai-younger conjecture for planar graphs 1996 Bruce A. Reed
F. Bruce Shepherd
+ A tighter Erd\"os-P\'osa function for long cycles 2012 Samuel Fiorini
Audrey Herinckx
+ Counting H-Colorings of Partial k-Trees 2001 Josep Dı́az
Marı́a Serna
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ Ein Neuer Beweis Eines Mengerschen Satzes 1938 Tibor Grünwald
+ A Minimax Theorem for Directed Graphs 1978 Cláudio L. Lucchesi
D. H. Younger
+ PDF Chat Transversals of d-Intervals 1997 Tomáš Kaiser
+ The Erdős-Pósa Property for Odd Cycles in Graphs of Large Connectivity 2001 Carsten Thomassen
+ Tree-decompositions of small pathwidth 2004 Jan Arne Telle
+ PDF Chat Immersions in Highly Edge Connected Graphs 2014 Dániel Marx
Paul Wollan
+ New spectral lower bounds on the bisection width of graphs 2004 S.L. Bezrukov
Robert Elsässer⋆
Burkhard Monien
Robert Preis
Jean–Pierre Tillich
+ Non-zero disjoint cycles in highly connected group labelled graphs 2005 Ken‐ichi Kawarabayashi
Paul Wollan
+ The Erdős–Pósa property for clique minors in highly connected graphs 2011 Reinhard Diestel
Ken‐ichi Kawarabayashi
Paul Wollan
+ Packing cycles in graphs, II 2003 Guoli Ding
Zhenzhen Xu
Wenan Zang
+ A conjecture on triangles of graphs 1990 Źsolt Tuza
+ Packing and covering triangles in graphs 1999 Penny Haxell
+ Equivalent definitions of recognizability for sets of graphs of bounded tree-width 1996 Bruno Courcelle
Jens Lagergren
+ Complete minors in cubic graphs with few short cycles and random cubic graphs 2004 Klas Markström
+ PDF Chat Hitting Diamonds and Growing Cacti 2010 Samuel Fiorini
Gwenaël Joret
Ugo Pietropaoli
+ Edge-disjoint odd cycles in planar graphs 2003 Daniel Kráľ
Heinz‐Jürgen Voss
+ PDF Chat Additivity of the genus of a graph 1962 Joseph Battle
Frank Harary
Yukihiro Kodama
+ PDF Chat Packing cycles with modularity constraints 2011 Paul Wollan
+ On the structure of linear graphs 1963 P. Erdős
+ On a conjecture of Tuza about packing and covering of triangles 1995 Michael Krivelevich
+ Derivation of algorithms for cutwidth and related graph layout parameters 2008 Hans L. Bodlaender
Michael R. Fellows
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
+ Decomposing graphs under degree constraints 1996 Michael Stiebitz
+ A new proof and generalizations of a theorem of Erdős and Pósa on graphs withoutk+1 independent circuits 1967 Miklós Simonovits
+ Complete Minors In K s,s -Free Graphs 2004 Daniela K�hn
Deryk Osthus
+ An exact characterization of tractable demand patterns for maximum disjoint path problems 2015 Dániel Marx
Paul Wollan
+ Edge ranking of graphs is hard 1998 Tak‐Wah Lam
Fung Ling Yue
+ Approximate min–max relations for odd cycles in planar graphs 2006 Samuel Fiorini
Nadia Hardy
Bruce Reed
Adrian Vetta
+ PDF Chat The Complexity of Approximating Vertex Expansion 2013 Anand Louis
Prasad Raghavendra
Santosh Vempala
+ Packing Cycles in Graphs 2002 Guoli Ding
Wenan Zang
+ The complexity of colouring problems on dense graphs 1986 Keith Edwards
+ Existence and Explicit Constructions of q + 1 Regular Ramanujan Graphs for Every Prime Power q 1994 Moshe Morgenstern
+ Two disjoint negative cycles in a signed graph 2006 Winfried Hochstättler
Robert Nickel
Britta Peis