David G. Schaeffer


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Well-posed continuum equations for granular flow with compressibility and <i>Îź</i> ( <i>I</i> )-rheology 2017 T. Barker
David G. Schaeffer
Michael Shearer
J. M. N. T. Gray
+ Ordinary Differential Equations: Basics and Beyond 2016 David G. Schaeffer
John W. Cain
+ Nonlinear Systems: Global Theory 2016 David G. Schaeffer
John W. Cain
+ Examples of Global Bifurcation 2016 David G. Schaeffer
John W. Cain
+ Nonlinear Systems: Local Theory 2016 David G. Schaeffer
John W. Cain
+ Bifurcation from Equilibria 2016 David G. Schaeffer
John W. Cain
+ Trajectories Near Equilibria 2016 David G. Schaeffer
John W. Cain
+ Oscillations in ODEs 2016 David G. Schaeffer
John W. Cain
+ Epilogue 2016 David G. Schaeffer
John W. Cain
+ A Thin Cantilever Beam in a Flow 2011 Yossi Farjoun
David G. Schaeffer
Theodore E. Simos
George Psihoyios
Ch. Tsitouras
Zacharias Anastassi
+ The hanging thin rod: A singularly perturbed eigenvalue problem 2010 Yossi Farjoun
David G. Schaeffer
+ PDF Chat Cardiac Alternans Arising From an Unfolded Border-Collision Bifurcation 2008 Xiaopeng Zhao
David G. Schaeffer
Carolyn Berger
Wanda Krassowska
Daniel J. Gauthier
+ Cardiac Alternans Arising from an Unfolded Border-Collision Bifurcation 2007 Xiaopeng Zhao
David G. Schaeffer
Carolyn Berger
Wanda Krassowska
Daniel J. Gauthier
+ Alternate Pacing of Border-Collision Period-Doubling Bifurcations 2006 Xiaopeng Zhao
David G. Schaeffer
+ Small-Signal Amplification of Period-Doubling Bifurcations in Smooth Iterated Maps 2006 Xiaopeng Zhao
David G. Schaeffer
Carolyn Berger
Daniel J. Gauthier
+ PDF Chat Force distributions in a triangular lattice of rigid bars 2005 Brian P. Tighe
Joshua E. S. Socolar
David G. Schaeffer
W. Garrett Mitchener
Mark Huber
+ PDF Chat Rate-dependent propagation of cardiac action potentials in a one-dimensional fiber 2004 John W. Cain
Elena G. Tolkacheva
David G. Schaeffer
Daniel J. Gauthier
+ A Well-Posed Free Boundary Value Problem for a Hyperbolic Equation with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions 2004 John Matthews
David G. Schaeffer
+ An ionically based mapping model with memory for cardiac restitution 2004 David G. Schaeffer
John W. Cain
Daniel J. Gauthier
Soma S. Kalb
Wanda Krassowska
Robert A. Oliver
Elena G. Tolkacheva
+ Reviews 2003 Gerald B. Folland
David G. Schaeffer
Jeffrey Nunemacher
+ PDF Chat Directed force chain networks and stress response in static granular materials 2002 Joshua E. S. Socolar
David G. Schaeffer
Philippe Claudin
+ PDF Chat A Discrete Model for an Ill-Posed Nonlinear Parabolic PDE 2001 Thomas P. Witelski
David G. Schaeffer
Michael Shearer
+ Stress-controlled shear waves in a saturated granular medium 2000 Brian T. Hayes
David G. Schaeffer
+ PDF Chat Force distribution in a scalar model for noncohesive granular material 1999 Matthew G. Sexton
Joshua E. S. Socolar
David G. Schaeffer
+ Riemann Problems for 5×5 Systems of Fully Non-linear Equations Related to Hypoplasticity 1996 Michael Shearer
David G. Schaeffer
+ Riemann Problems for 5×5 Systems of Fully Non‐linear Equations Related to Hypoplasticity 1996 Michael Shearer
David G. Schaeffer
+ Fully nonlinear hyperbolic systems of partial differential equations related to plasticity 1995 Michael Shearer
David G. Schaeffer
+ A class of fully nonlinear 2×2 systems of partial differential equations 1995 Michael Shearer
David G. Schaeffer
+ PDF Chat Unloading near a shear band in granular material 1994 Michael Shearer
David G. Schaeffer
+ The Initial Value Problem for a System Modelling Unidirectional Longitudinal Elastic-Plastic Waves 1993 Michael Shearer
David G. Schaeffer
+ Nonstrictly Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with a Parabolic Line 1993 David G. Schaeffer
Stephen Schecter
Michael Shearer
+ Unloading near a shear band: a free boundary problem for the wave equation 1993 David G. Schaeffer
Michael Shearer
+ Scale-invariant initial value problems in one-dimensional dynamic elastoplasticity, with consequences for multidimensional nonassociative plasticity 1992 David G. Schaeffer
Michael Shearer
+ Group-Theoretic Preliminaries 1988 Martin Golubitsky
Ian Stewart
David G. Schaeffer
+ Singularities and Groups in Bifurcation Theory 1988 Martin Golubitsky
Ian Stewart
David G. Schaeffer
+ Equivariant Unfolding Theory 1988 Martin Golubitsky
Ian Stewart
David G. Schaeffer
+ Symmetry-Breaking in Hopf Bifurcation 1988 Martin Golubitsky
Ian Stewart
David G. Schaeffer
+ Hopf Bifurcation with O(2) Symmetry 1988 Martin Golubitsky
Ian Stewart
David G. Schaeffer
+ Equivariant Normal Forms 1988 Martin Golubitsky
Ian Stewart
David G. Schaeffer
+ Introduction 1988 Martin Golubitsky
Ian Stewart
David G. Schaeffer
+ Riemann Problems for Nonstrictly Hyperbolic 2 × 2 Systems of Conservation Laws 1987 David G. Schaeffer
Michael Shearer
+ The classification of 2 × 2 systems of non‐strictly hyperbolic conservation laws, with application to oil recovery 1987 David G. Schaeffer
Michael Shearer
+ Solution of the riemann problem for a prototype 2�2 system of non-strictly hyperbolic conservation laws 1987 Michael Shearer
David G. Schaeffer
D. Marchesin
P. L. Paes-Leme
+ PDF Chat Riemann problems for nonstrictly hyperbolic 2×2 systems of conservation laws 1987 David G. Schaeffer
Michael Shearer
+ Singularities and Groups in Bifurcation Theory: Volume I 1985 David G. Schaeffer
Martin Golubitsky
+ A Brief Introduction to the Central Ideas of the Theory 1985 Martin Golubitsky
David G. Schaeffer
+ An Example of Moduli 1985 Martin Golubitsky
David G. Schaeffer
+ Topics in Bifurcation Theory 1983 David G. Schaeffer
+ Topics in Bifurcation Theory 1983 David G. Schaeffer
+ An application of the Nash-moser theorem to a free boundary problem 1978 David G. Schaeffer
+ One-Sided estimates for the curvature of the free boundary in the obstacle problem 1977 David G. Schaeffer
+ Non-uniqueness in the equilibrium shape of a confined plasma<sup>†</sup> 1977 David G. Schaeffer
+ Some examples of singularities in a free boundary 1977 David G. Schaeffer
+ A new proof of the infinite differentiability of the free boundary in the Stefan problem 1976 David G. Schaeffer
+ Stability of shock waves for a single conservation law 1975 Martin Golubitsky
David G. Schaeffer
+ Singularities and the obstacle problem 1975 David G. Schaeffer
+ An example of generic regularity for a non-linear elliptic equation 1974 David G. Schaeffer
+ A regularity theorem for conservation laws 1973 David G. Schaeffer
+ PDF Chat An index theorem for systems of difference operators on a half space 1973 David G. Schaeffer
+ PDF Chat Approximation of the Dirichlet problem on a half space 1972 David G. Schaeffer
+ An Application of von Neumann Algebras to Finite Difference Equations 1972 David G. Schaeffer
+ Fibrations in etale homotopy theory . Dimension projective finie et cohomologie locale . An index theorem for systems of difference operators on a half space . On the structure of non-excellent curve singularities in characteristic p . Canonical models of surfaces of general type 1972 Eric M. Friedlander
Christian Peskine
Lucien Szpiro
David G. Schaeffer
Bruce M. Bennett
Enrico Bombieri
+ C*-algebras of operators on a half-space II: Index theory 1971 L. A. Coburn
Ronald G. Douglas
David G. Schaeffer
Isadore Manuel Singer
+ Wiener-Hopf factorization of the symbol of an elliptic difference operator 1970 David G. Schaeffer
+ PDF Chat An extension of Hartogs’ theorem for domains whose boundary is not smooth 1970 David G. Schaeffer
+ The dirichlet problem with generalized functions as data 1969 David G. Schaeffer
+ PDF Chat A Note on the Representation of a Solution of an Elliptic Differential Equation Near an Isolated Singularity 1969 David G. Schaeffer
+ PDF Chat A note on the representation of a solution of an elliptic differential equation near an isolated singularity 1969 David G. Schaeffer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Hyperbolic systems of conservation laws II 1957 Peter D. Lax
+ Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields 1983 John Guckenheimer
Philip Holmes
+ Singularities and Groups in Bifurcation Theory 1988 Martin Golubitsky
Ian Stewart
David G. Schaeffer
+ PDF Chat Differential Equations and Their Applications 1993 Martin Braun
+ Partial differential equations 1985 ThomasL. Satty
+ Estimates near the boundary for solutions of elliptic partial differential equations satisfying general boundary conditions. I 1959 Shmuel Agmon
Avron Douglis
Louis Nirenberg
+ Solution of the Riemann problem for a class of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws by the viscosity method 1973 Constantine M. Dafermos
+ C*-algebras of operators on a half-space I 1971 L. A. Coburn
R. G. Douglas
+ Partial Differential Equations 1982 Fritz John
+ Fredholm theories in von Neumann algebras. I 1968 M. Breuer
+ Refinement of the Functional Calculus of Calderon and Zygmund 1965 R. Seeley
+ PDF Chat Differential Equations and Their Applications: An Introduction to Applied Mathematics 1977 David L. Farnsworth
Martin Braun
+ PDF Chat Model for force fluctuations in bead packs 1996 S. N. Coppersmith
C. -h. Liu
Satya N. Majumdar
Onuttom Narayan
Thomas A. Witten
+ A class of fully nonlinear 2×2 systems of partial differential equations 1995 Michael Shearer
David G. Schaeffer
+ The classification of 2 × 2 systems of non‐strictly hyperbolic conservation laws, with application to oil recovery 1987 David G. Schaeffer
Michael Shearer
+ On the nature of turbulence 1971 David Ruelle
Floris Takens
+ Stable mappings and their singularities 1973 Martin Golubitsky
Victor Guillemin
+ Classical Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations: With Applications to Boundary Value Problems 2011 S. P. Hastings
J. B. McLeod
+ PDF Chat Problèmes aux limites non homogènes (VII) 1963 J. L. Lions
Enrico Magenes
+ Bifurcation from simple eigenvalues 1971 Michael G. Crandall
Paul H. Rabinowitz
+ Stable Mappings and Their Singularities 1973 Martin Golubitsky
Victor Guillemin
+ Ideals of differentiable functions 1966 Bernard Malgrange
+ PDF Chat General boundary value problems for elliptic partial differential equations 1959 Martin Schechter
+ PDF Chat On the nature of turbulence 1971 David Ruelle
Floris Takens
+ PDF Chat Average stresses and force fluctuations in noncohesive granular materials 1998 Joshua E. S. Socolar
+ Introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables 2005 Volker Scheidemann
+ Sur les espaces de solutions d’une classe générale d’équations aux dérivées partielles 1952 Alexandre Grothendieck
+ A theory for imperfect bifurcation via singularity theory 1979 Martin Golubitsky
David J. Schaeffer
+ Loss of stability and bifurcation at a double eigenvalue 1973 J. B. McLeod
D. H. Sattinger
+ Solution of the riemann problem for a prototype 2�2 system of non-strictly hyperbolic conservation laws 1987 Michael Shearer
David G. Schaeffer
D. Marchesin
P. L. Paes-Leme
+ Applications of generic bifurcation. II 1976 Shui-Nee Chow
Jack K. Hale
John Mallet‐Paret
+ Fully nonlinear hyperbolic systems of partial differential equations related to plasticity 1995 Michael Shearer
David G. Schaeffer
+ PDF Chat The Riemann problem for general 2×2 conservation laws 1974 Tai Ping Liu
+ PDF Chat Force distributions in three-dimensional granular assemblies: Effects of packing order and interparticle friction 2001 Daniel L. Blair
Nathan W. Mueggenburg
Adam H. Marshall
Heinrich M. Jaeger
Sidney R. Nagel
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Perturbation Methods 2012 Mark H. Holmes
+ Evidence for an unfolded border-collision bifurcation in paced cardiac tissue 2006 Carolyn Berger
+ Topology of manifolds 1949 R. L. Wilder
+ Methods of Bifurcation Theory 1982 Shui-Nee Chow
Jack K. Hale
+ Les hyperfonctions de M. Sato 1961 AndrĂŠ Martineau
+ On dense granular flows 2004 Gdr Midi
+ Double Centralizers and Extensions of C ∗ -Algebras 1968 Robert C. Busby
+ A system of non-strictly hyperbolic conservation laws arising in elasticity theory 1980 Barbara Lee Keyfitz
Herbert C. Kranzer
+ Problèmes aux limites non homogènes et applications 1968 Enrico Magenes
Jacques Louis Lions
+ Introduction to Partial Differential Equations 2004 Alexander Stanoyevitch
+ Delay Differential Equations 2010 Yurii N. Grigoriev
Nail H. Ibragimov
V. F. Kovalev
Sergey V. Meleshko
+ Short-wave instabilities and ill-posed initial-value problems 1990 Daniel D. Joseph
Jean Claude Saut
+ On the Detection and Dynamical Consequences of Orbits Homoclinic to Hyperbolic Periodic Orbits and Normally Hyperbolic Invariant Tori in a Class of Ordinary Differential Equations 1988 Stephen Wiggins
+ Perturbed bifurcation theory 1973 James P. Keener
Herbert B. Keller
+ PDF Chat Almost Periodic Functions 1933 A. S. Besicovitch
+ Unloading near a shear band: a free boundary problem for the wave equation 1993 David G. Schaeffer
Michael Shearer