D. Sugny


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Fully efficient time-parallelized quantum optimal control algorithm 2016 Mohamed Kamel Riahi
Julien Salomon
Steffen J. Glaser
D. Sugny
+ PDF Chat Discrete-valued-pulse optimal control algorithms: Application to spin systems 2015 Ghassen Dridi
M. Lapert
Julien Salomon
Steffen J. Glaser
D. Sugny
+ PDF Chat Robust Quantum Control by a Single-Shot Shaped Pulse 2013 D. Daems
A. Ruschhaupt
D. Sugny
S. Guérin
+ PDF Chat Geometric Optimal Control of the Contrast Imaging Problem in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 2012 Bernard Bonnard
Olivier Cots
Steffen J. Glaser
M. Lapert
D. Sugny
Yun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Optimal control of quantum superpositions in a bosonic Josephson junction 2012 M. Lapert
Giulia Ferrini
D. Sugny
+ PDF Chat Singular Extremals for the Time-Optimal Control of Dissipative Spin<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mfrac><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac></mml:math>Particles 2010 M. Lapert
Y. Zhang
M. Braun
Steffen J. Glaser
D. Sugny
+ PDF Chat Monotonically convergent optimal control theory of quantum systems with spectral constraints on the control field 2009 M. Lapert
R. Tehini
Gabriel Turinici
D. Sugny
+ PDF Chat Laser control in a bifurcating region 2006 D. Sugny
Cyrill Kontz
Mamadou Ndong
Yves Justum
Georges Dive
MichĂšle Desouter-Lecomte
+ PDF Chat Reaching optimally oriented molecular states by laser kicks 2004 D. Sugny
A. Keller
O. Atabek
D. Daems
C. M. Dion
S. Guérin
H. R. Jauslin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Time optimal control in spin systems 2001 Navin Khaneja
Roger W. Brockett
Steffen J. Glaser
+ Singular Trajectories and Their Role in Control Theory 2005 Bernard Bonnard
Monique Chyba
+ PDF Chat Time-optimal control of a two-level dissipative quantum system 2007 Dominique Sugny
Cyrill Kontz
H. R. Jauslin
+ PDF Chat Simultaneous time-optimal control of the inversion of two spin-<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mfrac><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:math>particles 2010 Elie Assémat
M. Lapert
Y. Zhang
M. Braun
Steffen J. Glaser
Dominique Sugny
+ PDF Chat Monotonically convergent optimal control theory of quantum systems under a nonlinear interaction with the control field 2008 M. Lapert
R. Tehini
Gabriel Turinici
Dominique Sugny
+ PDF Chat Singular Extremals for the Time-Optimal Control of Dissipative Spin<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mfrac><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac></mml:math>Particles 2010 M. Lapert
Y. Zhang
M. Braun
Steffen J. Glaser
D. Sugny
+ PDF Chat Laser control for the optimal evolution of pure quantum states 2005 Dominique Sugny
A. Keller
O. Atabek
D. Daems
C. M. Dion
S. Guérin
H. R. Jauslin
+ PDF Chat Optimal molecular alignment and orientation through rotational ladder climbing 2005 Julien Salomon
C. M. Dion
Gabriel Turinici
+ PDF Chat Time-Minimal Control of Dissipative Two-Level Quantum Systems: The Integrable Case 2009 Bernard Bonnard
Dominique Sugny
+ PDF Chat Laser control in a bifurcating region 2006 D. Sugny
Cyrill Kontz
Mamadou Ndong
Yves Justum
Georges Dive
MichĂšle Desouter-Lecomte
+ PDF Chat Optimal Control Technique for Many-Body Quantum Dynamics 2011 Patrick Doria
Tommaso Calarco
Simone Montangero
+ A rapid monotonically convergent iteration algorithm for quantum optimal control over the expectation value of a positive definite operator 1998 Wusheng Zhu
Herschel Rabitz
+ PDF Chat Monotonically convergent optimal control theory of quantum systems with spectral constraints on the control field 2009 M. Lapert
R. Tehini
Gabriel Turinici
D. Sugny
+ PDF Chat Monotonic Convergent Optimal Control Theory with Strict Limitations on the Spectrum of Optimized Laser Fields 2008 C. Gollub
Markus Kowalewski
Regina de Vivie‐Riedle
+ PDF Chat Sub-Riemannian geometry and time optimal control of three spin systems: Quantum gates and coherence transfer 2002 Navin Khaneja
Steffen J. Glaser
Roger W. Brockett
+ PDF Chat Time minimal trajectories for a spin 1∕2 particle in a magnetic field 2006 Ugo Boscain
Paolo Mason
+ PDF Chat Time-optimal control of SU(2) quantum operations 2013 Ariane Garon
Steffen J. Glaser
Dominique Sugny
+ PDF Chat Photoabsorption of attosecond XUV light pulses by two strongly laser-coupled autoionizing states 2012 Wei-Chun Chu
C. D. Lin
+ PDF Chat Not all pure entangled states are useful for sub-shot-noise interferometry 2010 Philipp Hyllus
Otfried GĂŒhne
Augusto Smerzi
+ PDF Chat Many-particle entanglement with Bose–Einstein condensates 2001 Anders S. Sþrensen
L.-M. Duan
J. I. Cirac
P. Zoller
+ PDF Chat Training Schrödinger’s cat: quantum optimal control 2015 Steffen J. Glaser
Ugo Boscain
Tommaso Calarco
Christiane P. Koch
Walter Köckenberger
Ronnie Kosloff
Ilya Kuprov
Burkhard Luy
S. G. Schirmer
Thomas Schulte‐HerbrĂŒggen
+ PDF Chat Classical Bifurcation at the Transition from Rabi to Josephson Dynamics 2010 Tilman Zibold
E. Nicklas
Christian Groß
Markus K. Oberthaler
+ Entanglement, Nonlinear Dynamics, and the Heisenberg Limit 2009 Luca PezzĂš
Augusto Smerzi
+ PDF Chat Fast Optimal Frictionless Atom Cooling in Harmonic Traps: Shortcut to Adiabaticity 2010 Xi Chen
A. Ruschhaupt
Sebastian Schmidt
Adolfo del Campo
David Guéry-Odelin
J. G. Muga
+ PDF Chat Extracting high fidelity quantum computer hardware from random systems 2009 Andreas Walther
Brian Julsgaard
Lars Rippe
Ying Yan
Stefan Kröll
Robert A. Fisher
Steffen J. Glaser
+ PDF Chat Molecular Orientation and Alignment by Intense Single-Cycle THz Pulses 2011 Sharly Fleischer
Yan Zhou
Robert W. Field
Keith A. Nelson
+ PDF Chat Detection of coherent superpositions of phase states by full counting statistics in a Bose Josephson junction 2009 Giulia Ferrini
Anna Minguzzi
F. W. J. Hekking
+ PDF Chat Feshbach resonances in ultracold gases 2010 Cheng Chin
Rudolf Grimm
Paul S. Julienne
Eite Tiesinga
+ PDF Chat NOT gate in a<i>cis-trans</i>photoisomerization model 2007 Mamadou Ndong
L. Bomble
D. Sugny
Yves Justum
MichĂšle Desouter-Lecomte
+ PDF Chat Efficient creation of maximally entangled states by modulation of tunneling rates 2010 Gentaro Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Many-particle entanglement in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates 2003 A. Micheli
Dieter Jaksch
J. I. Cirac
P. Zoller
+ PDF Chat Geometric theory of extremals in optimal control problems. I. The fold and Maxwell case 1987 Ivan Kupka
+ PDF Chat Optimal control of quantum dissipative dynamics: Analytic solution for cooling the three-level<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Λ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>system 2004 Shlomo E. Sklarz
David J. Tannor
Navin Khaneja
+ PDF Chat Control of inhomogeneous ensembles on the Bloch sphere 2012 Philip Owrutsky
Navin Khaneja
+ PDF Chat Quantum phase-space picture of Bose-Einstein condensates in a double well 2005 Khan W. Mahmud
Heidi Perry
William P. Reinhardt
+ Microscopic Atom Optics: From Wires to an Atom Chip 2002 R. Folman
P. KrĂŒger
Jörg Schmiedmayer
Johannes Hecker Denschlag
Carsten Henkel
+ PDF Chat Cold, Dilute, Trapped Bosons as an Open Quantum System 1997 James R. Anglin
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of Component Separation in a Binary Mixture of Bose-Einstein Condensates 1998 D. S. Hall
M. R. Matthews
J. R. Ensher
Carl Wieman
Eric Cornell
+ PDF Chat Universality of Decoherence 2001 Daniel Braun
Fritz Haake
Walter T. Strunz
+ PDF Chat On the generators of quantum dynamical semigroups 1976 Göran Lindblad
+ PDF Chat Direct Observation of Tunneling and Nonlinear Self-Trapping in a Single Bosonic Josephson Junction 2005 M. Albiez
Rudolf Gati
Jonas Fölling
S. Hunsmann
Matteo Cristiani
Markus K. Oberthaler
+ PDF Chat Composite pulses for robust universal control of singlet–triplet qubits 2012 Xin Wang
Lev S. Bishop
J. P. Kestner
Edwin Barnes
Kai Sun
S. Das Sarma
+ PDF Chat Magnetic Field Sensing Beyond the Standard Quantum Limit Using 10-Spin NOON States 2009 Jonathan A. Jones
Steven D. Karlen
Joseph F. Fitzsimons
Arzhang Ardavan
Simon C. Benjamin
G. Andrew D. Briggs
John J. L. Morton
+ PDF Chat Dissipation-induced coherence and stochastic resonance of an open two-mode Bose-Einstein condensate 2009 Dirk Witthaut
F. Trimborn
Sandro Wimberger
+ PDF Chat Second order gradient ascent pulse engineering 2011 Pierre de Fouquieres
S. G. Schirmer
Steffen J. Glaser
Ilya Kuprov
+ PDF Chat The energy minimization problem for two-level dissipative quantum systems 2010 Bernard Bonnard
Olivier Cots
Nataliya Shcherbakova
Dominique Sugny
+ PDF Chat Controllability properties for finite dimensional quantum Markovian master equations 2003 Claudio Altafini
+ PDF Chat Analysis of the “Toolkit” Method for the Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation 2010 Lucie Baudouin
Julien Salomon
Gabriel Turinici
+ PDF Chat Multigrid Optimization Schemes for Solving Bose–Einstein Condensate Control Problems 2008 Alfio Borzı̀
Ulrich Hohenester
+ PDF Chat Algorithm for simulation of quantum many-body dynamics using dynamical coarse-graining 2010 Michael Khasin
Ronnie Kosloff