Kuniaki Horie


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Non-norm-Euclidean fields in basic $\mathbf{Z}_{l}$-extensions 2015 Kuniaki Horie
Mitsuko Horie
+ The $l$-class group of the Z$_p$-extension over the rational field 2012 Kuniaki Horie
Mitsuko Horie
+ PDF Chat The ideal class group of the Z23-extension over the rational field 2009 Kuniaki Horie
Mitsuko Horie
+ The narrow class groups of the ℤ17- and ℤ19-extensions over the rational field 2009 Kuniaki Horie
Mitsuko Horie
+ PDF Chat The ideal class group of the $\boldsymbol{Z}_p$-extension over the rationals 2009 Kuniaki Horie
Mitsuko Horie
+ PDF Chat The narrow class groups of some Z<sub>p</sub>-extensions over the rationals 2008 Kuniaki Horie
Mitsuko Horie
+ PDF Chat Primary components of the ideal class group of an Iwasawa-theoretical abelian number field 2007 Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat Certain primary components of the ideal class group of the $\boldsymbol{Z}_p$-extension over the rationals 2007 Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat The ideal class group of the basic $\mathbf Z_p$-extension over an imaginary quadratic field 2005 Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat Triviality in ideal class groups of Iwasawa-theoretical abelian number fields 2005 Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat Primary components of the ideal class group of the $\mathbf{Z}_p$-extension over $\mathbf{Q}$ for typical inert primes 2005 Kuniaki Horie
+ Primary components of the ideal class group of the Zp-extension over Q for typical inert primes 2005 Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat Relations among certain number knots 2003 Kuniaki Horie
Mitsuko Horie
+ Ideal Class Groups of Iwasawa-Theoretical Abelian Extensions Over the Rational Field 2002 Kuniaki Horie
+ Deflation and Residuation for Class Formation 2001 Kuniaki Horie
Mitsuko Horie
+ PDF Chat A note on the $\mathbf {Z}_p \times \mathbf {Z}_q$-extension over $\mathbf {Q}$ 2001 Kuniaki Horie
+ A note on the Zp×Zq-extension over Q 2001 Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat On quadratic extensions of number fields and Iwasawa invariants for basic Z3-extensions 1999 Kuniaki Horie
Iwao Kimura
+ Correction to ‘Two Aspects of the Relative λ‐Invariant’ 1997 Kuniaki Horie
+ On the 2-Class Groups of Cyclotomic Fields whose Maximal Real Subfields have Odd Class Numbers 1995 Kuniaki Horie
Mitsuko Horie
+ PDF Chat On the Ideal Class Groups of Imaginary Abelian Fields with Small Conductor 1995 Kuniaki Horie
Hiroko Ogura
+ PDF Chat On the ideal class groups of imaginary abelian fields with small conductor 1995 Kuniaki Horie
Hiroko Ogura
+ PDF Chat On the 2-class groups of cyclotomic fields whose maximal real subfields have odd class numbers 1995 Kuniaki Horie
Mitsuko Horie
+ PDF Chat On CM-fields with the same maximal real subfield 1994 Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat On the Exponents of Ideal Class Groups of Cyclotomic Fields 1993 Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat On the exponents of ideal class groups of cyclotomic fields 1993 Kuniaki Horie
+ On a ratio between relative class numbers 1992 Kuniaki Horie
+ Two Aspects of the Relative λ-Invariant 1992 Kuniaki Horie
+ Trace formulae and imaginary quadratic fields 1990 Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat CM-fields and exponents of their ideal class groups 1990 Kuniaki Horie
Mitsuko Horie
+ Multiplicative groups in some infinite algebraic number fields 1990 Kuniaki Horie
+ CM-fields with all roots of unity 1990 Kuniaki Horie
+ On the exponents of ideal class groups of CM-fields 1990 Kuniaki Horie
Mitsuko Horie
+ On the class numbers of cyclotomic fields 1989 Kuniaki Horie
+ The existence of certain infinite families of imaginary quadratic fields. 1988 Kuniaki Horie
Yoshihiro Ônishi
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Curves with no Rational Points 1988 Jin Nakagawa
Kuniaki Horie
+ Iwasawa's λ - -Invariant and a Supplementary Factor in an Algebraic Class Number Formula 1988 Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat Elliptic curves with no rational points 1988 Jin Nakagawa
Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat Iwasawa’s 𝜆⁻-invariant and a supplementary factor in an algebraic class number formula 1988 Kuniaki Horie
+ On Iwasawa λ−-invariants of imaginary abelian fields 1987 Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat On the Stickelberger Ideal and the Relative Class Number 1987 Tatsuo Kimura
Kuniaki Horie
+ A note on basic Iwasawa ?-invariants of imaginary quadratic fields 1987 Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat On the Stickelberger ideal and the relative class number 1987 Tatsuo Kimura
Kuniaki Horie
+ On the index of the Stickelberger ideal and the cyclotomic regulator 1985 Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat On the Stickelberger ideal and the relative class number 1982 Tatsuo Kimura
Kuniaki Horie
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A note on class numbers of algebraic number fields 1956 Kenkichi Iwasawa
+ Über die Klassenzahl abelscher Zahlkörper 1985 Helmut Hasse
+ Ideal Class Groups of Iwasawa-Theoretical Abelian Extensions Over the Rational Field 2002 Kuniaki Horie
+ A note on basic Iwasawa ?-invariants of imaginary quadratic fields 1987 Kuniaki Horie
+ On the Stickelberger ideal and the circular units of an abelian field 1980 W. Sinnott
+ Über die Klassenzahl abelscher Zahlkörper 1952 Helmut Hasse
+ On the Stickelberger Ideal and the Circular Units of a Cyclotomic Field 1978 W. Sinnott
+ Class numbers of real cyclic number fields with small conductor 1978 John Myron Masley
+ Introduction to Cyclotomic Fields 1982 Lawrence C. Washington
+ Cyclotomic fields with unique factorization. 1976 J.Myron Masley
Hough L. Montgomery
+ On the density of discriminants of cubic fields. II 1971 H. Davenport
H. Heilbronn
+ PDF Chat On the ideal class groups of some cyclotomic fields 1982 Koichi Tateyama
+ PDF Chat Class number computations of real abelian number fields 1982 F. J. van der Linden
+ PDF Chat On Γ-extensions of algebraic number fields 1959 Kenkichi Iwasawa
+ PDF Chat A Note on Ideal Class Groups 1966 Kenkichi Iwasawa
+ PDF Chat Primary components of the ideal class group of the $\mathbf{Z}_p$-extension over $\mathbf{Q}$ for typical inert primes 2005 Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat Class Number Computations of Real Abelian Number Fields 1982 F. J. van der Linden
+ Proof of the existence of infinitely many imaginary quadratic fields whose class number is not divisible by 3 1974 P. Hartung
+ The Iwasawa Invariant μ p Vanishes for Abelian Number Fields 1979 Bruce Ferrero
Lawrence C. Washington
+ On Z l -Extensions of Algebraic Number Fields 1973 Kenkichi Iwasawa
+ A Class Number Formula for Cyclotomic Fields 1962 Kenkichi Iwasawa
+ PDF Chat The narrow class groups of some Z<sub>p</sub>-extensions over the rationals 2008 Kuniaki Horie
Mitsuko Horie
+ Primary components of the ideal class group of the Zp-extension over Q for typical inert primes 2005 Kuniaki Horie
+ Ideal class groups in basic ? p1 �...�? ps -extensions of abelian number fields 1982 Eduardo Friedman
+ PDF Chat The ideal class group of the basic $\mathbf Z_p$-extension over an imaginary quadratic field 2005 Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat On the Stickelberger ideal and the relative class number 1982 Tatsuo Kimura
Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat Indivisibility of class numbers of totally imaginary quadratic extensions and their Iwasawa invariants 1991 Hirotada Naito
+ PDF Chat CM-fields and exponents of their ideal class groups 1990 Kuniaki Horie
Mitsuko Horie
+ PDF Chat Elliptic curves with no rational points 1988 Jin Nakagawa
Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat On the Exponents of Ideal Class Groups of Cyclotomic Fields 1993 Kuniaki Horie
+ The Ideal Class Groups of Two Cyclotomic Fields 1980 Frank Gerth
+ l-Extensions of CM-fields and cyclotomic invariants 1980 Yûji Kida
+ On unramified Galois extensions of quadratic number fields 1970 Yoshihiko Yamamoto
+ Cyclotomic Z2-extensions of J-fields 1982 Yûji Kida
+ Numerische Bestimmung von Klassenzahlen reeller zyklischer Zahlkörper 1969 H. Bauer
+ Classnumbers and unit signatures 1967 J. V. Armitage
A. Fröhlich
+ Group-theoretic constraints on the structure of the class group 1981 Gary Cornell
Michael Rosen
+ PDF Chat On the Stickelberger ideal and the relative class number 1987 Tatsuo Kimura
Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat Primary components of the ideal class group of an Iwasawa-theoretical abelian number field 2007 Kuniaki Horie
+ Quaternäre quadratische Formen und die Riemannsche Vermutung fÜr die Kongruenzzetafunktion 1954 Martin Eichler
+ PDF Chat On cyclotomic ${\bf Z}_{2}$-extensions of imaginary quadratic fields 1979 Yûji Kida
+ PDF Chat On the exponents of ideal class groups of cyclotomic fields 1993 Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat Certain primary components of the ideal class group of the $\boldsymbol{Z}_p$-extension over the rationals 2007 Kuniaki Horie
+ Die Anzahl der durch vier teilbaren Invarianten der Klassengruppe eines beliebigen quadratischen Zahlkörpers. 1934 L. Rédei
H. Reichardt
+ PDF Chat Class numbers of imaginary abelian number fields, III 1971 Kôji Uchida
+ Density of discriminants of cubic extensions. 1988 B. Datskovsky
D. J. Wright
+ On Iwasawa λ−-invariants of imaginary abelian fields 1987 Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat Zwei Sätze über Gleichungen mit ganzzahligen Coefficienten. 1857 Léopold Kronecker
+ Abhyankar's lemma and the class group 1979 Gary Cornell
+ On the class numbers of cyclotomic fields 1989 Kuniaki Horie