Donald G. Saari


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Connecting Arrow’s Theorem, voting theory, and the Traveling Salesperson Problem 2024 Donald G. Saari
+ Inherent Symmetries of graphs, paths, and Traveling Salesperson Problems 2022 Donald G. Saari
+ Connecting Arrow's Theorem, voting theory, and the traveling salesperson problem 2022 Donald G. Saari
+ Partial Information: The Greeks 2019 Donald G. Saari
+ Solutions of Black–Scholes 2019 Donald G. Saari
+ The Underlying Mathematics 2019 Daniel T. Jessie
Donald G. Saari
+ Some Probability 2019 Donald G. Saari
+ Arrow, and unexpected consequences of his theorem 2018 Donald G. Saari
+ PDF Chat Basis for binary comparisons and non-standard probabilities 2015 Donald G. Saari
+ From Arrow’s Theorem to ‘Dark Matter’ 2015 Donald G. Saari
+ Mathematics and the “Dark Matter” Puzzle 2015 Donald G. Saari
+ Nonparametric Tests, Paradoxes in 2014 Donald G. Saari
+ Explaining Paradoxes in Nonparametric Statistics 2011 Anna E. Bargagliotti
Donald G. Saari
+ PDF Chat Telescope time without tears: a distributed approach to peer review 2009 M. R. Merrifield
Donald G. Saari
+ Condorcet Domains: A Geometric Perspective 2009 Donald G. Saari
+ Modeling Complexity in Mathematics Education 2008 Donald G. Saari
+ Symmetry of Nonparametric Statistical Tests on Three Samples 2007 Anna E. Bargagliotti
Donald G. Saari
+ Sen's Theorem: Geometric Proof, New Interpretations 2007 Lingfang Li
Donald G. Saari
+ Collisions, Rings, and Other Newtonian 𝑁-Body Problems 2005 Donald G. Saari
+ Reflections on my conjecture, and several new ones 2005 Donald G. Saari
+ The way it was : mathematics from the early years of the Bulletin 2003 Donald G. Saari
+ PDF Chat The Lack of Consistency for Statistical Decision Procedures 1991 Deanna Haunsperger
Donald G. Saari
+ PDF Chat The Lack of Consistency for Statistical Decision Procedures 1991 Deanna Haunsperger
Donald G. Saari
+ The existence of oscillatory and superhyperbolic motion in Newtonian systems 1989 Donald G. Saari
Zhihong Xia
+ Sharpest Possible Zero Configurational Velocity Surfaces 1986 Donald G. Saari
+ PDF Chat Random Behavior in Numerical Analysis, Decision Theory, and Macrosystems: Some Impossibility Theorems 1985 Donald G. Saari
+ The manifold structure for collision and for hyperbolic-parabolic orbits in the n-body problem 1984 Donald G. Saari
+ Newton's Method, Circle Maps, and Chaotic Motion 1984 Donald G. Saari
John B. Urenko
+ About books 1982 Donald G. Saari
Alan Weinstein
Keith Kendig
Andreas Blass
William McGowen Priestley
Maynard Thompson
John L. Friedman
+ PDF Chat Apportionment Methods and the House of Representatives 1978 Donald G. Saari
+ PDF Chat Apportionment Methods and the House of Representatives 1978 Donald G. Saari
+ On Newtonian cosmology with a varying gravitational constant 1977 Donald G. Saari
+ Singularity Theory of Utility Mappings I: Degenerate Maxima and Pareto Optima 1976 Donald G. Saari
Carl G. Simon
+ A globally convergent algorithm for determining approximate real zeros of a class of functions 1975 Merrell L. Patrick
Donald G. Saari
+ PDF Chat Collisions are of first category 1975 Donald G. Saari
+ An Elementary Tauberian Theorem for Absolutely Continuous Functions and for Series 1974 Donald G. Saari
+ Regularization and the artificial Earth satellite problem 1974 Donald G. Saari
+ Erratum to "Improbability of Collisions in Newtonian Gravitational Systems" 1972 Donald G. Saari
+ PDF Chat Erratum to “Improbability of collisions in Newtonian gravitational systems” 1972 Donald G. Saari
+ PDF Chat Improbability of Collisions in Newtonian Gravitational Systems 1971 Donald G. Saari
+ PDF Chat Expanding gravitational systems 1971 Donald G. Saari
+ Power series solutions 1970 Donald G. Saari
+ Some Large O Nonlinear Tauberian Theorems 1969 Donald G. Saari
+ PDF Chat Some large 𝑂 nonlinear Tauberian theorems 1969 Donald G. Saari
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Expanding gravitational systems 1971 Donald G. Saari
+ A Tauberian Theorem Connected with the Problem of Three Bodies 1939 R. P. Boas
+ On Simpson's Paradox and the Sure-Thing Principle 1972 Colin R. Blyth
+ Collisions, Rings, and Other Newtonian 𝑁-Body Problems 2005 Donald G. Saari
+ Uber Einen Tauberschen Satz Im Dreikorperproblem 1939 J. Karamata
+ PDF Chat Sur l'allure du mouvement dans le problÚme des trois corps quand le temps croßt indéfiniment 1922 Jean Chazy
+ Dictionaries of Paradoxes for Statistical Tests on k Samples 1992 Deanna Haunsperger
+ Newton’s Algorithm and Chaotic Dynamical Systems 1984 Mike Hurley
Christoph Martin
+ PDF Chat Improbability of Collisions in Newtonian Gravitational Systems 1971 Donald G. Saari
+ PDF Chat Some Nonlinear Tauberian Theorems 1967 Harry Pollard
+ Simpson's Paradox in Real Life 1982 Clifford H. Wagner
+ Use of Ranks in One-Criterion Variance Analysis 1952 William Kruskal
W. Allen Wallis
+ From Arrow’s Theorem to ‘Dark Matter’ 2015 Donald G. Saari
+ The Laplace Transform. By D. V. Widder. Pp. x, 406. 36s. 1941. Princeton Mathematical series, 6. (Princeton University Press; Humphrey Milford) 1943 T. A. A. B.
+ PDF Chat The fundamental theorem of algebra and complexity theory 1981 Steve Smale
+ PDF Chat The Lack of Consistency for Statistical Decision Procedures 1991 Deanna Haunsperger
Donald G. Saari
+ PDF Chat Saari’s conjecture for the collinear $n$-body problem 2004 Florin Diacu
Ernesto PĂ©rez-Chavela
Manuele Santoprete
+ Parabolic orbits in the planar three body problem 1984 Robert W. Easton
+ PDF Chat MĂ©moire sur le problĂšme des trois corps 1913 Karl F. Sundman
+ A computer-assisted proof of Saari’s conjecture for the planar three-body problem 2004 Richard Moeckel
+ A proof of Saari's conjecture for the three-body problem in $\R^d$ 2008 Richard Moeckel
+ Regularization of kepler's problem and the averaging method on a manifold 1970 John W. Moser
+ Periodic points and topological entropy of one dimensional maps 1980 Louis Block
John Guckenheimer
MichaƂ Misiurewicz
Lai‐Sang Young
+ An Elementary Tauberian Theorem for Absolutely Continuous Functions and for Series 1974 Donald G. Saari
+ Regularization and the computation of optimal trajectories 1970 B. D. Tapley
+ Iterative Methods for the Solution of Equations. 1967 David M. Young
J. F. Traub
+ Power series solutions 1970 Donald G. Saari
+ Finiteness of relative equilibria of the four-body problem 2005 Marshall Hampton
Richard Moeckel
+ A Category Representation Paradox 1989 W. D. Kaigh
+ Acyclic sets of linear orders: A progress report 2002 Peter C. Fishburn
+ PDF Chat Persistence and Smoothness of Invariant Manifolds for Flows 1971 Neil Fenichel
+ PDF Chat Invariant sets under iteration of rational functions 1965 Hans Brolin
+ PDF Chat Is computing with the finite Fourier transform pure or applied mathematics? 1979 L. Auslander
Richard Tolimieri
+ PDF Chat On the nature of turbulence 1971 David Ruelle
Floris Takens
+ PDF Chat Sur la représentation des solutions d'une équation linéaire aux différences finies pour les grandes valeurs de la variable 1913 H. Galbrun
+ Dictionaries of Paradoxes for Statistical Tests onkSamples 1992 Deanna Haunsperger
+ Transformations to extend the range of application of power series solutions of differential equations of motion 1972 J. M. A. Danby
+ PDF Chat Lognormal Infection Times of Online Information Spread 2013 Christian Doerr
Norbert Blenn
Piet Van Mieghem
+ PDF Chat Saari's conjecture is true for generic vector fields 2007 Tanya Schmah
Cristina Stoica
+ PDF Chat A Remarkable Periodic Solution of the Three-Body Problem in the Case of Equal Masses 2000 Alain Chenciner
Richard Montgomery
+ The Non-Local Existence Problem of Ordinary Differential Equations 1945 Aurel Wintner
+ Newton's Method, Circle Maps, and Chaotic Motion 1984 Donald G. Saari
John B. Urenko
+ Measure of Degenerate Relative Equilibria. I 1976 Julian Palmore
+ Mathematics and the “Dark Matter” Puzzle 2015 Donald G. Saari
+ PDF Chat Global Theory of Dynamical Systems 1980 Zbigniew Nitecki
Clark Robinson
+ Mémoire sur l'itération des fonctions rationnelles 1918 Gastón Julia
+ PDF Chat On inequalities of the TurĂĄn type 1954 H. Skovgaard
+ Arrow, and unexpected consequences of his theorem 2018 Donald G. Saari
+ Le problĂšme des trois corps 2020 Ziauddin Sardar
+ Condorcet domains and distributive lattices 2006 Bernard Monjardet