Bertrand Eynard


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The factorial growth of topological recursion 2024 Gaëtan Borot
Bertrand Eynard
Alessandro Giacchetto
+ Quantization of Classical Spectral Curves via Topological Recursion 2024 Bertrand Eynard
Elba Garcia‐Failde
Olivier Marchal
Nicolas Orantin
+ PDF Chat Resurgent Asymptotics of Jackiw–Teitelboim Gravity and the Nonperturbative Topological Recursion 2024 Bertrand Eynard
Elba Garcia‐Failde
Paolo Gregori
Danilo Lewański
Ricardo Schiappa
+ Counting mobiles by integrable systems 2023 M. C. Bergère
Bertrand Eynard
Emmanuel Guitter
Soufiane Oukassi
+ A natural basis for intersection numbers 2021 Bertrand Eynard
Danilo Lewański
Adrien Ooms
+ Topological recursion for generalised Kontsevich graphs and r-spin intersection numbers 2021 Raphaël Belliard
Séverin Charbonnier
Bertrand Eynard
Elba Garcia‐Failde
+ Quantization of classical spectral curves via topological recursion 2021 Bertrand Eynard
Elba Garcia‐Failde
Olivier Marchal
Nicolas Orantin
+ Topological recursion for generalised Kontsevich graphs and r-spin intersection numbers 2021 Raphaël Belliard
Séverin Charbonnier
Bertrand Eynard
Elba Garcia‐Failde
+ Large genus behavior of topological recursion 2019 Bertrand Eynard
+ From topological recursion to wave functions and PDEs quantizing hyperelliptic curves 2019 Bertrand Eynard
Elba Garcia‐Failde
+ PDF Chat The geometry of Casimir W-algebras 2018 Raphaël Belliard
Bertrand Eynard
Sylvain Ribault
+ PDF Chat Report on 1707.05120v4 2018 Raphaël Belliard
Bertrand Eynard
Sylvain Ribault
+ PDF Chat Report on 1707.05120v3 2018 Raphaël Belliard
Bertrand Eynard
Sylvain Ribault
+ PDF Chat Large Strebel Graphs and (3,2) Liouville CFT 2018 Séverin Charbonnier
Bertrand Eynard
François David
+ Lectures notes on compact Riemann surfaces 2018 Bertrand Eynard
+ Integrability of $\mathcal W({\mathfrak{sl}_d})$-symmetric Toda conformal field theories I : Quantum geometry 2018 Raphaël Belliard
Bertrand Eynard
+ Loop Equations from Differential Systems on Curves 2017 Raphaël Belliard
Bertrand Eynard
Olivier Marchal
+ PDF Chat Integrable Differential Systems of Topological Type and Reconstruction by the Topological Recursion 2017 Raphaël Belliard
Bertrand Eynard
Olivier Marchal
+ PDF Chat Toward $$\mathrm {U}(N|M)$$ U ( N | M ) knot invariant from ABJM theory 2017 Bertrand Eynard
Taro Kimura
+ The Geometry of integrable systems. Tau functions and homology of Spectral curves. Perturbative definition 2017 Bertrand Eynard
+ PDF Chat Root systems, spectral curves, and analysis of a Chern-Simons matrix model for Seifert fibered spaces 2016 Gaëtan Borot
Bertrand Eynard
Alexander Weiße
+ Counting Surfaces: CRM Aisenstadt Chair lectures 2016 Bertrand Eynard
+ Counting Riemann Surfaces 2016 Bertrand Eynard
+ Counting Large Maps 2016 Bertrand Eynard
+ Random matrices 2015 Bertrand Eynard
Taro Kimura
Sylvain Ribault
+ PDF Chat Rational Differential Systems, Loop Equations, and Application to the qth Reductions of KP 2015 M. C. Bergère
Gaëtan Borot
Bertrand Eynard
+ PDF Chat Abstract loop equations, topological recursion and new applications 2015 Gaëtan Borot
Bertrand Eynard
Nicolas Orantin
+ Random matrices 2015 Bertrand Eynard
Taro Kimura
Sylvain Ribault
+ PDF Chat Lax matrix solution of c = 1 conformal field theory 2014 Bertrand Eynard
Sylvain Ribault
+ The sine-law gap probability, Painlev\'e 5, and asymptotic expansion by the topological recursion 2013 Olivier Marchal
Bertrand Eynard
M. C. Bergère
+ Planar maps, circle patterns and 2d gravity 2013 François David
Bertrand Eynard
+ Abstract loop equations, topological recursion, and applications 2013 Gaëtan Borot
Bertrand Eynard
Nicolas Orantin
+ The sine-law gap probability, Painlevé 5, and asymptotic expansion by the topological recursion 2013 Olivier Marchal
Bertrand Eynard
M. C. Bergère
+ Planar maps, circle patterns and 2d gravity 2013 François David
Bertrand Eynard
+ PDF Chat A Matrix Model for the Topological String II: The Spectral Curve and Mirror Geometry 2012 Bertrand Eynard
Amir-Kian Kashani-Poor
Olivier Marchal
+ All-order asymptotics of hyperbolic knot invariants from non-perturbative topological recursion of A-polynomials 2012 Gaëtan Borot
Bertrand Eynard
+ PDF Chat Loop equations and topological recursion for the arbitrary-β two-matrix model 2012 M. C. Bergère
Bertrand Eynard
Olivier Marchal
Aleix Prats Ferrer
+ PDF Chat Recursion Between Mumford Volumes of Moduli Spaces 2011 Bertrand Eynard
+ PDF Chat A holomorphic and background independent partition function for matrix models and topological strings 2010 Bertrand Eynard
Marcos Mariño
+ PDF Chat Supermatrix models, loop equations, and duality 2010 Patrick Desrosiers
Bertrand Eynard
+ Tracy-Widom GUE law and symplectic invariants 2010 Gaëtan Borot
Bertrand Eynard
+ Topological recursion in enumerative geometry and random matrices 2009 Bertrand Eynard
Nicolas Orantin
+ PDF Chat A Matrix model for plane partitions 2009 Bertrand Eynard
+ PDF Chat Some properties of angular integrals 2009 M. C. Bergère
Bertrand Eynard
+ PDF Chat Determinantal formulae and loop equations 2009 M. C. Bergère
Bertrand Eynard
+ Universal scaling limits of matrix models, and (p,q) Liouville gravity 2009 M. C. Bergère
Bertrand Eynard
+ Topological expansion of the Bethe ansatz, and quantum algebraic geometry 2009 Leonid Chekhov
Bertrand Eynard
Olivier Marchal
+ Geometrical interpretation of the topological recursion, and integrable string theories 2009 Bertrand Eynard
Nicolas Orantin
+ The Laplace transform of the cut-and-join equation and the Bouchard-Marino conjecture on Hurwitz numbers 2009 Bertrand Eynard
Motohico Mulase
Brad Safnuk
+ PDF Chat Some properties of angular integrals 2008 M. C. Bergère
Bertrand Eynard
+ Algebraic methods in random matrices and enumerative geometry 2008 Bertrand Eynard
Nicolas Orantin
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic anomaly and matrix models 2007 Bertrand Eynard
Marcos Mariño
Nicolas Orantin
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic anomaly and matrix models 2007 Bertrand Eynard
Nicolas Orantin
Marcos Mariño
+ PDF Chat Free energy topological expansion for the 2-matrix model 2006 Leonid Chekhov
Bertrand Eynard
Nicolas Orantin
+ PDF Chat Mixed correlation function and spectral curve for the 2-matrix model 2006 M. C. Bergère
Bertrand Eynard
+ PDF Chat Free energy topological expansion for the 2-matrix model. 2006 Leonid Chekhov
Bertrand Eynard
Nicolas Orantin
+ PDF Chat The PDEs of Biorthogonal Polynomials Arising in the Two-Matrix Model 2006 Marco Bertola
Bertrand Eynard
+ PDF Chat Mixed correlation functions in the 2-matrix model, and the Bethe Ansatz 2005 Bertrand Eynard
Nicolas Orantin
+ PDF Chat Large N asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials, from integrability to algebraic geometry 2005 Bertrand Eynard
+ A short note about Morozov's formula 2004 Bertrand Eynard
+ PDF Chat Master loop equations, free energy and correlations for the chain of matrices 2003 Bertrand Eynard
+ PDF Chat Master loop equations, free energy and correlations for the chain of matrices. 2003 Bertrand Eynard
+ Large N expansion of the 2-matrix model, multicut case 2003 Bertrand Eynard
+ A concise expression for the ODE's of orthogonal polynomials 2001 Bertrand Eynard
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Invariants of algebraic curves and topological expansion 2007 Benoît Eynard
Nicolas Orantin
+ PDF Chat 2D gravity and random matrices 1995 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Ginsparg
Jean Zinn‐Justin
+ PDF Chat Topological expansion for the 1-hermitian matrix model correlation functions. 2004 Bertrand Eynard
+ PDF Chat Free energy topological expansion for the 2-matrix model 2006 Leonid Chekhov
Bertrand Eynard
Nicolas Orantin
+ PDF Chat Theta Functions on Riemann Surfaces 1973 John D. Fay
+ PDF Chat Large N expansion of convergent matrix integrals, holomorphic anomalies, and background independence 2009 Bertrand Eynard
+ PDF Chat All genus correlation functions for the hermitian 1-matrix model 2004 Bertrand Eynard
+ PDF Chat Intersection theory on the moduli space of curves and the matrix airy function 1992 Maxim Kontsevich
+ Introduction to Classical Integrable Systems 2003 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
Michel Talon
+ Ising model on a dynamical planar random lattice: Exact solution 1986 Vladimir Kazakov
+ Determinantal formulae and loop equations 2009 M. C. Bergère
Bertrand Eynard
+ PDF Chat Matrix model calculations beyond the spherical limit 1993 J. Ambjørn
Leonid Chekhov
Charlotte Kristjansen
Yu.M. Makeenko
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional gravity and intersection theory on moduli space 1990 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Remodeling the B-Model 2008 Vincent Bouchard
Albrecht Klemm
Marcos Mariño
Sara Pasquetti
+ Topological expansion of the chain of matrices 2009 Bertrand Eynard
A. Prats Ferrer
+ PDF Chat Master loop equations, free energy and correlations for the chain of matrices 2003 Bertrand Eynard
+ Topological expansion of mixed correlations in the hermitian 2 Matrix Model and x-y symmetry of the F_g invariants 2007 Bertrand Eynard
Nicolas Orantin
+ PDF Chat Breakdown of universality in multi-cut matrix models 2000 Gabrielle Bonnet
François David
Benoît Eynard
+ Monodromy preserving deformation of linear ordinary differential equations with rational coefficients 1981 Michio Jimbo
Tetsuji Miwa
Kimio Ueno
+ PDF Chat Open string amplitudes and large order behavior in topological string theory 2008 Marcos Mariño
+ PDF Chat A holomorphic and background independent partition function for matrix models and topological strings 2010 Bertrand Eynard
Marcos Mariño
+ PDF Chat Hermitian matrix model free energy: Feynman graph technique for all genera 2006 Leonid Chekhov
Bertrand Eynard
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic anomaly and matrix models 2007 Bertrand Eynard
Nicolas Orantin
Marcos Mariño
+ PDF Chat Matrix models, topological strings, and supersymmetric gauge theories 2002 Robbert Dijkgraaf
Cumrun Vafa
+ PDF Chat Kodaira-Spencer theory of gravity and exact results for quantum string amplitudes 1994 M. Bershadsky
Sergio Cecotti
Hirosi Ooguri
Cumrun Vafa
+ PDF Chat Think globally, compute locally 2013 Vincent Bouchard
Bertrand Eynard
+ PDF Chat Complex curve of the two-matrix model and its tau-function 2003 Vladimir Kazakov
A. Marshakov
+ PDF Chat Large<i>N</i>expansion of the 2-matrix model 2003 Bertrand Eynard
+ PDF Chat On geometry and matrix models 2002 Robbert Dijkgraaf
Cumrun Vafa
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial solution of the two-matrix model 1993 Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Seiberg-Witten Prepotential from Instanton Counting 2003 Nikita Nekrasov
+ PDF Chat Recursion Between Mumford Volumes of Moduli Spaces 2011 Bertrand Eynard
+ PDF Chat Matrix eigenvalue model: Feynman graph technique for all genera 2006 Leonid Chekhov
Bertrand Eynard
+ Planar diagrams 1978 E. Brézin
C. Itzykson
Giorgio Parisi
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ PDF Chat Topological Strings and (Almost) Modular Forms 2007 Mina Aganagic
Vincent Bouchard
Albrecht Klemm
+ Uniform asymptotics for polynomials orthogonal with respect to varying exponential weights and applications to universality questions in random matrix theory 1999 Percy Deift
T. Kriecherbauer
K. T-R McLaughlin
Stephanos Venakides
Xin Zhou
+ The τ‐function of the universal whitham hierarchy, matrix models and topological field theories 1994 I. M. Krichever
+ PDF Chat Rational Differential Systems, Loop Equations, and Application to the qth Reductions of KP 2015 M. C. Bergère
Gaëtan Borot
Bertrand Eynard
+ PDF Chat Geometry of Spectral Curves and All Order Dispersive Integrable System 2012 Gaëtan Borot
Bertrand Eynard
+ Monodromy perserving deformation of linear ordinary differential equations with rational coefficients. II 1981 Michio Jimbo
Tetsuji Miwa
+ Formal Matrix Integrals and Combinatorics of Maps 2011 Benoît Eynard
+ A matrix model for simple Hurwitz numbers, and topological recursion 2010 Gaëtan Borot
Bertrand Eynard
Motohico Mulase
Brad Safnuk
+ PDF Chat The Topological Vertex 2004 Mina Aganagic
Albrecht Klemm
Marcos Mari�o
Cumrun Vafa
+ PDF Chat All order asymptotic expansion of large partitions 2008 Benoît Eynard
+ PDF Chat Reconstructing WKB from topological recursion 2017 Vincent Bouchard
Bertrand Eynard
+ Loop equations and 1N expansion 1983 Alexander Migdal
+ PDF Chat Torus Knots and Mirror Symmetry 2012 Andrea Brini
Marcos Mariño
Bertrand Eynard
+ PDF Chat Rational theories of 2d gravity from the two-matrix model 1993 Jean-Marc Daul
Vladimir Kazakov
Ivan Kostov
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal Polynomials 1971 6
+ Random Matrix Models and Their Applications 2001 Pavel Bleher
Alexander Its