Charles Tresser


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Mildly dissipative diffeomorphisms of the disk with zero entropy 2024 Sylvain Crovisier
Enrique Pujals
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat Genericity of infinite entropy for maps with low regularity 2021 Edson de Faria
Peter Hazard
Charles Tresser
+ Mildly dissipative diffeomorphisms of the disk with zero entropy 2020 Sylvain Crovisier
Enrique Pujals
Charles Tresser
+ On Slow Growth and Entropy-Type Invariants 2019 Edson de Faria
Peter Hazard
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat Infinite entropy is generic in Hölder and Sobolev spaces 2017 Edson de Faria
Peter Hazard
Charles Tresser
+ Genericity of Infinite Entropy for Maps with Low Regularity 2017 Edson de Faria
Peter Hazard
Charles Tresser
+ Infinitely Many Moduli of Stability at the Dissipative Boundary of Chaos 2017 Peter Hazard
Marco Martens
Charles Tresser
+ Error diffusion on acute simplices: invariant tiles 2017 Roy L. Adler
Tomasz Nowicki
Grzegorz Świrszcz
Charles Tresser
S. Winograd
+ Genericity of Infinite Entropy for Maps with Low Regularity 2017 Edson de Faria
Peter Hazard
Charles Tresser
+ Infinitely Many Moduli of Stability at the Dissipative Boundary of Chaos 2017 Peter Hazard
Marco Martens
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat Differentiability of correlations in realistic quantum mechanics 2015 Alejandro Cabrera
Edson de Faria
Enrique Pujals
Charles Tresser
+ Fractals as objects with nontrivial structures at all scales 2015 Francis Lacan
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat On Sloane’s Persistence Problem 2014 Edson de Faria
Charles Tresser
+ Recognizing how some states are built, from mixed states to singlets 2014 Charles Tresser
Enrique Pujals
+ Toward a relativistic von Neumann no hidden variables theorem 2013 Alejandro Cabrera
Edson de Faria
Enrique Pujals
Charles Tresser
+ Bell's Theorem from a weak assumption on correlations 2013 Alejandro Cabrera
Edson de Faria
Enrique Pujals
Charles Tresser
+ On Sloane's persistence problem 2013 Edson de Faria
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat Bell Inequality Violations Under Reasonable and Under Weak Hypotheses 2013 Edson de Faria
Charles Tresser
+ Equidistribution of digits in powers and Diophantine approximations 2013 Edson de Faria
Charles Tresser
+ On Sloane's persistence problem 2013 Edson de Faria
Charles Tresser
+ Analyzing the correlations for spin-1/2 particles and singlet pairs 2012 Charles Tresser
+ Analyzing Correlations for spin-1/2 particles and Singlet pairs 2010 Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat Chaotic period doubling 2008 V. V. M. S. Chandramouli
Marco Martens
W. de Melo
Charles Tresser
+ Chaotic Period Doubling 2007 V. V. M. S. Chandramouli
Marco Martens
W. de Melo
Charles Tresser
+ A Bell Theorem with no locality assumption 2006 Charles Tresser
+ The simplest theorem a la Bell, with or without locality 2005 Charles Tresser
+ Revisiting Bell's theorem to better see counterfactuals 2005 Charles Tresser
+ Weak realism, counterfactuals, and decay of geometry at small scales 2005 Charles Tresser
+ Any is not all: EPR and the Einstein-Tolman-Podolsky paper 2005 Charles Tresser
+ The simplest Bell's theorem, with or without locality 2005 Charles Tresser
+ Convex dynamics: properties of invariant sets 2004 Tomasz Nowicki
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat Dynamique de la diffusion de l'erreur sur plusieurs polytopes 2004 Charles Tresser
+ Convex dynamics: Unavoidable difficulties in bounding some greedy algorithms 2003 Tomasz Nowicki
Charles Tresser
+ An embedding of the Farey web in the parameter space of simple families of circle maps 2002 Karen M. Brucks
John Ringland
Charles Tresser
+ Dynamics of non-ergodic piecewise affine maps of the torus 2001 Bruce Kitchens
Roy L. Adler
+ PDF Chat Qualitative Theory of Stable Stationary Localized Structures in One Dimension 2000 P. Coullet
Christophe Riera
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat On Entropy and Monotonicity for Real Cubic Maps 2000 John Milnor
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat Stably nonsynchronizable maps of the plane 1999 Patrice Le Calvez
Marco Martens
Charles Tresser
Patrick Worfolk
+ On Entropy and Monotonicity for Real Cubic Maps 1998 John Milnor
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat Period doubling, entropy, and renormalization 1998 Jun Hu
Charles Tresser
+ On Entropy and Monotonicity for Real Cubic Maps 1998 John Milnor
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat Inducing, slopes, and conjugacy classes 1997 Roza Galeeva
Marco Martens
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat Topological conjugacy of linear endomorphisms of the 2-torus 1997 Roy L. Adler
Charles Tresser
Patrick A. Worfolk
+ PDF Chat Nielsen-Thurston reducibility and renormalization 1997 Olivier Courcelle
Jean-Marc Gambaudo
Charles Tresser
+ On the ∗-product in kneading theory 1997 Karen M. Brucks
Roza Galeeva
Pere Mumbrú
Daniel N. Rockmore
Charles Tresser
+ Rotation orbits and the Farey tree 1996 Lisa R. Goldberg
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat Piecewise linear models for the quasiperiodic transition to chaos 1996 David Campbell
Roza Galeeva
Charles Tresser
David J. Uherka
+ PDF Chat Forcing of periodic orbits for interval maps and renormalization of piecewise affine maps 1996 Marco Martens
Charles Tresser
+ Organization of parameter space for simple circle maps: the Farey web 1996 Karen M. Brucks
John Ringland
Charles Tresser
+ Itinerary calculus and renormalization 1996 Hyman Bass
Maria Victoria Otero-Espinar
Daniel N. Rockmore
Charles Tresser
+ Spherically transitive automorphisms of rooted trees 1996 Hyman Bass
Maria Victoria Otero-Espinar
Daniel N. Rockmore
Charles Tresser
+ Closed normal subgroups of Aut(X(q)) 1996 Hyman Bass
Maria Victoria Otero-Espinar
Daniel N. Rockmore
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat Cyclic Renormalization and Automorphism Groups of Rooted Trees 1996 Hyman Bass
Maria Victoria Otero-Espinar
Daniel N. Rockmore
Charles Tresser
Amie Wilkinson
+ The set of maps $$F_{a,b} :x \mapsto x + a + \tfrac{b}{{2\pi }}$$ sin(2πx) with any given rotation interval is contractiblewith any given rotation interval is contractible 1995 Adam Epstein
Linda Keen
Charles Tresser
+ A walk along the branches of the extended Farey Tree 1995 Jeffrey C. Lagarias
Charles Tresser
+ Period doubling, entropy, and renormalization 1995 Jun Hu
Charles Tresser
+ A Monotonicity Conjecture for Real Cubic Maps 1995 Silvina Ponce Dawson
Roza Galeeva
John Milnor
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat A genealogy for finite kneading sequences of bimodal maps on the interval 1995 John Ringland
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat Wandering Domains for Infinitely Renormalizable Diffeomorphisms of the Disk 1994 Christian Bonatti
J. M. Gambaudo
Jean Marie Lion
Charles Tresser
+ Forcing of periodic orbits for interval maps and renormalization of piecewise affine maps 1994 Marco Martens
Charles Tresser
+ The set of maps F_{a,b}: x -> x+a+{b/{2 pi}} sin(2 pi x) with any given rotation interval is contractible 1994 Adam Epstein
Linda Keen
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat Wandering domains for infinitely renormalizable diffeomorphisms of the disk 1994 Christian Bonatti
Jean-Marc Gambaudo
Jean-Marie Lion
Charles Tresser
+ Inducing, slopes, and conjugacy classes 1994 Roza Galeeva
Marco Martens
Charles Tresser
+ Forcing of periodic orbits for interval maps and renormalization of piecewise affine maps 1994 Marco Martens
Charles Tresser
+ The set of maps F_{a,b}: x -> x+a+{b/{2 pi}} sin(2 pi x) with any given rotation interval is contractible 1994 Adam Epstein
Linda Keen
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat Piecewise Linear Discontinuous Double Coverings of the Circle 1993 Roza Galeeva
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat Piecewise linear discontinuous double coverings of the circle 1993 Roza Galeeva
Charles Tresser
+ A monotonicity conjecture for real cubic maps 1993 Silvina Ponce Dawson
Roza Galeeva
John Milnor
Charles Tresser
+ A Genealogy for Finite Kneading Sequences of Bimodal Maps on the Interval 1993 John Ringland
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat Self-similar constructions in smooth dynamics: Rigidity, smoothness and dimension 1992 Jean-Marc Gambaudo
Charles Tresser
+ Solvable models for the quasi-periodic transition to chaos 1992 David J. Uherka
Charles Tresser
Roza Galeeva
David Campbell
+ A decoding problem in dynamics and in number theory 1992 Ralph M. Siegel
Charles Tresser
George Zettler
+ Homeomorphic restrictions of smooth endomorphisms of an interval 1992 Karen M. Brucks
Victoria Otero–Espinar
Charles Tresser
+ A monotonicity property in one-dimensional dynamics 1992 Jean-Marc Gambaudo
Charles Tresser
+ An approach to renormalization on the <i>n</i>-torus 1991 Daniel N. Rockmore
Ralph M. Siegel
Nils Tongring
Charles Tresser
+ How Horseshoes are Created 1991 Jean-Marc Gambaudo
Charles Tresser
+ Fine Structure of Universal Cantor Sets 1991 Charles Tresser
+ Diffeomorphisms with infinitely many strange attractors 1990 Jean-Marc Gambaudo
Charles Tresser
+ Renormalisation between classes of maps 1990 Paul Glendinning
Jérôme Los
Charles Tresser
+ First-return maps as a unified renormalization scheme for dynamical systems 1987 Itamar Procaccia
S. Thomae
Charles Tresser
+ New Universal Scenarios for the Onset of Chaos in Lorenz-Type Flows 1986 Jean-Marc Gambaudo
Itamar Procaccia
Stefan Thomas
Charles Tresser
+ Abstracts of the workshop on statistical mechanics, dynamical systems, and turbulence 1983 Oscar E. Lanford
T. S. Lundgren
Jean-Pierre Eckmann
Pierre Collet
D. G. Aronson
Giovanni Gallavotti
Clark A. Conley
Richard McGehee
Charles Tresser
Oscar E. Lanford
+ Some difficulties generated by small sinks in the numerical study of dynamical systems: Two examples 1983 J. M. Gambaudo
Charles Tresser
+ About some theorems by L.P. Sil'nikov 1983 Charles Tresser
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On iterated maps of the interval 1988 John Milnor
William P. Thurston
+ Quantitative universality for a class of nonlinear transformations 1978 Mitchell J. Feigenbaum
+ Transition to topological chaos for circle maps 1986 Robert S. MacKay
C. Tresser
+ The periodic points of maps of the disk and the interval 1976 Rufus Bowen
John Franks
+ PDF Chat Bifurcations of circle maps: Arnol'd tongues, bistability and rotation intervals 1986 Philip Boyland
+ An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. By G. H. Hardy and E. M. Wright. 2nd edition. Pp. xvi, 407 25s. 1945. (Oxford) 1946 T. A. A. B.
+ PDF Chat Monotonicity properties of the family of trapezoidal maps 1991 Karen M. Brucks
Michał Misiurewicz
C. Tresser
+ A decoding problem in dynamics and in number theory 1992 Ralph M. Siegel
Charles Tresser
George Zettler
+ A Monotonicity Conjecture for Real Cubic Maps 1995 Silvina Ponce Dawson
Roza Galeeva
John Milnor
Charles Tresser
+ Comb structure in hairy boundaries: Some transition problems for circle maps 1986 Barry Friedman
C. Tresser
+ The universal metric properties of nonlinear transformations 1979 Mitchell J. Feigenbaum
+ One-Dimensional Dynamics 2005 Welington de Melo
Sebastian van Strien
+ PDF Chat Julia-Fatou-Sullivan theory for real one-dimensional dynamics 1992 Marco Martens
W. de Melo
Sebastian van Strien
+ On finite limit sets for transformations on the unit interval 1973 N. Metropolis
M. L. Stein
P. R. Stein
+ PDF Chat Cyclic Renormalization and Automorphism Groups of Rooted Trees 1996 Hyman Bass
Maria Victoria Otero-Espinar
Daniel N. Rockmore
Charles Tresser
+ Kneading sequences of skew tent maps 1991 Michał Misiurewicz
E. Visinescu
+ Fine Structure of Universal Cantor Sets 1991 Charles Tresser
+ Complex Dynamics and Renormalization 1994 Curtis T. McMullen
+ PDF Chat Entropy for group endomorphisms and homogeneous spaces 1971 Rufus Bowen
+ Genealogy and Bifurcation Skeleton for Cycles of the Iterated Two-Extremum Map of the Interval 1991 John Ringland
Mark Schell
+ PDF Chat Bifurcations and stability of families of diffeomorphisms 1983 Sheldon E. Newhouse
Jacob Palis
Floris Takens
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov exponents, entropy and periodic orbits for diffeomorphisms 1980 A. Katok
+ Introduction to the modern theory of dynamical systems 1996 Anatole Katok
Boris Hasselblatt
+ PDF Chat Über die Hinsichtlich der Unabhängigen und Abhängigen Variabeln Periodische Differentialgleichung Erster Ordnung 1916 Patrick Bohl
+ PDF Chat The structure of Lorenz attractors 1979 R. F. Williams
+ PDF Chat Entropy of piecewise monotone mappings 1980 Michał Misiurewicz
W. Szlenk
+ A remark on the topological entropy of homeomorphisms 1980 Koichi Yano
+ First-return maps as a unified renormalization scheme for dynamical systems 1987 Itamar Procaccia
S. Thomae
Charles Tresser
+ Some flesh on the skeleton: The bifurcation structure of bimodal maps 1987 Robert S. MacKay
C. Tresser
+ An Introduction to Ergodic Theory 1982 Peter Walters
+ PDF Chat Feigenbaum-Coullet-Tresser Universality and Milnor's Hairiness Conjecture 1999 Mikhail Lyubich
+ Boundary of Topological Chaos for Bimodal Maps of the Interval 1988 Robert S. MacKay
C. Tresser
+ Existence of periodic points for maps ofS 1 1973 Louis Block
John E. Franke
+ Global complexity and essential simplicity 1989 Victoria Otero–Espinar
C. Tresser
+ PDF Chat Sur les équations fonctionnelles 1920 P. Fatou
+ PDF Chat Non-existence of wandering intervals and structure of topological attractors of one dimensional dynamical systems: 1. The case of negative Schwarzian derivative 1989 Mikhail Lyubich
+ Computing the topological entropy of maps of the interval with three monotone pieces 1992 Louis Block
James Keesling
+ PDF Chat Distortion results and invariant Cantor sets of unimodal maps 1994 Marco Martens
+ PDF Chat Rational rotation numbers for maps of the circle 1988 Grzegorz Świątek
+ Continuity Properties of Entropy 1989 Sheldon E. Newhouse
+ Convex dynamics: Unavoidable difficulties in bounding some greedy algorithms 2003 Tomasz Nowicki
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat A genealogy for finite kneading sequences of bimodal maps on the interval 1995 John Ringland
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat The bifurcation of periodic orbits of one-dimensional maps 1982 Louis Block
David Hart
+ A Minimal Positive Entropy Homeomorphism of the 2-Torus 1981 Mary Rees
+ Henon-like maps with strange attractors: there exist C<sup>∞</sup>Kupka-Smale diffeomorphisms on S<sup>2</sup>with neither sinks nor sources 1989 J. M. Gambaudo
S van Strein
C. Tresser
+ PDF Chat On the nature of turbulence 1971 David Ruelle
Floris Takens
+ An extension of the theorem of Milnor and Thurston on the zeta functions of interval maps 1994 Viviane Baladi
David Ruelle
+ Solvable models for the quasi-periodic transition to chaos 1992 David J. Uherka
Charles Tresser
Roza Galeeva
David Campbell
+ Convex dynamics: properties of invariant sets 2004 Tomasz Nowicki
Charles Tresser
+ Dynamics of non-ergodic piecewise affine maps of the torus 2001 Bruce Kitchens
Roy L. Adler