Kohei Hayashi


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Derivation of Coupled KPZ Equations from Interacting Diffusions Driven by a Single-Site Potential 2024 Kohei Hayashi
+ PDF Chat Extended Flow Matching: a Method of Conditional Generation with Generalized Continuity Equation 2024 Noboru Isobe
Masanori Koyama
Kohei Hayashi
Kenji Fukumizu
+ PDF Chat CFTM: Continuous time fractional topic model 2024 Kei Nakagawa
Kohei Hayashi
Yugo Fujimoto
+ Derivation of the stochastic Burgers equation from totally asymmetric interacting particle systems 2022 Kohei Hayashi
+ PDF Chat Fractional SDE-Net: Generation of Time Series Data with Long-term Memory 2022 Kohei Hayashi
Kei Nakagawa
+ A Scaling Law for Synthetic-to-Real Transfer: A Measure of Pre-Training. 2021 Hiroaki Mikami
Kenji Fukumizu
Shogo Murai
Shuji Suzuki
Yuta Kikuchi
Taiji Suzuki
Shin‐ichi Maeda
Kohei Hayashi
+ PDF Chat First follow-up of transient events with the CTA Large Size Telescope prototype 2021 A. Carosi
Hyuga Abe
Arnau Aguasca
I. Agudo
L. A. Antonelli
Carla Aramo
T. P. Armstrong
Manuel Artero
Katsuaki Asano
Halim Ashkar
+ PDF Chat Commissioning of the camera of the first Large Size Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2021 Takayuki Saito
Ivana Batković
Josefa Becerra Gonzalez
Irene Jiménez Martínez
Ruben Lopez-Coto
Manel Martinez
S. Mičanović
Hyuga Abe
Arnau Aguasca
I. Agudo
+ PDF Chat Monitoring the pointing of the Large Size Telescope prototype using star reconstruction in the Cherenkov camera 2021 Luca Foffano
A. Carosi
Domenico Della Volpe
M. Dalchenko
Matthieu Heller
T. Montaruli
Hyuga Abe
Arnau Aguasca
I. Agudo
L. A. Antonelli
+ PDF Chat Cross-calibration and combined analysis of the CTA-LST prototype and the MAGIC telescopes 2021 Yoshiki Ohtani
A. Berti
Davide Depaoli
F. Di Pierro
Jarred Gershon Green
Lea Heckmann
Moritz Hütten
Tomohiro Inada
R. López-Coto
Elisabetta Medina
+ PDF Chat Camera Calibration of the CTA-LST prototype 2021 Yukiho Kobayashi
A. Okumura
F. Cassol-Brunner
H. Katagiri
J. Sitarek
Paweł Gliwny
S. Nozaki
Hyuga Abe
Arnau Aguasca
I. Agudo
+ A Scaling Law for Synthetic-to-Real Transfer: How Much Is Your Pre-training Effective? 2021 Hiroaki Mikami
Kenji Fukumizu
Shogo Murai
Shuji Suzuki
Yuta Kikuchi
Taiji Suzuki
Shin‐ichi Maeda
Kohei Hayashi
+ Data Interpolating Prediction: Alternative Interpretation of Mixup 2019 Takuya Shimada
Shoichiro Yamaguchi
Kohei Hayashi
Sosuke Kobayashi
+ A kernel-based approach for matrix and tensor completion 2011 Kohei Hayashi
Takashi Takenouchi
Ryota Tomioka
Hisashi Kashima
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Burgers and KPZ Equations from Particle Systems 1997 Lorenzo Bertini
Giambattista Giacomin
+ PDF Chat KPZ Reloaded 2016 Massimiliano Gubinelli
Nicolas Perkowski
+ Brownian analogues of Burke's theorem 2001 Neil O’Connell
Marc Yor
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear Fluctuations of Weakly Asymmetric Interacting Particle Systems 2013 Patrícia Gonçalves
Milton Jara
+ Energy solutions of KPZ are unique 2017 Massimiliano Gubinelli
Nicolas Perkowski
+ PDF Chat The infinitesimal generator of the stochastic Burgers equation 2020 Massimiliano Gubinelli
Nicolas Perkowski
+ Scaling of the Sasamoto-Spohn model in equilibrium 2019 Milton Jara
Gregorio R. Moreno Flores
+ Stationary directed polymers and energy solutions of the Burgers equation 2020 Milton Jara
Gregorio R. Moreno Flores
+ PDF Chat Dynamic Scaling of Growing Interfaces 1986 Mehran Kardar
Giorgio Parisi
Yi-Cheng Zhang
+ PDF Chat Solving the KPZ equation 2013 Martin Hairer
+ PDF Chat The Kardar–Parisi–Zhang Equation as Scaling Limit of Weakly Asymmetric Interacting Brownian Motions 2017 Joscha Diehl
Massimiliano Gubinelli
Nicolas Perkowski
+ PDF Chat A theory of regularity structures 2014 Martin Hairer
+ PDF Chat Simulation of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes with CORSIKA and sim_telarray 2008 K. Bernlöhr
+ PDF Chat An inequality of the Hölder type, connected with Stieltjes integration 1936 Louise Young
+ PDF Chat Exact Rate of Convergence of Some Approximation Schemes Associated to SDEs Driven by a Fractional Brownian Motion 2007 Andreas Neuenkirch
Ivan Nourdin
+ PDF Chat Tightness of Probabilities On $C(\lbrack 0, 1 \rbrack; \mathscr{Y}')$ and $D(\lbrack 0, 1 \rbrack; \mathscr{Y}')$ 1983 Itaru Mitoma
+ Diffusion of directed polymers in a random environment 1988 John Imbrie
Thomas Spencer
+ PDF Chat Central limit theorem for additive functionals of reversible Markov processes and applications to simple exclusions 1986 C. Kipnis
S. R. S. Varadhan
+ PDF Chat Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation 2015 Jonathan Long
Evan Shelhamer
Trevor Darrell
+ What makes ImageNet good for transfer learning 2016 Minyoung Huh
Pulkit Agrawal
Alexei A. Efros
+ PDF Chat How Useful Is Photo-Realistic Rendering for Visual Learning? 2016 Yair Movshovitz-Attias
Takeo Kanade
Yaser Sheikh
+ A coupled KPZ equation, its two types of approximations and existence of global solutions 2017 Tadahisa Funaki
Masato Hoshino
+ C-RNN-GAN: Continuous recurrent neural networks with adversarial training 2016 Olof Mogren
+ Overcoming catastrophic forgetting in neural networks 2017 James Kirkpatrick
Razvan Pascanu
Neil C. Rabinowitz
Joel Veness
Guillaume Desjardins
Andrei A. Rusu
Kieran Milan
John Quan
Tiago Ramalho
Agnieszka Grabska‐Barwińska
+ PDF Chat Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection 2017 Tsung-Yi Lin
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+ Synthesizing Training Data for Object Detection in Indoor Scenes 2017 Georgios Georgakis
Arsalan Mousavian
Alexander C. Berg
Jana Košecká
+ PDF Chat Domain randomization for transferring deep neural networks from simulation to the real world 2017 Josh Tobin
Rachel Fong
Alex Ray
Jonas Schneider
Wojciech Zaremba
Pieter Abbeel
+ Accurate, Large Minibatch SGD: Training ImageNet in 1 Hour 2017 Priya Goyal
Piotr Dollár
Ross Girshick
Pieter Noordhuis
Lukasz Wesolowski
Aapo Kyrola
Andrew Tulloch
Yangqing Jia
Kaiming He
+ Rethinking Atrous Convolution for Semantic Image Segmentation 2017 Liang-Chieh Chen
George Papandreou
Florian Schroff
Hartwig Adam
+ PDF Chat Analysis techniques and performance of the Domino Ring Sampler version 4 based readout for the MAGIC telescopes 2013 J. Sitarek
M. Gaug
D. Mazin
R. Paoletti
D. Tescaro
+ PDF Chat Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks 2016 Kaiming He
Xiangyu Zhang
Shaoqing Ren
Jian Sun
+ Applying Domain Randomization to Synthetic Data for Object Category Detection 2018 João Borrego
Atabak Dehban
Rui Figueiredo
Plínio Moreno
Alexandre Bernardino
José Santos-Victor
+ The benefit of multitask representation learning 2016 Andreas Maurer
Massimiliano Pontil
Bernardino Romera‐Paredes
+ PDF Chat Dropout Rademacher complexity of deep neural networks 2016 Wei Gao
Zhi‐Hua Zhou
+ Neural Tangent Kernel: Convergence and Generalization in Neural Networks 2018 Arthur Paul Jacot
Franck Gabriel
Clément Hongler
+ PDF Chat $\operatorname{ASEP}(q,j)$ converges to the KPZ equation 2018 Ivan Corwin
Hao Shen
Li-Cheng Tsai
+ Data Augmentation by Pairing Samples for Images Classification 2018 Hiroshi Inoue
+ Deep Learning Scaling is Predictable, Empirically 2017 Joel Hestness
Sharan Narang
Newsha Ardalani
Gregory Diamos
Heewoo Jun
Hassan Kianinejad
Md. Mostofa Ali Patwary
Yang Yang
Yanqi Zhou
+ PDF Chat MixUp as Locally Linear Out-of-Manifold Regularization 2019 Hongyu Guo
Yongyi Mao
Richong Zhang
+ An Annotation Saved is an Annotation Earned: Using Fully Synthetic Training for Object Instance Detection 2019 Stefan Hinterstoißer
Olivier Pauly
Hauke Heibel
Martina Marek
Martin Bokeloh
+ Neural Jump Stochastic Differential Equations 2019 Junteng Jia
Austin R. Benson
+ Neural SDE: Stabilizing Neural ODE Networks with Stochastic Noise 2019 Xuanqing Liu
Tesi Xiao
Si Si
Cao Qin
Sanjiv Kumar
Cho‐Jui Hsieh
+ ImageNet-trained CNNs are biased towards texture; increasing shape bias improves accuracy and robustness 2018 Robert Geirhos
Patricia Rubisch
Claudio Michaelis
Matthias Bethge
Felix A. Wichmann
Wieland Brendel
+ Latent ODEs for Irregularly-Sampled Time Series 2019 Yulia Rubanova
Ricky T. Q. Chen
David Duvenaud
+ PDF Chat Calibration and monitoring of the ASTRI-Horn telescope by using the night-sky background measured by the photon-statistics ("variance") method 2019 A. Segreto
O. Catalano
M. C. Maccarone
T. Mineo
A. La Barbera
For on behalf of the CTA ASTRI Project
+ Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition 2014 Karen Simonyan
Andrew Zisserman
+ PDF Chat Revisiting Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data in Deep Learning Era 2017 Chen Sun
Abhinav Shrivastava
Saurabh Singh
Abhinav Gupta
+ PDF Chat Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition 2016 Kaiming He
Xiangyu Zhang
Shaoqing Ren
Jian Sun
+ Between-class Learning for Image Classification 2017 Yuji Tokozume
Yoshitaka Ushiku
Tatsuya Harada