Mark E. Watkins


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Distribution of the 2-Selmer rank under twisting 2022 Mark E. Watkins
+ Comments on Deuring's zero-spacing phenomenon 2020 Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Lobe, edge, and arc transitivity of graphs of connectivity 1 2019 Jack E. Graver
Mark E. Watkins
+ Lobe, Edge, and Arc Transitivity of Graphs of Connectivity 1 2018 Jack E. Graver
Mark E. Watkins
+ A spectral proof of class number one 2018 Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Infinite Graphical Frobenius Representations 2018 Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Jacobi sums and Grössencharacters 2018 Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Graphical Frobenius representations 2018 John Kevin Doyle
Thomas W. Tucker
Mark E. Watkins
+ Lobe, Edge, and Arc Transitivity of Graphs of Connectivity 1 2018 Jack E. Graver
Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Growth of face-homogeneous tessellations 2017 Stephen J. Graves
Mark E. Watkins
+ Growth of Face-Homogeneous Tessellations 2017 Stephen J. Graves
Mark E. Watkins
+ Growth of Face-Homogeneous Tessellations 2017 Stephen J. Graves
Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Ranks of quadratic twists of elliptic curves 2015 Mark E. Watkins
Stephen Robert Donnelly
Noam D. Elkies
Tom Fisher
Andrew Granville
Nicholas F. Rogers
+ PDF Chat Infinite motion and 2-distinguishability of graphs and groups 2014 Wilfried Imrich
Simon M. Smith
Thomas W. Tucker
Mark E. Watkins
+ Automorphisms 2013 Mark E. Watkins
+ Infinite Motion and 2-Distinguishability of Graphs and Groups 2013 Wilfried Imrich
Simon M. Smith
Thomas W. Tucker
Mark E. Watkins
+ Bounding the distinguishing number of infinite graphs 2013 Simon M. Smith
Mark E. Watkins
+ Bounding the distinguishing number of infinite graphs 2013 Simon Smith
Mark E. Watkins
+ Infinite Motion and 2-Distinguishability of Graphs and Groups 2013 Wilfried Imrich
Simon Smith
Thomas W. Tucker
Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Distinguishability of Infinite Groups and Graphs 2012 Simon M. Smith
Thomas W. Tucker
Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Imprimitivity of locally finite, 1-ended, planar graphs 2012 Jozef Širáň‬
Mark E. Watkins
+ Explicit methods in number theory. Rational points and Diophantine equations. 2012 Karim Belabas
Frits Beukers
Pierrick Gaudry
William G. McCallum
Bjorn Poonen
Samir Siksek
Michael Stoll
Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Another 80-dimensional extremal lattice 2012 Mark E. Watkins
+ Distinguishability of infinite groups and graphs 2011 Simon M. Smith
Thomas W. Tucker
Mark E. Watkins
+ Passage to Abstract Mathematics 2011 Mark E. Watkins
Jeffrey L. Meyer
+ PDF Chat Computing with Hecke Grössencharacters 2011 Mark E. Watkins
+ Distinguishability of infinite groups and graphs 2011 Simon Smith
Thomas W. Tucker
Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Congruent Number Theta Coefficients to 1012 2010 William B. Hart
Gonzalo Tornaría
Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat On the Extremality of an 80-Dimensional Lattice 2010 Damien Stehlé
Mark E. Watkins
+ Magma - A Tool for Number Theory 2010 John Cannon
Steve Donnelly
Claus Fieker
Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Euler Factors and Local Root Numbers for Symmetric Powers of Elliptic Curves 2009 Neil Dummigan
Phil Martin
Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Critical Values of Symmetric Power L-functions 2009 Neil Dummigan
Mark E. Watkins
+ Growth of Edge-Homogeneous Tessellations 2008 Stephen J. Graves
Tomaž Pisanski
Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Some Heuristics about Elliptic Curves 2008 Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat On elliptic curves and random matrix theory 2008 Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Average ranks of elliptic curves: Tension between data and conjecture 2007 Baur Bektemirov
Barry Mazur
William Stein
Mark E. Watkins
+ None 2006 C. Paul Bonnington
R. Bruce Richter
Mark E. Watkins
+ Between ends and fibers 2006 C. Paul Bonnington
R. Bruce Richter
Mark E. Watkins
+ Covalence sequences of planar vertex-homogeneous maps 2006 Jana S ̆iagiová
Mark E. Watkins
+ A note on integral points on elliptic curves 2006 Mark E. Watkins
Noam D. Elkies
+ PDF Chat A note on integral points on elliptic curves 2006 Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Symmetric Powers of Elliptic Curve L-Functions 2006 Phil Martin
Mark E. Watkins
+ Some heuristics about elliptic curves 2006 Mark E. Watkins
+ Symmetric powers of elliptic curve L-functions 2006 Phil Martin
Mark E. Watkins
+ A note on integral points on elliptic curves 2006 Mark E. Watkins
Noam D. Elkies
+ Cayley maps 2005 R. Bruce Richter
Jozef Širáň
Robert Jajcay
Thomas W. Tucker
Mark E. Watkins
+ Secondary terms in the number of vanishings of quadratic twists of elliptic curve L-functions 2005 J. Brian Conrey
Atul Pocharel
Michael Rubinstein
Mark E. Watkins
+ Discretisation for odd quadratic twists 2005 J. Brian Conrey
Michael Rubinstein
N. C. Snaith
Mark E. Watkins
+ Some remarks on Heegner point computations 2005 Mark E. Watkins
+ A characterization of infinite planar primitive graphs 2004 Mark E. Watkins
Jack E. Graver
+ PDF Chat Constructing elements in Shafarevich–Tate groups of modular motives 2004 Neil Dummigan
William Stein
Mark E. Watkins
+ Explicit lower bounds on the modular degree of an elliptic curve 2004 Mark E. Watkins
+ Modular Parametrizations of Neumann-Setzer Elliptic Curves 2004 William Stein
Mark E. Watkins
+ Rank distribution in a family of cubic twists 2004 Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Curves of Large Rank and Small Conductor 2004 Noam D. Elkies
Mark E. Watkins
+ Concentric Bilinski diagrams. 2004 Jennifer A. Bruce
Mark E. Watkins
+ Elliptic curves of large rank and small conductor 2004 Noam D. Elkies
Mark E. Watkins
+ None 2004 William Stein
Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Class numbers of imaginary quadratic fields 2003 Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Real zeros of real odd Dirichlet $L$-functions 2003 Mark E. Watkins
+ A Database of Elliptic Curves — First Report 2002 William Stein
Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Computing the Modular Degree of an Elliptic Curve 2002 Mark E. Watkins
+ Realizing finite edge‐transitive orientable maps 2001 Jozef Širáň
Thomas W. Tucker
Mark E. Watkins
+ Geodetic rays and fibers in periodic graphs 2000 Peter Niemeyer
Mark E. Watkins
+ Geodetic rays and fibers in periodic graphs 2000 Peter Niemeyer
Mark E. Watkins
+ Geodetic Rays and Fibers in One-Ended Planar Graphs 1997 Peter Niemeyer
Mark E. Watkins
+ Ends and automorphisms of infinite graphs 1997 Mark E. Watkins
+ On translations of double rays in graphs 1995 Norbert Polat
Mark E. Watkins
+ Sur les graphes infinis possedant un groupe d'automorphismes primitif 1994 Mark E. Watkins
+ Vertex-Transitive Graphs That Are Not Cayley Graphs 1990 Mark E. Watkins
+ A note on bounded automorphisms of infinite graphs 1989 Chris Godsil
Wilfried Imrich
Norbert Seifter
Mark E. Watkins
Wolfgang Woess
+ The connectivities of locally finite primitive graphs 1989 H. A. Jung
Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Infinite vertex-transitive, edge-transitive non-$1$-transitive graphs 1989 Carsten Thomassen
Mark E. Watkins
+ Infinite Vertex-Transitive, Edge-Transitive Non-1-Transitive Graphs 1989 Carsten Thomassen
Mark E. Watkins
+ Counterexamples to two conjectures about distance sequences 1987 Mark E. Watkins
James B. Shearer
+ Infinite paths that contain only shortest paths 1986 Mark E. Watkins
+ Fragments and Automorphisms of Infinite Graphs 1984 H. A. Jung
Mark E. Watkins
+ On infinite tournaments with regular automorphism groups 1981 Derek Holton
Mark E. Watkins
+ Connectivity of infinite graphs having a transitive torsion group action 1980 László Babai
Mark E. Watkins
+ On the cayley index of a group 1978 Mark E. Watkins
+ On the connectivities of finite and infinite graphs 1977 H. A. Jung
Mark E. Watkins
+ On the structure of infinite vertex-transitive graphs 1977 H. A. Jung
Mark E. Watkins
+ Two Famous Problems 1977 Jack E. Graver
Mark E. Watkins
+ Matchings and Related Structures 1977 Jack E. Graver
Mark E. Watkins
+ Separation and Connectivity in Multigraphs 1977 Jack E. Graver
Mark E. Watkins
+ On automorphism groups of Cayley graphs 1976 Wilfried Imrich
Mark E. Watkins
+ Graphical regular representations of free products of groups 1976 Mark E. Watkins
+ Graphical regular representations of alternating, symmetric, and miscellaneous small groups 1974 Mark E. Watkins
+ Graphical regular representations of alternating, symmetric, and miscellaneous small groups 1973 Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Graphical Regular Representations of Non-Abelian Groups, I 1972 Lewis A. Nowitz
Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Graphical Regular Representations of Non-Abelian Groups, II 1972 Lewis A. Nowitz
Mark E. Watkins
+ On graphical regular representations of direct products of groups 1972 Mark E. Watkins
Lewis A. Nowitz
+ On graphical regular representations of Cn × Q 1972 Mark E. Watkins
+ On the action of non-Abelian groups on graphs 1971 Mark E. Watkins
+ The groups of the generalized Petersen graphs 1971 Roberto Frucht
Jack E. Graver
Mark E. Watkins
+ Connectivity of transitive graphs 1970 Mark E. Watkins
+ On the existence of certain disjoint arcs in graphs 1968 Mark E. Watkins
+ A Lower Bound for the Number of Vertices of a Graph 1967 Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Cycles and Connectivity in Graphs 1967 Mark E. Watkins
Dale M. Mesner
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Automorphisms and endomorphisms of infinite locally finite graphs 1973 R. Halin
+ PDF Chat On a class of fixed-point-free graphs 1958 Gert Sabidussi
+ A note on fragments of infinite graphs 1981 H. A. Jung
+ The Magma Algebra System I: The User Language 1997 Wieb Bosma
John Cannon
Catherine Playoust
+ Notes on elliptic curves. II. 1965 B. J. Birch
H. P. F. Swinnerton-Dyer
+ Heegner points and derivatives ofL-series 1986 Benedict H. Gross
Don Zagier
+ On the structure of infinite vertex-transitive graphs 1977 H. A. Jung
Mark E. Watkins
+ Modular Elliptic Curves and Fermat's Last Theorem 1995 Andrew Wiles
+ PDF Chat Graphical Regular Representations of Non-Abelian Groups, I 1972 Lewis A. Nowitz
Mark E. Watkins
+ Algorithms for Modular Elliptic Curves 1992 J. E. Cremona
+ On the action of non-Abelian groups on graphs 1971 Mark E. Watkins
+ Fragments and Automorphisms of Infinite Graphs 1984 H. A. Jung
Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat The behavior of the Mordell-Weil group of elliptic curves 1990 Armand Brumer
Francis McGuinness
+ On the modularity of elliptic curves over 𝐐: Wild 3-adic exercises 2001 Christophe Breuil
Brian Conrad
Fred Diamond
Richard Taylor
+ Infinite paths that contain only shortest paths 1986 Mark E. Watkins
+ Connectivity in Graphs 1966 W. T. Tutte
+ PDF Chat Computing the Modular Degree of an Elliptic Curve 2002 Mark E. Watkins
+ Edge‐transitive planar graphs 1987 Branko Grünbaum
G. C. Shephard
+ Iwasawa theory for the symmetric square of an elliptic curve. 1987 Carsten Schmidt
John D. Coates
+ Decomposing Ends of Locally Finite Graphs 1995 Heinz Jung
Peter Niemeyer
+ On the frequency of vanishing of quadratic twists of modular L-functions 2000 JB Conrey
JP Keating
MO Rubinstein
N C Snaith
+ A Database of Elliptic Curves — First Report 2002 William Stein
Mark E. Watkins
+ On the non-existence of graphs with transitive generalized dicyclic groups 1968 Lewis A. Nowitz
+ PDF Chat Cycles, L-functions and triple products of elliptic curves. 1997 Joe Buhler
Chad Schoen
Jakob Top
+ Stickelberger elements and modular parametrizations of elliptic curves 1989 Glenn Stevens
+ Geodetic Rays and Fibers in One-Ended Planar Graphs 1997 Peter Niemeyer
Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Graphical Regular Representations of Non-Abelian Groups, II 1972 Lewis A. Nowitz
Mark E. Watkins
+ Hecke operators on ?0(m) 1970 A. O. L. Atkin
Joseph Lehner
+ On translations of double rays in graphs 1995 Norbert Polat
Mark E. Watkins
+ A note on bounded automorphisms of infinite graphs 1989 Chris Godsil
Wilfried Imrich
Norbert Seifter
Mark E. Watkins
Wolfgang Woess
+ Graphical regular representations of free products of groups 1976 Mark E. Watkins
+ A note on the growth of transitive graphs 1988 Wilfried Imrich
Norbert Seifter
+ Graphical regular representations of alternating, symmetric, and miscellaneous small groups 1974 Mark E. Watkins
+ A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory 1993 Henri Cohen
+ Ring-Theoretic Properties of Certain Hecke Algebras 1995 Richard Taylor
Andrew Wiles
+ Elliptic Curves of Prime Conductor 1975 Bennett Setzer
+ On the connectivities of finite and infinite graphs 1977 H. A. Jung
Mark E. Watkins
+ Regular line-symmetric graphs 1967 Jon Folkman
+ Tilings and Patterns. 1988 Solomon W. Golomb
Branko Grünbaum
G. C. Shephard
+ On the Holomorphy of Certain Dirichlet Series 1975 Goro Shimura
+ The class number of quadratic fields and the conjectures of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer 1976 Dorian Goldfeld
+ PDF Chat On a theorem of Sabidussi 1964 Chong-Yun Chao
+ Advanced Topics in Computational Number Theory 2011 Henri Cohen
+ Cuspidality of symmetric powers with applications 2002 Henry H. Kim
Freydoon Shahidi
+ On graphical regular representations of Cn × Q 1972 Mark E. Watkins
+ PDF Chat Modularity of certain potentially Barsotti-Tate Galois representations 1999 Brian Conrad
Fred Diamond
Richard Taylor
+ PDF Chat A complete determination of the complex quadratic fields of class-number one. 1967 H. Stärk
+ Functoriality for the exterior square of 𝐺𝐿₄ and the symmetric fourth of 𝐺𝐿₂ 2002 Henry Kim
+ Connectivity of transitive graphs 1970 Mark E. Watkins
+ Good Reduction of Abelian Varieties 1968 Jean-Pierre Serre
John Tate