Stéphane Le Roux


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Finite-memory strategies in two-player infinite games 2021 Patricia Bouyer
Stéphane Le Roux
Nathan Thomasset
+ PDF Chat Connected choice and the Brouwer fixed point theorem 2018 Vasco Brattka
Stéphane Le Roux
Joseph S. Miller
Arno Pauly
+ PDF Chat Extending finite-memory determinacy to multi-player games 2018 Stéphane Le Roux
Arno Pauly
+ PDF Chat An Existence Theorem of Nash Equilibrium in Coq and Isabelle 2017 Stéphane Le Roux
Érik Martin-Dorel
Jan‐Georg Smaus
+ Stable states of perturbed markov chains 2016 Volker Betz
Stéphane Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Multi-scale metastable dynamics and the asymptotic stationary distribution of perturbed Markov chains 2016 Volker Betz
Stéphane Le Roux
+ Extending finite memory determinacy: General techniques and an application to energy parity games. 2016 Stéphane Le Roux
Arno Pauly
+ Minkowski games 2016 Stéphane Le Roux
Arno Pauly
Jean-François Raskin
+ Stable states of perturbed Markov chains 2015 Volker Betz
Stéphane Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Stable states of perturbed Markov chains 2015 Volker Betz
Stéphane Le Roux
+ Infinite subgame perfect equilibrium in the Hausdorff difference hierarchy 2015 Stéphane Le Roux
+ Infinite subgame perfect equilibrium in the Hausdorff difference hierarchy 2015 Stéphane Le Roux
+ Stable states of perturbed Markov chains 2015 Volker Betz
Stéphane Le Roux
+ Multi-scale metastable dynamics and the asymptotic stationary distribution of perturbed Markov chains 2014 Volker Betz
Stéphane Le Roux
+ Infinite sequential games with real-valued payoffs 2014 Stéphane Le Roux
Arno Pauly
+ Multi-scale metastable dynamics and the asymptotic stationary distribution of perturbed Markov chains 2014 Volker Betz
Stéphane Le Roux
+ Lazy beats crazy: a spurious yet mathematical justification for laissez-faire. 2013 Stéphane Le Roux
+ From determinacy to Nash equilibrium 2012 Stéphane Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Singular coverings and non‐uniform notions of closed set computability 2008 Stéphane Le Roux
Martin Ziegler
+ Singular Coverings and Non-Uniform Notions of Closed Set Computability 2008 Stéphane Le Roux
Martin Ziegler
+ Conversion/Preference Games 2008 Stéphane Le Roux
Pierre Lescanne
René Vestergaard
+ Graphs and Path Equilibria 2007 Stéphane Le Roux
+ Computable Closed Euclidean Subsets with and without Computable Points 2006 Stéphane Le Roux
Martin Ziegler
+ Singular Coverings and Non-Uniform Notions for Closed Set Computability 2006 Stéphane Le Roux
Martin Ziegler
+ Computable Closed Euclidean Subsets with and without Computable Points 2006 Stéphane Le Roux
Martin Ziegler
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Pi-0-1 classes in computable analysis and topology 2002 Anil Nerode
Joseph S. Miller
+ PDF Chat Effective Borel measurability and reducibility of functions 2004 Vasco Brattka
+ An Analysis of the Lemmas of Urysohn and Urysohn-Tietze According to Effective Borel Measurability 2006 Guido Gherardi
+ The Arithmetical Hierarchy of Real Numbers 2001 Xizhong Zheng
Klaus Weihrauch
+ On extreme points of convex compact turing located set 1994 Xiaolin Ge
Anil Nerode
+ Mengentheoretische Topologie 1979 Boto Querenburg
+ PDF Chat Random perturbations of dynamical systems 1997 Michael Blank
+ PDF Chat Multiplayer Cost Games with Simple Nash Equilibria 2013 Thomas Brihaye
Julie De Pril
Sven Schewe
+ Der Satz vom Maximum in der Rekursiven Analysis 1990 Bonny Specker
+ PDF Chat How to Be Both Rich and Happy: Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Strategic Reasoning about Multi-Player Games (Extended Abstract) 2013 Nils Bulling
Valentin Goranko
+ PDF Chat Parity and Streett Games with Costs 2014 Nathanaël Fijalkow
Martín Zimmermann
+ An algorithm for computing stochastically stable distributions with applications to multiagent learning in repeated games 2005 John R. Wicks
Amy Greenwald
+ Lectures on Constructive Mathematical Analysis 1984 Boris A. Kushner
+ Countable thin Π01 classes 1993 Douglas Cenzer
Rodney G. Downey
Carl G. Jockusch
Richard A. Shore
+ PDF Chat The complexity of multi-mean-payoff and multi-energy games 2015 Yaron Velner
Krishnendu Chatterjee
Laurent Doyen
Thomas A. Henzinger
Alexander Rabinovich
Jean-François Raskin
+ PDF Chat How Incomputable Is the Separable Hahn-Banach Theorem? 2009 Guido Gherardi
Alberto Marcone
+ Non-standard analysis 1966 Abraham Robinson
+ Markov chains with exponentially small transition probabilities: First exit problem from a general domain. II. The general case 1996 Enzo Olivieri
Elisabetta Scoppola
+ Aggregation of Variables in Dynamic Systems 1977 Herbert A. Simon
+ PDF Chat Fixed point theory in weak second-order arithmetic 1990 Naoki Shioji
Kazuyuki Tanaka
+ The determinacy of Blackwell games 1998 Donald A. Martin
+ PDF Chat The Bolzano–Weierstrass Theorem is the jump of Weak Kőnig’s Lemma 2011 Vasco Brattka
Guido Gherardi
Alberto Marcone
+ An intuitionist correction of the fixed-point theorem on the sphere 1952 Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer
+ PDF Chat Computing the asymptotic spectrum for networks representing energy landscapes using the minimum spanning tree 2014 Maria Cameron
+ How Incomputable is the Separable Hahn-Banach Theorem? 2008 Guido Gherardi
Alberto Marcone
+ Computability on subsets of metric spaces 2003 Vasco Brattka
Gero Presser
+ Non-computability of competitive equilibrium 1999 Marcel K. Richter
Kam‐Chau Wong
+ PDF Chat Metastability in Reversible Diffusion Processes I: Sharp Asymptotics for Capacities and Exit Times 2004 Anton Bovier
Michael Eckhoff
Véronique Gayrard
Markus Klein
+ Stochastic Complementation, Uncoupling Markov Chains, and the Theory of Nearly Reducible Systems 1989 Carl D. Meyer
+ PDF Chat Closed choice and a Uniform Low Basis Theorem 2012 Vasco Brattka
Matthew de Brecht
Arno Pauly
+ PDF Chat Metastability in reversible diffusion processes II: precise asymptotics for small eigenvalues 2005 Anton Bovier
Véronique Gayrard
Markus Klein
+ PDF Chat Singular coverings and non‐uniform notions of closed set computability 2008 Stéphane Le Roux
Martin Ziegler
+ An effective Riemann Mapping Theorem 1999 Peter Hertling
+ PDF Chat A Dirichlet principle for non reversible Markov chains and some recurrence theorems 2013 Alexandre Gaudillière
Cláudio Landim
+ Geometric bounds on iterative approximations for nearly completely decomposable Markov chains 1990 Guy Louchard
Guy Latouche
+ Singular Coverings and Non-Uniform Notions of Closed Set Computability 2008 Stéphane Le Roux
Martin Ziegler
+ Metastability and Low Lying Spectra¶in Reversible Markov Chains 2002 Anton Bovier
Michael Eckhoff
Véronique Gayrard
Markus Klein
+ Incomputability of Simply Connected Planar Continua 2011 Takayuki Kihara
+ PDF Chat First Cycle Games 2014 Benjamin Aminof
Sasha Rubin
+ Computability and Representations of the Zero Set 2008 Pieter Collins
+ Equilibria in multi-player multi-outcome infinite sequential games 2014 Stéphane Le Roux
Arno Pauly
+ PDF Chat Finite choice, convex choice and finding roots 2015 Stéphane Le Roux
Arno Pauly
+ Computability of Homology for Compact Absolute Neighbourhood Retracts 2009 Pieter Collins
+ PDF Chat Computational Problems in Metric Fixed Point Theory and their Weihrauch Degrees 2015 Eike Neumann
+ PDF Chat The Vitali Covering Theorem in the Weihrauch Lattice 2016 Vasco Brattka
Guido Gherardi
Rupert Hölzl
Arno Pauly
+ A Quotient Construction on Markov Chains with Applications to the Theory of Generalized Simulated Annealing. 2006 John R. Wicks
Amy Greenwald
+ PDF Chat Extending Finite Memory Determinacy to Multiplayer Games 2016 Stéphane Le Roux
Arno Pauly
+ PDF Chat Methods of Contemporary Mathematical Statistical Physics 2009 Marek Biskup
Anton Bovier
Frank den Hollander
Dima Ioffe
Fabio Martinelli
Karel Netočný
Christina Toninelli
+ Computability of the Radon-Nikodym Derivative 2012 Mathieu Hoyrup
Cristóbal Rojas
Klaus Weihrauch
+ The Degrees of Discontinuity of some Translators Between Representations of the Real Numbers 1992 Klaus Weihrauch