Klaus Schmidt


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Restricted Permutations and Permanents of Infinite Amenable Groups 2025 Hanfeng Li
Klaus Schmidt
+ Decimation limits of principal algebraic ℤd-actions 2024 Elizaveta Arzhakova
Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ From central limit theorems to continuous tensor products 2024 Klaus Schmidt
+ Divisibility of integer laurent polynomials, homoclinic points, and lacunary independence 2024 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Divisibility of Integer Laurent Polynomials, Homoclinic Points, and Lacunary Independence 2024 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Bohr chaoticity of principal algebraic actions and Riesz product measures 2024 Ai Hua Fan
Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ PDF Chat Intrinsic Ergodicity, Generators, and Symbolic Representations of Algebraic Group Actions 2024 Hanfeng Li
Klaus Schmidt
+ Внутренняя эргодичность, порождающие разбиения и символические представления алгебраических действий групп 2024 Hanfeng Li
Klaus Schmidt
+ Intrinsic Ergodicity, Generators and Symbolic Representations of Algebraic Group Actions 2023 Hanfeng Li
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat New examples of Bernoulli algebraic actions 2021 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
+ Decimation limits of principal algebraic $\mathbb{Z}^d$-actions 2021 Elizaveta Arzhakova
Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ Bohr chaoticity of principal algebraic actions and Riesz product measures 2021 Aihua Fan
Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ Decimation limits of principal algebraic $\mathbb{Z}^d$-actions 2021 Elizaveta Arzhakova
Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ A Bernoulli Algebraic Action of a Free Group 2019 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Mahler’s work and algebraic dynamical systems 2019 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
+ Mahler's Work and Algebraic Dynamical Systems 2018 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat A Wiener Lemma for the discrete Heisenberg group: Invertibility criteria and applications to algebraic dynamics 2016 Martin Göll
Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ PDF Chat A Wiener Lemma for the discrete Heisenberg group 2016 Martin Göll
Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ Representations of toral automorphisms 2016 Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Permutations of $\mathbb {Z}^d$ with restricted movement 2016 Klaus Schmidt
Gabriel Strasser
+ Permutations of $\mathbb{Z}^d$ with restricted movement 2015 Klaus Schmidt
Gabriel Strasser
+ Representations of toral automorphisms 2015 Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Ergodicity of principal algebraic group actions 2015 Hanfeng Li
Jesse Peterson
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Обзор алгебраических действий дискретной группы Гейзенберга 2015 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
+ Permutations of $\mathbb{Z}^d$ with restricted movement 2015 Klaus Schmidt
Gabriel Strasser
+ Representations of toral automorphisms 2015 Klaus Schmidt
+ Algebraic actions of the discrete Heisenberg group: Expansiveness and homoclinic points 2014 Martin Göll
Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ Algebraic actions of the discrete Heisenberg group: Expansiveness and homoclinic points 2013 Martin Göll
Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ Topologische Dynamik 2013 Manfred Einsiedler
Klaus Schmidt
+ Ergodentheorie 2013 Manfred Einsiedler
Klaus Schmidt
+ Homoclinic points, atoral polynomials, and periodic points of algebraic Zd-actions 2013 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ Algebraic actions of the discrete Heisenberg group: Expansiveness and homoclinic points 2013 Martin Göll
Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ Ergodicity of principal algebraic group actions 2013 Hanfeng Li
Jesse Peterson
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Homoclinic points, atoral polynomials, and periodic points of algebraic -actions 2012 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ Quotients of ℓ^{∞}(ℤ,ℤ) and symbolic covers of toral automorphisms 2011 Klaus Schmidt
+ Homoclinic points, atoral polynomials, and periodic points of algebraic Z^d-actions 2011 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ Homoclinic points, atoral polynomials, and periodic points of algebraic Z^d-actions 2011 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ PDF Chat New directions in algebraic dynamical systems 2010 Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ Boundaries of invariant Markov Operators: The identification problem 2010 Vadim A. Kaimanovich
Mark Pollicott
Klaus Schmidt
+ The variational principle for Hausdorff dimension 2010 D. Gatzouras
Yuval Peres
Mark Pollicott
Klaus Schmidt
+ Approximations of groups and group actions, Cayley topology 2010 Mark Pollicott
Klaus Schmidt
+ Invariant σ-algebras for ℤd-actions and their applications 2010 Mark Pollicott
Klaus Schmidt
+ A note on certain rigid subshifts 2010 Kari Eloranta
Mark Pollicott
Klaus Schmidt
+ The structure of ergodic transformations conjugate to their inverses 2010 Geoffrey R. Goodson
Mark Pollicott
Klaus Schmidt
+ Approximatiom by periodic transformations and diophantine approximation of the spectrum 2010 A. Iwanik
Mark Pollicott
Klaus Schmidt
+ A survey of recent K-theoretic invariants for dynamical systems 2010 Ian F. Putnam
Mark Pollicott
Klaus Schmidt
+ Some 2-d symbolic dynamical systems: Entropy and mixing 2010 Robert Burton
Jeffrey E. Steif
Mark Pollicott
Klaus Schmidt
+ Entropy of graphs, semigroups and groups 2010 Shmuel Friedland
Mark Pollicott
Klaus Schmidt
+ Uniformity in the polynomial Szemérdi theorem 2010 Vitaly Bergelson
Randall McCutcheon
Mark Pollicott
Klaus Schmidt
+ Ergodic Theory and Number Theory 2010 Klaus Schmidt
+ Entropy and Growth Rate of Periodic Points of Algebraic Z d -Actions 2010 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ Entropy and growth rate of periodic points of algebraic ℤ^{𝕕}-actions 2010 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ Entropy and growth rate of periodic points of algebraic Z^d-actions 2009 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ PDF Chat Abelian Sandpiles and the Harmonic Model 2009 Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Polymorphisms– ERRATUM 2009 Klaus Schmidt
A. M. Vershik
+ Entropy and growth rate of periodic points of algebraic Z^d-actions 2009 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ PDF Chat Algebraic polymorphisms 2008 Klaus Schmidt
A. M. Vershik
+ PDF Chat Expansive algebraic actions of discrete residually finite amenable groups and their entropy 2007 Christopher Deninger
Klaus Schmidt
+ Algebraic Polymorphisms 2007 Klaus Schmidt
A. M. Vershik
+ PDF Chat Recurrence of cocycles and stationary random walks 2006 Klaus Schmidt
+ Algebra, Arithmetic and Multi–Parameter Ergodic Theory 2006 Klaus Schmidt
+ Expansive algebraic actions of discrete residually finite amenable groups and their entropy 2006 Christopher Deninger
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Recurrence of cocycles and stationary random walks 2006 Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Symbolic representations of nonexpansive group automorphisms 2005 Elon Lindenstrauss
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Addendum to the paper Affinely infinitely divisible distributions and the embedding problem 2005 S. G. Dani
Klaus Schmidt
+ Random Walks and Geometry 2004 Vadim A. Kaimanovich
Klaus Schmidt
Wolfgang Woess
+ PDF Chat Invariant sets and measures of nonexpansive group automorphisms 2004 Elon Lindenstrauss
Klaus Schmidt
+ Symbolic representations of nonexpansive group automorphisms 2004 Elon Lindenstrauss
Klaus Schmidt
+ Random Walks and Geometry 2004 Vadim A. Kaimanovich
Klaus Schmidt
Wolfgang Woess
+ Homoclinic points and isomorphism rigidity of algebraic ℤ d -actions on zero-dimensional compact abelian groups 2003 Siddhartha Bhattacharya
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Growth and recurrence of stationary random walks 2003 Gernot Greschonig
Klaus Schmidt
+ Invariant sets and measures of nonexpansive group automorphisms 2003 Elon Lindenstrauss
Klaus Schmidt
+ The Adjoint Action of an Expansive Algebraic ${\Op Z}^d$ -Action 2002 Manfred Einsiedler
Klaus Schmidt
+ Chapter 10 Symbolic and algebraic dynamical systems 2002 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Dispersing cocycles and mixing flows under functions 2002 Klaus Schmidt
+ Invariant Cocycles Have Abelian Ranges 2002 Gernot Greschonig
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Affinely infinitely divisible distributions and the embedding problem 2002 S. G. Dani
Klaus Schmidt
+ Irreducibility, Homoclinic Points and Adjoint Actions of Algebraic ℤ d -Actions of Rank One 2002 Manfred Einsiedler
Klaus Schmidt
+ Multi-Dimensional Symbolic Dynamical Systems 2001 Klaus Schmidt
+ The Dynamics of Algebraic ℤ d -Actions 2001 Klaus Schmidt
+ Measurable rigidity of algebraic ℤ^{𝕕}-actions 2001 Klaus Schmidt
+ Isomorphism rigidity of irreducible algebraic ℤd-actions 2000 Bruce Kitchens
Klaus Schmidt
+ <i>Heights of Polynomials and Entropy in Algebraic Dynamics, By</i> GRAHAM EVEREST AND THOMAS WARD, Springer Universitext, Springer 1999 2000 Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Cross Sections of Spallation Residues Produced in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">A</mml:mi><mml:mi /><mml:mi>GeV</mml:mi></mml:math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mrow><mml:mi>P</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mprescripts /><mml:mrow /><mml:mrow><mml:mn>208</mml:mn></mml:mrow><mml:mrow /><mml:mrow /></mml:mmultiscripts></mml:mrow><mml:mi>b… 2000 W. Wlazło
T. Enqvist
P. Armbruster
J. Benlliure
M. Bernas
A. Boudard
S. Czájkowski
R. Légrain
S. Leray
B. Mustapha
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Coding of Expansive Group Automorphisms and Two-sided Beta-Shifts 2000 Klaus Schmidt
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Ergodic decomposition of quasi-invariant probability measures 2000 Gernot Greschonig
Klaus Schmidt
+ Rigidity of measurable structure for Z^d-actions by automorphisms of a torus 2000 Anatole Katok
Svetlana Katok
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Common homoclinic points of commuting toral automorphisms 1999 Anthony Manning
Klaus Schmidt
+ Tail-fields of products of random variables and ergodic equivalence relations 1999 Klaus Schmidt
+ Remarks on Livšic' theory for nonabelian cocycles 1999 Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Homoclinic points of algebraic $\mathbb {Z}^d$-actions 1999 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
+ Tilings, fundamental cocycles and fundamental groups of symbolic ${\Bbb Z}^{d}$-actions 1998 Klaus Schmidt
+ On joint recurrence 1998 Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Invariant cocycles, random tilings and the super-𝐾 and strong Markov properties 1997 Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Symmetric Gibbs measures 1997 Karl Petersen
Klaus Schmidt
Klaus Schmidt
+ Symmetric Gibbs measures 1996 Karl Petersen
Klaus Schmidt
+ From infinitely divisible representations to cohomological rigidity 1996 Klaus Schmidt
+ Symmetric Gibbs measures 1996 Karl Petersen
Klaus Schmidt
+ Almost block independence and bernoullicity of ? d -actions by automorphisms of compact abelian groups 1995 Daniel J. Rudolph
Klaus Schmidt
+ Invariant measures for certain expansive ℤ2-actions 1995 Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat The cohomology of expansive ℤ<sup><i>d</i></sup>-actions by automorphisms of compact, abelian groups 1995 Anatole Katok
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat The cohomology of higher-dimensional shifts of finite type 1995 Klaus Schmidt
+ Associated Actions and Uniqueness of Cocycles 1995 Jon Aaronson
Toshihiro Hamachi
Klaus Schmidt
+ CHAPTER III Expansive automorphisms of compact groups 1995 Klaus Schmidt
+ CHAPTER IV Periodic points 1995 Klaus Schmidt
+ Group actions by automorphisms of compact groups 1995 Klaus Schmidt
+ ℤ d -actions on compact abelian groups 1995 Klaus Schmidt
+ Expansive automorphisms of compact groups 1995 Klaus Schmidt
+ Zero entropy 1995 Klaus Schmidt
+ Periodic points 1995 Klaus Schmidt
+ Positive entropy 1995 Klaus Schmidt
+ CHAPTER II $$\mathbb{Z}^{d}$$ -actions on compact abelian groups 1995 Klaus Schmidt
+ CHAPTER I Group actions by automorphisms of compact groups 1995 Klaus Schmidt
+ Bernoullicity of solenoidal automorphisms and global fields 1994 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Mixing automorphisms of compact groups and a theorem of Schlickewei 1993 Klaus Schmidt
Thomas Ward
+ Mixing sets and relative entropies for higher-dimensional Markov shifts 1993 Bruce Kitchens
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Mahler measure and entropy for commuting automorphisms of compact groups 1990 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
Thomas Ward
+ Automorphisms of Compact Abelian Groups and Affine Varieties 1990 Klaus Schmidt
+ Algebraic Ideas in Ergodic Theory 1990 Klaus Schmidt
+ The Dynamics of Abelian Markov Groups 1990 Klaus Schmidt
+ Markov Shifts in Higher Dimensions 1990 Klaus Schmidt
+ Operator Algebras and Dynamical Systems 1990 Klaus Schmidt
+ Cohomology of Equivalence Relations 1990 Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Automorphisms of compact groups 1989 Bruce Kitchens
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Mixing automorphisms of compact groups and a theorem by Kurt Mahler 1989 Klaus Schmidt
+ Periodic points, decidability and Markov subgroups 1988 Bruce Kitchens
Klaus Schmidt
+ Hyperbolic structure preserving isomorphisms of Markov shifts. II 1987 Klaus Schmidt
+ Asymptotically Invariant Sequences and Approximate Finiteness 1987 Vaughan F. R. Jones
Klaus Schmidt
+ Strong ergodicity and quotients of equivalence relations 1987 Klaus Schmidt
+ Hyperbolic structure preserving isomorphisms of Markov shifts 1986 Klaus Schmidt
+ Cohomology and the absence of strong ergodicity for ergodic group actions 1985 Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat An information cocycle for groups of non-singular transformations 1985 Roger Anthony Roy Butler
Klaus Schmidt
+ Asymptotic Properties of Unitary Representations and Mixing 1984 Klaus Schmidt
+ Natural coefficients and invariants for Markov-shifts 1984 William Parry
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Invariants of finitary isomorphisms with finite expected code-lengths 1984 William Parry
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat On recurrence 1984 Klaus Schmidt
+ Mildly Mixing Actions of Locally Compact Groups 1982 Klaus Schmidt
Peter Walters
+ OnC 2-diffeomorphisms of the circle which are of type III1 1982 Jane Hawkins
Klaus Schmidt
+ Spectra of ergodic group actions 1982 Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Amenability, Kazhdan's property <i>T</i>, strong ergodicity and invariant means for ergodic group-actions 1981 Klaus Schmidt
+ Asymptotically invariant sequences and an action of SL (2,Z) on the 2-sphere 1980 Klaus Schmidt
+ On Periodic Expansions of Pisot Numbers and Salem Numbers 1980 Klaus Schmidt
+ Coboundaries and Homomorphisms for Non-Singular Actions and a Problem of H. Helson 1980 Calvin C. Moore
Klaus Schmidt
+ Unique ergodicity for quasi-invariant measures 1979 Klaus Schmidt
+ A class of probability measures on groups arising from some problems in ergodic theory 1979 Viktor Losert
Klaus Schmidt
+ Unique ergodicity and related problems 1979 Klaus Schmidt
+ Limits of uniformly infinitesimal families of projective representations of locally compact groups 1971 Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Eine Diskrepanz f�r Ma�folgen auf lokalkompakten Gruppen 1971 Klaus Schmidt
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Mahler measure and entropy for commuting automorphisms of compact groups 1990 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
Thomas Ward
+ PDF Chat Homoclinic points of algebraic $\mathbb {Z}^d$-actions 1999 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
+ Automorphisms of Compact Abelian Groups and Affine Varieties 1990 Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Ergodic equivalence relations, cohomology, and von Neumann algebras. I 1977 Jacob J. Feldman
Calvin C. Moore
+ PDF Chat Automorphisms of compact groups 1989 Bruce Kitchens
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Expansive algebraic actions of discrete residually finite amenable groups and their entropy 2007 Christopher Deninger
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Probability Measures on Metric Spaces. 1968 Б. Л. С. Пракаса Рао
K. R. Parthasarathy
+ Invariant measures for higher-rank hyperbolic abelian actions 1996 A. Katok
Ralf Spatzier
+ Fuglede–Kadison determinants and entropy for actions of discrete amenable groups 2006 Christopher Deninger
+ Almost block independence and bernoullicity of ? d -actions by automorphisms of compact abelian groups 1995 Daniel J. Rudolph
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Ergodic equivalence relations, cohomology, and von Neumann algebras 1975 Jacob J. Feldman
Calvin C. Moore
+ Mixing sets and relative entropies for higher-dimensional Markov shifts 1993 Bruce Kitchens
Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Homoclinic points, atoral polynomials, and periodic points of algebraic -actions 2012 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ Algebraic actions of the discrete Heisenberg group and other non-abelian groups 2001 Manfred Einsiedler
Harald Rindler
+ Kronecker's theorem and Lehmer's problem for polynomials in several variables 1981 David W. Boyd
Klaus Schmidt
+ Arithmetic construction of sofic partitions of hyperbolic toral automorphisms 1998 Richard Kenyon
A. M. Vershik
+ An Introduction to Ergodic Theory 1981 Peter Walters
+ PDF Chat Abelian Sandpiles and the Harmonic Model 2009 Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ Disjointness in ergodic theory, minimal sets, and a problem in diophantine approximation 1967 Harry Furstenberg
+ PDF Chat Amenability, Kazhdan's property <i>T</i>, strong ergodicity and invariant means for ergodic group-actions 1981 Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Dynamical properties of quasihyperbolic toral automorphisms 1982 Douglas Lind
+ PDF Chat A Kronecker-Type Theorem for Complex Polynomials in Several Variables 1981 Chris Smyth
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Coding of Expansive Group Automorphisms and Two-sided Beta-Shifts 2000 Klaus Schmidt
+ Markov Partitions for Axiom A Diffeomorphisms 1970 Rufus Bowen
+ The Statistics of Dimers on a Lattice 2009 Piet Kasteleyn
+ Arithmetic isomorphism of hyperbolic toral automorphisms and sofic shifts 1992 A. M. Vershik
+ PDF Chat On measures of polynomials in several variables 1981 Chris Smyth
+ PDF Chat Mixing automorphisms of compact groups and a theorem by Kurt Mahler 1989 Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat An amenable equivalence relation is generated by a single transformation 1981 Alain Connes
Jacob J. Feldman
Bernard Weiss
+ A simple proof of the bernoullicity of ergodic automorphisms on compact abelian groups 1981 Nobuo Aoki
+ PDF Chat The cohomology of higher-dimensional shifts of finite type 1995 Klaus Schmidt
+ PDF Chat On automorphisms of compact groups 1943 Paul R. Halmos
+ PDF Chat Local Characteristics, Entropy and Limit Theorems for Spanning Trees and Domino Tilings Via Transfer-Impedances 1993 Robert Burton
Robin Pemantle
+ None 1998 Nikita Sidorov
A. M. Vershik
+ Transcendental and algebraic numbers 1960 А. О. Гелъфонд
+ Ergodic automorphisms of the infinite torus are bernoulli 1974 Douglas Lind
+ Introduction to Commutative Algebra. 1970 D. J. Lewis
B. R. McDonald
M. F. Atiyah
I. G. Macdonald
+ Algebraic Ideas in Ergodic Theory 1990 Klaus Schmidt
+ Undecidability and nonperiodicity for tilings of the plane 1971 Raphael M. Robinson
+ PDF Chat Automorphisms of solenoids and <i>p</i>-adic entropy 1988 D. A. Lind
Thomas Ward
+ Entropy and Growth Rate of Periodic Points of Algebraic Z d -Actions 2010 Douglas Lind
Klaus Schmidt
Evgeny Verbitskiy
+ PDF Chat Mixing automorphisms of compact groups and a theorem of Schlickewei 1993 Klaus Schmidt
Thomas Ward
+ Coboundaries and Homomorphisms for Non-Singular Actions and a Problem of H. Helson 1980 Calvin C. Moore
Klaus Schmidt
+ Ergodic automorphisms ofT n are Bernoulli shifts 1971 Yitzhak Katzenlson
+ Entropy and isomorphism theorems for actions of amenable groups 1987 Donald Ornstein
Benjamin Weiss
+ PDF Chat ×2 and ×3 invariant measures and entropy 1990 Daniel J. Rudolph
+ Markov partitions and C-diffeomorphisms 1968 Ya. G. Sinaĭ
+ Basic Number Theory 1967 André Weil