Andrea Laforgia


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ From De Finetti to Today: Against the Domain of Mathematics for Deficients 2018 Andrea Laforgia
+ PDF Chat Van der Corput inequalities for Bessel functions 2014 Árpåd Baricz
Andrea Laforgia
Tibor K. PogĂĄny
+ PDF Chat Completely Monotonic and Related Functions: Their Applications 2014 Senlin Guo
Andrea Laforgia
Necdet Batır
Qiu-Ming Luo
+ PDF Chat Simple proofs of classical results on zeros of $\mathbf{J_\nu(x)}$ and $\mathbf{J_\nu'(x)}$ 2014 Chrysi G. Kokologiannaki
Andrea Laforgia
+ PDF Chat On an inequality for the ratio of gamma functions 2014 Andrea Laforgia
Pierpaolo Natalini
+ Exponential, gamma and polygamma functions: Simple proofs of classical and new inequalities 2013 Andrea Laforgia
Pierpaolo Natalini
+ On Some Inequalities for the Gamma Function 2013 Andrea Laforgia
Pierpaolo Natalini
Largo San Leonardo Murialdo
+ Some inequalities for the ratio of gamma functions 2011 Pierpaolo Natalini
Andrea Laforgia
+ PDF Chat Some Inequalities for Modified Bessel Functions 2010 Andrea Laforgia
Pierpaolo Natalini
+ A theory of divergent integrals 2008 Andrea Laforgia
+ The zeros of the complementary error function 2008 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ Zeros of Bessel functions: monotonicity, concavity, inequalities 2007 Andrea Laforgia
Pierpaolo Natalini
+ Sturm theory for some classes of Sturm-Liouville equations and inequalities andmonotonicity properties for the zeros of Bessel functions 2007 Andrea Laforgia
Pierpaolo Natalini
+ Monotonicity Properties of Determinants of Special Functions 2006 Mourad E. H. Ismail
Andrea Laforgia
+ PDF Chat Functional inequalities for incomplete gamma and related functions 2006 Mourad E. H. Ismail
Andrea Laforgia
+ TurĂ n-type inequalities for some special functions 2006 Andrea Laforgia
Pierpaolo Natalini
+ Monotonicity results and inequalities for some special functions 2006 Andrea Laforgia
Pierpaolo Natalini
+ Monotonicity resultsand inequalities for some special functions 2006 Andrea Laforgia
Pierpaolo Natalini
+ Árpád Elbert, 1939–2001: a memorial tribute 2003 Andrea Laforgia
Martin E. Muldoon
P.D. Siafarikas
+ A conjecture on the zeros of ultraspherical polynomials 2001 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
Panayiotis D. Siafarikas
+ A conjecture on the zeros of Bessel functions 2001 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ Inequalities and monotonicity properties for the gamma functions 2001 Carla Giordano
Andrea Laforgia
+ Further results on McMahon's asymptotic approximations 2000 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ PDF Chat On some properties of the Gamma function 2000 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ An inequality for the product of two integrals relating to the incomplete gamma function 2000 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ An upper bound for the zeros of the cylinder functions 1998 Á. Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ PDF Chat An upper bound for the zeros of the cylinder function C_v(x) 1998 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ An upper bound for the zeros of the derivative of Bessel functions 1997 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ Supplements to Known Inequalities for Some Special Functions 1996 Carla Giordano
Andrea Laforgia
‎Josip Pečarić
Andrea Laforgia
+ An inequality for Legendre polynomials 1994 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ Additional monotonicity results for the zeros of Bessel functions 1993 Andrea Laforgia
Maria Luisa Mathis
+ PDF Chat On the zeros of associated polynomials of classical orthogonal polynomials 1993 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ Asymptotics for thenth-degree Laguerre polynomial evaluated atn 1992 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
Lucia G. RodonĂł
+ Some functional inequalities for complete elliptic integrals 1992 Andrea Laforgia
Silvana Sismondi
+ Asymptotic Formulas for Ultraspherical Polynomials P (λ) n (X) and their Zeros for Large Values of λ 1992 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic formulas for ultraspherical polynomials 𝑃_{𝑛}^{𝜆}(đ‘„) and their zeros for large values of 𝜆 1992 ÁrpĂĄd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ On the zeros of generalized Airy functions 1991 ïżœrpïżœd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ PDF Chat Higher Monotonicity Properties and Inequalities for Zeros of Bessel Functions 1991 Laura Nicolo-Amati Gori
Andrea Laforgia
Martin E. Muldoon
+ Bounds for modified Bessel functions 1991 Andrea Laforgia
+ PDF Chat Higher monotonicity properties and inequalities for zeros of Bessel functions 1991 Laura Gori
Andrea Laforgia
Martin E. Muldoon
+ Additional monotonicity properties of the zeros of Bessel functions 1991 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
Lee Lorch
+ A convexity property of zeros of Bessel functions 1990 ïżœrpïżœd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ Upper bounds for the zeros of ultraspherical polynomials 1990 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ Bounds for Bessel functions 1989 Andrea Laforgia
Maria Luisa Mathis
+ Monotonicity results and inequalities for the gamma and error functions 1988 Andrea Laforgia
Silvana Sismondi
+ Monotonicity properties of zeros of generalized Airy functions 1988 Andrea Laforgia
Martin E. Muldoon
+ Further properties of the zeros of Bessel functions 1987 Carla Giordano
Andrea Laforgia
+ New Properties of the Zeros of a Jacobi Polynomial in Relation to their Centroid 1987 Á. Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ Monotonicity results on the zeros of generalized Laguerre polynomials 1987 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ On the power of the zeros of Bessel functions 1987 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ Some consequences of a lower bound for the second derivative of the zeros of Bessel functions 1987 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ Inequalities for Some Special Functions and their Zeros 1987 Carla Giordano
Andrea Laforgia
+ Monotonicity Properties of the Zeros of Bessel Functions 1986 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ A Note to the Paper of Ahmed, Muldoon and Spigler 1986 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ Inequalities for Bessel functions 1986 Andrea Laforgia
+ Some Consequences of the Sturm Comparison Theorem 1986 Andrea Laforgia
Martin E. Muldoon
+ Some Consequences of the Sturm Comparison Theorem 1986 Andrea Laforgia
Martin E. Muldoon
+ PDF Chat Inequalities and monotonicity results for zeros of modified Bessel functions of purely imaginary order 1986 Andrea Laforgia
+ A Lower Bound for J<sub>v</sub>(Μ) 1985 William Ian Miller
Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ On the Convexity of the Zeros of Bessel Functions 1985 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
Andrea Laforgia
+ PDF Chat Further Inequalities for the Gamma Function 1984 Andrea Laforgia
+ An asymptotic relation for the zeros of Bessel functions 1984 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ Monotonicity and concavity properties of zeros of Bessel functions 1984 Andrea Laforgia
Martin E. Muldoon
+ PDF Chat Further inequalities for the gamma function 1984 Andrea Laforgia
+ On the Square of the Zeros of Bessel Functions 1984 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ Elementary approximations for zeros of Bessel functions 1983 Carla Giordano
Andrea Laforgia
+ Inequalities and Approximations for Zeros of Bessel Functions of Small Order 1983 Andrea Laforgia
Martin E. Muldoon
+ On the concavity of zeros of bessel functions<sup>†</sup> 1983 Árpád Elbert
Luigi Gatteschi
Andrea Laforgia
+ On the zeros of derivatives of Bessel functions 1983 ïżœrpïżœd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ Sturm theory for certain classes of Sturm-Liouville equations and Turanians and Wronskians for the zeros of derivative of Bessel functions 1982 Andrea Laforgia
+ PDF Chat A Monotonic Property for the Zeros of Ultraspherical Polynomials 1981 Andrea Laforgia
+ PDF Chat A monotonic property for the zeros of ultraspherical polynomials 1981 Andrea Laforgia
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions. 1923 Matthew Porter
G. N. Watson
+ A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions 1944 H. T. Davis
G. N. Watson
+ On the Square of the Zeros of Bessel Functions 1984 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ Monotonicity and concavity properties of zeros of Bessel functions 1984 Andrea Laforgia
Martin E. Muldoon
+ On the Spacing of the Zeros of Some Classical Orthogonal Polynomials 1982 Saad Zagloul Rida Ahmed
Alessandra Laforgia
Martin E. Muldoon
+ Inequalities and Approximations for Zeros of Bessel Functions of Small Order 1983 Andrea Laforgia
Martin E. Muldoon
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions 1966 Donald A. McQuarrie
+ Monotonicity and Convexity Properties of Zeros of Bessel Functions 1977 J. T. Lewis
Martin E. Muldoon
+ On orthogonal polynomials 1975 P. TĂșrĂĄn
+ On the concavity of zeros of bessel functions<sup>†</sup> 1983 Árpád Elbert
Luigi Gatteschi
Andrea Laforgia
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal Polynomials 1971 5
+ TurĂĄnians and Wronskians for the Zeros of Bessel Functions 1980 Lee Lorch
+ On the Convexity of the Zeros of Bessel Functions 1985 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ On a monotonic property of certain Sturm-Liouville functions 1952 Endre Makai
+ PDF Chat Higher monotonicity properties of certain Sturm-Liouville functions 1963 Lee Lorch
Peter Szego
+ Some monotonicity properties of the zeros of ultraspherical polynomials 1986 Á. Elbert
Alessandra Laforgia
+ Some Elementary Inequalities Relating to the Gamma and Incomplete Gamma Function 1959 Walter Gautschi
+ Inequalities for the Zeros of Bessel Functions 1977 Roger C. McCann
+ Monotonicity Properties of the Zeros of Bessel Functions 1986 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ Inequalities for ultraspherical polynomials and the gamma function 1984 Lee Lorch
+ PDF Chat On the zeros of the polynomials of Legendre 1950 P. TĂșrĂĄn
+ PDF Chat Some extensions of W. Gautschi’s inequalities for the gamma function 1983 D. Kershaw
+ Sugli zeri delle funzioni di bessel 1980 Alessandra Laforgia
Andrea Laforgia
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables 1965 D. B. Owen
Milton Abramowitz
Irene A. Stegun
+ PDF Chat On some inequalities for the gamma and psi functions 1997 Horst Alzer
+ On certain determinants whose elements are orthogonal polynomials 1960 Samuel Karlin
Gábor SzegƑ
+ Sturm theory for certain classes of Sturm-Liouville equations and Turanians and Wronskians for the zeros of derivative of Bessel functions 1982 Andrea Laforgia
+ Error Bounds for Asymptotic Approximations of Zeros of Transcendental Functions 1970 Herbert W. Hethcote
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions 2018 3
+ PDF Chat Bounds for zeros of some special functions 1970 Herbert W. Hethcote
+ Ordinary Differential Equations 1945 A. T. Lonseth
E. L. Ince
+ An Inequality for the Bessel Function $J_\nu (\nu x)$ 1984 R. B. Paris
+ PDF Chat Higher Monotonicity Properties of Certain Sturm-Liouville Functions. III 1970 Lee Lorch
Martin E. Muldoon
Peter Szego
+ Higher monotonicity properties of certain Sturm-Liouville functions. V 1977 Martin E. Muldoon
+ PDF Chat On certain methods of Sturm and their application to the roots of Bessel’s functions 1897 Maxime Bîcher
+ On zeros of bessel functions<sup>†</sup> 1986 Mourad E. H. Ismail
+ Some consequences of a lower bound for the second derivative of the zeros of Bessel functions 1987 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ Inequalities for Some Special Functions and their Zeros 1987 Carla Giordano
Andrea Laforgia
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds for the zeros of Bessel functions 1977 Roger C. McCann
+ PDF Chat Inequalities for the zeros of Legendre polynomials and related functions 1936 G. Szegö
+ Inequalities for the Zeros of Ultraspherical Polynomials and Bessel Functions 1993 K. -J. Förster
Knut Petras
+ Inequalities and monotonicity properties for the gamma function 2001 Carla Giordano
Alessandra Laforgia
+ PDF Chat Bounds for the Ratio of Two Gamma Functions 2010 Feng Qi
+ Zeros of the modified Hankel function 1970 Evandro Maia Ferreira
J. Sesma
+ An asymptotic relation for the zeros of Bessel functions 1984 Árpåd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ Further properties of the zeros of Bessel functions 1987 Carla Giordano
Andrea Laforgia
+ Inequalities and Numerical Bounds for Zeros of Ultraspherical Polynomials 1986 S. Ahmed
Martin E. Muldoon
Renato Spigler
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic formulas for ultraspherical polynomials 𝑃_{𝑛}^{𝜆}(đ‘„) and their zeros for large values of 𝜆 1992 ÁrpĂĄd Elbert
Andrea Laforgia
+ Inequalities involving modified Bessel functions of the first kind 1992 Árpåd Baricz
Edward Neuman