Arnaldo Garcia


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Towers of Function Fields over Non-prime Finite Fields 2015 Alp Bassa
Peter Beelen
Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ PDF Chat Galois towers over non-prime finite fields 2014 Alp Bassa
Peter Beelen
Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ Galois Towers over Non-prime Finite Fields 2013 Alp Bassa
Peter Beelen
Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ Introduction to function fields and curves 2013 Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ Galois Towers over Non-prime Finite Fields 2013 Alp Bassa
Peter Beelen
Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ Towers of Function Fields over Non-prime Finite Fields 2012 Alp Bassa
Peter Beelen
Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ Handbook of finite fields, sec. 12.4 rational points on curves 2012 Henning Stichtenoth
Arnaldo Garcia
+ Towers of Function Fields over Non-prime Finite Fields 2012 Alp Bassa
Peter Beelen
Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ Handbook of finite fields (G. Mullen, D. Panario, eds.) sec. 12.1: introduction to function fields and curves 2012 Henning Stichtenoth
Arnaldo Garcia
+ PDF Chat On a tower of Ihara and its limit 2011 Nicolás Caro
Arnaldo Garcia
+ A generalization of the Giulietti–Korchmáros maximal curve 2010 Arnaldo Garcia
Cem Güneri̇
Henning Stichtenoth
+ A note on a maximal curve 2010 Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ A note on the Giulietti-Korchmaros maximal curve 2009 Arnaldo Garcia
+ On additive polynomials and certain maximal curves 2008 Arnaldo Garcia
Saeed Tafazolian
+ Some remarks on the Hasse-Arf theorem 2008 Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ PDF Chat Certain maximal curves and Cartier operators 2008 Arnaldo Garcia
Saeed Tafazolian
+ Some Maximal Function Fields and Additive Polynomials 2007 Arnaldo Garcia
Ferruh Özbudak
+ A maximal curve which is not a Galois subcover of the Hermitian curve 2006 Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ On Certain Subcovers of the Hermitian Curve 2006 Arnaldo Garcia
Motoko Qiu Kawakita
Shinji Miura
+ An explicit tower of function fields over cubic finite fields and Zink’s lower bound 2005 Juscelino Bezerra
Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ Towards a classification of recursive towers of function fields over finite fields 2005 Peter Beelen
Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ On towers of function fields of Artin-Schreier type 2004 Peter Beelen
Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ On a characterization of certain maximal curves 2004 Miriam Abdón
Arnaldo Garcia
+ On Kummer covers with many rational points over finite fields 2003 Arnaldo Garcia
Álvaro Garzón
+ On Curves with Many Rational Points over Finite Fields 2002 Arnaldo Garcia
+ On maximal curves and unramified coverings 2001 Rainer Fuhrmann
Arnaldo Garcia
Fernando Torres
+ PDF Chat A construction of curves over finite fields 2001 Arnaldo Garcia
Luciane Quoos
+ Curves over Finite Fields Attaining the Hasse-Weil Upper Bound 2001 Arnaldo Garcia
+ PDF Chat None 2000 Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
Chaoping Xing
+ Skew Pyramids of Function Fields Are Asymptotically Bad 2000 Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ A Class of Polynomials over Finite Fields 1999 Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ PDF Chat On maximal curves having classical Weierstrass gaps 1999 Arnaldo Garcia
Fernando Torres
+ On maximal curves having classical Weierstrass gaps 1998 Arnaldo Garcia
Fernando Torres
+ On Maximal Curves 1997 Rainer Fuhrmann
Arnaldo Garcia
Fernando Torres
+ On Towers and Composita of Towers of Function Fields over Finite Fields 1997 Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
Michael E. Thomas
+ A note on relative dimensions of rings and conductors in function fields 1997 Arnaldo Garcia
+ On the Asymptotic Behaviour of Some Towers of Function Fields over Finite Fields 1996 Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ On maximal curves 1996 Rainer Fuhrmann
Arnaldo Garcia
Fernando Torres
+ PDF Chat Rational nodal curves with no smooth Weierstrass points 1996 Arnaldo Garcia
R. F. Lax
+ On maximal curves 1996 Rainer Fuhrmann
Arnaldo Garcia
Fernando Torres
+ A tower of Artin-Schreier extensions of function fields attaining the Drinfeld-Vladut bound 1995 Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ Weierstrass points on gorenstein curves in arbitrary characteristic 1994 Arnaldo Garcia
R. F. Lax
+ On higher-order weierstrass points and the finiteness of the automorphism group 1993 Arnaldo Garcia
+ PDF Chat Weierstrass weight of Gorenstein singularities with one or two branches 1993 Arnaldo Garcia
R. F. Lax
+ Some arithmetic properties of order-sequences of algebraic curves 1993 Arnaldo Garcia
+ Goppa codes and Weierstrass gaps 1992 Arnaldo Garcia
R. F. Lax
+ Elementary Abelianp-extensions of algebraic function fields 1991 Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ Remarks on fixed points of automorphisms and higher-order Weierstrass points in prime characteristic 1990 Arnaldo Garcia
+ The curvesy n =f(x) over finite fields 1990 Arnaldo Garcia
+ On weierstrass points on certain elementary abelian extensions Of k(x) 1989 Arnaldo Garcia
+ On Weierstrass Points on Artin‐Schreier Extensions of <i>k</i>(<i>x</i>) 1989 Arnaldo Garcia
+ Wronskians and linear independence in fields of prime characteristic 1987 Arnaldo Garcia
José Felipe Voloch
+ On semigroups of irreducible algebroid plane curves 1987 Arnaldo Garcia
Karl-Otto Stöhr
+ Weights of Weierstrass points in double coverings of curves of genus one or two 1986 Arnaldo Garcia
+ Weierstrass points on certain non-classical curves 1986 Arnaldo Garcia
Paulo Viana
+ The semigroup of a singular point of a curve with two equisingular branches 1983 Arnaldo Garcia
+ Cohen-macaulayness of the associated graded of a semigroup rings 1982 Arnaldo Garcia
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Weierstrass Points and Curves Over Finite Fields 1986 Karl-Otto Stöhr
José Felipe Voloch
+ A characterization of Hermitian function fields over finite fields. 1994 Henning Stichtenoth
Hans-Georg Rück
+ Zur arithmetischen Theorie der algebraischen Funktionen. II. Allgemeine Theorie der Weierstraßpunkte 1939 Friedrich Schmidt
+ On Maximal Curves 1997 Rainer Fuhrmann
Arnaldo Garcia
Fernando Torres
+ �ber die Automorphismengruppe eines algebraischen Funktionenk�rpers von Primzahlcharakteristik 1973 Henning Stichtenoth
+ PDF Chat On maximal curves in characteristic two 1999 Miriam Abd�n
Fernando Torres
+ Number of points of an algebraic curve 1983 Serge Vlăduţ
Vladimir Drinfeld
+ Modular curves, Shimura curves, and Goppa codes, better than Varshamov‐Gilbert bound 1982 M. A. Tsfasman
S. G. Vlădutx
Th. Zink
+ PDF Chat None 2000 Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
Chaoping Xing
+ On the Asymptotic Behaviour of Some Towers of Function Fields over Finite Fields 1996 Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ PDF Chat Curves of large genus covered by the hermitian curve 2000 Antonio Cossidente
Gábor Korchmáros
Fernando Torres
+ PDF Chat The genus of curves over finite fields with many rational points 1996 Rainer Fuhrmann
Fernando Torres
+ A tower of Artin-Schreier extensions of function fields attaining the Drinfeld-Vladut bound 1995 Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ Weierstrass points on certain non-classical curves 1986 Arnaldo Garcia
Paulo Viana
+ On Curves Covered by the Hermitian Curve 1999 Antonio Cossidente
Gábor Korchmáros
Fernando Torres
+ On a characterization of certain maximal curves 2004 Miriam Abdón
Arnaldo Garcia
+ On Towers and Composita of Towers of Function Fields over Finite Fields 1997 Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
Michael E. Thomas
+ Degeneration of Shimura surfaces and a problem in coding theory 2006 Th. Zink
+ PDF Chat Explicit Towers of Drinfeld Modular Curves 2001 Noam D. Elkies
+ The number of points on certain algebraic curves over finite fields 1989 Jacques Wolfmann
+ Weierstrass points in characteristicp 1984 Amnon Neeman
+ Rational Points on Curves over Finite Fields 1995 Søren Have Hansen
+ PDF Chat The value-semigroup of a one-dimensional Gorenstein ring 1970 Ernst Kunz
+ Projective Geometries over Finite Fields 1998 J. W. P. Hirschfeld
+ Algebraic curves over F2 with many rational points 1992 René Schoof
+ Algebraic Curves over Finite Fields 1991 Carlos Moreno
+ Zur arithmetischen Theorie der algebraischen Funktionen 1932 Max Deuring
+ Some Artin–Schreier Towers Are Easy 2005 Alberto González García
Henning Stichtenoth
+ PDF Chat A construction of curves over finite fields 2001 Arnaldo Garcia
Luciane Quoos
+ An explicit tower of function fields over cubic finite fields and Zink’s lower bound 2005 Juscelino Bezerra
Arnaldo Garcia
Henning Stichtenoth
+ Riemann Surfaces 1980 Hershel M. Farkas
Irwin Kra
+ Rational Points on Curves over Finite Fields 2001 Harald Niederreiter
Chaoping Xing
+ Group codes on certain algebraic curves with many rational points 1990 Johan P. Hansen
Henning Stichtenoth
+ PDF Chat Weierstrass points on Gorenstein curves 1990 Carl Widland
R. F. Lax
+ Theorie der relativ-zyklischen algebraischen Funktionenkörper, insbesondere bei endlichem Konstantenkörper. 1935 Helmut Hasse
+ Courbes algébriques et variétés abéliennes 1971 Weil André
+ PDF Chat An Asymptotically Good Tower of Curves Over the Field With Eight Elements 2002 Gerard van der Geer
Marcel van der Vlugt
+ Endomorphisms of abelian varieties over finite fields 1966 John Tate
+ Multiple Kummer extension and the number of prime divisors of degree one in function fields 1993 Chaoping Xing
+ On the genus of a maximal curve 2002 Gábor Korchmáros
Fernando Torres
+ Linear systems on curves with no Weierstrass points 1992 Masaaki Homma
+ Sur le nombre des points rationnels d’une courbe algébrique sur un corps fini 2003 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ PDF Chat None 2000 Antonio Cossidente
J. W. P. Hirschfeld
Gábor Korchmáros
Fernando Torres
+ Frobenius non classical curves 1990 Abramo Hefez
José Felipe Voloch
+ Weierstrass points in characteristicp 1980 Robert C. Valentini
Manohar L. Madan
+ PDF Chat On the arithmetic genera and the effective genera of algebraic curves 1957 Heisuke Hironaka
+ History of the Theory of Numbers 1919 L. E. Dickson
+ PDF Chat On maximal curves having classical Weierstrass gaps 1999 Arnaldo Garcia
Fernando Torres
+ Algebraic curves with non-classical types of gap sequences for genus three and four 1978 Kaname Komiya