James Lee Hafner


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Siegel Modular Forms and Hecke Operators in Degree 2 2024 James Lee Hafner
Lynne H. Walling
+ PDF Chat Partial-MDS Codes and Their Application to RAID Type of Architectures 2013 Mario Blaum
James Lee Hafner
S. R. Hetzler
+ Partial-MDS Codes and their Application to RAID Type of Architectures 2012 Mario Blaum
James Lee Hafner
S. R. Hetzler
+ Partial-MDS Codes and their Application to RAID Type of Architectures 2012 Mario Blaum
James Lee Hafner
S. R. Hetzler
+ Explicit Action of Hecke Operators on Siegel Modular Forms 2002 James Lee Hafner
Lynne H. Walling
+ None 2000 James Lee Hafner
Jeffrey Stopple
+ Indefinite quadratic forms and Eisenstein series 1999 James Lee Hafner
Lynne H. Walling
+ Explicit and asymptotic formulas for LDMt factorization of banded toeplitz matrices 1995 James Lee Hafner
+ PDF Two remarkable doubly exponential series transformations of Ramanujan 1994 Bruce C. Berndt
James Lee Hafner
+ A theorem of Ramanujan on certain alternating series 1993 Bruce C. Berndt
James Lee Hafner
+ Relatively prime values of polynomials 1993 James Lee Hafner
Peter Sarnak
Kevin S. McCurley
+ Asymptotically Fast Triangularization of Matrices over Rings 1991 James Lee Hafner
Kevin S. McCurley
+ On some mean value results for the Riemann zeta-function 1989 James Lee Hafner
A. Ivić
+ On the distribution of running times of certain integer factoring algorithms 1989 James Lee Hafner
Kevin S. McCurley
+ PDF A Rigorous Subexponential Algorithm For Computation of Class Groups 1989 James Lee Hafner
Kevin S. McCurley
+ On the mean-square of the Riemann zeta-function on the critical line 1989 James Lee Hafner
Aleksandar Ivić
+ PDF A rigorous subexponential algorithm for computation of class groups 1989 James Lee Hafner
Kevin S. McCurley
+ Critical Zeros of GL(2) L-Functions 1989 James Lee Hafner
+ New omega results in a weighted divisor problem 1988 James Lee Hafner
+ Zeros on the critical line for Maass wave form L-functions. 1987 James Lee Hafner
+ Some remarks on odd maass wave forms (and a correction to [1]) 1987 James Lee Hafner
+ PDF On the zeros of Maass wave form 𝐿-functions 1986 James Lee Hafner
+ PDF Application of spectral theory to number theory 1985 James Lee Hafner
+ Zeros ofL-functions attached to Maass forms 1985 Charles L. Epstein
James Lee Hafner
Peter Sarnak
+ The distribution and average order of the coefficients of Dedekind ζ functions 1983 James Lee Hafner
+ Explicit estimates in the arithmetic theory of cusp forms and poincar� series 1983 James Lee Hafner
+ Zeros on the critical line for Dirichlet series attached to certain cusp forms 1983 James Lee Hafner
+ PDF On the zeros of Dirichlet series associated with certain cusp forms 1983 James Lee Hafner
+ On the average order of a class of arithmetical functions 1982 James Lee Hafner
+ New omega theorems for two classical lattice point problems 1981 James Lee Hafner
+ On the representation of the summatory functions of a class of arithmetical functions 1981 James Lee Hafner
+ On the Average Order of the Divisor Function, Lattice Point Functions, and Other Arithmetical Functions 1980 James Lee Hafner
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On the zeros of Riemann's zeta-function 1943 Atle Selberg
+ Beitraege zur theorie der Dirichletreihen, die spitzenformen zugeordnet sind 1981 Anton Good
+ New omega theorems for two classical lattice point problems 1981 James Lee Hafner
+ The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function 1987 E. C. Titchmarsh
D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ On Dirichlet's Divisor Problem 1917 G. H. Hardy
+ Zeros on the critical line for Dirichlet series attached to certain cusp forms 1983 James Lee Hafner
+ Modular forms and Dirichlet series 1969 A. P. Ogg
+ Explicit estimates in the arithmetic theory of cusp forms and poincar� series 1983 James Lee Hafner
+ Contributions to the theory of Ramanujan's function τ(<i>n</i>) and similar arithmetical functions 1939 R. A. Rankin
+ Hermite Normal Form Computation Using Modulo Determinant Arithmetic 1987 Paul D. Domich
Ramachandran Kannan
L. E. Trotter
+ Functional Equations With Multiple Gamma Factors and the Average Order of Arithmetical Functions 1962 K. Chandrasekharan
Raghavan Narasimhan
+ On the estimation of Fourier coefficients of modular forms 1965 Atle Selberg
+ On the zeros of a class of Dirichlet series 1955 C.G. Lekkerkerker
+ Introduction to Quadratic Forms 1973 O. T. O’Meara
+ Elementary theory of Eisenstein series 1973 富雄 久保田
+ Zeros ofL-functions attached to Maass forms 1985 Charles L. Epstein
James Lee Hafner
Peter Sarnak
+ PDF Sur une fonction transcendante et ses applications à la sommation de quelques séries 1904 Georges Voronoï
+ Two classical lattice point problems 1961 K. S. Gangadharan
A. E. Ingham
+ PDF A Probabilistic Factorization Algorithm with Quadratic Forms of Negative Discriminant 1987 Martin Seysen
+ PDF Theory of Linear and Integer Programming. 1987 David K. Smith
Alexander Schrijver
+ �ber das Piltzsche Teilerproblem in algebraischen Zahlk�rpern 1927 G. Szeg�
Arnold Walfisz
+ Einführung in die elementare und analytische Theorie der algebraischen Zahlen und der Ideale 1949 Edmund Landau
+ On the average order of a class of arithmetical functions, I 1971 Bruce C. Berndt
+ A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions 1944 H. T. Davis
G. N. Watson
+ PDF The zeros of Riemann's zeta-function on the critical line 1921 G. H. Hardy
J. E. Littlewood
+ Geometric Algebra 1957 Emil Artin
+ Introduction to Number Theory 1982 Hua Loo Keng
+ �ber das Piltzsche Teilerproblem in algebraischen Zahlk�rpern 1927 G. Szeg�
A. Walfisz
+ �ber eine neue Art von nichtanalytischen automorphen Funktionen und die Bestimmung Dirichlet scher Reihen durch Funktionalgleichungen 1949 Hans Maaß
+ Classical problems in number theory 1986 Władysław Narkiewicz
+ Contributions to the theory of Ramanujan's function τ(<i>n</i>) and similar arithmetical functions 1940 R. A. Rankin
+ La conjecture de Weil. I 1974 Pierre Deligne
+ A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions. 1923 Matthew Porter
G. N. Watson
+ On various means involving the Fourier coefficients of cusp forms 1983 Anton Good
+ PDF On the zeros of Dirichlet series associated with certain cusp forms 1983 James Lee Hafner
+ PDF Prime number theorems for the coefficients of modular forms 1972 Carlos Julio Moreno
+ PDF Mean value of the Hecke series associated with the cusp forms of weight zero 1984 Н. В. Кузнецов
+ PDF A probabilistic factorization algorithm with quadratic forms of negative discriminant 1987 Martin Seysen
+ Matrix multiplication via arithmetic progressions 1990 Don Coppersmith
S. Winograd
+ On the calculation of regulators and class numbers of quadratic fields 1982 H. W. Lenstra
+ On the average order of a class of arithmetical functions 1982 James Lee Hafner
+ The approximate functional equation for a class of zeta-functions 1963 K. Chandrasekharan
Raghavan Narasimhan
+ PDF Omega theorems for a class of Dirichlet series 1979 Don Redmond
+ PDF The square mean of Dirichlet series associated with cusp forms 1982 Anton Good
+ PDF Chat Codes in Permutations and Error Correction for Rank Modulation 2010 Alexander Barg
Arya Mazumdar
+ On two classical lattice point problems 1940 A. E. Ingham
+ Modular Forms and Functions 1977 R. A. Rankin
+ C-Codes: Cyclic Lowest-Density MDS Array Codes Constructed Using Starters for RAID 6 2011 Mingqiang Li
Jiwu Shu
+ Cusp forms and eigenfunctions of the Laplacian 1984 Anton Good
+ PDF Gauss’ class number problem for imaginary quadratic fields 1985 Dorian Goldfeld