Israel Vainsencher


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Enumerative Geometry of Legendrian Foliations: A Tale of Contact 2024 MaurĂ­cio CorrĂŞa
Israel Vainsencher
+ Enumerative geometry of Legendrian foliations: a Tale of Contact 2022 MaurĂ­cio CorrĂŞa
Israel Vainsencher
+ PDF Chat Linear Pullback Components of the Space of Codimension One Foliations 2020 Viviana Ferrer
Israel Vainsencher
+ Enumeration of hypersurfaces with prescribed non-isolated singular subschemes 2020 Weversson Dalmaso Sellin
Israel Vainsencher
+ Degree of the exceptional component of foliations of degree two and codimension one in $${\mathbb {P}}^{3}$$P3 2019 Artur Afonso Guedes Rossini
Israel Vainsencher
+ Degree of the exceptional component of foliations in P3 2018 Artur Afonso Guedes Rossini
Israel Vainsencher
+ Degrees of spaces of holomorphic foliations of codimension one in<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">P</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2017 Daniel Leite
Israel Vainsencher
+ PDF Chat Foliations singular along a curve 2015 Israel Vainsencher
+ Degree of the variety of pairs of nilpotent commuting matrices 2014 Adriana R. Silva
Israel Vainsencher
+ PDF Chat Enumeration of surfaces containing an elliptic quartic curve 2014 Fernando Cukierman
Angelo Felice Lopez
Israel Vainsencher
+ Hypersurfaces in P^5 containing unexpected subvarieties 2014 Israel Vainsencher
+ PDF Chat Degenerate singularities of one dimensional foliations 2013 Viviana Ferrer
Israel Vainsencher
+ Enumeration of surfaces containing a curve of low degree 2012 José Alberto Maia
A. R. Silva
Israel Vainsencher
Fernando Xavier
+ Enumeration of tropes 2012 Israel Vainsencher
+ Enumeration of surfaces containing an elliptic quartic curve 2012 Fernando Cukierman
Angelo Felice Lopez
Israel Vainsencher
+ Enumeration of surfaces containing an elliptic quartic curve 2012 Fernando Cukierman
Angelo Felice Lopez
Israel Vainsencher
+ Bases de Gröbner: Resolvendo Equações Polinomiais 2011 André Vieira Costa
Israel Vainsencher
+ Symplectic enumeration 2011 Daniel Levcovitz
Israel Vainsencher
+ Enumeration of cones with singular base 2011 A.F. Maia
Israel Vainsencher
+ PDF Chat Polynomial vector fields with algebraic trajectories 2011 Viviana Ferrer
Israel Vainsencher
+ Polynomial vector fields with algebraic trajectories 2010 Viviana Ferrer
Israel Vainsencher
+ PDF Chat Stability of foliations induced by rational maps 2010 Fernando Cukierman
Jorge VitĂłrio Pereira
Israel Vainsencher
+ Degenerate singularities of one dimensional Foliations 2010 Viviana Ferrer
Israel Vainsencher
+ Polynomial vector fields with algebraic trajectories 2010 Viviana Ferrer
Israel Vainsencher
+ Enumeration of cones over cubic scrolls 2007 Daniel Levcovitz
Israel Vainsencher
Fernando Xavier
+ Stability of foliations induced by rational maps 2007 Fernando Cukierman
Jorge VitĂłrio Pereira
Israel Vainsencher
+ An Invitation to Quantum Cohomology 2007 Joachim Kock
Israel Vainsencher
+ An Invitation to Quantum Cohomology: Kontsevich's Formula for Rational Plane Curves 2006 Joachim Kock
Israel Vainsencher
+ PDF Chat Singularities of logarithmic foliations 2006 Fernando Cukierman
Márcio G. Soares
Israel Vainsencher
+ PDF Chat A note on M. Soares’ bounds 2006 Eduardo Esteves
Israel Vainsencher
+ Les degrés des variétés des matrices nilpotentes 2005 Paulo Antonio Fonseca Machado
Israel Vainsencher
+ PDF Chat Numbers for reducible cubic scrolls 2004 Israel Vainsencher
Fernando Xavier
+ PDF Chat Sur le nombre de singularités dégénérées d'une famille de feuilletages 2004 Israel Vainsencher
+ Hypersurfaces with up to Six Double Points 2003 Israel Vainsencher
+ PDF Chat A compactification of the space of twisted cubics 2002 Israel Vainsencher
Fernando Xavier
+ CANONICAL CURVES IN â„™<sup>3</sup> 2002 Jacqueline Rojas
Israel Vainsencher
+ Twisted cubics, bis 2001 Israel Vainsencher
+ A formula de Kontsevich para curvas racionais planas 1999 Joachim Kock
Israel Vainsencher
+ Conics five-fold tangent to a plane curve 1998 Israel Vainsencher
+ Generic singularities of hyperplane sections of a surface in P4 1997 Israel Vainsencher
+ PDF Chat Flatness of families induced by hypersurfaces of flag varieties 1996 Israel Vainsencher
+ Flatness of families induced by hypersurfaces on flag varieties 1996 Israel Vainsencher
+ Conical sextuplets 1996 J. Maurice Rojas
Israel Vainsencher
+ Enumeration of $n$-fold tangent hyperplanes to a surface 1993 Israel Vainsencher
+ Compactifying the space of elliptic quartic curves 1992 Dan Avritzer
Israel Vainsencher
+ Varieties of strange plane curves 1991 Abramo Hefez
Israel Vainsencher
+ Elliptic quartic curves in a generic quintic threefold 1991 Israel Vainsencher
+ On St�hr-Voloch's proof of Weil's theorem 1989 Israel Vainsencher
+ On the Castelnuovo-Severi inequality. 1988 José Felipe Voloch
Israel Vainsencher
+ A note on the Hilbert scheme of twisted cubics 1987 Israel Vainsencher
+ Enumerative formulae for ruled cubic surfaces and rational quintic curves 1986 Daniel Coray
Israel Vainsencher
+ Complete collineations and blowing up determinantal ideals 1984 Israel Vainsencher
+ Schubert Calculus for Complete Quadrics 1982 Israel Vainsencher
+ PDF Chat Counting Divisors with Prescribed Singularities 1981 Israel Vainsencher
+ PDF Chat Counting divisors with prescribed singularities 1981 Israel Vainsencher
+ The degrees of certain strata of the dual variety 1979 Israel Vainsencher
+ Conics in characteristic 2 1978 Israel Vainsencher
+ A numerical criterion for hypersurfaces 1976 Israel Vainsencher
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The Number of Rational Quartics on Calabi-Yau Hypersurfaces in Weighted Projective Space $\mathsf{P}(2,1^4)$. 1996 Paul Meurer
+ Foundations of the theory of Fano schemes 1977 Allen Altman
Steven L. Kleiman
+ Algebraic Geometry 1977 Robin Hartshorne
+ Irreducible Components of the Space of Holomorphic Foliations of Degree Two in CP(n), n ≥3 1996 Dominique Cerveau
Alcides Lins Neto
+ PDF Chat A Conjectural Generating Function for Numbers of Curves on Surfaces 1998 Lothar Göttsche
+ PDF Chat On the Hilbert Scheme Compactification of the Space of Twisted Cubics 1985 Ragni Piene
Michael Schlessinger
+ Irreducible components of the space of holomorphic foliations 1994 Omegar Calvo-Andrade
+ The Number of Rational Quartics on Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces in Weighted Projective Space P(2,1^4) 1994 Paul Meurer
+ PDF Chat Bott’s formula and enumerative geometry 1996 Geir Ellingsrud
Stein Arild Strømme
+ PDF Chat Equations de Pfaff algébriques 1979 Jean-Pierre Jouanolou
+ PDF Chat Algebraic geometry: a first course 1993 Joe Harris
+ Complete bilinear forms 1988 Anders Thorup
Steven L. Kleiman
+ Enumeration of $n$-fold tangent hyperplanes to a surface 1993 Israel Vainsencher
+ PDF Chat On a generalization of de Rham lemma 1976 Kyoji Saito
+ Structural stability of singular holomorphic foliations having a meromorphic first integral 1991 Xavier GĂłmez-Mont
Alcides Lins-Neto
+ PDF Chat Stability of foliations induced by rational maps 2010 Fernando Cukierman
Jorge VitĂłrio Pereira
Israel Vainsencher
+ On the Chow Ring of a Geometric Quotient 1989 Geir Ellingsrud
Stein Arild Strømme
+ PDF Chat Kalkül der Abzählenden Geometrie 1880 Hermann Schubert
+ PDF Chat The degree of a Severi variety 1987 Ziv Ran
+ PDF Chat A compactification of the space of twisted cubics 2002 Israel Vainsencher
Fernando Xavier
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Grothendieck Duality Theory 1970 Allen Altman
Steven L. Kleiman
+ PDF Chat Counting divisors with prescribed singularities 1981 Israel Vainsencher
+ Conics in characteristic 2 1978 Israel Vainsencher
+ PDF Chat The Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity of an integral variety of a vector field on projective space 2002 Eduardo Esteves
+ Degrees of spaces of holomorphic foliations of codimension one in<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">P</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2017 Daniel Leite
Israel Vainsencher
+ Compactifying the space of elliptic quartic curves 1992 Dan Avritzer
Israel Vainsencher
+ Node polynomials for families: methods and applications 2004 Steven L. Kleiman
Ragni Piene
+ Noether-Lefschetz theory and the Picard group of projective surfaces 1991 Angelo Felice Lopez
+ Principles of Algebraic Geometry 1978 Phillip Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ Complete quadrics and collineations in <i>S</i> <sub> <i>n</i> </sub> 1956 John Tyrrell
+ PDF Chat Projective Varieties Invariant by One-Dimensional Foliations 2000 Márcio G. Soares
+ Symmetric products of an algebraic curve 1962 I. G. Macdonald
+ PDF Chat Localization in equivariant intersection theory and the Bott residue formula 1998 Dan Edidin
William Graham
+ A Geometric Theory of the Buchsbaum-Rim Multiplicity 1994 Steven L. Kleiman
Anders Thorup
+ Theory of Stein Spaces 2004 Hans Grauert
Reinhold Remmert
+ PDF Chat The degree of the variety of rational ruled surfaces and Gromov-Witten invariants 2005 Cristina MartĂ­nez
+ PDF Chat Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry 1996 David Eisenbud
+ Hypersurfaces with up to Six Double Points 2003 Israel Vainsencher
+ The equations of conjugacy classes of nilpotent matrices 1989 Jerzy Weyman
+ Degenerations of surface scrolls and the Gromov-Witten invariants of Grassmannians 2006 Ä°zzet CoĹźkun
+ PDF Chat On the Enumeration of Algebraic Curves — from Circles to Instantons 1994 Ragni Piene
+ The Secant Bundle of a Projective Variety 1964 R. L. E. Schwarzenberger
+ PDF Chat Enumerative Geometry of Rational Space Curves 1983 Daniel Coray
+ PDF Chat Bounds on leaves of one-dimensional foliations 2003 Eduardo Esteves
Steven L. Kleiman
+ PDF Chat Enumerating singular curves on surfaces 1999 Steven L. Kleiman
Ragni Piene
+ PDF Chat The geometry of complete linear maps 1988 Dan Laksov
+ Some enumerative formulae for algebraic curves 1958 I. G. Macdonald
+ Enumerative formulae for ruled cubic surfaces and rational quintic curves 1986 Daniel Coray
Israel Vainsencher
+ PDF Chat The determinantal formula of Schubert calculus 1974 George R. Kempf
Dan Laksov
+ On symmetric and skew-symmetric determinantal varieties 1984 Joe Harris
Loring W. Tu