Hung Tran


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On isometry groups of gradient Ricci solitons 2025 Ha Tuan Dung
Hung Tran
+ PDF Chat Geometry and Analysis of Gradient Ricci Solitons in Dimension Four 2024 Xiaodong Cao
Hung Tran
+ PDF Chat On isometry groups of gradient Ricci solitons 2024 Ha Tuan Dung
Hung Tran
+ PDF Chat Closed $p$-Elastic Curves in Spheres of $\mathbb{L}^3$ 2024 Álvaro Pámpano
Miraj Samarakkody
Hung Tran
+ Geometry and analysis of gradient Ricci solitons in dimension four 2024 Xiaodong Cao
Hung Tran
+ PDF Chat Curvature of the second kind and a conjecture of Nishikawa 2023 Xiaodong Cao
Matthew J. Gursky
Hung Tran
+ PDF Chat On the Morse index with constraints: An abstract formulation 2023 Hung Tran
Detang Zhou
+ On the Morse Index with Constraints for Capillary Surfaces 2023 Hung Tran
Detang Zhou
+ PDF Chat Four-manifolds of pinched sectional curvature 2022 Xiaodong Cao
Hung Tran
+ First stability eigenvalue of singular hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature in the unit sphere 2022 Nguyen Thac Dung
Juncheol Pyo
Hung Tran
+ PDF Chat Stationary surfaces with boundaries 2022 Anthony Gruber
Magdalena Toda
Hung Tran
+ Willmore-stable minimal surfaces 2022 Anthony Gruber
Magdalena Toda
Hung Tran
+ PDF Chat On the Morse index of higher-dimensional free boundary minimal catenoids 2021 Graham Smith
Ari Stern
Hung Tran
Detang Zhou
+ PDF Chat The Gauss map of a free boundary minimal surface 2021 Hung Tran
+ On the Morse Index with Constraints I: An Abstract Formulation 2020 Hung Tran
Detang Zhou
+ On the Morse Index with Constraints II: Applications 2020 Hung Tran
Detang Zhou
+ PDF Chat Index characterization for free boundary minimal surfaces 2020 Hung Tran
+ PDF Chat On the variation of curvature functionals in a space form with application to a generalized Willmore energy 2019 Anthony Gruber
Magdalena Toda
Hung Tran
+ Einstein four-manifolds of pinched sectional curvature 2018 Xiaodong Cao
Hung Tran
+ The Gauss map of a free boundary minimal surface 2017 Hung Tran
+ On closed manifolds with harmonic Weyl curvature 2017 Hung Tran
+ PDF Chat Heat Kernel Estimates Under the Ricci–Harmonic Map Flow 2017 Mihai Băileșteanu
Hung Tran
+ A rigidity result for effective Hamiltonians with $3$-mode periodic potentials 2017 Hung Tran
Yifeng Yu
+ On the Morse index of higher-dimensional free boundary minimal catenoids 2017 Graham Smith
Ari Stern
Hung Tran
Detang Zhou
+ PDF Chat Complete manifolds with bounded curvature and spectral gaps 2016 Richard Schoen
Hung Tran
+ PDF Chat The Weyl tensor of gradient Ricci solitons 2016 Xiaodong Cao
Hung Tran
+ On Closed Manifolds with Harmonic Weyl 2016 Hung Tran
+ Complete manifolds with bounded curvature and spectral gaps 2015 Richard Schoen
Hung Tran
+ PDF Chat Harnack estimates for conjugate heat kernel on evolving manifolds 2015 Xiaodong Cao
Hongxin Guo
Hung Tran
+ PDF Chat Harnack Estimates for Ricci Flow on a Warped Product 2015 Hung Tran
+ PDF Chat Mean value inequalities and conditions to extend Ricci flow 2015 Xiaodong Cao
Hung Tran
+ Heat kernel estimates under the Ricci-Harmonic map flow 2013 Mihai Băileșteanu
Hung Tran
+ Mean Value Inequalities and Conditions to Extend Ricci Flow 2013 Xiaodong Cao
Hung Tran
+ Isoperimetric regions in the plane with density r p 2010 Jonathan Dahlberg
Alexander Dubbs
Edward Newkirk
Hung Tran
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Three-manifolds with positive Ricci curvature 1982 Richard S. Hamilton
+ PDF Chat Sharp eigenvalue bounds and minimal surfaces in the ball 2015 Ailana Fraser
Richard Schoen
+ The first Steklov eigenvalue, conformal geometry, and minimal surfaces 2010 Ailana Fraser
Richard Schoen
+ Metrics with nonnegative isotropic curvature 1993 Mario Micallef
McKenzie Y. Wang
+ The curvature of 4-dimensional Einstein spaces 2015 I. M. Singer
J. A. Thorpe
+ The entropy formula for the Ricci flow and its geometric applications 2002 Grisha Perelman
+ PDF Chat The conjugate heat equation and Ancient solutions of the Ricci flow 2011 Xiaodong Cao
Qi S. Zhang
+ PDF Chat Index characterization for free boundary minimal surfaces 2020 Hung Tran
+ PDF Chat Sur quelques variétés d'Einstein compactes 1961 Marcel Berger
+ Manifolds with 1/4-pinched curvature are space forms 2008 Simon Brendle
Richard Schoen
+ Minimal Varieties in Riemannian Manifolds 1968 James Simons
+ PDF Chat Einstein manifolds with nonnegative isotropic curvature are locally symmetric 2009 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat The Min-Max theory and the Willmore conjecture 2014 Fernando C. Marques
André Neves
+ Stability of hypersurfaces of constant mean curvature in Riemannian manifolds 1988 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
J.-H. Eschenburg
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of stable capillary hypersurfaces in a ball 2019 Guofang Wang
Chao Xia
+ None 1999 Matthew J. Gursky
Claude LeBrun
+ PDF Chat Stable Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces with Free Boundary in Slabs 2019 Rabah Souam
+ PDF Chat Manifolds with positive curvature operators are space forms 2008 Christoph Böhm
Burkhard Wilking
+ PDF Chat Matrix Harnack estimate for the heat equation 1993 Richard S. Hamilton
+ PDF Chat Deformation and stability of surfaces with constant mean curvature 2002 Miyuki Koiso
+ PDF Chat Kato constants in Riemannian geometry 2000 Thomas Branson
+ PDF Chat Stability for hypersurfaces of constant mean curvature with free boundary 1995 Antonio R�os
Enaldo Vergasta
+ Rigidity of Einstein 4-manifolds with positive curvature 2000 DaGang Yang
+ Eigenvalue and “Twisted” eigenvalue problems, applications to CMC surfaces 2000 Lucas Barbosa
Pierre Bérard
+ Complete minimal surfaces with index one and stable constant mean curvature surfaces 1989 Francisco J. López
Antonio R�os
+ Self-dual Kähler manifolds and Einstein manifolds of dimension four 1983 Andrzej Derdziński
+ Géométrie des groupes de transformations 1958 André Lichnerowicz
+ PDF Chat Free boundary minimal annuli in convex three-manifolds 2017 Davi Máximo
Ivaldo Nunes
Graham Smith
+ PDF Chat Stability of capillary hypersurfaces in a Euclidean ball 2018 Haizhong Li
Changwei Xiong
+ PDF Chat Monotone volume formulas for geometric flows 2010 Reto Müller
+ PDF Chat Conformal deformation of a Riemannian metric to constant scalar curvature 1984 Richard Schoen
+ Minimal Two-Spheres and the Topology of Manifolds with Positive Curvature on Totally Isotropic Two-Planes 1988 Mario Micallef
John Douglas Moore
+ On Einstein Manifolds of Positive Sectional Curvature 1998 Matthew J. Gursky
Claude LeBrun
+ Global analysis : papers in honor of K. Kodaira 1969 邦彦 小平
D. C. Spencer
昌吉 弥永
+ Stability of Hypersurfaces of Constant Mean Curvature in Riemannian Manifolds 2012 J. Lucas M. Barbosa
Manfredo do Carmo
J.-H. Eschenburg
+ PDF Chat A theorem on Riemannian manifolds of positive curvature operator 1974 Shun-ichi Tachibana
+ Einstein four-manifolds of three-nonnegative curvature operator 2019 Peng Wu
+ Ricci Flow and the Sphere Theorem 2010 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat The Weyl tensor of gradient Ricci solitons 2016 Xiaodong Cao
Hung Tran
+ PDF Chat On the parabolic kernel of the Schrödinger operator 1986 Peter Li
Shing Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat The Yamabe problem 1987 John M. Lee
Thomas H. Parker
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ Minimal immersions of compact bordered Riemann surfaces with free boundary 2014 Jingyi Chen
Ailana Fraser
Chao Pang
+ PDF Chat The Morse index of the critical catenoid 2018 Graham Smith
Detang Zhou
+ The Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator via hidden compactness 2013 Wolfgang Arendt
A. F. M. ter Elst
James B. Kennedy
Manfred Sauter
+ PDF Chat Four-manifolds with positive isotropic curvature 1997 Richard S. Hamilton
+ PDF Chat Problèmes isopérimétriques et espaces de Sobolev 1976 Thierry Aubin
+ On the spectrum of the laplacian on complete riemannian manifolds 1986 JoséF. Escobar
+ Spectral Theory of Laplace–Beltrami Operators with Periodic Metrics 1997 Edward L. Green