Minghao Pan


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Dimension jump at the uniqueness threshold for percolation in $\infty+d$ dimensions 2024 Tom Hutchcroft
Minghao Pan
+ PDF Chat Infinite stationary measures of measured group actions 2024 Mohammedsaid Alhalimi
Tom Hutchcroft
Minghao Pan
Omer Tamuz
Tianyi Zheng
+ PDF Chat Percolation at the uniqueness threshold via subgroup relativization 2024 Tom Hutchcroft
Minghao Pan
+ Asymptotic Rényi entropies of random walks on groups 2024 Kimberly Golubeva
Minghao Pan
Omer Tamuz
+ Asymptotic Renyi Entropies of Random Walks on Groups 2023 Kimberly Golubeva
Minghao Pan
Omer Tamuz
+ PDF Chat An invariance principle for one-dimensional random walks in degenerate dynamical random environments 2023 Marek Biskup
Minghao Pan
+ PDF Chat Sequential Transmission Over Binary Asymmetric Channels With Feedback 2022 Hengjie Yang
Minghao Pan
Amaael Antonini
Richard D. Wesel
+ CRC-Aided List Decoding of Convolutional Codes in the Short Blocklength Regime 2022 Hengjie Yang
Ethan Liang
Minghao Pan
Richard D. Wesel
+ An invariance principle for one-dimensional random walks in degenerate dynamical random environments 2022 Marek Biskup
Minghao Pan
+ Risk and Intertemporal Preferences over Time Lotteries 2022 Minghao Pan
+ Uniform syndeticity in multiple recurrence 2022 Asgar Jamneshan
Minghao Pan
+ PDF Chat Sequential Transmission Over Binary Asymmetric Channels With Feedback 2021 Hengjie Yang
Minghao Pan
Amaael Antonini
Richard D. Wesel
+ Sequential Transmission Over Binary Asymmetric Channels With Feedback 2021 Hengjie Yang
Minghao Pan
Amaael Antonini
Richard D. Wesel
+ Quotients of Hurwitz Primes 2019 Minghao Pan
Wentao Zhang
+ Multivariate selection of variables in industrial quality control: Optimizing aviation fuel final control 1993 J.M. Andrade
D. Prada‐Rodríguez
Soledad Muniategui‐Lorenzo
Brenna Gomez
Minghao Pan
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Quotients of Gaussian Primes 2013 Stephan Ramon Garcia
+ Probability with martingales 1992 David N. Williams
+ PDF Chat Convolutional-Code-Specific CRC Code Design 2015 Chung-Yu Lou
Babak Daneshrad
Richard D. Wesel
+ Failure of the Roth theorem for solvable groups of exponential growth 2004 Vitaly Bergelson
A. Leibman
+ Ergodic behavior of diagonal measures and a theorem of Szemerédi on arithmetic progressions 1977 Harry Furstenberg
+ PDF Chat Quenched invariance principle for simple random walk on percolation clusters 2006 Noam Berger
Marek Biskup
+ Uniform distribution of integral points on multidimensional ellipsoids 1988 O. M. Fomenko
+ Improved principal component analysis of noisy data 1991 Martin J. Fay
Andrew Proctor
Douglas P. Hoffmann
David M. Hercules
+ PDF Chat Optimal Feedback Communication Via Posterior Matching 2011 Ofer Shayevitz
Meir Feder
+ Composite multivariate quality control using a system of univariate, bivariate, and multivariate quality control rules 1991 S. Jay. Smith
S. P. Caudill
James L. Pirkle
David L. Ashley
+ Symmetric random walks on groups 1959 Harry Kesten
+ Large deviations for the range of an integer valued random walk 2002 Yuji Hamana
Harry Kesten
+ PDF Chat An almost sure invariance principle for random walks in a space-time random environment 2005 Firas Rassoul‐Agha
Timo Seppäläinen
+ The almost sure central limit theorem for one-dimensional nearest-neighbour random walks in a space-time random environment 2004 Jean Bérard
+ PDF Chat Random Walks on Discrete Groups: Boundary and Entropy 1983 Vadim A. Kaimanovich
Анатолий Моисеевич Вершик
+ Which principal components to utilize for principal component regression 1992 Jon M. Sutter
John H. Kalivas
Patrick Lang
+ Cross-validation, influential observations and selection of variables in chemometric studies of wines by principal components analysis 1990 Giuseppe Scarponi
Ivo Moret
Gabriele Capodaglio
Mario Romanazzi
+ A theoretical foundation for the PLS algorithm 1987 Avraham Lorber
Lawrence E. Wangen
Bruce R. Kowalski
+ Random walks in a random (fluctuating) environment 2007 C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Central sets and a non-commutative Roth theorem 2007 Vitaly Bergelson
Randall McCutcheon
+ Selection of optimal regression models via cross‐validation 1988 David W. Osten
+ PDF Chat Random walks on dynamical percolation: mixing times, mean squared displacement and hitting times 2014 Yuval Peres
Alexandre Stauffer
Jeffrey E. Steif
+ Testing for redundancy in product quality control test criteria: An application to aviation turbine fuel 1989 John M. Deane
Halliday J.H. MacFie
+ Principles of mathematical analysis 1964 Walter Rudin
+ List Decoding of Polar Codes 2015 Ido Tal
Alexander Vardy
+ A Roth theorem for amenable groups 1997 Vitaly Bergelson
Randall McCutcheon
Shouxin Zhang
+ PDF Chat Nonconventional ergodic averages and nilmanifolds 2005 Bernard Host
Bryna Kra
+ PDF Chat Channel Polarization: A Method for Constructing Capacity-Achieving Codes for Symmetric Binary-Input Memoryless Channels 2009 Erdal Arıkan
+ PDF Chat Multiple recurrence for two commuting transformations 2010 Qing Chu
+ Random Walks on Disordered Media and their Scaling Limits 2014 Takashi Kumagai
+ PDF Chat Norm convergence of multiple ergodic averages on amenable groups 2016 Pavel Zorin‐Kranich
+ PDF Chat Triangles in Cartesian Squares of Quasirandom Groups 2016 Vitaly Bergelson
Donald Robertson
Pavel Zorin‐Kranich
+ Cross-Validation in Principal Component Analysis 1987 W. J. Krzanowski
+ Quotients of Primes 1993 David Hobby
D. M. Silberger
+ Visualizing information in multivariate data: Applications to petroleum geochemistry 1986 Olav M. Kvalheim
N. Telnæs
+ PDF Chat Aspects of uniformity in recurrence 2000 Vitaly Bergelson
Bernard Host
Randall McCutcheon
Franiçois Parreau
+ PDF Chat Full Banach Mean Values on Countable groups. 1959 Harry Kesten
+ Quotients of Fibonacci Numbers 2016 Stephan Ramon Garcia
Florian Luca
+ PDF Chat Limit theory for random walks in degenerate time-dependent random environments 2017 Marek Biskup
Pierre‐François Rodriguez
+ Quotients of Primes in an Algebraic Number Ring 2016 Brian D. Sittinger
+ PDF Chat Efficient error-correcting codes in the short blocklength regime 2019 Mustafa Cemil Coşkun
Giuseppe Durisi
Thomas Jerkovits
Gianluigi Liva
W.E. Ryan
Brian Stein
Fabian Steiner
+ PDF Chat Ergodic seminorms for commuting transformations and applications 2009 Bernard Host
+ PDF Chat Anchored Nash inequalities and heat kernel bounds for static and dynamic degenerate environments 2015 Jean-Christophe Mourrat
Félix Otto
+ PDF Chat Norm convergence of nilpotent ergodic averages 2012 Miguel N. Walsh
+ PDF Chat Short Block-Length Codes for Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications 2018 Mahyar Shirvanimoghaddam
Mohammad Sadegh Mohammadi
Rana Abbas
Aleksandar Minja
Chentao Yue
Balázs Matuz
Guojun Han
Zihuai Lin
Wanchun Liu
Yonghui Li
+ PDF Chat Non-conventional ergodic averages for several commuting actions of an amenable group 2016 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat Mixing time for random walk on supercritical dynamical percolation 2019 Yuval Peres
Perla Sousi
Jeffrey E. Steif
+ From sequential decoding to channel polarization and back again. 2019 Erdal Arıkan
+ PDF Chat CRC selection for decoding of CRC-polar concatenated codes 2019 Tsonka Baicheva
Peter Kazakov
+ PDF Chat Growth of periodic Grigorchuk groups 2019 Anna Erschler
Tianyi Zheng