Yunhui Wu


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Spectral gaps on thick part of moduli spaces 2025 Yunhui Wu
H. L. Zhang
+ On ends of finite-volume noncompact manifolds of nonpositive curvature 2024 Ran Ji
Yunhui Wu
+ PDF Chat Degenerating hyperbolic surfaces and spectral gaps for large genus 2024 Yunhui Wu
Haohao Zhang
Xuwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat Systole functions and Weil–Petersson geometry 2023 Yunhui Wu
+ PDF Chat Large genus asymptotics for lengths of separating closed geodesics on random surfaces 2023 Xin Nie
Yunhui Wu
Yuhao Xue
+ Systole functions and Weil-Petersson geometry 2023 Yunhui Wu
+ Non-simple systoles on random hyperbolic surfaces for large genus 2023 Yuxin He
Yang Shen
Yunhui Wu
Yuhao Xue
+ PDF Chat The Cheeger Constants of Random Belyi Surfaces 2022 Yang Shen
Yunhui Wu
+ PDF Chat Optimal lower bounds for first eigenvalues of Riemann surfaces for large genus 2022 Yunhui Wu
Yuhao Xue
+ PDF Chat A new uniform lower bound on Weil–Petersson distance 2022 Yunhui Wu
+ PDF Chat Random hyperbolic surfaces of large genus have first eigenvalues greater than $$\frac{3}{16}-\epsilon $$ 2022 Yunhui Wu
Yuhao Xue
+ Degenerating hyperbolic surfaces and spectral gaps for large genus 2022 Yunhui Wu
Haohao Zhang
Xuwen Zhu
+ Small eigenvalues of closed Riemann surfaces for large genus 2021 Yunhui Wu
Yuhao Xue
Yunhui Wu
Yuhao Xue
+ Optimal lower bounds for first eigenvalues of Riemann surfaces for large genus 2021 Yunhui Wu
Yuhao Xue
+ PDF Chat Uniform bounds on harmonic Beltrami differentials and Weil–Petersson curvatures 2020 Martin Bridgeman
Yunhui Wu
+ PDF Chat Non-existence of geometric minimal foliations in hyperbolic three-manifolds 2020 Michael Wolf
Yunhui Wu
+ Large genus asymptotics for lengths of separating closed geodesics on random surfaces 2020 Xin Nie
Yunhui Wu
Yuhao Xue
+ PDF Chat Growth of the Weil–Petersson inradius of moduli space 2019 Yunhui Wu
+ PDF Chat On positive scalar curvature and moduli of curves 2019 Kefeng Liu
Yunhui Wu
+ PDF Chat Uniform bounds for Weil–Petersson curvatures 2018 Michael Wolf
Yunhui Wu
+ Growth of the Weil-Petersson inradius of moduli space 2018 Yunhui Wu
+ Geometry of complex bounded domains with finite-volume quotients 2018 Kefeng Liu
Yunhui Wu
+ On ends of finite-volume noncompact manifolds of nonpositive curvature 2018 Ran Ji
Yunhui Wu
+ PDF Chat The Weil–Petersson curvature operator on the universal Teichmüller space 2017 Zheng Huang
Yunhui Wu
+ Translation Lengths of Parabolic Isometries of CAT(0) Spaces and Their Applications 2017 Yunhui Wu
+ PDF Chat Scalar curvatures of Hermitian metrics on the moduli space of Riemann surfaces 2017 Yunhui Wu
+ PDF Chat On the Weil–Petersson Curvature of the Moduli Space of Riemann Surfaces of Large Genus 2016 Yunhui Wu
+ PDF Chat A note on Riemannian metrics on the moduli space of Riemann surfaces 2015 Yunhui Wu
+ On the Weil-Petersson curvature of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces of large genus 2015 Yunhui Wu
+ On positive scalar curvature and moduli of curves 2015 Kefeng Liu
Yunhui Wu
+ Scalar curvatures of Hermitian metrics on the moduli space of Riemann surfaces 2015 Yunhui Wu
+ PDF Chat Scalar curvatures of Hermitian metrics on the moduli space of Riemann surfaces 2015 Yunhui Wu
+ The Riemannian Sectional Curvature Operator Of The Weil-Petersson Metric and Its Application 2015 Yunhui Wu
+ PDF Chat The Riemannian sectional curvature operator of the Weil-Petersson metric and its application 2014 Yunhui Wu
+ Parabolic isometries of visible CAT(0) spaces and metrics on moduli space 2013 Yunhui Wu
+ Fundamental groups of finite volume, bounded negatively curved 4-manifolds are not 3-manifold groups 2013 Grigori Avramidi
T. Tâm Nguyên Phan
Yunhui Wu
+ Isometries on CAT(0) spaces, iteration of mapping classes and Weil-Petersson geometry 2012 Yunhui Wu
+ On the geometry of spheres with positive curvature 2009 Meng Wu
Yunhui Wu
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Chern forms and the Riemann tensor for the moduli space of curves 1986 Scott A. Wolpert
+ PDF Chat Families of Riemann Surfaces and Weil-Petersson Geometry 2010 Scott A. Wolpert
+ On the period matrix of a Riemann surface of large genus (with an Appendix by J.H. Conway and N.J.A. Sloane) 1994 Peter Buser
Peter Sarnak
+ On a natural algebraic affine connection on the space of almost complex structures and the curvature of teichm�ller space with respect to its Weil-Petersson metric 1986 Anthony J. Tromba
+ PDF Chat Noncompleteness of the Weil-Petersson metric for Teichmüller space 1975 Scott A. Wolpert
+ PDF Chat Geometry and Spectra of Compact Riemann Surfaces 2010 Peter Buser
+ PDF Chat The Weil–Petersson geometry of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces 2008 Lee Peng Teo
+ PDF Chat Canonical metrics on the moduli space of Riemann Surfaces II 2005 Kefeng Liu
Xiaofeng Sun
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Pants Decompositions of Random Surfaces 2011 Larry Guth
Hugo Parlier
Robert M. Young
+ Harmonic maps of the moduli space of compact Riemann surfaces 1986 Georg Schumacher
+ PDF Chat Geodesic length functions and the Nielsen problem 1987 Scott A. Wolpert
+ PDF Chat Growth of Weil-Petersson Volumes and Random Hyperbolic Surface of Large Genus 2013 Maryam Mirzakhani
+ Weil-Petersson volumes and intersection theory on the moduli space of curves 2006 Maryam Mirzakhani
+ PDF Chat Growth of the Weil–Petersson diameter of moduli space 2011 William Cavendish
Hugo Parlier
+ On Weil-Petersson Volumes and Geometry of Random Hyperbolic Surfaces 2011 Maryam Mirzakhani
+ The extension of the Weil-Petersson metric to the boundary of Teichmuller space 1976 Howard Masur
+ PDF Chat Good Geometry on the Curve Moduli 2008 Kefeng Liu
Xiaofeng Sun
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ An Introduction to Teichmüller Spaces 1992 Yôichi Imayoshi
Masahiko Taniguchi
+ PDF Chat The Moduli Space of Riemann Surfaces is Kahler Hyperbolic 2000 Curtis T. McMullen
+ PDF Chat The Weil-Petersson geometry on the thick part of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces 2007 Zheng Huang
+ PDF Chat Geodesic-length functions and the Weil-Petersson curvature tensor 2012 Scott A. Wolpert
+ Small eigenvalues of closed Riemann surfaces for large genus 2021 Yunhui Wu
Yuhao Xue
+ Some Remarks on Teichmuller's Space of Riemann Surfaces 1961 Lars V. Ahlfors
+ PDF Chat The Weil-Petersson Hessian of Length on Teichmüller Space 2012 Michael Wolf
+ Growth of Weil-Petersson volumes and random hyperbolic surfaces of large genus 2010 Maryam Mirzakhani
+ Metric Spaces of Non-Positive Curvature 1999 Martin R. Bridson
André Haefliger
+ PDF Chat Behavior of geodesic-length functions on Teichmüller space 2008 Scott A. Wolpert
+ PDF Chat Weil-Petersson volumes 1992 Robert Penner
+ PDF Chat On Asymptotic Weil-Petersson Geometry of Teichmuller Space of Riemann Surfaces 2007 Zheng Huang
+ Eigenvalue comparison theorems and its geometric applications 1975 Shiu‐Yuen Cheng
+ Simple geodesics and Weil-Petersson volumes of moduli spaces of bordered Riemann surfaces 2006 Maryam Mirzakhani
+ PDF Chat The Moduli Space of Riemann Surfaces of Large Genus 2013 Alastair Fletcher
Jeremy Kahn
Vladimir Marković
+ The Fenchel-Nielsen Deformation 1982 Scott A. Wolpert
+ PDF Chat Canonical metrics on the moduli space of Riemann Surfaces I 2004 Kefeng Liu
Xiaofeng Sun
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat The Riemannian sectional curvature operator of the Weil-Petersson metric and its application 2014 Yunhui Wu
+ PDF Chat Uniform bounds for Weil–Petersson curvatures 2018 Michael Wolf
Yunhui Wu
+ PDF Chat Towards large genus asymptotics of intersection numbers on moduli spaces of curves 2015 Maryam Mirzakhani
Peter Zograf
+ The Weil-Petersson metric and volumes of 3-dimensional hyperbolic convex cores 2003 Jeffrey Brock
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Flatness of the Weil-Petersson Metric on Teichmüller Space 2005 Zheng Huang
+ PDF Chat Small eigenvalues of closed surfaces 2016 Werner Ballmann
Henrik Matthiesen
Sugata Mondal
+ PDF Chat Estimates of Weil-Petersson Volumes¶via Effective Divisors 2001 Georg Schumacher
Stefano Trapani
+ PDF Chat The diameter of the thick part of moduli space and simultaneous Whitehead moves 2013 Kasra Rafi
Jing Tao
+ PDF Chat Random Construction of Riemann Surfaces 2004 Robert Brooks
Eran Makover
+ PDF Chat A Remark on Mahler's Compactness Theorem 1971 David Mumford
+ A Multiplicative Ergodic Theorem and Nonpositively Curved Spaces 1999 Anders Karlsson
G. A. Margulis
+ PDF Chat Manifolds of negative curvature 1969 Richard L. Bishop
Barrett O’Neill
+ PDF Chat Curvature and rank of Teichmüller space 2006 Jeffrey Brock
Benson Farb
+ PDF Chat On the analytic systole of Riemannian surfaces of finite type 2017 Werner Ballmann
Henrik Matthiesen
Sugata Mondal
+ PDF Chat On the Weil–Petersson Curvature of the Moduli Space of Riemann Surfaces of Large Genus 2016 Yunhui Wu
+ Lattices in Spaces of Nonpositive Curvature 1980 Patrick Eberlein