Isao Yamada


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Hierarchical Nash Equilibrium over Variational Equilibria via Fixed-point Set Expression of Quasi-nonexpansive Operator 2024 S. Matsuo
Keita Kume
Isao Yamada
+ PDF Chat Monotone Lipschitz-Gradient Denoiser: Explainability of Operator Regularization Approaches and Convergence to Optimal Point 2024 Masahiro Yukawa
Isao Yamada
+ Computing an Entire Solution Path of a Nonconvexly Regularized Convex Sparse Model 2024 Yi Zhang
Isao Yamada
+ Imposing Early and Asymptotic Constraints on Ligme with Application to Nonconvex Enhancement of Fused Lasso Models 2024 Wataru Yata
Isao Yamada
+ A Variable Smoothing for Nonconvexly Constrained Nonsmooth Optimization with Application to Sparse Spectral Clustering 2024 Keita Kume
Isao Yamada
+ An inexact proximal linearized DC algorithm with provably terminating inner loop 2024 Yi Zhang
Isao Yamada
+ PDF Chat Linearly-Involved Moreau-Enhanced-Over-Subspace Model: Debiased Sparse Modeling and Stable Outlier-Robust Regression 2023 Masahiro Yukawa
Hiroyuki Kaneko
Kyohei Suzuki
Isao Yamada
+ An Inexact Proximal Linearized DC Algorithm with Provably Terminating Inner Loop 2023 Yi Zhang
Isao Yamada
+ Adaptive Localized Cayley Parametrization for Optimization over Stiefel Manifold 2023 Keita Kume
Isao Yamada
+ A Unified Framework for Solving a General Class of Nonconvexly Regularized Convex Models 2023 Yi Zhang
Isao Yamada
+ PDF Chat A Unified Framework for Solving a General Class of Nonconvexly Regularized Convex Models 2023 Yi Zhang
Isao Yamada
+ A variable smoothing for Nonconvexly constrained nonsmooth optimization with application to sparse spectral clustering 2023 Keita Kume
Isao Yamada
+ Imposing early and asymptotic constraints on LiGME with application to nonconvex enhancement of fused lasso models 2023 Wataru Yata
Isao Yamada
+ Computing an Entire Solution Path of a Nonconvexly Regularized Convex Sparse Model 2023 Yi Zhang
Isao Yamada
+ Generalized left-localized Cayley parametrization for optimization with orthogonality constraints 2022 Keita Kume
Isao Yamada
+ Stable Robust Regression under Sparse Outlier and Gaussian Noise 2022 Masahiro Yukawa
Kyohei Suzuki
Isao Yamada
+ A Unified Class of DC-type Convexity-Preserving Regularizers for Improved Sparse Regularization 2022 Yi Zhang
Isao Yamada
+ Linearly-involved Moreau-Enhanced-over-Subspace Model: Debiased Sparse Modeling and Stable Outlier-Robust Regression 2022 Masahiro Yukawa
Hiroyuki Kaneko
Kyohei Suzuki
Isao Yamada
+ A Robust Canonical Polyadic Tensor Decomposition via Structured Low-Rank Matrix Approximation 2021 Riku Akema
Masao Yamagishi
Isao Yamada
+ PDF Chat A Convexly Constrained LiGME Model and Its Proximal Splitting Algorithm 2021 Wataru Yata
Masao Yamagishi
Isao Yamada
+ A Convexly Constrained LiGME Model and Its Proximal Splitting Algorithm 2021 Wataru Yata
Masao Yamagishi
Isao Yamada
+ Approximate-Then-Diagonalize-Simultaneously Algorithm and Tensor CP Decomposition 2020 Riku Akema
Masao Yamagishi
Isao Yamada
+ PDF Chat Approximate Simultaneous Diagonalization of Matrices via Structured Low-Rank Approximation 2020 Riku Akema
Masao Yamagishi
Isao Yamada
+ Exploiting Commutativity Condition for CP Decomposition Via Approximate Simultaneous Diagonalization 2020 Riku Akema
Masao Yamagishi
Isao Yamada
+ A Hierarchical Convex Optimization for Multiclass SVM Achieving Maximum Pairwise Margins with Least Empirical Hinge-Loss 2020 Yunosuke Nakayama
Masao Yamagishi
Isao Yamada
+ PDF Chat Linearly involved generalized Moreau enhanced models and their proximal splitting algorithm under overall convexity condition 2019 Jiro Abe
Masao Yamagishi
Isao Yamada
+ Adaptive Localized Cayley Parametrization Technique for Smooth optimization over the Stiefel Manifold 2019 Keita Kume
Isao Yamada
+ Hypercomplex Tensor Completion via Convex Optimization 2019 Takehiko Mizoguchi
Isao Yamada
+ Hypercomplex Low Rank Matrix Completion with Non-negative Constraints via Convex Optimization 2019 Takehiko Mizoguchi
Isao Yamada
+ Convexity-edge-preserving Signal Recovery with Linearly Involved Generalized Minimax Concave Penalty Function 2019 Jiro Abe
Masao Yamagishi
Isao Yamada
+ Hierarchical Convex Optimization by the Hybrid Steepest Descent Method with Proximal Splitting Operators—Enhancements of SVM and Lasso 2019 Isao Yamada
Masao Yamagishi
+ Hypercomplex Principal Component Pursuit via Convex Optimization 2018 Takehiko Mizoguchi
Isao Yamada
+ A Fixed-Point Analysis of Regularized Dual Averaging Under Static Scenarios 2018 Masahiro Yukawa
Isao Yamada
+ PDF Chat Fejér-monotone hybrid steepest descent method for affinely constrained and composite convex minimization tasks 2018 Konstantinos Slavakis
Isao Yamada
+ Hypercomplex Tensor Completion with Cayley-Dickson Singular Value Decomposition 2018 Takehiko Mizoguchi
Isao Yamada
+ Nonexpansiveness of a linearized augmented Lagrangian operator for hierarchical convex optimization 2017 Masao Yamagishi
Isao Yamada
+ Global behavior of parallel projection method for certain nonconvex feasibility problems 2017 Masao Yamagishi
Isao Yamada
+ Accelerating the hybrid steepest descent method for affinely constrained convex composite minimization tasks 2017 Konstantinos Slavakis
Isao Yamada
Shunsuke Ono
+ Accelerated hybrid steepest descent method for solving affinely constrained composite convex optimization tasks 2016 Konstantinos Slavakis
Isao Yamada
+ PDF Chat Reduced-rank estimation for ill-conditioned stochastic linear model with high signal-to-noise ratio 2016 Tomasz Piotrowski
Isao Yamada
+ Stabilization of adaptive eigenvector extraction by continuation in nested orthogonal complement structure 2016 Kenji Kakimoto
Daichi Kitahara
Masao Yamagishi
Isao Yamada
+ Fejér-monotone hybrid steepest descent method for affinely constrained and composite convex minimization tasks 2016 Konstantinos Slavakis
Isao Yamada
+ A nonexpansive operator for computationally efficient hierarchical convex optimization 2015 Masao Yamagishi
Isao Yamada
+ Recent Advances in Convex Optimization with Fixed Point Expression of Nonexpansive Operators and Signal Processing Applications (Wavelet analysis and sampling theory) 2015 Isao Yamada
+ Compositions and convex combinations of averaged nonexpansive operators 2014 Patrick L. Combettes
Isao Yamada
+ Hierarchical Convex Optimization With Primal-Dual Splitting 2014 Shunsuke Ono
Isao Yamada
+ A novel fixed point characterization of minimizers of convex functions involving proximable and linear composite terms 2014 Masao Yamagishi
Isao Yamada
+ PDF Chat Performance of the stochastic MV-PURE estimator in highly noisy settings 2014 Tomasz Piotrowski
Isao Yamada
+ An Algebraic Translation of Cayley-Dickson Linear Systems and Its Applications to Online Learning 2014 Takehiko Mizoguchi
Isao Yamada
+ Compositions and Convex Combinations of Averaged Nonexpansive Operators 2014 Patrick L. Combettes
Isao Yamada
+ Signal recovery by minimizing the Moreau envelope over the fixed point set of nonexpansive mappings 2013 Isao Yamada
Shunsuke Ono
+ A rank selection of MV-PURE with an unbiased predicted-MSE criterion and its efficient implementation in image restoration 2013 Masao Yamagishi
Isao Yamada
+ Robust Reduced-Rank Adaptive Processing Based on Parallel Subgradient Projection and Krylov Subspace Techniques 2013 Rodrigo C. de Lamare
Masahiro Yukawa
Isao Yamada
+ Performance of the stochastic MV-PURE estimator in highly noisy settings 2013 Tomasz Piotrowski
Isao Yamada
+ PDF Chat The Adaptive Projected Subgradient Method Constrained by Families of Quasi-nonexpansive Mappings and Its Application to Online Learning 2013 Konstantinos Slavakis
Isao Yamada
+ Variants of the alternating direction method of multipliers with rate of convergence Ο(1/Îș) 2012 Masao Yamagishi
Shunsuke Ono
Isao Yamada
+ Computational Method for Solving a Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Control Problem Given an Unsolvable Stochastic Algebraic Riccati Equation 2012 Hideaki Iiduka
Isao Yamada
+ Over-relaxation of the fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm with variable stepsize 2011 Masao Yamagishi
Isao Yamada
+ Overrelaxation of the fast iterative shrinkage/thresholding algorithm for fast signal recovery 2011 Masao Yamagishi
Isao Yamada
+ A Rank-Selection Criterion for MV-PURE and its Applications to Ill-conditioned Inverse Problems 2011 Shinji Shimamura
Masao Yamagishi
Isao Yamada
+ Generalizing the multiple measurement setting from sparse vector recovery to low-rank matrix recovery (焥線通俥シă‚čテム) 2011 Silvia Gandy
Isao Yamada
+ Minimizing the Moreau Envelope of Nonsmooth Convex Functions over the Fixed Point Set of Certain Quasi-Nonexpansive Mappings 2011 Isao Yamada
Masahiro Yukawa
Masao Yamagishi
+ Asymptotic minimization of sequences of loss functions constrained by families of quasi-nonexpansive mappings and its application to online learning 2010 Konstantinos Slavakis
Isao Yamada
+ Numerically stable algorithms for adaptive generalized minor subspace extraction (通信æ–čćŒ) 2010 Tuan-Duong Nguyen
Noriyuki Takahashi
Isao Yamada
+ Multi-Domain Adaptive Learning Based on Feasibility Splitting and Adaptive Projected Subgradient Method 2010 Masahiro Yukawa
Konstantinos Slavakis
Isao Yamada
+ The adaptive projected subgradient method constrained by families of quasi-nonexpansive mappings and its application to online learning 2010 Konstantinos Slavakis
Isao Yamada
+ A Robust Function Estimation in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Based on Finite Dimensional Reformulations 2009 Shinji Shimamura
Isao Yamada
+ Optimization and Signal Processing, Part II ; minimum-variance pseudounbiased reduced-rank estimator(Technical Survey) 2009 Isao Yamada
+ Signal processing in dual domain by adaptive projected subgradient method 2009 Masahiro Yukawa
Konstantinos Slavakis
Isao Yamada
+ Signal Processing Applications of a Pair of Simple Fixed Point Algorithms (Invited) 2009 抟 汱田
Isao Yamada
+ An improvement of subgradient projection operator by composing monotonic functions 2009 Masao Yamagishi
Isao Yamada
+ A Use of Conjugate Gradient Direction for the Convex Optimization Problem over the Fixed Point Set of a Nonexpansive Mapping 2009 Hideaki Iiduka
Isao Yamada
+ PDF Chat Reduced-rank extension of BLUE and deep Lipschitzian gradient projector for inverse problems 2008 Isao Yamada
Tomasz Piotrowski
M. E. B. Yamagishi
+ A Deep Monotone Approximation Operator Based on the Best Quadratic Lower Bound of Convex Functions 2008 Masao YAMAGISHI
Isao Yamada
+ MV-PURE Estimator: Minimum-Variance Pseudo-Unbiased Reduced-Rank Estimator for Linearly Constrained Ill-Conditioned Inverse Problems 2008 Tomasz Piotrowski
Isao Yamada
+ A subgradient-type method for the equilibrium problem over the fixed point set and its applications 2008 Hideaki Iiduka
Isao Yamada
+ Parallel algorithms for variational inequalities over the Cartesian product of the intersections of the fixed point sets of nonexpansive mappings 2008 Noriyuki Takahashi
Isao Yamada
+ The Adaptive Projected Subgradient Method over the Fixed Point Set of Strongly Attracting Nonexpansive Mappings 2006 Konstantinos Slavakis
Isao Yamada
Nobuhiko Ogura
+ Minimum-Variance Pseudo-Unbiased Low-Rank Estimator for Ill-Conditioned Inverse Problems 2006 Isao Yamada
Jamal Elbadraoui
Isao Yamada
+ New Multi-dimensional Homomorphic Operator And Its Properties 2005 Isao Yamada
K. Sakaniwa
+ Minimum-Variance Pseudo-Unbiased Low-Rank Estimation : A Generalization of Marquardt's Estimator for Ill-Conditioned Inverse Problems 2005 Jamal Elbadraoui
Isao Yamada
+ Minimum-Variance Pseudo-Unbiased Low-Rank Estimation -- A Generalization of Marquardt's Estimator for Ill-Conditioned Inverse Problems 2005 Jamal Elbadraoui
Isao Yamada
+ Hybrid Steepest Descent Method for Variational Inequality Problem over the Fixed Point Set of Certain Quasi-nonexpansive Mappings 2005 Isao Yamada
Nobuhiko Ogura
+ Convex feasibility problem with prioritized hard constraints - double layered projected gradient method 2004 Nobuhiko Ogura
Isao Yamada
+ Two Generalizations of the Projected Gradient Method for Convexly Constrained Inverse Problems : Hybrid steepest descent method, Adaptive projected subgradient method (Numerical Analysis and New Information Technology) 2004 Isao Yamada
Nobuhiko Ogura
+ Computation of symmetric positive definite Toeplitz matrices by the hybrid steepest descent method 2003 Konstantinos Slavakis
Isao Yamada
Kohichi Sakaniwa
+ Approximation of convexly constrained pseudoinverse by hybrid steepest descent method 2003 Isao Yamada
+ Biorthogonal bases of compactly supported matrix valued wavelets 2003 Konstantinos Slavakis
Isao Yamada
+ Nonstrictly Convex Minimization over the Bounded Fixed Point Set of a Nonexpansive Mapping 2003 Nobuhiko Ogura
Isao Yamada
+ A fast stability test for multidimensional systems 2002 Kaoru Kurosawa
Isao Yamada
Takuya Yokokawa
Shigeo Tsujii
+ Constrained parallel projection methods for optimal signal estimation and design-constrained inconsistent signal feasibility problems 2002 Isao Yamada
Nobuhiko Ogura
Atsuko Goto
K. Sakaniwa
+ A necessary condition for linear phase in two-dimensional perfect reconstruction QMF banks 2002 Kaoru Kurosawa
Isao Yamada
Manabu Ihara
+ Compactly supported matrix valued wavelets-biorthogonal unconditional bases 2002 Konstantinos Slavakis
Isao Yamada
+ Spectrum estimation of real vector wide sense stationary processes by the Hybrid Steepest Descent Method 2002 Konstantinos Slavakis
Isao Yamada
Kohichi Sakaniwa
Isao Yamada
+ PDF Chat A numerically robust hybrid steepest descent method for the convexly constrained generalized inverse problems 2002 Isao Yamada
Nobuhiko Ogura
Nobuyasu Shirakawa
+ A Numerically Robust Hybrid Steepest Descent Method for the Convexly Constrained Generalized Inverse Problems, in Inverse Problems 2002 Isao Yamada
+ Inconsistent Convex Feasibility Problem with Multiple and Prioritized Hard Constraints 2001 Nobuhiko Ogura
Isao Yamada
Isao Yamada
+ The Hybrid Steepest Descent Method for the Variational Inequality Problem Over the Intersection of Fixed Point Sets of Nonexpansive Mappings 2001 Isao Yamada
+ Hybrid steepest descent method for variational inequality problem over the fixed point set of nonexpansive mapping 2000 Isao Yamada
+ Minimizing certain convex functions over the intersection of the fixed point sets of nonexpansive mappings 1998 Frank Deutsch
Isao Yamada
+ Quadratic optimization of fixed points of nonexpansive mappings in hubert space 1998 Isao Yamada
Nobuhiko Ogura
Kohichi Sakaniwa
+ Excluding Hyperspheres for Global Optimization 1994 Isao Yamada
Kohichi Sakaniwa
+ New Multi-Dimensional Homomorphic Operator and Its Properties 1990 Isao Yamada
Kohichi Sakaniwa
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On Projection Algorithms for Solving Convex Feasibility Problems 1996 Heinz H. Bauschke
Jonathan M. Borwein
+ The foundations of set theoretic estimation 1993 Patrick L. Combettes
+ The Hybrid Steepest Descent Method for the Variational Inequality Problem Over the Intersection of Fixed Point Sets of Nonexpansive Mappings 2001 Isao Yamada
+ Convex Analysis and Monotone Operator Theory in Hilbert Spaces 2017 Heinz H. Bauschke
Patrick L. Combettes
+ Minimizing the Moreau Envelope of Nonsmooth Convex Functions over the Fixed Point Set of Certain Quasi-Nonexpansive Mappings 2011 Isao Yamada
Masahiro Yukawa
Masao Yamagishi
+ A Primal–Dual Splitting Method for Convex Optimization Involving Lipschitzian, Proximable and Linear Composite Terms 2012 Laurent Condat
+ Hybrid Steepest Descent Method for Variational Inequality Problem over the Fixed Point Set of Certain Quasi-nonexpansive Mappings 2005 Isao Yamada
Nobuhiko Ogura
Isao Yamada
+ Signal Recovery by Proximal Forward-Backward Splitting 2005 Patrick L. Combettes
Valérie R. Wajs
+ Quadratic optimization of fixed points of nonexpansive mappings in hubert space 1998 Isao Yamada
Nobuhiko Ogura
Kohichi Sakaniwa
+ PDF Chat A numerically robust hybrid steepest descent method for the convexly constrained generalized inverse problems 2002 Isao Yamada
Nobuhiko Ogura
Nobuyasu Shirakawa
+ Foundation of set theoretic estimation 1993 Patrick L. Combettes
+ PDF Chat Fonctions convexes duales et points proximaux dans un espace hilbertien 1962 Jean Jacques Moreau
+ Regression Shrinkage and Selection Via the Lasso 1996 Robert Tibshirani
+ Best Approximation in Inner Product Spaces 2001 Frank Deutsch
+ PDF Chat A splitting algorithm for dual monotone inclusions involving cocoercive operators 2011 Báș±ng CĂŽng VĆ©
+ PDF Chat Proximal Splitting Methods in Signal Processing 2011 Patrick L. Combettes
Jean‐Christophe Pesquet
+ Convex Analysis and Monotone Operator Theory in Hilbert Spaces 2011 Heinz H. Bauschke
Patrick L. Combettes
+ PDF Chat Linearly involved generalized Moreau enhanced models and their proximal splitting algorithm under overall convexity condition 2019 Jiro Abe
Masao Yamagishi
Isao Yamada
+ A Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm for Linear Inverse Problems 2009 Amir Beck
Marc Teboulle
+ Sparse Regularization via Convex Analysis 2017 Ivan Selesnick
+ Decomposition through formalization in a product space 1984 Guy Pierra
+ Approximation de Points Fixes de Contractions 1977 P. L. Lions
+ PDF Chat Fixed points of nonexpanding maps 1967 Benjamin Halpern
+ The Approximation of Fixed Points of Compositions of Nonexpansive Mappings in Hilbert Space 1996 Heinz H. Bauschke
+ Convex Optimization 2004 Stephen Boyd
Lieven Vandenberghe
+ Uniform Convexity, Hyperbolic Geometry, and Nonexpansive Mappings 1984 Kazimierz Goebel
Simeon Reich
+ Minimizing certain convex functions over the intersection of the fixed point sets of nonexpansive mappings 1998 Frank Deutsch
Isao Yamada
+ Image Restoration by the Method of Convex Projections: Part 1ߞTheory 1982 Dante C. Youla
H. Webb
+ PDF Chat Weak convergence of the sequence of successive approximations for nonexpansive mappings 1967 Z. Opial
+ PDF Chat On the Douglas—Rachford splitting method and the proximal point algorithm for maximal monotone operators 1992 Jonathan Eckstein
Dimitri P. Bertsekas
+ Nonlinear Functional Analysis and its Applications 1985 Eberhard Zeidler
+ A unified treatment of some iterative algorithms in signal processing and image reconstruction 2003 Charles L. Byrne
+ A Weak-to-Strong Convergence Principle for Fejér-Monotone Methods in Hilbert Spaces 2001 Heinz H. Bauschke
Patrick L. Combettes
+ Introductory functional analysis with applications 1978 Erwin Kreyszig
+ Variable Selection via Nonconcave Penalized Likelihood and its Oracle Properties 2001 Jianqing Fan
Runze Li
+ Splitting Algorithms for the Sum of Two Nonlinear Operators 1979 Pierre‐Louis Lions
Bertrand Mercier
+ Nonlinear Functional Analysis and its Applications: III: Variational Methods and Optimization 1984 Eberhard Zeidler
+ PDF Chat The multiple-sets split feasibility problem and its applications for inverse problems 2005 Yair Censor
Tommy Elfving
Nirit Kopf
Thomas Bortfeld
+ Convergence of Hybrid Steepest-Descent Methods for Variational Inequalities 2003 Hong–Kun Xu
T. H. Kim
+ Approximation of fixed points of nonexpansive mappings 1992 Rainer Wittmann
+ Nonstrictly Convex Minimization over the Bounded Fixed Point Set of a Nonexpansive Mapping 2003 Nobuhiko Ogura
Isao Yamada
+ PDF Chat Primal-Dual Splitting Algorithm for Solving Inclusions with Mixtures of Composite, Lipschitzian, and Parallel-Sum Type Monotone Operators 2011 Patrick L. Combettes
Jean‐Christophe Pesquet
+ Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Its Applications: II/ A: Linear Monotone Operators 1989 Eberhard Zeidler
+ Linear restrictions, rank reduction, and biased estimation in linear regression 1999 John S. Chipman
+ Convex analysis and minimization algorithms 1993 Jean‐Baptiste Hiriart‐Urruty
Claude Lemaréchal
+ MV-PURE Estimator: Minimum-Variance Pseudo-Unbiased Reduced-Rank Estimator for Linearly Constrained Ill-Conditioned Inverse Problems 2008 Tomasz Piotrowski
Isao Yamada
+ Approximation of convexly constrained pseudoinverse by hybrid steepest descent method 2003 Isao Yamada
+ Topics in Metric Fixed Point Theory 1990 Kazimierz Goebel
W. A. Kirk
+ Iteration methods for convexly constrained ill-posed problems in hilbert space 1992 Bertolt Eicke