J.A. Agapito


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Eulerian polynomials via the Weyl algebra action 2020 J.A. Agapito
Pasquale Petrullo
D. Senato
MarĂ­a M. Torres
+ Square Matrices Generated by Sequences of Riordan Arrays. 2019 Ă‚ngela Mestre
J.A. Agapito
+ A Family of Riordan Group Automorphisms. 2019 Ă‚ngela Mestre
J.A. Agapito
+ Combinatorics of a generalized Narayana identity 2016 J.A. Agapito
Ă‚ngela Mestre
Pasquale Petrullo
MarĂ­a M. Torres
+ PDF Chat Cone decompositions of non-simple polytopes 2016 J.A. Agapito
Leonor Godinho
+ On One-Parameter Catalan Arrays 2015 J.A. Agapito
Ă‚ngela Mestre
MarĂ­a M. Torres
Pasquale Petrullo
+ On One-Parameter Catalan Arrays 2015 J.A. Agapito
Ă‚ngela Mestre
Pasquale Petrullo
MarĂ­a M. Torres
+ On symmetric polynomials with only real zeros and nonnegative Îł-vectors 2014 J.A. Agapito
+ A symbolic treatment of Riordan arrays 2013 J.A. Agapito
Ă‚ngela Mestre
Pasquale Petrullo
MarĂ­a M. Torres
+ Riordan arrays and applications via the classical umbral calculus 2011 J.A. Agapito
Ă‚ngela Mestre
Pasquale Petrullo
MarĂ­a M. Torres
+ Intersection numbers of polygon spaces 2009 J.A. Agapito
Leonor Godinho
+ Intersection Numbers of Polygon Spaces 2007 J.A. Agapito
Leonor Godinho
+ New polytope decompositions and Euler–Maclaurin formulas for simple integral polytopes 2007 J.A. Agapito
Leonor Godinho
+ Intersection Numbers of Polygon Spaces 2007 J.A. Agapito
Leonor Godinho
+ PDF Chat Weighted Brianchon-Gram Decomposition 2006 J.A. Agapito
+ A weighted version of quantization commutes with reduction for a toric manifold 2005 J.A. Agapito
+ PDF Chat The weighted Euler-Maclaurin formula for a simple integral polytope 2005 J.A. Agapito
Jonathan Weitsman
+ New polytope decompositions and Euler-Maclaurin formulas for simple integral polytopes 2005 J.A. Agapito
Leonor Godinho
+ Weighted Brianchon-Gram decomposition 2005 J.A. Agapito
+ The Weighted Euler-Maclaurin Formula for a simple integral polytope 2004 J.A. Agapito
Jonathan Weitsman
+ A weighted version of quantization commutes with reduction principle for a toric manifold 2003 J.A. Agapito
+ A weighted version of quantization commutes with reduction for a toric manifold 2003 J.A. Agapito
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On Some Alternative Characterizations of Riordan Arrays 1997 Donatella Merlini
Douglas G. Rogers
Renzo Sprugnoli
M. Cecilia Verri
+ PDF Chat Polytope volume computation 1991 Jim Lawrence
+ Moment Maps and Combinatorial Invariants of Hamiltonian Tn-spaces 1994 Victor Guillemin
+ PDF Chat Lattice points in simple polytopes 1997 Michel Brion
Michèle Vergne
+ Bijections and the Riordan group 2003 Louis W. Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Some Inverse Relations Determined by Catalan Matrices 2013 Sheng-Liang Yang
+ Matrix identities on weighted partial Motzkin paths 2006 William Y. C. Chen
Nelson Y. Li
Louis W. Shapiro
Sherry H. F. Yan
+ PDF Chat Euler-Maclaurin with remainder for a simple integral polytope 2005 Yael Karshon
Shlomo Sternberg
Jonathan Weitsman
+ Runs, Slides and Moments 1983 Louis W. Shapiro
Wen-Jin Woan
Seyoum Getu
+ Riordan arrays and combinatorial sums 1994 Renzo Sprugnoli
+ A Catalan triangle 1976 Louis W. Shapiro
+ Combinatorics and topology of the disposition of affine hyperplanes in real space 1987 Alexander Varchenko
+ A weighted version of quantization commutes with reduction for a toric manifold 2005 J.A. Agapito
+ The Riemann-Roch theorem for integrals and sums of quasipolynomials on virtual polytopes 1993 Askold KhovanskiÄ­
+ PDF Chat The weighted Euler-Maclaurin formula for a simple integral polytope 2005 J.A. Agapito
Jonathan Weitsman
+ Algebraic aspects of some Riordan arrays related to binary words avoiding a pattern 2010 Donatella Merlini
Rachele Sprugnoli
+ Recursive matrices and umbral calculus 1982 Marilena Barnabei
Andrea Brini
Giorgio Nicoletti
+ The Sheffer group and the Riordan group 2007 Tian-Xiao He
L. C. Hsu
Peter J.-S. Shiue
+ Advanced Combinatorics: The Art of Finite and Infinite Expansions 1974 Louis Comtet
J.W. Nienhuys
+ Riordan arrays and the Abel-Gould identity 1995 Renzo Sprugnoli
+ Identities induced by Riordan arrays 2011 Ana LuzĂłn
Donatella Merlini
Manuel A. MorĂłn
Renzo Sprugnoli
+ PDF Chat The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences 2007 N. J. A. Sloane
+ PDF Chat Riemann-Roch for toric orbifolds 1997 Victor Guillemin
+ A symbolic treatment of Riordan arrays 2013 J.A. Agapito
Ă‚ngela Mestre
Pasquale Petrullo
MarĂ­a M. Torres
+ Geometry of the intersection ring of the moduli space of flat connections and the conjectures of Newstead and Witten 1998 Jonathan Weitsman
+ PDF Chat An umbral setting for cumulants and factorial moments 2005 Elvira Di Nardo
D. Senato
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional gravity and intersection theory on moduli space 1990 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Toric varieties, lattice points and Dedekind sums 1993 James Pommersheim
+ Enumeration via ballot numbers 2007 Martin Aigner
+ The relations connecting the angle-sums and volume of a polytope in space of n dimensions 1927 D. M. Y. Sommerville
+ PDF Chat The cohomology rings of moduli spaces of bundles over Riemann surfaces 1992 Frances Kirwan
+ Toric structures on the moduli space of flat connections on a Riemann surface II: Inductive decomposition of the moduli space 1997 Lisa C. Jeffrey
Jonathan Weitsman
+ PDF Chat Umbral presentations for polynomial sequences 2001 B. D. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Residue formulae, vector partition functions and lattice points in rational polytopes 1997 Michel Brion
Michèle Vergne
+ PDF Chat The cohomology ring of polygon spaces 1998 Jean-Claude Hausmann
Allen Knutson
+ Parametric Catalan numbers and Catalan triangles 2012 Tian-Xiao He
+ Moment Maps, Cobordisms, and Hamiltonian Group Actions 2002 Victor Guillemin
Viktor L. Ginzburg
Yael Karshon
+ Outcomes of the Abel Identity 2013 Pasquale Petrullo
+ Pick′s Theorem and the Todd Class of a Toric Variety 1993 R. Morelli
+ Geometric quantization and multiplicities of group representations 1982 Victor Guillemin
S. Sternberg
+ Extended moduli spaces of flat connections on Riemann surfaces 1994 Lisa C. Jeffrey
+ PDF Chat Genera of algebraic varieties and counting of lattice points 1994 Sylvain E. Cappell
Julius L. Shaneson
+ Residue formulae for vector partitions and Euler–MacLaurin sums 2003 András Szenes
Michèle Vergne
+ The Umbral Calculus 1984 Steven Roman
+ PDF Chat Intersection theory on the moduli space of curves and the matrix airy function 1992 Maxim Kontsevich
+ On the variation in the cohomology of the symplectic form of the reduced phase space 1982 J. J. Duistermaat
Gerrit Heckman
+ PDF Chat The symplectic geometry of polygons in Euclidean space 1996 Michael Kapovich
John J. Millson
+ Convexity properties of the moment mapping. II 1984 Victor Guillemin
S. Sternberg
+ Combinatorics of boson normal ordering and some applications 2005 Paweł Błasiak
+ PDF Chat Polar decomposition and Brion’s theorem 2005 Christian Haase