Mauricio Araya‐Polo


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Uncertainty Quantification in Seismic Inversion Through Integrated Importance Sampling and Ensemble Methods 2024 Luping Qu
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
Laurent Demanet
+ PDF Chat Deep compressed learning for 3D seismic inversion 2023 Maayan Gelboim
Amir Adler
Yen Sun
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
+ Application of quantum-inspired generative models to small molecular datasets 2023 C. Moussa
Hao Wang
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
Thomas Bäck
Vedran Dunjko
+ PDF Chat Inversion of Time-Lapse Surface Gravity Data for Detection of 3-D CO<sub>2</sub> Plumes via Deep Learning 2023 Adrian Celaya
Bertrand Denel
Yen Sun
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
Antony Price
+ Joint inversion of Time-Lapse Surface Gravity and Seismic Data for Monitoring of 3D CO$_2$ Plumes via Deep Learning 2023 Adrian Celaya
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
+ Deep Compressed Learning for 3D Seismic Inversion 2023 Maayan Gelboim
Amir Adler
Yen Sun
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
+ STRIDE: Structure-guided Generation for Inverse Design of Molecules 2023 Shehtab Zaman
Denis Akhiyarov
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
Kenneth Chiu
+ Distributed Reinforcement Learning for Molecular Design: Antioxidant case 2023 Huanyi Qin
Denis Akhiyarov
Sophie Loehlé
Kenneth Chiu
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
+ PDF Chat Encoder–Decoder Architecture for 3D Seismic Inversion 2022 Maayan Gelboim
Amir Adler
Yen Sun
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
+ PDF Chat ParticleGrid: Enabling Deep Learning using 3D Representation of Materials 2022 Shehtab Zaman
Ethan Ferguson
Cécile Pereira
Denis Akhivarov
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
Kenneth Chiu
+ LSTM-driven Forecast of CO2 Injection in Porous Media 2022 Gerald Kelechi Ekechukwu
Romain de Loubens
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
+ Automatic Interpretative Image-Focusing Analysis 2022 J. N. Jennings
Robert G. Clapp
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
Biondo Biondi
+ Encoder-Decoder Architecture for 3D Seismic Inversion 2022 Maayan Gelboim
Amir Adler
Yen Sun
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
+ Inversion of Time-Lapse Surface Gravity Data for Detection of 3D CO$_2$ Plumes via Deep Learning 2022 Adrian Celaya
Bertrand Denel
Yen Sun
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
Antony Price
+ ParticleGrid: Enabling Deep Learning using 3D Representation of Materials 2022 Shehtab Zaman
Ethan Ferguson
Cécile Pereira
Denis Akhiyarov
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
Kenneth Chiu
+ Minimod: A Finite Difference solver for Seismic Modeling 2020 Jie Meng
Andreas Atle
Henri Calandra
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
+ Deep Neural Network Learning with Second-Order Optimizers -- a Practical Study with a Stochastic Quasi-Gauss-Newton Method 2020 Christopher Thiele
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
Detlef Hohl
+ PDF Chat Deep Recurrent Architectures for Seismic Tomography 2019 Amir Adler
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
Tomaso Poggio
+ Accelerating Least Squares Imaging Using Deep Learning Techniques 2019 Janaki Vamaraju
Jeremy Vila
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
Debanjan Datta
Mohamed Sid‐Ahmed
Mrinal K. Sen
+ Performance Analysis and Optimization of a Hybrid Distributed Reverse Time Migration Application 2016 Sri Raj Paul
John Mellor‐Crummey
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
Detlef Hohl
+ Learning with a Wasserstein Loss 2015 Charlie Frogner
Chiyuan Zhang
Hossein Mobahi
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
Tomaso Poggio
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Deep-learning inversion: A next-generation seismic velocity model building method 2019 Fangshu Yang
Jianwei Ma
+ Self-referencing embedded strings (SELFIES): A 100% robust molecular string representation 2020 Mario Krenn
Florian Häse
AkshatKumar Nigam
Pascal Friederich
Alán Aspuru‐Guzik
+ PDF Chat Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Inverse Problems in Imaging 2017 Kyong Hwan Jin
Michael T. McCann
Emmanuel Froustey
Michaël Unser
+ PDF Chat Deep Recurrent Architectures for Seismic Tomography 2019 Amir Adler
Mauricio Araya‐Polo
Tomaso Poggio
+ PDF Chat A Style-Based Generator Architecture for Generative Adversarial Networks 2019 Tero Karras
Samuli Laine
Timo Aila
+ Objective-Reinforced Generative Adversarial Networks (ORGAN) for Sequence Generation Models 2017 Gabriel Lima Guimaraes
Benjamín Sánchez-Lengeling
Pedro Luis Cunha Farias
Alán Aspuru‐Guzik
+ PDF Chat A class of Wasserstein metrics for probability distributions. 1984 Clark R. Givens
R. M. Shortt
+ PDF Chat Mayavi: 3D Visualization of Scientific Data 2011 Prabhu Ramachandran
Gaël Varoquaux
+ PDF Chat Robust Estimation of a Location Parameter 1964 Peter J. Huber
+ The Monge-Kantorovich problem: achievements, connections, and perspectives 2012 В. И. Богачев
Александр Викторович Колесников
+ On minimum Kantorovich distance estimators 2006 Federico Bassetti
Antonella Bodini
Eugenio Regazzini
+ PDF Chat A fast algorithm for matrix balancing 2012 Philip A. Knight
Daniel Ruiz
+ PDF Chat Dualities in persistent (co)homology 2011 Vin de Silva
Dmitriy Morozov
Mikael Vejdemo‐Johansson
+ PDF Chat Quantum Support Vector Machine for Big Data Classification 2014 Patrick Rebentrost
Masoud Mohseni
Seth Lloyd
+ PDF Chat Fast and Accurate Modeling of Molecular Atomization Energies with Machine Learning 2012 Matthias Rupp
Alexandre Tkatchenko
Klaus‐Robert Müller
O. Anatole von Lilienfeld
+ PDF Chat ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2015 Olga Russakovsky
Jia Deng
Hao Su
Jonathan Krause
Sanjeev Satheesh
Sean Ma
Zhiheng Huang
Andrej Karpathy
Aditya Khosla
Michael S. Bernstein
+ PDF Chat The PubChemQC project: A large chemical database from the first principle calculations 2015 Maho Nakata
+ PDF Chat On Bürmann’s Theorem and Its Application to Problems of Linear and Nonlinear Heat Transfer and Diffusion 2014 Harald Schöpf
Peter Supancic
+ Bridging the Gaps Between Residual Learning, Recurrent Neural Networks and Visual Cortex 2016 Qianli Liao
Tomaso Poggio
+ PDF Chat 3D U-Net: Learning Dense Volumetric Segmentation from Sparse Annotation 2016 Özgün Çiçek
Ahmed Abdulkadir
Soeren S. Lienkamp
Thomas Brox
Olaf Ronneberger
+ PDF Chat Quantum-Enhanced Machine Learning 2016 Vedran Dunjko
Jacob M. Taylor
Hans J. Briegel
+ Neural Message Passing for Quantum Chemistry 2017 Justin Gilmer
Samuel S. Schoenholz
Patrick Riley
Oriol Vinyals
George E. Dahl
+ PDF Chat Generalised Dice Overlap as a Deep Learning Loss Function for Highly Unbalanced Segmentations 2017 Carole H. Sudre
Wenqi Li
Tom Vercauteren
Sébastien Ourselin
M. Jorge Cardoso
+ PDF Chat Crystal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for an Accurate and Interpretable Prediction of Material Properties 2018 Tian Xie
Jeffrey C. Grossman
+ Seismic Full-Waveform Inversion Using Deep Learning Tools and Techniques 2018 Alan Richardson
+ Persistent Homology: Theory and Practice 2013 Herbert Edelsbrunner
Dmitriy Morozov
+ Junction Tree Variational Autoencoder for Molecular Graph Generation 2018 Wengong Jin
Regina Barzilay
Tommi Jaakkola
+ Relational inductive biases, deep learning, and graph networks 2018 Peter Battaglia
Jessica B. Hamrick
Victor Bapst
Álvaro Sánchez‐González
Vinícius Zambaldi
Mateusz Malinowski
Andrea Tacchetti
David Raposo
Adam Santoro
Ryan Faulkner
+ PDF Chat Devito (v3.1.0): an embedded domain-specific language for finite differences and geophysical exploration 2019 Mathias Louboutin
Michael Lange
Fabio Luporini
Navjot Kukreja
Philipp Witte
Felix J. Herrmann
Paulius Velesko
Gerard Gorman
+ Identifying the Best Machine Learning Algorithms for Brain Tumor Segmentation, Progression Assessment, and Overall Survival Prediction in the BRATS Challenge 2018 Spyridon Bakas
Mauricio Reyes
Enzo Battistella
Siddhartha Chandra
Huiguang He
Lucas Fidon
Maria Vakalopoulou
Roger Sun
et al.
Éric Deutsch
+ PDF Chat Quantum Algorithms for Feedforward Neural Networks 2020 Jonathan Allcock
Chang‐Yu Hsieh
Iordanis Kerenidis
Shengyu Zhang
+ PDF Chat PubChemQC PM6: Data Sets of 221 Million Molecules with Optimized Molecular Geometries and Electronic Properties 2020 Maho Nakata
Tomomi Shimazaki
Masatomo Hashimoto
Toshiyuki Maeda
+ A Smoothed Dual Approach for Variational Wasserstein Problems 2015 Marco Cuturi
Gabriel Peyré
+ MatConvNet - Convolutional Neural Networks for MATLAB 2014 Andrea Vedaldi
Karel Lenc
+ PDF Chat V-Net: Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation 2016 Fausto Milletarì
Nassir Navab
Seyed‐Ahmad Ahmadi
+ PDF Chat 3D MRI Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Autoencoder Regularization 2019 Andriy Myronenko
+ SGDR: Stochastic Gradient Descent with Warm Restarts 2016 Ilya Loshchilov
Frank Hutter
+ Expressive power of tensor-network factorizations for probabilistic modeling 2019 Ivan Glasser
Ryan Sweke
Nicola Pancotti
Jens Eisert
J. I. Cirac
+ PDF Chat Extrapolated full-waveform inversion with deep learning 2020 Hongyu Sun
Laurent Demanet
+ PDF Chat A deep learning approach to the inversion of borehole resistivity measurements 2020 Mostafa Shahriari
David Pardo
Artzai Picón
Adrián Galdrán
Javier Del Ser
Carlos Torres‐Verdín
+ Cubical Ripser: Software for computing persistent homology of image and volume data 2020 Shizuo Kaji
Takeki Sudo
Kazushi Ahara
+ PDF Chat Memory Efficient Brain Tumor Segmentation Using an Autoencoder-Regularized U-Net 2020 Markus Frey
Matthias Nau
+ PDF Chat Analyzing and Improving the Image Quality of StyleGAN 2020 Tero Karras
Samuli Laine
Miika Aittala
Janne Hellsten
Jaakko Lehtinen
Timo Aila
+ PDF Chat A Comprehensive Survey on Transfer Learning 2020 Fuzhen Zhuang
Zhiyuan Qi
Keyu Duan
Dongbo Xi
Yongchun Zhu
Hengshu Zhu
Hui Xiong
Qing He
+ PDF Chat Array programming with NumPy 2020 C. R. Harris
K. Jarrod Millman
Stéfan van der Walt
Ralf Gommers
Pauli Virtanen
David Cournapeau
Eric Wieser
Julian Taylor
Sebastian Berg
Nathaniel J. Smith
+ PDF Chat Hybrid Deterministic-Stochastic Methods for Data Fitting 2012 Michael P. Friedlander
Mark Schmidt
+ PDF Chat InversionNet: An Efficient and Accurate Data-Driven Full Waveform Inversion 2019 Yue Wu
Youzuo Lin
+ PDF Chat Deep Learning Inversion of Electrical Resistivity Data 2020 Bin Liu
Qian Guo
Shucai Li
Benchao Liu
Yuxiao Ren
Yonghao Pang
Xu Guo
Lanbo Liu
Peng Jiang
+ PDF Chat Molecular Sets (MOSES): A Benchmarking Platform for Molecular Generation Models 2020 Daniil Polykovskiy
Alexander Zhebrak
Benjamín Sánchez-Lengeling
Sergey Golovanov
Oktai Tatanov
Stanislav Belyaev
Rauf Kurbanov
Aleksey Artamonov
Vladimir Aladinskiy
Mark S. Veselov
+ PDF Chat To quantum or not to quantum: towards algorithm selection in near-term quantum optimization 2020 Charles Moussa
Henri Calandra
Vedran Dunjko