Dmitry Korshunov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Probabilistic approach to risk processes with level-dependent premium rate 2024 Denis Denisov
Niklas Gotthardt
Dmitry Korshunov
Vitali Wachtel
+ PDF Chat Maxima over random time intervals for heavy-tailed compound renewal and Lévy processes 2024 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Zbigniew Palmowski
+ Maxima over random time intervals for heavy-tailed compound renewal and Lévy processes 2023 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Zbigniew Palmowski
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic Approach to Risk Processes With Level-Dependent Premium Rate 2023 Denis Denisov
Niklas Gotthardt
Dmitry Korshunov
Vitali Wachtel
+ Slowly varying asymptotics for signed stochastic difference equations 2021 Dmitry Korshunov
+ PDF Chat Branching processes with immigration in atypical random environment 2021 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Zbigniew Palmowski
+ PDF Chat Editorial: Special issue on the workshop ‘Modern Applied Probability’ 2021 Takis Konstantopoulos
Dmitry Korshunov
+ PDF Chat Slowly Varying Asymptotics for Signed Stochastic Difference Equations 2021 Dmitry Korshunov
+ Branching processes with immigration in atypical random environment 2020 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Zbigniew Palmowski
+ Renewal theory for transient Markov chains with asymptotically zero drift 2020 Denis Denisov
Dmitry Korshunov
Vitali Wachtel
+ Tail asymptotics for Shepp-statistics of Brownian motion in ℝ d 2020 Dmitry Korshunov
Longmin Wang
+ Branching processes with immigration in atypical random environment 2020 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Zbigniew Palmowski
+ PDF Chat Tail asymptotics for Shepp-statistics of Brownian motion in $\mathbb {R}^{d}$ 2019 Dmitry Korshunov
Longmin Wang
+ PDF Chat Strong Law of Large Numbers for a Function of the Local Times of a Transient Random Walk in $${\mathbb {Z}}^d$$ 2019 I. M. Asymont
Dmitry Korshunov
+ Renewal Theory for Transient Markov Chains with Asymptotically Zero Drift 2019 Denis Denisov
Dmitry Korshunov
Vitali Wachtel
+ PDF Chat Markov chains on $${{\mathbb {Z}}^+}$$ Z + : analysis of stationary measure via harmonic functions approach 2019 Denis Denisov
Dmitry Korshunov
Vitali Wachtel
+ Strong law of large numbers for a function of the local times of a transient random walk in $\mathbb Z^d$ 2019 I. M. Asymont
Dmitry Korshunov
+ Renewal Theory for Transient Markov Chains with Asymptotically Zero Drift 2019 Denis Denisov
Dmitry Korshunov
Vitali Wachtel
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional ruin probability for subexponential claim size 2018 Zbigniew Palmowski
Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Tomasz Rolski
+ On subexponential tails for the maxima of negatively driven compound renewal and Lévy processes 2017 Dmitry Korshunov
+ Two-dimensional ruin probability for subexponential claim size 2017 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Zbigniew Palmowski
Tomasz Rolski
+ Two-dimensional ruin probability for subexponential claim size 2017 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Zbigniew Palmowski
Tomasz Rolski
+ At the Edge of Criticality: Markov Chains with Asymptotically Zero Drift 2016 Denis Denisov
Dmitry Korshunov
Vitali Wachtel
+ On subexponential tails for the maxima of negatively driven compound renewal and L\'evy processes 2016 Dmitry Korshunov
+ A look at perpetuities via asymptotically homogeneous in space Markov chains 2016 Dmitry Korshunov
+ At the Edge of Criticality: Markov Chains with Asymptotically Zero Drift 2016 Denis Denisov
Dmitry Korshunov
Vitali Wachtel
+ On subexponential tails for the maxima of negatively driven compound renewal and Lévy processes 2016 Dmitry Korshunov
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic expansion of Gaussian chaos via probabilistic approach 2015 Enkelejd Hashorva
Dmitry Korshunov
V. I. Piterbarg
+ PDF Chat Tail asymptotics for the supercritical Galton-Watson process in the heavy-tailed case 2013 Vitali Wachtel
Denis Denisov
Dmitry Korshunov
+ PDF Chat On extremal behavior of Gaussian chaos 2013 Dmitry Korshunov
V. I. Piterbarg
Enkelejd Hashorva
+ Asymptotic Expansion of Gaussian Chaos via Probabilistic Approach 2013 Enkelejd Hashorva
Dmitry Korshunov
V. I. Piterbarg
+ Extremal Behavior of Gaussian Chaos 2013 Enkelejd Hashorva
Dmitry Korshunov
V. I. Piterbarg
+ Potential analysis for positive recurrent Markov chains with asymptotically zero drift: Power-type asymptotics 2013 Denis Denisov
Dmitry Korshunov
Vitali Wachtel
+ Heavy tails in multi-server queues 2013 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
+ Tail asymptotics for the supercritical Galton-Watson process in the heavy-tailed case 2013 Denis Denisov
Dmitry Korshunov
Vitali Wachtel
+ PDF Chat An Introduction to Heavy-Tailed and Subexponential Distributions 2013 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Stan Zachary
+ Harmonic functions and stationary distributions for asymptotically homogeneous transition kernels on $Z^+$ 2013 Denis Denisov
Dmitry Korshunov
Vitali Wachtel
+ Asymptotics for sums of random variables with local subexponential behaviour 2013 Søren Asmussen
Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
+ Tail asymptotics for the supremum of a random walk when the mean is not finite 2013 Denis Denisov
Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
+ Introduction 2013 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Stan Zachary
+ Maximum of Random Walk 2013 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Stan Zachary
+ Densities and Local Probabilities 2013 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Stan Zachary
+ Subexponential Distributions 2013 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Stan Zachary
+ Heavy-Tailed and Long-Tailed Distributions 2013 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Stan Zachary
+ Asymptotic Expansion of Gaussian Chaos via Probabilistic Approach 2013 Enkelejd Hashorva
Dmitry Korshunov
V. I. Piterbarg
+ Tail asymptotics for the supercritical Galton-Watson process in the heavy-tailed case 2013 Denis Denisov
Dmitry Korshunov
Vitali Wachtel
+ Tail behaviour of stationary distribution for Markov chains with asymptotically zero drift 2012 Denis Denisov
Dmitry Korshunov
Vitali Wachtel
+ PDF Chat On Large Delays in Multi-Server Queues with Heavy Tails 2012 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
+ Asymptotics for the Number of Descendants in the Supercritical Galton{Watson Process: Heavy-Tailed Case 2012 Denis Denisov
Dmitry Korshunov
Vitali Wachtel
+ Tail behaviour of stationary distribution for Markov chains with asymptotically zero drift 2012 Denis Denisov
Dmitry Korshunov
Vitali Wachtel
+ Moments for stationary Markov chains with asymptotically zero drift 2011 Dmitry Korshunov
+ PDF Chat Local asymptotics for the time of first return to the origin of transient random walk 2011 R. A. Doney
Dmitry Korshunov
+ How Big Queues Occur in Multi-Server System with Heavy Tails 2011 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
+ Local asymptotics for the time of first return to the origin of transient random walk 2011 Ron Doney
Dmitry Korshunov
+ Heavy-Tailed and Long-Tailed Distributions 2011 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Stan Zachary
+ Maximum of Random Walk 2011 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Stan Zachary
+ Densities and Local Probabilities 2011 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Stan Zachary
+ Introduction 2011 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Stan Zachary
+ Subexponential Distributions 2011 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Stan Zachary
+ An Introduction to Heavy-Tailed and Subexponential Distributions 2011 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Stan Zachary
+ Local asymptotics for the time of first return to the origin of transient random walk 2011 Ron Doney
Dmitry Korshunov
+ Asymptotics of randomly stopped sums in the presence of heavy tails 2010 Denis Denisov
Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
+ PDF Chat Convolutions of Long-Tailed and Subexponential Distributions 2009 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Stan Zachary
+ PDF Chat Convolutions of Long-Tailed and Subexponential Distributions 2009 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Stan Zachary
+ An analog of Wald’s identity for random walks with infinite mean 2009 Dmitry Korshunov
+ Asymptotics of randomly stopped sums in the presence of heavy tails 2008 Denis Denisov
Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
+ PDF Chat On lower limits and equivalences for distribution tails of randomly stopped sums 2008 Denis Denisov
Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
+ PDF Chat Lower Limits for Distribution Tails of Randomly Stopped Sums 2008 Denis Denisov
Dmitry Korshunov
Sergey Foss
+ Asymptotics of randomly stopped sums in the presence of heavy tails 2008 Denis Denisov
Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
+ Convolutions of long-tailed and subexponential distributions 2008 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Stan Zachary
+ The Key Renewal Theorem for a Transient Markov Chain 2007 Dmitry Korshunov
+ PDF Chat Lower limits and equivalences for convolution tails 2007 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
+ PDF Chat Нижние пределы для хвостов распределений случайно остановленных сумм 2007 Denis Denisov
Denis Denisov
Дмитрий Алексеевич Коршунов
Dmitry Korshunov
Сергей Георгиевич Фосс
Сергей Георгиевич Фосс
+ On lower limits and equivalences for distribution tails of randomly stopped sums 2007 Denis Denisov
Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
+ The Key Renewal Theorem for a Transient Markov Chain 2007 Dmitry Korshunov
+ Lower limits for distributions of randomly stopped sums 2007 Denis Denisov
Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
+ On the distribution density of the supremum of a random walk in the subexponential case 2006 Dmitry Korshunov
+ PDF Chat Heavy Tails in Multi-Server Queue 2006 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
+ The Critical Case of the Cramer-Lundberg Theorem on the Asymptotic Tail Behavior of the Maximum of a Negative Drift Random Walk 2005 Dmitry Korshunov
+ Problems and exercises in probability theory 2004 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
I. M. Asymont
+ None 2003 Søren Asmussen
Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
+ None 2003 Dmitry Korshunov
Susan Schlegel
Volker Schmidt
+ Large-Deviation Probabilities for One-Dimensional Markov Chains. Part 3: Prestationary Distributions in the Subexponential Case 2002 А. А. Боровков
Dmitry Korshunov
+ Large-Deviation Probabilities for Maxima of Sums of Independent Random Variables with Negative Mean and Subexponential Distribution 2002 Dmitry Korshunov
+ None 2001 Dmitry Korshunov
+ Large-Deviation Probabilities for One-Dimensional Markov Chains. Part 2: Prestationary Distributions in the Exponential Case 2001 A. A. Borovkov
Dmitry Korshunov
+ Sampling at a Random Time with a Heavy-Tailed Distribution 2000 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
+ On distribution tail of the maximum of a random walk 1997 Dmitry Korshunov
+ Large-Deviation Probabilities for One-Dimensional Markov ChainsPart 1: Stationary Distributions 1997 А. А. Боровков
Dmitry Korshunov
+ Tightness and continuity of a family of invariant measures for Markov chains depending on a parameter 1996 Dmitry Korshunov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Asymptotic behaviour of Wiener-Hopf factors of a random walk 1977 Noël Veraverbeke
+ On convolution tails 1982 Paul Embrechts
Charles M. Goldie
+ Large-Deviation Probabilities for Maxima of Sums of Independent Random Variables with Negative Mean and Subexponential Distribution 2002 Dmitry Korshunov
+ On distribution tail of the maximum of a random walk 1997 Dmitry Korshunov
+ PDF Chat An Introduction to Heavy-Tailed and Subexponential Distributions 2013 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Stan Zachary
+ Functions of probability measures 1973 Joshua Chover
Peter Ney
Stephen Wainger
+ A Theorem on Sums of Independent Positive Random Variables and Its Applications to Branching Random Processes 1964 V. P. Chistyakov
+ PDF Chat The Class of Subexponential Distributions 1975 Jozef L. Teugels
+ PDF Chat Subexponentiality and infinite divisibility 1979 Paul Embrechts
Charles M. Goldie
Noël Veraverbeke
+ PDF Chat Tail Asymptotics for the Supremum of a Random Walk when the Mean Is not Finite 2004 Denis Denisov
Sergey Foss
Dima Korshunov
+ On the tails of waiting-time distributions 1975 Anthony G. Pakes
+ None 2003 Søren Asmussen
Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
+ Estimates for the probability of ruin with special emphasis on the possibility of large claims 1982 Paul Embrechts
Noël Veraverbeke
+ PDF Chat Convolutions of Distributions With Exponential and Subexponential Tails 1987 Daren B. H. Cline
+ PDF Chat Lower limits and equivalences for convolution tails 2007 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
+ PDF Chat Degeneracy Properties of Subcritical Branching Processes 1973 Joshua Chover
Peter Ney
Stephen Wainger
+ PDF Chat Lower Limits for Distribution Tails of Randomly Stopped Sums 2008 Denis Denisov
Dmitry Korshunov
Sergey Foss
+ An Introduction to Probability Theory. 1986 Bert Fristedt
P. A. P. Moran
+ PDF Chat Subexponential distributions and characterizations of related classes 1989 Claudia Klüppelberg
+ On the Constant in the Definition of Subexponential Distributions 2000 B. A. Rogozin
+ A local limit theorem for random walk maxima with heavy tails 2002 Søren Asmussen
В. В. Калашников
Dimitrios G. Konstantinides
Claudia Klüppelberg
Г. Ш. Цициашвили
+ PDF Chat Subexponential distribution functions 1980 E. J. G. Pitman
+ On the local behaviour of ladder height distributions 1994 Jean Bertoin
R. A. Doney
+ PDF Chat On closure and factorization properties of subexponential and related distributions 1980 Paul Embrechts
Charles M. Goldie
+ On the Existence of a Regularly Varying Majorant of an Integrable Monotone Function 2006 Denis Denisov
+ Branching Processes 1972 Krishna B. Athreya
Peter Ney
+ Asymptotics of randomly stopped sums in the presence of heavy tails 2010 Denis Denisov
Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
+ Geometric Sums: Bounds for Rare Events with Applications 1997 В. В. Калашников
+ PDF Chat A Lemma on regular variation of a transient renewal function 1972 Herman Callaert
J. W. Cohen
+ An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications. 1972 J. F. C. Kingmán
W. Feller
+ Some results on regular variation for distributions in queueing and fluctuation theory 1973 J. W. Cohen
+ None 1999 В. В. Калашников
Г. Ш. Цициашвили
+ The random walk's guide to anomalous diffusion: a fractional dynamics approach 2000 Ralf Metzler
J. Klafter
+ A Review of the Weibull Distribution 1993 Arthur J. Hallinan
+ PDF Chat The maximum on a random time interval of a random walk with long-tailed increments and negative drift 2003 Sergey Foss
Stan Zachary
+ Regular Variation 1987 Ν. H. Bingham
Charles M. Goldie
J. L. Teugels
+ Criteria for the recurrence or transience of stochastic process. I 1960 John Lamperti
+ On the distribution density of the supremum of a random walk in the subexponential case 2006 Dmitry Korshunov
+ PDF Chat Extreme Deviations and Applications 1997 U. Frisch
Didier Sornette
+ On the non-closure under convolution of the subexponential family 1989 J. R. Leslie
+ PDF Chat A new class of probability limit theorems 1961 John Lamperti
+ The Theory of Branching Processes 1965 Peter Ney
T. E. Harris
+ PDF Chat On lower limits and equivalences for distribution tails of randomly stopped sums 2008 Denis Denisov
Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
+ PDF Chat Strong renewal theorems with infinite mean 1970 K. Bruce Erickson
+ An Introduction to Heavy-Tailed and Subexponential Distributions 2011 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
Stan Zachary
+ PDF Chat On Exceedance Times for Some Processes with Dependent Increments 2014 Søren Asmussen
Sergey Foss
+ Some Limit Theorems for Large Deviations 1965 S. V. Nagaev
+ PDF Chat Large deviations for random walks under subexponentiality: The big-jump domain 2008 Denis Denisov
A. B. Dieker
Vsevolod Shneer
+ Potential analysis for positive recurrent Markov chains with asymptotically zero drift: Power-type asymptotics 2013 Denis Denisov
Dmitry Korshunov
Vitali Wachtel
+ Iterated random functions and slowly varying tails 2015 Piotr Dyszewski