Ana Vargas


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Real Analysis, Harmonic Analysis and Applications 2023 Michael Christ
Detlef Müller
Christoph Thiele
Ana Vargas
+ PDF Fourier restriction for smooth hyperbolic 2-surfaces 2022 Stefan Buschenhenke
Detlef Müller
Ana Vargas
+ PDF A Fourier restriction theorem for a perturbed hyperbolic paraboloid: polynomial partitioning 2022 Stefan Buschenhenke
Detlef Müller
Ana Vargas
+ PDF Chat Partitions of Flat One-Variate Functions and a Fourier Restriction Theorem for Related Perturbations of the Hyperbolic Paraboloid 2021 Stefan Buschenhenke
Detlef Müller
Ana Vargas
+ On Fourier Restriction for Finite-Type Perturbations of the Hyperbolic Paraboloid 2021 Stefan Buschenhenke
Detlef Müller
Ana Vargas
+ Partitions of flat one-variate functions and a Fourier restriction theorem for related perturbations of the hyperbolic paraboloid 2020 Stefan Buschenhenke
Detlef Müller
Ana Vargas
+ A Fourier restriction theorem for a perturbed hyperbolic paraboloid: polynomial partitioning 2020 Stefan Buschenhenke
Detlef Müller
Ana Vargas
+ Partitions of flat one-variate functions and a Fourier restriction theorem for related perturbations of the hyperbolic paraboloid 2020 Stefan Buschenhenke
Detlef Müller
Ana Vargas
+ Fourier restriction for smooth hyperbolic 2-surfaces 2020 Stefan Buschenhenke
Detlef Müller
Ana Vargas
+ PDF Chat A Fourier restriction theorem for a perturbed hyperbolic paraboloid 2019 Stefan Buschenhenke
Detlef Müller
Ana Vargas
+ On Fourier restriction for finite-type perturbations of the hyperboloid 2019 Stefan Buschenhenke
Detlef Müller
Ana Vargas
+ PDF Chat Improved bound for the bilinear Bochner–Riesz operator 2018 Eun-Hee Jeong
Sanghyuk Lee
Ana Vargas
+ A Fourier restriction theorem for a perturbed hyperboloid 2018 Stefan Buschenhenke
Detlef Müller
Ana Vargas
+ A Fourier restriction theorem for a perturbed hyperbolic paraboloid 2018 Stefan Buschenhenke
Detlef Müller
Ana Vargas
+ A Fourier restriction theorem for a perturbed hyperbolic paraboloid 2018 Stefan Buschenhenke
Detlef Müller
Ana Vargas
+ PDF Chat A Fourier restriction theorem for a two-dimensional surface of finite type 2017 Stefan Buschenhenke
Detlef Müller
Ana Vargas
+ Improved bound for the bilinear Bochner-Riesz operator 2017 Eun-Hee Jeong
Sanghyuk Lee
Ana Vargas
+ Localization for Riesz means of Fourier expansions 2014 Leonardo Colzani
Giacomo Gigante
Ana Vargas
+ PDF Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations 2014 Patricio Cifuentes
José García-Cuerva
Gustavo Garrigà s
Eugenio Hernández
José Martell
Javier Parcet
Keith M. Rogers
Alberto Ruiz
Fernando Soria
Ana Vargas
+ Reconstruction of Discontinuities from Backscattering Data in Two Dimensions 2013 Juan Antonio Barceló
Daniel Faraco
Alberto Ruiz
Ana Vargas
+ Problems on Pointwise Convergence of Solutions to the Schrödinger Equation 2012 Chu-Hee Cho
Sanghyuk Lee
Ana Vargas
+ On the cone multiplier in <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2012 Sanghyuk Lee
Ana Vargas
+ An endpoint space–time estimate for the Schrödinger equation 2010 Sanghyuk Lee
Keith M. Rogers
Ana Vargas
+ Restriction estimates for some surfaces with vanishing curvatures 2010 Sanghyuk Lee
Ana Vargas
+ PDF Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations 2010 Patricio Cifuentes
José Garcı́a-Cuerva
Gustavo Garrigós
Eugenio Hernández
José María Martell
Javier Parcet
Alberto Ruiz
Fernando Soria
José L. Torrea
Ana Vargas
+ Reconstruction of singularities from full scattering data by new estimates of bilinear Fourier multipliers 2009 Juan Antonio Barceló
Daniel Faraco
Alberto Ruiz
Ana Vargas
+ PDF Corrigendum for “a Stein conjecture for the circle” 2008 Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
Fernando Soria
Ana Vargas
+ Sharp null form estimates for the wave equation 2008 Sanghyuk Lee
Ana Vargas
+ PDF A smoothing property for the \( L^{2} \)-critical NLS equations and an application to blowup theory 2008 Sahbi Keraani
Ana Vargas
+ Sharp Null Form Estimates for the Wave Equation in 2008 Sanghyuk Lee
Keith M. Rogers
Ana Vargas
+ Localisation and weighted inequalities for spherical Fourier means 2007 Anthony Carbery
Fernando Soria
Ana Vargas
+ PDF Mass concentration phenomena for the $L^2$-critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2007 Pascal Bégout
Ana Vargas
+ PDF A Stein Conjecture for the Circle 2006 Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
Fernando Soria
Ana Vargas
+ A refinement of the Strichartz inequality on the saddle and applications 2006 Keith M. Rogers
Ana Vargas
+ Pointwise convergence of solutions to the nonelliptic Schr\"odinger equation 2006 Keith M. Rogers
Ana Vargas
Luis Vega
+ Partial Recovery of a Potential from Backscattering Data 2005 Alberto Ruiz
Ana Vargas
+ Restriction theorems for a surface with negative curvature 2004 Ana Vargas
+ PDF A remark on maximal operators along directions in ${\Bbb R}^2$ 2003 Angeles Alfonseca
Fernando Soria
Ana Vargas
+ An almost-orthogonality principle in 𝐿² for directional maximal functions 2003 Angeles Alfonseca
Fernando Soria
Ana Vargas
+ PDF Randomised circular means of Fourier transforms of measures 2002 Jonathan Bennett
Ana Vargas
+ Global wellposedness for 1D non-linear Schrödinger equation for data with an infinite L2 norm 2001 Ana Vargas
Luis Vega
+ A bilinear approach to cone multipliers I. Restriction estimates 2000 Terence Tao
Ana Vargas
+ A bilinear approach to cone multipliers II. Applications 2000 Terence Tao
Ana Vargas
+ A Note on a Maximal Function Over Arbitrary Sets of Directions 2000 María Pereyra
Ana Vargas
+ Restriction theorems and maximal operators related to oscillatory integrals in ℝ3 1999 Adela Moyua
Ana Vargas
Luis Vega
+ Maximal operators associated to Fourier multipliers with an arbitrary set of parameters 1998 Javier Duoandikoetxea
Ana Vargas
+ PDF A bilinear approach to the restriction and Kakeya conjectures 1998 Terence Tao
Ana Vargas
Luis Vega
+ A bilinear approach to the restriction and Kakeya conjectures 1998 Terence Tao
Ana Vargas
Luis Vega
+ PDF Checkerboards, Lipschitz functions and uniform rectifiability 1997 Peter W. Jones
Nets Hawk Katz
Ana Vargas
+ None 1996 Adela Moyua
Ana Vargas
Luis Vega
+ PDF Directional operators and radial functions on the plane 1995 Javier Duoandikoetxea
Ana Vargas
+ A remark on a maximal function over a Cantor set of directions 1995 Ana Vargas
+ PDF A weighted inequality for the Kakeya maximal operator 1994 Ana Vargas
+ On the maximal function for rotation invariant measures in $ℝ^{n}$ 1994 Ana Vargas
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF A bilinear approach to the restriction and Kakeya conjectures 1998 Terence Tao
Ana Vargas
Luis Vega
+ None 1996 Adela Moyua
Ana Vargas
Luis Vega
+ Estimates for Cone Multipliers 1995 Jean Bourgain
+ A bilinear approach to cone multipliers I. Restriction estimates 2000 Terence Tao
Ana Vargas
+ PDF Chat A sharp bilinear restriction estimate for paraboloids 2003 Terence Tao
+ Besicovitch type maximal operators and applications to fourier analysis 1991 Jean Bourgain
+ PDF A restriction theorem for the Fourier transform 1975 Peter A. Tomas
+ Restriction theorems and maximal operators related to oscillatory integrals in ℝ3 1999 Adela Moyua
Ana Vargas
Luis Vega
+ Restrictions of Fourier transforms to quadratic surfaces and decay of solutions of wave equations 1977 Robert S. Strichartz
+ A bilinear approach to cone multipliers II. Applications 2000 Terence Tao
Ana Vargas
+ Bilinear restriction estimates for surfaces with curvatures of different signs 2005 Sanghyuk Lee
+ PDF Chat A Sharp Bilinear Cone Restriction Estimate 2001 Thomas Wolff
+ PDF Inequalities for strongly singular convolution operators 1970 Charles Fefferman
+ Restriction theorems for a surface with negative curvature 2004 Ana Vargas
+ PDF Chat Bounds on Oscillatory Integral Operators Based on Multilinear Estimates 2011 Jean Bourgain
Larry Guth
+ PDF Chat Endpoint bilinear restriction theorems for the cone, and some sharp null form estimates 2001 Terence Tao
+ Uniform Estimates for the Fourier Transform of Surface Carried Measures in ℝ3 and an Application to Fourier Restriction 2011 Isroil A. Ikromov
Detlef Müller
+ Restriction estimates for some surfaces with vanishing curvatures 2010 Sanghyuk Lee
Ana Vargas
+ Harmonic Analysis: Real-variable Methods, Orthogonality, and Oscillatory Integrals 2002 Elias M. Stein
Timothy S Murphy
+ Improved restriction estimate for hyperbolic surfaces in <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2017 Chu-Hee Cho
Jungjin Lee
+ A restriction estimate using polynomial partitioning 2015 Larry Guth
+ PDF Restriction estimates using polynomial partitioning II 2018 Larry Guth
+ Fourier Restriction for Hypersurfaces in Three Dimensions and Newton Polyhedra 2016 Isroil A. Ikromov
Detlef Müller
+ PDF Optimal Bilinear Restriction Estimates for General Hypersurfaces and the Role of the Shape Operator 2016 Ioan Bejenaru
+ The Kakeya Maximal Function and the Spherical Summation Multipliers 1977 Antonio Córdoba
+ PDF On the multilinear restriction and Kakeya conjectures 2006 Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Scale-invariant Fourier restriction to a hyperbolic surface 2018 Betsy Stovall
+ On the restriction and multiplier problems in R3 1991 Jean Bourgain
+ PDF Chat A Fourier restriction theorem for a two-dimensional surface of finite type 2017 Stefan Buschenhenke
Detlef Müller
Ana Vargas
+ The Bochner-Riesz conjecture implies the restriction conjecture 1999 Terence Tao
+ Some remarks on Fourier restriction estimates 2017 Jongchon Kim
+ PDF On Fourier coefficients and transforms of functions of two variables 1974 A. Zygmund
+ PDF Estimates for maximal functions associated with hypersurfaces in ℝ3 and related problems of harmonic analysis 2010 Isroil A. Ikromov
Michael Kempe
Detlef Müller
+ PDF Oscillatory integrals and multiplier problem for the disc 1972 Lennart Carleson
Per Sjölin
+ Space‐time estimates for null forms and the local existence theorem 1993 Sergiù Klainerman
Matei Machedon
+ Linear and bilinear restriction to certain rotationally symmetric hypersurfaces 2015 Betsy Stovall
+ On Fourier restriction for finite-type perturbations of the hyperboloid 2019 Stefan Buschenhenke
Detlef Müller
Ana Vargas
+ On the regularity properties of a model problem related to wave maps 1997 Sergiù Klainerman
Matei Machedon
+ The Multiplier Problem for the Ball 1971 Charles Fefferman
+ PDF Estimates for some square functions of Littlewood-Paley type 1983 J.-L. Rubio de Francia
+ A remark on Schrödinger operators 1992 Jean Bourgain
+ PDF An improved bound for Kakeya type maximal functions 1995 Thomas Wolff
+ PDF Chat A Fourier restriction theorem for a perturbed hyperbolic paraboloid 2019 Stefan Buschenhenke
Detlef Müller
Ana Vargas
+ A note on spherical summation multipliers 1973 Charles Fefferman
+ PDF Chat Multi-scale bilinear restriction estimates for general phases 2019 Timothy Candy
+ Self-Spreading and Strength of Singularities for Solutions to Semilinear Wave Equations 1983 Michael Beals
+ PDF Schrödinger equations: pointwise convergence to the initial data 1988 Luis Vega
+ PDF On the restriction of the Fourier transform to a conical surface 1985 Bartolome Barcelo Taberner
+ None 1996 Sergiù Klainerman
Matei Machedon
+ PDF A note on the cone multiplier 1993 Gerd Mockenhaupt