Satya Mandal


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Fundamental Exact sequences in ${\mathbb K}$-theory 2023 Satya Mandal
+ Algebraic <i>K</i>-theory 2022 Satya Mandal
+ Some perspectives on homotopy obstructions 2021 Satya Mandal
Bibekananda Mishra
+ Convergence of two obstructions for projective modules 2020 Satya Mandal
+ Convergence of two obstructions for projective modules 2020 Satya Mandal
+ The monoid structure on homotopy obstructions 2019 Satya Mandal
Bibekananda Mishra
+ Some perspective on Homotopy obstructions 2018 Satya Mandal
Bibekananda Mishra
+ Some perspective on Homotopy obstructions 2018 Satya Mandal
Bibekananda Mishra
+ Erratum to “On the complete intersection conjecture of Murthy”, with an example in complete intersections [J. Algebra 458 (2016) 156–170] 2017 Satya Mandal
+ An Example in Complete Intersections and an Erratum 2017 Satya Mandal
+ An Example in Complete Intersections and an Erratum 2017 Satya Mandal
+ The Monoid Structure on Homotopy Obstructions 2016 Satya Mandal
Bibekananda Mishra
+ The Homotopy Program in Complete Intersections 2016 Satya Mandal
Bibekananda Mishra
+ PDF Chat Witt, GW, K-theory of quasi-projective schemes 2016 Satya Mandal
+ PDF Chat On the complete intersection conjecture of Murthy 2016 Satya Mandal
+ The Homotopy Obstructions in Complete Intersections 2016 Satya Mandal
Bibekananda Mishra
+ The Monoid Structure on Homotopy Obstructions 2016 Satya Mandal
Bibekananda Mishra
+ On the complete intersection conjecture of Murthy 2015 Satya Mandal
+ Derived Equivalences on quasi-projective schemes 2015 Satya Mandal
+ Witt, $GW$, $K$-theory of quasi-projective schemes 2015 Satya Mandal
+ Foxby-morphism and derived equivalences 2015 Satya Mandal
+ Stability of locally CMFPD homologies under duality 2015 Satya Mandal
Sarang Sane
+ On the complete intersection conjecture of Murthy 2015 Satya Mandal
+ Witt, $GW$, $K$-theory of quasi-projective schemes 2015 Satya Mandal
+ Derived Witt group formalism 2014 Satya Mandal
+ Derived Witt-D\'evissage Formalism 2014 Satya Mandal
+ On DĂ©vissage for Witt groups 2014 Satya Mandal
Sarang Sane
+ Derived Witt-DĂ©vissage Formalism 2014 Satya Mandal
+ On D\'evissage for Witt groups 2013 Satya Mandal
Sarang Sane
+ K 0 of hypersurfaces defined by x 1 2 + ... + x n 2 = ±1 2013 Manoj K. Keshari
Satya Mandal
+ Another definition of an Euler class group of a Noetherian ring 2013 Manoj K. Keshari
Satya Mandal
+ Excision in algebraic obstruction theory 2012 Satya Mandal
Yong Yang
+ Another definition of Euler class group of a Noetherian ring 2010 Manoj K. Keshari
Satya Mandal
+ Intersection theory of algebraic obstructions 2010 Satya Mandal
Yong Yang
+ K_0 of hypersurfaces defined by x_1^2+ ... + x_n^2 = \pm 1 2010 Manoj K. Keshari
Satya Mandal
+ Another definition of Euler class group of a Noetherian ring 2010 Manoj K. Keshari
Satya Mandal
+ Local coefficients and Euler class groups 2009 Satya Mandal
Albert Jeu-Liang Sheu
+ Bott periodicity and calculus of Euler classes on spheres 2008 Satya Mandal
Albert Jeu-Liang Sheu
+ Vanishing of Euler class groups 2006 Satya Mandal
Ken Parker
+ Projective modules over smooth real affine varieties 2006 S. M. Bhatwadekar
Mrinal Kanti Das
Satya Mandal
+ A Riemann–Roch theorem 2005 Mrinal Kanti Das
Satya Mandal
+ Euler class construction 2004 Mrinal Kanti Das
Satya Mandal
+ Some results on generators of ideals 2002 Shiv Datt Kumar
Satya Mandal
+ Ideals in Polynomial Rings and the Module of Differentials 2001 Satya Mandal
+ Decomposition of Projective Modules 2001 Satya Mandal
+ PDF Chat Complete intersection K-theory and Chern classes 1998 Satya Mandal
+ The theory of matrices 1997 Satya Mandal
+ Extended modules over polynomial rings 1997 Satya Mandal
+ Modules over commutative rings 1997 Satya Mandal
+ Patching modules and other preliminaries 1997 Satya Mandal
+ PDF Chat Projective Modules and Complete Intersections 1997 Satya Mandal
+ Complete Intersections K-Theory and Chern Classes 1996 Satya Mandal
+ Study of vector bundles by restriction 1995 Fernando Cukierman
Satya Mandal
+ PDF Chat About Direct Summands of Projective Modules Over Laurent Polynomial Rings 1991 Satya Mandal
+ PDF Chat About direct summands of projective modules over Laurent polynomial rings 1991 Satya Mandal
+ On automorphisms of modules over polynomial rings 1990 S. M. Bhatwadekar
Satya Mandal
+ On set-theoretic intersection in affine spaces 1988 Satya Mandal
+ Some results about modules over discrete hodge algebras 1985 Satya Mandal
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat None 2000 S. M. Bhatwadekar
R. Sridharan
+ PDF Chat Projective Modules and Complete Intersections 1997 Satya Mandal
+ Projective generation of curves in polynomial extensions of an affine domain and a question of Nori 1998 S. M. Bhatwadekar
R. Sridharan
+ Zero Cycles and Projective Modules 1994 M. Pavaman Murthy
+ Generating modules efficiently: Theorems from algebraic K-theory 1973 David Eisenbud
E. Graham Evans
+ PDF Chat A Gersten–Witt spectral sequence for regular schemes 2002 Paul Balmer
Charles Walter
+ The Conjectures of Eisenbud and Evans 1983 Barton R. Plumstead
+ On the Bass-Quillen conjecture concerning projective modules over polynomial rings 1981 Hartmut Lindel
+ A cancellation theorem for projective modules over algebras 1977 Andrei Suslin
+ On efficient generation of ideals 1984 Swapan Mandal
+ Some theorems on generation of ideals in affine algebras 1984 Narasimha Kumar
+ Intersection theory of algebraic obstructions 2010 Satya Mandal
Yong Yang
+ Projective modules over smooth real affine varieties 2006 S. M. Bhatwadekar
Mrinal Kanti Das
Satya Mandal
+ Zero cycles and the Euler class groups of smooth real affine varieties 1999 S. M. Bhatwadekar
R. Sridharan
+ K-Theory of Quadric Hypersurfaces 1985 Richard G. Swan
+ Some theorems about projective modules over polynomial rings 1984 S. M. Bhatwadekar
Amit Roy
+ Stably Free Modules 1985 Narasimha Kumar
+ Triangular Witt Groups Part I: The 12-Term Localization Exact Sequence 2000 Paul Balmer
+ Groupes de Chow-Witt 2008 Jean Fasel
+ Projective modules over polynomial rings are free 1976 Andrei Suslin
+ A Question of Nori: Projective Generation of Ideals 2003 S. M. Bhatwadekar
Manoj K. Keshari
+ A note on set-theoretic complete intersection ideals 1978 M. BoratyƄski
+ On two conjectures about polynomial rings 1978 Narasimha Kumar
+ Projective modules over polynomial rings 1976 Daniel Quillen
+ PDF Chat Complete intersection K-theory and Chern classes 1998 Satya Mandal
+ PDF Chat On the number of generators of ideals in polynomial rings 2016 Jean Fasel
+ On the cyclic homology of exact categories 1999 Bernhard Keller
+ On D\'evissage for Witt groups 2013 Satya Mandal
Sarang Sane
+ PDF Chat Hermitian K-theory, derived equivalences and Karoubi's fundamental theorem 2016 Marco Schlichting
+ Chow–Witt groups and Grothendieck–Witt groups of regular schemes 2009 Jean Fasel
V. Srinivas
+ Torsion 0-cycles on affine varieties in characteristic p 1989 V. Srinivas
+ Local coefficients and Euler class groups 2009 Satya Mandal
Albert Jeu-Liang Sheu
+ Algebraic Cycles and Vector Bundles over Affine Three-Folds 1982 N. Mohan Kuma
M. Pavaman Murthy
+ Derived Witt group formalism 2014 Satya Mandal
+ Groupe de Chow des cycles orientés et classe d'Euler des fibrés vectoriels 2000 Jean Barge
Fabien Morel
+ Derived Witt groups of a scheme 1999 Paul Balmer
+ PDF Chat Modules in resolving subcategories which are free on the punctured spectrum 2009 Ryo Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Topics in Algebraic and Topological K-Theory 2010 Paul Baum
Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Ralf Meyer
Rubén Sånchez-García
Marco Schlichting
Bertrand Toën
+ Commutative Ring Theory 1987 H. Matsumura
+ The Homotopy Obstructions in Complete Intersections 2016 Satya Mandal
Bibekananda Mishra
+ Arithmetic and Geometry 1983 Michael Artin
John Tate
+ The Topology of Fibre Bundles. 1951 Norman Steenrod
+ Higher Algebraic K-Theory 2006 Aderemi O. Kuku
+ Triangular Witt groups Part II: From usual to derived 2001 Paul Balmer
+ A graded Gersten–Witt complex for schemes with a dualizing complex and the Chow group 2006 Stefan Gille
+ Quadratic and hermitian forms in additive and abelian categories 1979 H.‐G. Quebbemann
Winfried Scharlau
Magdalena Schulte
+ On Witt groups with support 2002 Stefan Gille
+ Introduction to algebraic K-theory 1971 John Milnor
+ Algebraic Geometry - Bowdoin 1985 1987 Spencer Bloch
+ PDF Chat Rational equivalence of 0-cycles on surfaces 1969 D. Mumford