Kevin T. McCusker


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Single photons on pseudodemand from stored parametric down-conversion 2002 T. B. Pittman
B. C. Jacobs
J. D. Franson
+ PDF Chat Nonmaximally Entangled States: Production, Characterization, and Utilization 1999 A. G. White
Daniel F. V. James
Philippe Eberhard
Paul G. Kwiat
+ PDF Chat Tailoring single-photon and multiphoton probabilities of a single-photon on-demand source 2002 Alan L. Migdall
David Branning
Stefania Castelletto
+ PDF Chat Unknown Quantum States and Operations, a Bayesian View 2004 Christopher A. Fuchs
Ruediger Schack
+ Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexed Quantum Key Distribution Using Entangled Photons 2011 Jacob Mower
Franco N. C. Wong
Jeff H. Shapiro
Dirk Englund
+ PDF Chat Shaping the Waveform of Entangled Photons 2007 Alejandra Valencia
Alessandro Ceré
Xiaojuan Shi
Gabriel Molina‐Terriza
Juan P. Torres
+ PDF Chat Super-resolving phase measurements with a multiphoton entangled state 2004 Morgan W. Mitchell
Jeff S. Lundeen
Aephraim M. Steinberg
+ PDF Chat Gaussian quantum information 2012 Christian Weedbrook
Stefano Pirandola
RaĂșl GarcĂ­a−PatrĂłn
Nicolas J. Cerf
Timothy C. Ralph
Jeffrey H. Shapiro
Seth Lloyd
+ PDF Chat Entangled Fock states for robust quantum optical metrology, imaging, and sensing 2008 Sean D. Huver
Christoph F. Wildfeuer
Jonathan P. Dowling
+ PDF Chat Efficient Generation of Large Number-Path Entanglement Using Only Linear Optics and Feed-Forward 2007 Hugo Cable
Jonathan P. Dowling
+ PDF Chat Quantum Cryptography Using Entangled Photons in Energy-Time Bell States 2000 Wolfgang Tittel
J. Brendel
Hugo Zbinden
Nicolas Gisin
+ PDF Chat Efficient generation of single and entangled photons on a silicon photonic integrated chip 2011 Jacob Mower
Dirk Englund
+ PDF Chat Time-bin entangled qubits for quantum communication created by femtosecond pulses 2002 I. Marcikic
Hugues de Riedmatten
Wolfgang Tittel
Valerio Scarani
Hugo Zbinden
Nicolas Gisin
+ PDF Chat Security of practical private randomness generation 2013 Stefano Pironio
Serge Massar
+ PDF Chat Quantum-interferometric optical lithography: Towards arbitrary two-dimensional patterns 2001 Pieter Kok
Agedi N. Boto
Daniel S. Abrams
Colin P. Williams
Samuel L. Braunstein
Jonathan P. Dowling
+ PDF Chat Quantum State Reconstruction of the Single-Photon Fock State 2001 A. I. Lvovsky
H. Hansen
Thomas Aichele
Oliver Benson
J. Mlynek
S. Schiller
+ PDF Chat Violation of Bell's Inequality under Strict Einstein Locality Conditions 1998 Gregor Weihs
Thomas Jennewein
Christoph Simon
Harald Weinfurter
Anton Zeilinger
+ PDF Chat Violation of local realism with freedom of choice 2010 Thomas Scheidl
Rupert Ursin
Johannes Kofler
Sven Ramelow
Xiao‐Song Ma
Thomas Herbst
Lothar Ratschbacher
Alessandro Fedrizzi
Nathan K. Langford
Thomas Jennewein
+ PDF Chat Conditional quantum-state engineering in repeated 2-photon down-conversion 2001 Jens Clausen
H. Hansen
L. Knöll
J. Mlynek
D.‐G. Welsch
+ PDF Chat Projection measurement of the maximally entangled<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:math>-photon state for a demonstration of the<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:math>-photon de Broglie wavelength 2006 Fang‐Wen Sun
Z. Y. Ou
Guang‐Can Guo
+ PDF Chat Generation of entangled photon states by using linear optical elements 2002 Xu‐Bo Zou
K. Pahlke
Wolfgang Mathis
+ PDF Chat Detection-Loophole-Free Test of Quantum Nonlocality, and Applications 2013 Bradley Christensen
Kevin T. McCusker
Joseph B. Altepeter
Brice Calkins
Thomas Gerrits
Adriana E. Lita
Aaron Miller
Lynden K. Shalm
Yu Zhang
Sae Woo Nam
+ PDF Chat Optimal Quantum Phase Estimation 2009 U. Dorner
RafaƂ Demkowicz-DobrzaƄski
Brian J. Smith
Jeff S. Lundeen
Wojciech Wasilewski
Konrad Banaszek
Ian A. Walmsley
+ PDF Chat Bell violation using entangled photons without the fair-sampling assumption 2013 Marissa Giustina
Alexandra Mech
Sven Ramelow
Bernhard Wittmann
Johannes Kofler
Jörn Beyer
Adriana E. Lita
Brice Calkins
Thomas Gerrits
Sae Woo Nam
+ PDF Chat Detecting single infrared photons with 93% system efficiency 2013 Francesco Marsili
Varun B. Verma
J. A. Stern
Sean D. Harrington
Adriana E. Lita
Thomas Gerrits
Igor Vayshenker
Burm Baek
Matthew D. Shaw
Richard P. Mirin
+ PDF Chat Security of Quantum Key Distribution Using<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">d</mml:mi></mml:math>-Level Systems 2002 Nicolas J. Cerf
Mohamed Bourennane
Anders Karlsson
Nicolas Gisin
+ Optimizing type-I polarization-entangled photons 2009 Radhika Rangarajan
M. E. Goggin
Paul G. Kwiat
+ PDF Chat Generation of Hyperentangled Photon Pairs 2005 Julio T. Barreiro
Nathan K. Langford
Nicholas A. Peters
Paul G. Kwiat
+ PDF Chat Experimental quantum teleportation of a two-qubit composite system 2006 Qiang Zhang
Alexander Goebel
Claudia Wagenknecht
Yu-Ao Chen
Bo Zhao
Tao Yang
Alois Mair
Jörg Schmiedmayer
Jian-Wei Pan
+ PDF Chat Multiphoton entanglement and interferometry 2012 Jian-Wei Pan
Zeng‐Bing Chen
Chao‐Yang Lu
Harald Weinfurter
Anton Zeilinger
Marek ƻukowski
+ PDF Chat Loss-induced limits to phase measurement precision with maximally entangled states 2007 Mark A. Rubin
Sumanth Kaushik
+ PDF Chat Feasibility of 300 km quantum key distribution with entangled states 2009 Thomas Scheidl
Rupert Ursin
Alessandro Fedrizzi
Sven Ramelow
Xiao‐Song Ma
Thomas Herbst
Robert Prevedel
Lothar Ratschbacher
Johannes Kofler
Thomas Jennewein
+ PDF Chat Tailoring photonic entanglement in high-dimensional Hilbert spaces 2004 Hugues de Riedmatten
I. Marcikic
Valerio Scarani
Wolfgang Tittel
Hugo Zbinden
Nicolas Gisin
+ PDF Chat Scheme for Proving the Bosonic Commutation Relation Using Single-Photon Interference 2008 M. S. Kim
Hyunseok Jeong
Alessandro Zavatta
Valentina Parigi
M. Bellini
+ PDF Chat Security proof for quantum key distribution using qudit systems 2010 Lana Sheridan
Valerio Scarani
+ PDF Chat All-optical switching using the quantum Zeno effect and two-photon absorption 2009 B. C. Jacobs
J. D. Franson
+ PDF Chat Generation of photon number states 2006 Edo Waks
Eleni Diamanti
Y. Yamamoto
+ PDF Chat Security bound of two-basis quantum-key-distribution protocols using qudits 2005 Georgios M. Nikolopoulos
G. Alber
+ PDF Chat Creation of large-photon-number path entanglement conditioned on photodetection 2002 Pieter Kok
Hwang Lee
Jonathan P. Dowling
+ PDF Chat Experimental one-way quantum computing 2005 Philip Walther
Katharina Resch
Terry Rudolph
Emmanuel Schenck
Harald Weinfurter
Vlatko Vedral
Markus Aspelmeyer
Anton Zeilinger
+ PDF Chat Information communicated by entangled photon pairs 2012 Thomas Brougham
Stephen M. Barnett
+ PDF Chat Optical Quantum Computing 2007 Jeremy L. O’Brien
+ PDF Chat Experimentally Faking the Violation of Bell’s Inequalities 2011 Ilja Gerhardt
Qin Liu
Antı́a Lamas-Linares
Johannes Skaar
Valerio Scarani
Vadim Makarov
Christian Kurtsiefer
+ PDF Chat Conditional preparation of single photons using parametric downconversion: a recipe for purity 2008 Peter J. Mosley
Jeff S. Lundeen
Brian J. Smith
Ian A. Walmsley
+ PDF Chat Random numbers certified by Bell’s theorem 2010 Stefano Pironio
Antonio AcĂ­n
Serge Massar
A. Boyer de la Giroday
Dzmitry Matsukevich
Peter Maunz
S. Olmschenk
David Hayes
Le Luo
T. Andrew Manning
+ PDF Chat Bright Source of Spectrally Uncorrelated Polarization-Entangled Photons with Nearly Single-Mode Emission 2010 Philip G. Evans
Ryan S. Bennink
Warren P. Grice
Travis S. Humble
J. Schaake
+ PDF Chat Long-distance Bell-type tests using energy-time entangled photons 1999 Wolfgang Tittel
J. Brendel
Nicolas Gisin
Hugo Zbinden
+ PDF Chat Entanglement-based quantum communication over 144 km 2007 Rupert Ursin
F. Tiefenbacher
T. Schmitt-Manderbach
H. Weier
T. Scheidl
M. Lindenthal
B. Blauensteiner
Thomas Jennewein
J. Perdigués
Pavel Trojek
+ PDF Chat Experimental generation of single photons via active multiplexing 2011 Xiao‐Song Ma
Stefan Zotter
Johannes Kofler
Thomas Jennewein
Anton Zeilinger
+ Effect of loss on multiplexed single-photon sources 2015 Damien Bonneau
Gabriel J. Mendoza
Jeremy L. O’Brien
Mark G. Thompson